WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 24 — Paul is a 79 year old senior New Yorker, a widower with three daughters, one granddaughter and one grandson. He grew up in the 40s and 50s, served in the U.S. Army in the 60s and married at the age of 21. He agreed to this interview with the promise that his identity would not be revealed: “I don’t want my family to become the targets of Leftist bigots,” he explained. He has fond memories of his multi-generational, traditional family and, like many of us seniors, Paul is “disgusted,” as he put it, at what has become of family life over the past several decades.
“Generations from time immemorial looked at the next generations and scratched their heads. That’s not music, they would say. Or they might be appalled by the clothing their children and grandchildren were wearing. But, at least, it was not that hard to accept their new lifestyles. Until now,” he said.
Like many seniors it took time and patience to accept the outrageous fashions of those times, bikinis, etc. for example. Many a parent and grandparent back then also found it hard to listen to rock-and-roll music. “But they survived and so did we,” Paul reminisced, explaining that it’s hard to be forgiving when it comes to what’s happening to our youngsters these days.
“Here we are in a new, upside down world where boys say they are girls…where we go back in time to accuse our ancestors of deliberately turning us into a nation of bigots…where teachers are telling our kids Americans are evil, we’re traitors. If these things are true why did we oppose the tyranny of King George the Third, in the first place…why did we fight a war to free the slaves…why did we vote to allow women to cast their ballots and to ensure their equality…why did we fight two world wars for the sake of Democracy?”
Paul got worked up by this time and said: “Ask Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton where they would be today if it wasn’t for the Founding Fathers. Ask them, too, why they support ideals that go against our founding principles, that go against nature, itself. Ask them why and how they can condone telling our kids that if they don’t like being a boy or being a girl they can switch. You can’t have it both ways no matter how brain washed you might be. If you have a problem with that, take it up with God. If you don’t believe in God, that’s your problem. Oh, yeah, there’s one more thing I’d like to say: what, in the name of the Almighty, is the purpose of teaching little kids — four and five year olds — about sex?”
As for his take on the Supreme Court decision to overturn, Roe vs. Wade, the Court decision that promoted abortion-on-demand for some five decades, Paul said we should all say prayers for the souls of “the more than 63 million unborn babies who were killed” in that period of time. “That’s the number that the National Right to Life Committee provides. But the carnage continues. Blue states are legalizing abortion as fast as they can to compensate. Meanwhile, I read somewhere that women seek abortions for any variety of reasons. But the bottom line is that it all comes down to an obscene version of birth control. I know that some of your readers might take umbrage at how I describe it, but it is the truth. The point is that they have options other than killing the unborn child. Chief among them is to give up the infant to couples that are infertile.”
I feel your frustration Paul… I’m ( 10 ) years your junior, however my thoughts on your personal feelings concerning a host of issues, in particular the unborn & today’s youth’s obsession with a host of things I don’t particularly care for to much, but I will manage to get through it as our past generations have done as well!
Bottom line Paul, there simply is nothing more important than the sanctity of family, from grandparents to grandchildren & all the beautiful stuff in between…
Bill… :~)
Many of America’s problems today are the result of removing homage to God from our schools. The Ten Commandments were not taught for generations, so we now have a godless society to contend with. People look for love through sexual relations rather than a relationship with the God Who created them to know, love, and serve Him. Many churches bow to whatever desires people have rather than teaching the truths of Jesus Christ. Love never fails, but love is not identified through sexual relations but within the definition of 1 Corinthians 13. As seniors, we must reach out with the truth people may not be getting elsewhere. Jesus Christ is the answer. He taught the way to peace, for now as well as for everlasting life. God bless us as we strive to know, love, and serve Him and one another as His Holy Word encourages.
The Bible says at the End of Times the things that are Right will be made Wrong, and the things that are Wrong will be made Right. Evil things will be “ OK “ with the people and their Anything goes attitude.
This man makes so much sense! Maybe birth control should be easier to get, and adoption services should also be easier to access.
I too am 79 and deeply upset by the state of our country. You cannot legislate honesty, conscience or compassion which is deeply sad but true. But you can establish governmental programs that go against a population in many ways, and all seem hinged by an elitist sense of everlasting greed. Greed knows no bounds in our government and it grows based on foolish legislative manipulation.
All of what Paul said is what every person with a conscience sees and tries to right. No so with the bureaucratic gold diggers who run our country today. Too many damn bad apples calling the shots. We need to step back, support the sane and say hell no, to the corrupt. Begin with some non-partisan house and senate cleaning. It’s likely our only hope. Get the dam stumbling block out of the way and start working like probably at least 70% of Americans do.
As we all enter that period of life where there are less days ahead than behind, I am saddened for the generations to come. I have heard from many of the dearly departed, “they were glad they were not going to be present as this nations morals continue to unravel”. The killing of our unborn future, removing our history, and erasing all traces of the sacrifices made by those who preceeded us.
Where is the America we once knew?