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Americans Are Suffering

Posted on Wednesday, August 31, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 31 — It’s official: an increasing number of Americans say they are “suffering” due to the increasing cost of living. According to a new Gallup survey, the out of control inflationary cycle that got its start when President Biden took office seems to be poised for new record highs and it’s taking its toll. 

“The percentage of Americans who evaluate their lives poorly enough to be considered ‘suffering’ on Gallup’s Life Evaluation Index was 5.6% in July, the highest since the index’s inception in 2008. This exceeds the previous high of 4.8% measured in April and is statistically higher than all prior estimates in the COVID-19 era…Despite the addition of 528,000 new jobs in July, persistently high inflation is creating a drag…The practical consequences are substantial, with an estimated 98 million Americans cutting spending on healthcare or routine household expenses as a result of rising healthcare costs.”

How many more citizens will be suffering if President Biden gets away with his scheme to transfer hundreds of billions from working class Americans to “privileged college graduates.” That’s how Congresswoman Virginia Foxx [R-NC] described Biden’s plan to forgive massive federal student loan debt owed by some 20 million student borrowers. Former college president, Senator Ben Sasse [R-NE] added, “The President can spin it however he wants, but at the end of the day his debt forgiveness scheme forces blue-collar workers to subsidize white-collar graduate students.]. And House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy [R-CA] points out it is hard-working citizens who are stuck with the tab.

The rate of inflation hovered around 1.2% in President Trump’s last year in office. Since Mr. Biden took over it has soared to 9.1% in June and remains at eight percent-plus levels.  Democrats and progressives recently passed the so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 but the experts say it won’t reduce inflation.  But, as Richard Stern, senior policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, says “The bill will likely increase near-term inflation, depress household incomes, and produce the long-term deficits that fuel long-term inflation.”

When Joe Biden took office in January 2021 his ability to handle the economy was questionable, at best.  Since then he has made a sharp ideological turn to the left, which has resulted in persistently high rates of inflation that remains at its highest levels in four decades. There are some economists who say we are already in a recession while others say it is only a matter of time. It has created an aura of “pessimism’ among the great majority of Americans, according to a new poll conducted by NBC News. It ‘found that 74% of voters believe the nation is on the wrong track and 21% believe the U.S. is heading in the right direction.” Fifty-eight percent fear that it ain’t gonna get any better, “that America’s best years may already be behind us.”

Also, a total of 58% said they feel “more worried” and that “America’s best years may already be behind us.”    

Primerica, Inc. backs up the NBC report in a survey of its own that shows 77% of Americans are bracing for life in a recession this year and 61% who believe it’s only going to get worse in 2023. 

Primerica found that:   

  • Inflation drives top concerns. Concern about the economy continues to be a major stressor, with about 41% rating inflation as their top concern. Being able to pay for food and groceries also ranks high (26%, up four percentage points since March) as does their current financial situation (25%, up eight percentage points since March).
  • Most [of us] plan to cut back on spending. Nearly three-quarters (71%) report cutting back on restaurant/takeout meals, up from 57% in March.  Nearly the same amount (69%) say they plan to keep their current technology instead of upgrading, up from 44% in March. And about half (49%) are planning to budget or cut back on groceries, up from 37% in March.
  • [And we are] Reassessing major purchases. Overall, more than one-third (38%) have already delayed a major purchase due to rising interest rates, including the biggest hike by the Fed in nearly 30 years. Still, nearly the same amount (39%) say they plan to take a vacation in the next 12 months.
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Jean Rodgers
Jean Rodgers
2 years ago

Yes we all that are not rich is really hurting bad. I know I am people around are also hurting.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

One of the most depressing weekly tasks is grocery shopping. Every trip, I can see my dollars have lost so much value. Inflation equals pain and misery for everybody but the leadership. These tyrants in office are succeeding in destroying our nation.

2 years ago

Remember everything that has transpired over that last 20 months didn’t need to ever happen. Virtually every single problem we are faced with today is the direct result of the Democrat policies implemented since Joe Biden was sworn in and the Democrat controlled Congress took over. Elections have consequences.

If the last 20 months haven’t woken up the fools out there that voted for Joe Biden because they didn’t like President Trump’s “mean tweets”, then sorry but this is your alternative reality you’ll have to be happy with. All the Democrats, including Dopey Joe, spelled out exactly what they stood for BEFORE the election. If YOU weren’t listening or paying attention, then that is on YOU and not the Socialists you voted into power. So own the consequences of your actions. As for the rest of us, we get to enjoy this farce of an administration along with the fools that voted for it. Will it be painful? Of course it will. Socialism is never a pleasant experience wherever it has been implemented. This is still the early stages of what is coming our way.

Gail C.
Gail C.
2 years ago

This is what happens when you take God out of your country, Satan comes in!!! Our children are already indoctrinated-take a look at our colleges. No freedom of speech. You call that education?! Go ahead, send your children to college and keep funding Socialism, Communism, sexual degenerates, etc., etc.! Why do you think Biden and his Bandits want to pay for their education. COME ON AMERICA, WAKE-UP!!!

2 years ago

Of course this all started a long time ago , but the big spender FREE NATION haters and the socialist party , really kicked it into play when Biden was elected ,, and he was elected because to many of the Republicans didnt like one of our greatest presidents ever ATTITUDE,, or they just figured weve got this so i dont need to vote ,, i know for a fact that happened in my home state of Ga. 40% didnt even vote ,, we have no choice but to put up with at least 2 more years of this but we can slow the process if we just get off our asses in nov. and go to the polls ,, and show them who : WE THE PEOPLE : really are ,,,

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Problem are not drugs but the unwillingness to take a tough unforgiving stand with the producer,distributor,pusher and the user himselfThat is the only way. no one had guts decades ago and how can you possibly clean up the mess that took 50 years to accumulate sort of like opium wars

2 years ago

Biden and the left are destroying our Constitutional Republic from within! Shill biden’s doing what he’s being told to do… well, basically the left is using him and his presidency to establish their agenda. Biden’s just the tool they’re using… a crappy tool but a tool nevertheless.

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!


2 years ago

Suffering???When in your life time have you seen laws being passed to prevent “tent cities springing up in parks and even school yards. People living day to day .Have sold all they have trying to survive. A store owner I am not going to fight people stealing from me to feed their kids .. Yesthat’s suffering.You should see where Pelosi lives and the streets are all tents with no more foomRead her net worth over 100 million..We will be shooting each other to survive while the dems live high on our money..Hurry November!!!

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
2 years ago

It’s a very kind a d diplomatic to qualify Biden as making a ‘sharp turn to the left’ since he took office. We should look at him from the point of view that the Democratic Party made a clear and sinister turn to the Left (Communism more like it) since Obama took office, and Biden, given his characteristics or lack of character thereof, was perfect as the Party’s puppet. They have us exactly where they want, under the thumb of a team of resentful hateful people that want nothing but to harm our country. This is the hallmark of Communism; those of us that have been close to this criminal doctrine can feel it. It stinks miles away! For all practical purposes, he is irrelevant for those behind the scenes; they make sure he says what he is ordered to say.

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