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AMAC/TRAFALGAR POLL: Only 6.7 Percent of Voters Buy Biden’s Excuse on Inflation, Despite Massive Administration Propaganda Effort

Posted on Saturday, October 8, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Despite an all-out effort by elected Democrats and the mainstream media to shift blame for inflation away from Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s unprecedented spending spree, a majority of voters still blame Biden for causing the inflation that is wreaking havoc on Americans’ financial lives, according to a new poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group for AMAC.

Amazingly, just 6.7 percent said they blamed the “Russian invasion of Ukraine” for inflation—a complete and total rejection of the narrative the Biden administration has stubbornly pushed for months, blaming the war in eastern Europe for “Putin’s Price Hike.”

The nationwide opinion poll surveyed 1,078 likely voters from September 21-26, and had a margin of error of 2.9 percent.

Asked which was “most responsible for inflation,” 52.1 percent of likely voters said they blame “the Biden administration,” while 25.8 percent blame the “global shutdown due to COVID-19,” and 15.4 percent blame the Trump administration.  

Since taking office, President Joe Biden has presided over an inflation rate that has skyrocketed from a low of 1.4 percent in January 2021 to a record high of 9.1 percent in June 2022. Inflation decreased slightly to 8.3 percent last month, but many economic forecasters fear the worst is yet to come. Experts agree that any sustained decline in inflation will likely coincide with a significant worsening of the ongoing economic recession. Economists have also consistently held that the enormous spending packages passed by congressional Democrats and signed into law by Biden are a primary driver of inflation. Even Larry Summers, an economic advisor to Presidents Obama and Clinton, called Democrats’ so-called “American Rescue Plan” the “least responsible” economic policy in 40 years.

Yet despite the near-consensus on the Biden administration’s responsibility for inflation, the White House has engaged in a never-ending game of blame-shifting and misdirection on the subject. First, the White House tried dismissing inflation as “transient,” insisting that it was just a short-term blip as a result of the pandemic. When that narrative became untenable, the Biden administration tried blaming former President Trump and congressional Republicans, despite the fact that Trump had been out of office for more than a year and Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress.

Apparently realizing that those talking points weren’t likely to convince many people either, the Biden administration then engaged in an all-out effort to blame the Russian invasion of Ukraine, asserting that the global economic disruptions of the conflict have caused inflation and the average cost of goods to explode. The administration then suggested that Republicans who call Biden out on inflation are effectively puppets of Vladimir Putin. Biden repeatedly made reference to what he called “Putin’s Price Hike,” specifically claiming that “70 percent” of inflation was due to the Russian invasion – a theory that multiple economists and global affairs experts have rejected. Nevertheless, the Biden administration has persisted in the claim.

As the AMAC/Trafalgar poll shows, a majority of voters aren’t buying any of these excuses – particularly with regard to Ukraine. Notably, 51.8 percent of Independents and even 18.3 percent of Democrats primarily blame Biden for inflation. Just 10.3 percent and 7.2 percent blamed Ukraine, respectively. Ahead of a hotly contested midterm election cycle where inflation is a top issue for voters, those numbers should undoubtedly be concerning for Democratic campaigns.

The poll also shows serious trouble for Democrats among minority voters – a key demographic for the party. 69 percent of Hispanics say Biden is most responsible for inflation, further suggesting that a mass exodus of Latinos from the Democratic Party may indeed be ongoing. 25.7 percent of Blacks also blame Biden for inflation, while just 3.8 percent blame the Russian invasion of Ukraine – another concerning sign for Democrats that their message is not credible. 48.3 percent of Asian voters also said Biden is most to blame for inflation, while just 3.7 percent blamed Ukraine.

Perhaps of most concern to these frustrated voters should be the fact that Biden and congressional Democrats have shown no signs of changing course. In August, Congress passed and Biden signed a bill titled the “Inflation Reduction Act,” but economists predict it will actually make inflation slightly worse. Democrats have also outlined plans for more huge spending packages should they manage to retain control of Congress, denying the obvious relationship between the policies they have passed so far and inflation.

In November, the people will have a chance to render their judgment. If Republicans can make clear that they have a plan for curbing Biden’s inflationary policies if given control of Congress, the GOP will have a strong majority of voters sympathetic to their message.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.  

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2 years ago

No one has pointed this out before, but a rigged election can put your economic situation in a dire predicament. Our Nation is in a dire economic predicament and the idiot POTUS doesn’t have a clue.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

I give Biden credit for one thing: with various supply issues today, the only thing readily available seems to be a constant supply of BS! Love how gas goes down two cents and JOE DID IT but if it goes up $2, it’s PUTIN….

2 years ago

I am disgusted with the US Federal Government and those State Government – this is a complicit act by the Republicans! I am going to start promoting the “Citizen’s Right to Execute” all of these Traitorous Enemies in the Fed-to-SLED! What difference does it make? They don’t believe in the USA Constitutional Republic!

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

6.7% still buys Biden’s inflation excuses for destroying our America?

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Gasoline has risen 30 cents in 3 days in a row and heading back to over $5/gal. with OIL PRICES and INFLATION still climbing. Even after DICTATOR Beijing biden DRAINS our STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES playing politics and trying to buy votes before mid-terms. REAL INFLATION is sitting at 25% or HIGHER right now. Do the math. Russia invading Ukraine is NOT the cause of INFLATION and SKY ROCKETING PRICES on EVERYTHING.
We are technically in a DEPRESSION. We passed Recession months ago.
Even GE is laying off 20% of its work force dedicated to onshore Wind Power.
Where are all those FANTASY WORLD jobs for Wind and Solar Power? There are NONE because it would cost OVER $7 TRILLION to replace our current RELIABLE ENERGY sources …OIL, NATURAL GAS, and COAL.
Instead of DRILLING OIL and NATURAL GAS, including MINING COAL, DICTATOR Beijing biden runs to OPEC who laughed at him. Now he wants to have VENEZUELA OIL shipped here along with ALL the Murderers, Rapist, Child Molesters from their Prisons which are already coming here and MORE ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST with the rest of the TERRORIST he has been letting cross OUR BORDERS ILLEGALLY.
This is not only a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT and TREASON but ADDS to INFLATION and CRIME. Just do the math.
This is ALL caused by DICTATOR Beijing biden and his SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, FASCIST Party.

2 years ago

I am below a year agone i used to be unemployed during a atrocious economy. I convey God on a daily basis i used to be endowed these directions and currently it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with everybody, Here is I started….. Copy Here→→→→→ ????????????.????????????????????????????????.????????????

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
2 years ago

15.4% blame Trump plus the 6.7% that believe Xiden, that tells me that 22.1% of this sample is mentally ill. The rate nation wide is 25% We need to build a whole lot of mental institutions in our country, there is definitely a reason. It figures that some democrats blame mental problems for a lot of things.

2 years ago

This moron Biden has been wrong on every issue in his almost 50 yrs in government, where only failure is rewarded. Graduated at the bottom of his law school class, couldn’t make it in privet sector, so government gig where corruption is allowed was his only option. Add to it stolen election and his college lounge woke dumb as rock morons advising him and the country suffers.

2 years ago

Major problem here is Biden keeps saying same things on inflation & has not shown any signs of changing course or admitting his War on fossil fuels is hurting the US economics .

legally present
legally present
2 years ago

Even IF the inflation Reduction act would have worked, his granting unlawfully 10 to 20 thousand $$ to people that SIGNED on the dotted line for their destroyed this monstrosity of FREE $$$ to the “students”, to everyone else.

Jane CA
Jane CA
2 years ago

This country is full of idiots

2 years ago

Used to be… as goes the United States the rest of the world follows. Unfortunately IMF is also showing the US lagging behind the global numbers. Our next Inflation report comes out November 10th after election day… but keep this in mind when voting. 
It’s bad energy policy, bad decisions to shutdown for the pandemic and record spending. 
I will admit the Republicans are also guilty for some of the out-of-control spending!  
So short term get out and vote for the lesser of 2 evils – Republican.
Then for real change to a broken Washington DC – we need a Convention of States!   

2 years ago

Stalin said let me educate three generations of your kids you will make the rope i hang u with

2 years ago

the morons still blaming trump. these fools would rather live in squalor than trump be president.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Joe Biden is a serial liar. However, he stated loudly and clearly during his muted Presidential Campaign that he was going to “end fossil energy once and for all”. The majority of voters either didn’t believe he was serious or paid no attention to it. Then the country was shocked when he cancelled the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office, costing us 2 million barrels of oil a day. LESSON: Believe these politicians when they make outrageous promises! Everyone who voted for Biden voted their approval of today’s energy problems.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Anybody that believes anything Lying Biden says, I have a nice bridge over a bay in California between Oakland at San Franciso I would like to sell, Cheap.
You would have to be Deaf, Dumb, and Blind to believe that crap, —– lean heavy on Dumb, maybe better yet, STUPID!

2 years ago

Always apply the foolproof Democrat lie detector. Their lips are moving they are lying! Guaranteed

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

NOT 2.5% buy Bidens Game plan?Darn

2 years ago

Those 6.7% of voters equal democrats at the federal, state and local level who hold office and don’t want to make the “big guy” angry

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

It’s comforting to know that only less than 7% are brain dead I wonder if it’s enough to vote dems in again

2 years ago

Would love to hear the explanation of the 15.4% that blame Trump admin for our inflation now…?
I’m seeing some idiocy in that segment of the polled..TDS?

Gerald Clawson
Gerald Clawson
2 years ago

I can not beleave any that man wil say any more!!

2 years ago

You must be polling far lefts because sensible people KNOW who is responsible for the many messes we’re facing, and he goes by FJB.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

I am surprised there is anyone who believes biden. His own dog won’t come when he calls.

2 years ago

The 15.4 % blaming the Trump administration for the current inflation are hopelessly brainwashed.

2 years ago

He’s lied about everything. Why should we believe his excuses for inflation?

Roger D Stabile
Roger D Stabile
2 years ago

A poll is only as good as its questions. It would be nice if when reporting the results of a particular poll the actual poll itself was included. If only 52% of likely voters blame the Biden administration and the Marxist Democrats for our economic predicament, then how do the other 48% explain their position. More than 15% blame Donald Trump. Really? How so? Sadly, too many Americans are uninformed, misinformed, stupid, blind or committed Marxists who believe hate, division, “social justice,” economic collapse and wealth redistribution are a good thing. I understand not everyone is a political or news junkie, but for God’s sake, take the time and effort to educate yourselves at least enough to get through the media bias and propaganda. God help us.

Jim D.
Jim D.
2 years ago

How many people polled these days will actually admit they will vote GOP? The same goes for the lack of bumper stickers and yard signs showing support for any Republican! People don’t want their homes and cars fire-bombed after showing support for non-woke candidates. I think much the same thing is happening with these polls, lots of folks have been shamed into avoiding support for any right leaning policy! For these reasons, I think the bloodbath for the Democrat party is going to be far worse than even current polls are indicating. I don’t think the polls are even close to any accuracy right now! RIP Dem’s!

2 years ago

WHO?!?!?! Why do we never hear from these brandon supporters? Supposedly 44% approve of the job it is doing – WHO!?!?!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Anybody who doesn’t know who Joe Biden is simply go on You Tube and search “Joe Biden racist”… there’s 40 years of video unless they’ve deleted all those for “misinformation”.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

who are the 6.7% who believed that ridiculous excuse that Putin invading Ukraine was responsible for inflation? Didn’t they notice that inflation was a problem BEFORE the invasion? I’m in the camp that believes the high inflation was actually caused by the out-of-control spending by congress and the Biden administration.

2 years ago

Goes to show that 6.7% of Americans are brain dead. Maybe we can “blame” it on covid. Thankfully as we get farther and farther away from President Trumps time in office it becomes harder and harder to blame him. Socialist/democrats are going to have to come up with a lot better lies to blame anyone as more Americans are waking up. Hopefully even the 6.7%.

James J
James J
2 years ago

go to hell biden and your administration .. how many people have you Murdered in 2 years.. you pathetic sick perverted compromised cognitive retard.

1776/ faqubiden

2 years ago

JUST THINK when THE DONALD left office we had low unemployment, low inflation, and were energy independent. Now after not quite two years of Joey and the Demoronic Cabal we have just the reverse. Amazing what you can do when you are a self-centered ass who thinks he can do no wrong and give away Billions of dollars you don’t have, and have no idea when you will ever get. and shut down the biggest source of energy we have. Ain’t America Grand? Just proves the old saying that anyone can become president.

2 years ago

Even with the the 6.7 that believe it is the Russia Ukraine war is causing the inflation… it is still Brandon’s fault! It started with our loss of energy independence putting our national security at risk. Then his absolute failure in Afghanistan showed Putin he had opportunity. BTW… how many US citizens are still abandoned there?

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