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AMAC / TRAFALGAR POLL: Biden Plan to Punish Children for Using Wrong “Pronoun” Wildly Unpopular with Voters

Posted on Friday, October 7, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


An overwhelming 82 percent of likely voters—including the vast majority of Democrats—oppose a new Biden administration scheme to force school children to attend mandatory “counseling” without parental consent if they refuse to use the “preferred pronouns” of classmates identifying as transgender, according to a new scientific nationwide opinion poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group for AMAC.

The survey’s findings are among the most striking indications to date of the extreme unpopularity of Democrats’ efforts to force left-wing gender theories on children as young as kindergarten.

The inaugural AMAC Newsline poll sampled 1,078 likely voters from September 21-26, using the Trafalgar Group’s trademark methodologies that made the group among the most accurate pollsters in the 2016 and 2020 elections. The margin of error was 2.9 percent. Additional results will be released in the coming days.

The survey specifically asked voters if they “agree with the Biden Administration Education Department’s proposed policy requiring school children to attend mandatory counseling without parental consent if they refuse to use the preferred pronouns of their transgender classmates,” referring to a proposed policy recently outlined by the Biden administration as part of its effort to effectively rewrite Title IX.

Among the 82 percent of voters answering “No” were a staggering 93.2 percent of Hispanic voters and 73 percent of Black voters. For Democrat strategists who have continued to raise red flags about Black and Hispanic voters flocking toward the GOP, these results should underscore just how toxic the Biden administration’s hard-left approach is among the party’s traditional voting base.

In total, 68.6 percent of Democrat voters said they do not agree with the Biden administration’s proposal—signaling a gaping chasm between the far-left cultural agenda of administration officials and the typical Democrat voter.

Few signs could be more troubling for party operatives than the fact that nearly 7 in 10 of their own likely voters oppose a key pillar of the administration’s policy agenda—one that many vulnerable candidates in this fall’s midterm elections have openly embraced.

The proposal is also opposed by 83.3 percent of independents and 92.4 percent of Republicans.

“We hear every day that far-left indoctrination in schools is a top concern for seniors and AMAC members,” said AMAC Chief Executive Officer Rebecca Weber. “What this survey makes clear is that the parents’ rights movement has incredible potential to grow even bigger, and to unify voters of every age, in every community. The grassroots backlash we saw in Virginia last November may have been just the beginning.”

In addition to requiring counseling sessions conducted by left-wing activists for students who refuse to embrace extreme gender ideology, the Biden plan would force schools to allow biological males into girls’ locker rooms and restrooms (and vice versa) and would even require schools to allow biologically male students identifying as transgender to bunk with girls on overnight trips—all without informing parents. As recently reported in Vermont, female athletes are changing in one-stall bathrooms to avoid biological males harassing them in the girls’ locker rooms.

The AMAC Newsline poll question focused only on voters’ views on the mandatory counseling aspect of the Biden plan and did not include the mandatory training or education components, nor the plan for Title IX coordinators to act as investigator, judge, and jury (a clear due process violation) of any alleged violation under the new definition of sexual harassment, all again with no requirement to inform parents.

When broken down by age, only millennials aged 25-34 supported forced counseling in any sizable numbers. Even among this group, the Biden proposal was underwater, with 42.2 percent in favor and 57.8 percent opposed.

Every other age group rejected the gender-indoctrination plan overwhelmingly. In one of the survey’s most interesting findings, 92.7 percent of voters aged 18-24 disagree with the Biden proposal—the strongest opposition of any cohort. This result may suggest that the generation with the most personal experience of the left’s coercive and punitive gender indoctrination in schools is also the group most turned off by it—even more so than their parents.

Among voters aged 35-44 (a group capturing many parents of young children), 91.1 percent disagreed with the plan, along with 79.8 percent of the 45-64 age cohort, and 85.8 percent of voters 65 and older. Men and women reject the policy at approximately the same rate—with 80.3 percent of women and 83.6 percent of men answering “No.”

With only weeks to go before the midterm elections, the AMAC Newsline poll may be surfacing a powerful late-breaking campaign issue, and the next flashpoint between the radical left and the growing movement for parents’ rights.

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Stephen Johnson
Stephen Johnson
2 years ago

Democrats may oppose the idea and the legislation, but say that will not change who they vote for.

That’s what they say on every single policy decision they disagree with, whether it is open borders, or defunding the Police. The only conclusion has to be, Democrats don’t vote on policy unless it is on more handouts (which 98% of Democrats agree with).

Barbara Plunkett Turner
Barbara Plunkett Turner
2 years ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

NO Not the role of Govt

2 years ago

Call me crazy…I really don’t care…coming to you from 40+ years of working with kids of all ages. Half the time they use pronouns like “he, she, it” interchangeably and are basically oblivious to it. My grandson knows he has a sister, callers her sister and he in the same sentence. Is he doing it to be malicious…no. It is a very abstract concept used in 100% innocence. Should he be punished?

2 years ago

communism. This is not legal for the Federal Government to do. It is evil and ridiculous to even think.

2 years ago

The woke left are completely left the realm of reality. They are outside of their minds and out of control. And it is clearly and unabashedly all part of “the plan.” Literally, what a zoo.

2 years ago

This is a flagrant violation of the First Amendment, it can not be allowed to stand! You do not have the right under the Constitution to “not be offended”! This is brain washing 101! This piece of trash must be removed from office!

Finger Lakes
Finger Lakes
2 years ago

Biden is the most disgusting president ever in the history of the United States.

Patricia Hefferan
Patricia Hefferan
2 years ago

This insanity MUST end! We are allowing a small cadre of people to run our lives, how we live it and speak to each other. The sooner we clear this detritus of idiotic people offstage and run them out of town on a rail then we can be free to be free again. I will NEVER, EVER respect the so-called rights of the gay and queer people. They are not gay but they sure are queer. It is time to stabilize our world into clear thinking and reasonable people, not a bunch of nut cakes.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

I don’t know how anybody from either party could be in favor of that. That poll has to be pure garbage

Bonnie Jean
Bonnie Jean
2 years ago

The left has completely gone beyond the boundaries of safe and sane policies related to young children in school. I guess the #Me Too generation feels it only applies to them. As an adult female I can tell you that even in my 30’s (and that was 30 years ago) there was a man who sometimes dressed as a woman and sometimes as a man… but he came into the store where I worked and I can tell you that just having him in the bathroom stalls was terrifying and made me sick and afraid to leave the bathroom stall. I and another girl who was also in there waited until he/she left (he was dressed as a he that day with a full beard and cowboy hat). It was infuriating. We had to get a security guard to stand outside the bathrooms from then on. Everyone recognized this person and we were polite as to all customers… but regardless of how he was dressed they cleared out the bathroom before he could go in whichever he preferred that day. Biology is reality. And no one can change our DNA. To teach children that you can be whatever or whoever you want to be outside of a career choice is just plain crazy dangerous. I guess those who think it is okay also think it is okay for their own children to be the subjects of voyeurism or rape or sexual harassment. Biden’s plan is just plane sick in my view. I no longer shop at any store that has bathrooms open to whomever someone thinks they are on any given day.

Joseph Sheffield
Joseph Sheffield
2 years ago

Biden and company really need to try to tend to things important, NOT messing around with school children. OH, I forgot, he does like them young.

Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno
2 years ago

Dialectic materialism is central to Marxism . . .

Thesis: Men and women are biologically distinct genders . . . an absolute TRUTH.

Antithesis: There are no biologically distinct genders . . . an absolute LIE.

Consensus: There are many genders, two biologically distinct and some transient . . . an absolute LIE.

Compromise and repeat.

Thesis: There are many genders, two biologically distinct and some transient . . . an absolute LIE.

Antithesis: There are no biologically distinct genders . . . an absolute LIE.

Consensus: There are many genders, two biologically distinct but all are potentially transient . . . an absolute LIE.

Compromise and repeat ad nauseum. Lying is the essence of how Marxism works. It is a never-ending revolution that completely rejects the notion of any absolute truth.

2 years ago

Parents: Keep standing up for your parental rights. Do what you have to to get your children out of the public school system. Make whatever sacrifices you have to to put them in a private school or home school them.
But most importantly, VOTE to get rid of these people that are in office now who think they have the right to indoctrinate your children.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

You better not call the person that identifies as a cat a dog but let me light your joint for You.

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
2 years ago

Does Biden not know that “compelled speech” is illegal? People can use whatever pronouns they desire, and that is no business of government. Nevertheless, parents should object to this. It is another attempt to take parents’ rights from them and put government in control of our children,

Dr. Deborah Mitchell Gerold
Dr. Deborah Mitchell Gerold
2 years ago

I taught/and was a principal in public schools for 40+ years. I retired 3 years ago, and I am now teaching part-time in a Christian school. Parents, PLEASE, stand up for your children and do NOT allow them to be indoctrinated!

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

Or suffer the alternative.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Biden knows no bounds and assumes he is all powerful.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t already work being done on a statue of him in a pious pose, not for display in the Capitol Building, but in the Washington National Cathedral!!!!

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
2 years ago

I taught middle and high school for 31 years. I guarantee you that kids age 11-18 do enough stupid stuff for which to be punished, without adding this kind of cruel and unusual punishment. Keep in mind that the freedom of speech guarantees that nobody can force you to say something you don’t want to say, or don’t believe.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

This is WAY beyond merely being stupid…it is unadulterated evil…nothing less. One word: RESIST!
Resistance IS NOT futile, to coin a phrase. We The People ARE this country; not the nwo shills in DC! Additionally, there has never been a more crucial time in this nations history for parents of young children to pull their children out of the public indoctrination…er…”education” system and homeschool. The nazis of the teachers unions need to be made irrelevant!

Terri Matson
Terri Matson
2 years ago

As someone who never wanted or had children, I have no dog in this fight. However, as an American and a basically moral person, I object strongly to this foolish, dangerous and perverse indoctrination being forced on children. What in hell are young parents thinking? Are young parents so thoroughly indoctrinated they allow this crap? There are only 2 genders and anything else is either a genetic anomaly or a mutilated freak, neither man nor woman. Something as nutty and perverse as trans-ism can only flourish as long as parents and concerned others are more afraid of being bashed on social media than they are of a lunatic agenda turning their kids into gender confused, over-vaxxed and sexually mutilated little robots with emotional and physical problems that will haunt their entire life.

Grandparents, talk to your adult children. Help them see this is lunacy and they really need to step up before their kid is getting their breasts or genitals mutilated behind their backs.

One last bit of food for thought: Those “puberty blockers” you hear mentioned on TV? Do you really know what they are? I do, because I worked as a case manager in the Sexual Predator Unit of a State prison for a year or so. “Puberty blockers are the same drugs they offered violent, repeat sex offenders to chemically castrate them so they could be “safely” released back into society. Puberty blockers are chemical castration drugs usually reserved for the most violent sex offenders. They have not been tested on 6 year olds. What exactly does anyone pushing or allowing these horrors think will happen to these profoundly damaged kids when they reach real puberty age? Does anyone really know? I am pretty sure no one actually ran clinical trials on the long-range effects of castration drugs on young children.

2 years ago

There is no ‘gaping chasm’ between ordinary dem robots and the far left. If this were true the coming elections wouldn’t even be close. Dem robots might be a little miffed at the way the table is being set but they’re licking their chops for the meal.

heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago


heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago


David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Plenty of FBI Evidence to Arrest Hunter biden for making False statements on purchasing a GUN and TAX CRIMES with his METH Pipe.
If Donald Trump Jr. had done such a thing we would hear it 24/7 from FAKE News and SWAMP QUEEN pelosi would have Special Sessions, Impeachment calling, Special Investigation Committee, and flapping her arms ranting at Communist News Network for photo op.
Difference is, Hunter biden is a CRIMINAL like his daddy and a daddy’s boy. CRIMINALS LOVE CRIMINALS.
ARREST Hunter biden NOW!
When it comes to using Commie Correct pronouns DICTATOR Beijing biden trying to FORCE on our children like everything else he’s FORCED on US he can NEVER FORCE OUR CHILDREN to be COMMIE CORRECT.

2 years ago

Extreme evil doesn’t even to describe the absolute filth coating the controlled Biden and his cackling “vice” president, his puppet string master, the left and their thugs. The end goal to quote a previous “president” “I’m going to fundamentally change America.” Anyone want to hazard a guess as to who that “president” was and who is undoubtedly now controlling the Biden puppet? And who is financing him and his filth?

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
2 years ago

God created two genders. A small percentage are ‘gay’ males and lesbians, who mostly live quiet, peaceful, lives… and hopefully will be more and more widely accepted. Ditto same-sex marriage. But the wacky Dems created all the other genders.
It’s OK in my mind if a person born male wants to dress as a female or even change his sex (via hormones, surgery, psychological counseling), etc. and ditto if a person born female prefers to live (and identify) as a male. But people with penises should not use ‘ladies’ rooms’ especially in schools where they might prey on little children… or compete in women’s sports.
Otherwise, live and let live… ‘be’ who you want…but don’t try to dictate what pronouns we use or how you are addressed. You are a miniscule percent of our population, and the vast majority does NOT have to kowtow to your assinine dictates.
It seems to us the Dems promote the tiny minorities of ‘freaks’ and want the rest of us to change OUR lives for them. Ain’t gonna happen, dunces. What a destructive progressive party… that won’t be ‘in power’ much longer.

2 years ago

Sometimes what we need is a reality slap in our face. I’m 73 years into this life. I came from a broken home and it was probably best. But because of that my childhood was stunted. I was behind in school. Never applied myself because all I needed to do was pass. But one thing I knew was I was a boy, and I never questioned it. I could tell stories of a male teacher using coercion on me. I struggle to write this so bare with me. That teacher is now past. But I learned some basic skills at protecting myself. I can’t even imagine going to a public school today. If we don’t protect our most valuable asset our children, we deserve what we get as a nation. We face a tremendous giant that is against us, the federal government. They are most probably going to come and get me for even saying this but it needs to be said. The mid term elections are coming up. We cannot vote for anyone that has a d on their party line. They have all been bought and paid for. Here where i live the Republicans are all that ran for the local elections. No democrats. But to find out the ones that won were former democrats they just switched party’s. Get to know your local candidates. Get involved if you can in government. I never have because I got into some trouble with the law when I was a kid. Pretty much kept my nose clean ever since. Had some people give me a break when I needed it and it changed my life. We are now in for the fight of our lives because our country is in the fight of its future and our children’s future. We as a people have just work our lives raised our families, little league, soccer, vacations sometimes, and some with small businesses. With that we voted when the time came, elected people to do a job and hoped they did the right thing. Some did but most lined their pockets. You can tell by their net worth when they went in and their net worth on retirement when they finally do. Now the swamp (as it is called, rightly so) is so bad that we are where we are at today. The sitting president just gave a speech a little while back and I found out I was a semi fascist not sure exactly what that is but I know it doesn’t line up with my thinking. Not only that he declared war on me. Our 2020 elections were a sham and most people know it, some will speak of it, most won’t because it doesn’t make any difference. There is so much evidence of voter fraud cheating that I can’t for the life of me understand why something isn’t done about it. The swamp is huge. Herein lies the silver lining of the whole thing. The swamp has been exposed. Glory to God. Through our court systems this would take 20 years to untangle. We must vote this election and hold the line on what a vote is and isn’t. A vote is a legal vote. No overvoting in precincts. That’s illegal. No dead people voting, that’s illegal, not 50 people voting in one household, that’s illegal, I could go on but I don’t want to write a book. There will be illegal votes because if the swamp loses they will have to face the music. They want to change the Constition which the took an oath to uphold they lied again.( not even going to get into all the lying from day 1 of this administration. They are fighting for their democracy and their way of life whatever that is. And we are fighting for our republic and our way of life as a constitutional republic. I have one vote and one vote only. I could just stay home and not bother, I also wouldn’t have anything to complain about if they come to get me if they win. Because we didn’t make a stand against Tierney. We should pray for wisdom, ask for mercy, seek God’s face in our time of need, turn from our wicked ways, and God will hear in heaven and heal our land. Purge our minds and land of such wickedness. It could be worse than it is now. Where do i make a stand. Where do you make a stand. It needs to get personal. The time is now!

Stephen V.
Stephen V.
2 years ago

Sounds like they’re turning our schools into “re-education camps”.
And they call US fascists!

2 years ago

Who died and made him God and King??? He is maniacal!!!!

zoe frost
zoe frost
2 years ago

Does anyone think an Alzheimer’s patient, the NWO Commie/Globalist shill’s fraud puppet and traitor, came up with the latest middle finger absurdity to all sane Americans all by himself? Reeks of bathhouse boi Commie Traitor Obamie…maybe has something to do with the whole Moochie is a trans thing.

The Commie DemoNcrat traitor’s (heavily funded by NWO Jonesin’ Globalist elitist evil traitors) desperation to destroy our Constitutional Republic via “fundamental transformation”/Build Back/ Better/Great Reset is on hyper warp speed.

2 years ago

I think the government is totally out of it’s lane here. I don’t see any constitutional authority for the federal government to be telling parents and states what to do concerning this gender dysphoria issue. That is an issue to be dealt with on the county and state level.

Dave Mahan
Dave Mahan
2 years ago

Reagan, like usual was right. There is nothing likeable about Joe Biden. The American people are done with his bullying techniques.

2 years ago

The dementia ridden SOB thinks he’s God. He cannot tell my children….grandchildren…how to speak. We need to impeach him and the cackling ho.

2 years ago

Biden is thug from the Philly area and has always acted like he is a union boss. He will go down in history as the worst president ever. Jimmy Carter should be happy he is about to lose that title.

Steve White
Steve White
2 years ago

How about giving a verb and pronoun to biden

2 years ago

To say something like this, Biden is a very sick President (mentally). He belongs in a psycharitic ward. He is not fit to be a President.

2 years ago

“F” that senile old piece of sh#@. That’s one of his pronouns!

2 years ago

That perverted sob needs to be ran out on a rail. There’s a special place in hell for him and his perverted trash buddies

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

We the American people somehow, some way need to put a stop to this crap, Hey Dirtbag Biden its none of your business, there are only 2 sexes’, the more you and the Democrats run your lying mouths the more you prove just how stupid you weasels really are.
You are the gender you were born into; you can change one’s physical appearance, but only God determines what one’s true gender is, and I bet he gets pissed when some moron tries to undo his handy work.
When I was 6 years old my little neighbor Girl Beatrice, told me we were different and I asked how, Good Lord, once she showed me, I never had to ask that question again the rest of my life.
The only thing you people in Government. have a responsibility to do is provide for us the thing we can’t provide for ourselves. (Road, National defense, Closed Borders, A Justice System That’s Fair and Equal Treatment for all). and you are doing a Damn poor job of the things you are supposed to do, so stay out of the things you know nothing about, if you would just fix the things you have screwed up, we just might start healing as a nation, what you have screwed up by the time your 4 years are up, it will take the Republicans 10 years to fix.
God Save Us!

2 years ago

Alright Pres. Biden, you pay me 5 million dollars from your account (tax free) with no stipulations, I will use any pronoun that you need me to use.

2 years ago

Biden is like a sock puppet who speaks words written for him by others. Who, in fact, is the person actually creating the thoughts, writing the words and instructing the Easter Bunny to escort Biden away from reporters. Who is Biden’s Señor Wences? Remember all of the luminaries of the press who called for Trump to get a cognitive test? He did. Where are all the Democrat hacks who called for invoking the 25th Amendment with regard to Trump? Of course, that would lead us to vapid Kamala Harris, so no respite there. How did Biden get packaged and sold to the American people? Let’s start with the fact that too many people who vote don’t read anything but Facebook or some similar junk. Then we need to look at our educational institutions who employ woke professors who think gender fluidity and pronoun selection are more important than differential equations and couldn’t make it in any other field of employment. We own this situation.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Biden’s pronouns are “dumb” and “@ss”.

2 years ago

Joe’s preferred pronoun is ‘moron’, and he wants everyone to call him by that from now on.

2 years ago

Genesis 1:27 GOD created mankind in his own image. in the image of GOD, he created them; male and female he created them.

2 years ago

My Father-in-law a WWII veteran from Delaware called Biden a BUFFOON. I was calling him an IDIOT. Now we all know he’s the most dangerous,disgusting,disturbed man in the WORLD.

2 years ago

Biden’s pronoun should be Jack*ss. The children speak the truth. Joe is a scoundrel.

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
2 years ago

If anyone doubts that Satan is alive and amoung us, just read this story. These evil Democrats who are trying to destroy family, religion, our Constitution and our very souls must be voted out in November and in 2024. If they are not stopped, our beloved Democratic Republic will be another Communist nation. Each day I pray that they will no longer be totally in charge after November and for sure to get rid on Biden and his ilk in 2024.

2 years ago

This country is going to Hell in a hand basket because of Biden’s bad policy. Why doesn’t he pay more attention to what’s really important than trying to control what children say. He is a complete disaster.

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