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AMAC Members Outspoken on The Left’s Priorities

Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2022
by AMAC, Jeff Szymanski

AMAC members are familiar with the weekly poll on our website where we ask their take on an issue or item(s) in the news. But it is the comments section where members can really sound off. A good week has 500-700 comments. However, this week we garnered over 1,300 comments, the most since October 29, 2021.

We want our members to make pointed selections from the choices offered, limited to two maximum, and therefore intentionally eschew an “all of the above” selection. That helps AMAC discern priorities and what is most important.

Our ask this week was about the top priorities of The Left.  There was a near three-way tie between growing government to control us, indoctrinating kids as early as elementary school, and open borders to get illegal aliens voting later.  Creating dependency, a Green New Deal industrial policy, and a “post-gender” unisex world were the “also-ran” choices.

The one theme easily spotted in the comments was how The Left is totally absorbed with power and control in all that it does and proposes. Here’s a selection from AMAC members, in their own words:

“I feel like I am seeing the destruction of everything good about America in real time.  The political class seems hell bent on ruining every institution, every aspect of American life.” – Anna

“Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand; she and Orwell both described the future we are living now.” – Dan M.

“It’s all by design to usher in The New World Order.” – Karen

“It’s disgusting what they’re doing to America, and it’s disgusting how they’re getting away with it day after day.” – Audrey

“When good men do nothing, evil rules.  Time for good men to step up.” – David M.

“Americans better wake up or there will be no freedoms.” – Bonnie

“They don’t believe in American exceptionalism.” – Carolyn

“I don’t understand why the left hates America so much.” – Charlene M.

“The [Democrats] at the wheel and behind the scenes are focused on turning us into a society so dependent and submissive to government.” – Patti

“The left’s main goal?  See Hunger Games.”- John

“Their goal is to keep the situation stirred up to confuse a pubic not able to focus on more than one thing.”– Tom C.

“Create non-self-thing robots and destroy Christianity.” – Kate S.B.

 “They are doing this for a purpose to destroy society.” – David

 “My heart breaks for what the Democratic part has become.  My father was a Democrat who understood an intact traditional family is crucial to the fabric of society.” – L.J.P.

“Any chance of a future for my grandchildren in this country which I love deeply and fought for is growing bleaker by the second right now.” – William L.

“How on God’s earth are we going to continue on this very dark road?” – Maria

“Their priorities are power and control; those [poll] options are the means by which to achieve it.” – Alyson W.

“To fundamentally change America from founding beliefs that will ‘erase’ our history.” – Joe

“We need to have a Convention of States to restore the power back to the states, where it rightfully belongs, as our Constitution was written!” –  Roscoe

“Any country or people who turn away from God get exactly what we are witnessing in America.” – Gary

“Total and complete subjugation of the entire population just as Venezuela went from rich to poor in 3 years, we are on that track.” – ‘Cyncro’

“My question- what is being done to stop this?” – Judith

“The party of slavery continues to promote slavery in any and all form.  They support anything and everything that enslaves a person physically, mentally, and spiritually.” – Rick

Jeff Szymanski works in political communications at AMAC, a senior benefits organization with nearly 2.4 million members.  He previously taught high school economics for 15 years.

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2 years ago

Don’t forget that part of the problems we have is because of the Bushee RINOS. Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Cox, and Mcconnel.

2 years ago

We’re bad Americans. Very bad. High inflation, high crime, unchecked illegal immigration, pain at the pump, our grocery prices doubled, America must be punished. For Democrats, that is their attitude.

2 years ago

It was four good years under President Trump. For democrats whacked-out on Trump derangement syndrome, America must be punished, all gains made during the Trump year upended. It is anyone’s guess why democrats think that works for them.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Leftists Priorities:

o More Govt
o More regulation
o More taxes
o Lockdowns
o Mask mandates
o World Govt UN
o Police State
o Censorship
o Indoc Education

2 years ago

I read a lot of good comments that all lead to one thing. A lot is being said but very little is being done. If we expect the government we’re all complaining about to take the needed actions then we may as well just, “tell another joke”. One way everyday Americans might help is with the Convention of States. You can find this, read about it, then research it starting on “[email protected]”.

2 years ago

Problem is we have the wrong people in Congress. I’m fervently praying November sweeps them away.

2 years ago

You know, conservatives are not really good people. Why? because all they do is report and complain about what the left is doing but they don’t do anything to stop it.

Kevin Eilrich
Kevin Eilrich
2 years ago

Voting machines have to go!

2 years ago

If we didn’t have a media in bed with the left, things would be a lot different. When free speech is gone, you’re left with dictators.

2 years ago

Beastiality will be the next step in the insanity of identity issues and “rights”. Have we gone to far as a country, to turn this around?

2 years ago

“Indeed,I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just;
That His wrath cannot sleep forever.”
Thomas Jefferson

Lloyd Childers
Lloyd Childers
2 years ago

“Our Constitution will only work for a moral society “. If God is a just God, which He is, He must punish those that turn away from Him. He can only punish a nation while it is still a nation. The answer, turn back to God!

2 years ago

I agree with all these comments. What can be done to stop all this craziness? People need to wake up and realize that once these people take over American the will be no one(except God) that can help us.

Lisa Quenzer
Lisa Quenzer
2 years ago

I was encouraged to read these comments as it seems to be exactly what my husband and I have been saying for the last 2 years!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

The FASCIST liberals can only win if you believe everything they say since they think they are smarter than GOD.
They even live in the FANTASY WORLD and ILLUSIONAL perception that they know better than you on how to live your life.
Best part is that they think they are protected themselves when in REALITY they are NOT. It’s just a matter of time before their own comes for them and their delusion of POWER and CONTROL is used against themselves.

2 years ago

Some great comments. Many right on the marx, pun intended. Proof of the statement ” never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. We are underestimating these miserable bastards, and we should be ashamed that we were so ignorant and complacent. Want to know where it all leads? Read or watch Soylent Green, Fahrenheit 451, Nineteen Eighty Four, Animal Farm, and A Brave New World. Then take a look at our American History before these bastards rewrite it to suit their utopian pipe-dream. If these kooks we’re so bad, why do they stay here? We must have done something right though, or so many people from other countries wouldn’t risk life and limb to come here to live.

2 years ago

Ah so! I must have hit a word the liberals don’t like to hear in my last comment, since it has to be approved or censored. Thought Amac was above that level. Oh well.

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
2 years ago

While there are only two genders, we all have varying levels of masculinity and femininity. Those are normal individual traits that are part of our potential for a meaningful life. More feminine males tend toward creativity. More masculine females tend toward service.

True diversity is the infinite range of gifts and talents present in and required for society to exist. Sexual proclivities are secondary and must be overcome except where blessed in the male-female marriage covenant. 1 Corinthians 10 helps the troubled.

2 years ago

Don’t forget that part of the problems we have is because of the Bushee RINOS. Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Cox, and Mcconnel.

2 years ago

We’re bad Americans. Very bad. High inflation, high crime, unchecked illegal immigration, pain at the pump, our grocery prices doubled, America must be punished. For Democrats, that is their attitude.

2 years ago

It was four good years under President Trump. For democrats whacked-out on Trump derangement syndrome, America must be punished, all gains made during the Trump year upended. It is anyone’s guess why democrats think that works for them.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Leftists Priorities:

o More Govt
o More regulation
o More taxes
o Lockdowns
o Mask mandates
o World Govt UN
o Police State
o Censorship
o Indoc Education

2 years ago

I read a lot of good comments that all lead to one thing. A lot is being said but very little is being done. If we expect the government we’re all complaining about to take the needed actions then we may as well just, “tell another joke”. One way everyday Americans might help is with the Convention of States. You can find this, read about it, then research it starting on “[email protected]”.

2 years ago

Problem is we have the wrong people in Congress. I’m fervently praying November sweeps them away.

2 years ago

You know, conservatives are not really good people. Why? because all they do is report and complain about what the left is doing but they don’t do anything to stop it.

Kevin Eilrich
Kevin Eilrich
2 years ago

Voting machines have to go!

2 years ago

If we didn’t have a media in bed with the left, things would be a lot different. When free speech is gone, you’re left with dictators.

2 years ago

Beastiality will be the next step in the insanity of identity issues and “rights”. Have we gone to far as a country, to turn this around?

2 years ago

“Indeed,I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just;
That His wrath cannot sleep forever.”
Thomas Jefferson

Lloyd Childers
Lloyd Childers
2 years ago

“Our Constitution will only work for a moral society “. If God is a just God, which He is, He must punish those that turn away from Him. He can only punish a nation while it is still a nation. The answer, turn back to God!

2 years ago

I agree with all these comments. What can be done to stop all this craziness? People need to wake up and realize that once these people take over American the will be no one(except God) that can help us.

Lisa Quenzer
Lisa Quenzer
2 years ago

I was encouraged to read these comments as it seems to be exactly what my husband and I have been saying for the last 2 years!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

The FASCIST liberals can only win if you believe everything they say since they think they are smarter than GOD.
They even live in the FANTASY WORLD and ILLUSIONAL perception that they know better than you on how to live your life.
Best part is that they think they are protected themselves when in REALITY they are NOT. It’s just a matter of time before their own comes for them and their delusion of POWER and CONTROL is used against themselves.

2 years ago

Some great comments. Many right on the marx, pun intended. Proof of the statement ” never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. We are underestimating these miserable bastards, and we should be ashamed that we were so ignorant and complacent. Want to know where it all leads? Read or watch Soylent Green, Fahrenheit 451, Nineteen Eighty Four, Animal Farm, and A Brave New World. Then take a look at our American History before these bastards rewrite it to suit their utopian pipe-dream. If these kooks we’re so bad, why do they stay here? We must have done something right though, or so many people from other countries wouldn’t risk life and limb to come here to live.

2 years ago

Ah so! I must have hit a word the liberals don’t like to hear in my last comment, since it has to be approved or censored. Thought Amac was above that level. Oh well.

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
2 years ago

While there are only two genders, we all have varying levels of masculinity and femininity. Those are normal individual traits that are part of our potential for a meaningful life. More feminine males tend toward creativity. More masculine females tend toward service.

True diversity is the infinite range of gifts and talents present in and required for society to exist. Sexual proclivities are secondary and must be overcome except where blessed in the male-female marriage covenant. 1 Corinthians 10 helps the troubled.

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