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AMAC Members Deliver in Maine – Help Kill Democrat-Led Gun Confiscation Bill

Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2024
by AMAC Action
maine flag

Maine’s closely divided House and Senate, led by Democrats determined to drag the state toward California-style activism – hit a wall late session, as they tried to pass LD 2283, a bill that posed as a public safety initiative, a so-called “red flag” law, but which many lawyers and constitutional observers considered a “set up” for future gun confiscation. The bill arguably would have allowed law enforcement to seize firearms on the basis of someone feeling “threatened,’” an undefined term that could range from offense to a sense of mortal danger.  The law would have added nothing to the “yellow flag” laws already in place, which would have made any difference in last year’s Lewiston shooting, where many knew that the shooter had mental health issues, but no one acted on “yellow flag” opportunities to remove his guns.

The outcry from Maine citizens appears to have been considerable, as the initially gung-ho state Democrats suddenly tabled the bill, and it died at the session’s end, replaced by small changes to “yellow flag” provisions. Lest there be any mystery in this outcome, many Mainers appear to have reached their limit when it comes to Democrat-led restrictions on their lives, and among those are AMAC members.

In a state with just under 10,000 AMAC members, a veritable political action army, nearly hundreds literally wrote personal notes to their legislators, arguing that this was a betrayal of their trust, and a violation of their constitutional rights. The outcome appears to have been a sudden rethinking by the Democrat leadership about whether sufficient votes existed to even bring the bill to the floor of either chamber.

Congratulations to AMAC members, in Maine and nationwide, who consistently stand up for the Bill of Rights, from speech and free exercise of religion to gun ownership and the wide range of individual liberties. Every ounce of effort matters, and it did in Maine!

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Nevada might have its head up its proverbial butt sometimes but at least I can (and do!) open carry when I take the dogs out walking (we do a lot of remote trails). Now all we need is PERMITLESS CONCEALED CARRY…

5 months ago

Now we need to see what AMAC members can do in New York State since I read this morning that someone on trial for a gun crime was told by the judge not to bring up the 2nd Amendment because it does not exist in New York State. Looks like a review by the Supreme Court might be in order for that one.

Pat R
Pat R
5 months ago

Good for Mainers and the AMAC members who stood up for their 2nd Amendment rights – inspiring for sure.

Sheryl Wallace
Sheryl Wallace
5 months ago

Another very important issue for us Mainers is healthcare. Would you please sign this petition because we are losing so many of our rights here:
Sheryl Wallace

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
5 months ago

This is good news. The authoritarian left wants your guns so they can control “we the people.” Maine stood up to these tyrants today. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

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