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AG Pax­ton Leads Mul­ti­state Com­plaint Against the Biden Admin­is­tra­tion, Demand­ing the Rein­state­ment of the Key­stone XL Permit

Posted on Thursday, March 18, 2021
by Outside Contributor

BidenAttorney General Ken Paxton today announced that Texas and Montana are filing a multistate complaint against the Biden administration for revoking the 2019 Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. The lawsuit states that President Biden does not have the unilateral authority to change energy policy that Congress has set. The power to regulate interstate and international commerce, including granting or rejecting permits for oil pipelines that cross an international border, resides with Congress—not the President.

“Since his first day in office, President Biden has made it his mission to undo all the progress of the previous administration, with complete disregard for the Constitutional limits on his power. His decision to revoke the pipeline permit is not only unlawful but will also devastate the livelihoods of thousands of workers, their families, and their communities,” Attorney General Paxton said. “This administration continues to tout imaginary green-energy jobs, without any recognition that their actions in the real world will make it impossible for hard-working Americans to put food on the table.”

“The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress — not the President. This is another example of Joe Biden overstepping his constitutional role to the detriment of Montanans,” Attorney General Knudsen said. “There is not even a perceived environmental benefit to his actions. His attempt to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline is an empty virtue signal to his wealthy coastal elite donors. It shows Biden’s contempt for rural communities in Montana and other states along the pipeline’s path that would benefit from and support the project.”

The complaint was filed by Texas Attorney General Paxton and Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen in Texas federal district court. The suit is joined by attorneys general from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. ​

Read a copy of the filing here.

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3 years ago

Well at least these state AG’s are keeping the issue front and center through the federal courts. That at least forces the Biden administration to respond and try and justify their actions. Hopefully they don’t get assigned a Clinton or Obama era federal judge. In any event, that’s certainly more positive action than can be said for most Congressional Republicans who seem to just want to move on to discussing their next legislative defeat and talking about 2022.

Brad Nimmick
Brad Nimmick
3 years ago

We all know that Biden is incapable of making decisions based on well thought out facts. He hasn’t done that for thirty nine years and what would make one think he is doing it now? Party hacks and fund contributors are running the show and they are all connected to big money and power people. He is being led to decisions like this that are not based on what is good for Americans, but rather the economic benefits available to the above. It is going to be tough sledding for red state leaders for the next few years. We need to keep the extreme decision makers’ feet to the fire and get the correct information out there in order to combat the misinformation and fake news promulgated by these people. I applaud the owners of the Keystone pipeline and others who continue to fight for what is right. Red state leaders need to continue to reject the payoffs and favors offered by the left to change their minds. They must also be very cautious of what could happen to them and their families by standing up to these people.

3 years ago

Rash and Rush implements to undo Trump’s accomplishments has lead to Biden’s dismiss of careful thinking and extreme care. He is a disaster and we will experience more of his stupidity. 47 years is Congress and he has nothing to show the American people, yet he wanted to be president of our great nation! All Americans need to stand up and push back his agendas. We need to be heard and the Democratic Party (Socialist) need to know we mean business.

3 years ago

The radical elite secularist globalist are trying to push all of us into the one world green environmental system. Solar and wind only make up LESS THAN 1% of ALL energy! They want to totally kill fossil fuels to control us! As a FREE AMERICAN we should have MULTIPLE forms of energy sources at our use or disposal! At an affordable price! NOT JUST ONE!. But that’s what totalitarian marxist do. They will but restrictions on and try to band the use of oil/gas. This will raise oil & gas prices. If you are invested in (MLP’s) for your retirement, keep a watch on them they could be affected. CONTACT YOUR REP AND SPEAK OUT! .

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

The comment that people whose jobs are destroyed by this executive order to cancel the Keystone pipeline will be able to be employed making solar panels is a clue to just how much this administration knows and cares. I am thankful that this group of states will not take this sitting down.
All states should have joined this lawsuit since we will all be harmed, some sooner and more obviously, but what destroys American jobs harms every citizen.

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
3 years ago

I’ve been praying for something like this to happen or for Congress to do something to bring the pipeline back. In most places here the gas is now $3.00 and over and a few places just under $3.00. Besides that, those jobs need to be returned. j.b. is really a “dictator”, not a “president”, not in terms of this Country, anyway. Guess he feels really “big”; well, he’s really a very little fish being swallowed up by the “powers” behind him.

Judy Vierra
Judy Vierra
3 years ago

It is sad to see America laughed at. I wish President Trump would run for Congress next year. He could help control things and then run for his rightful position in 24!

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