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Administration Is Shifting Health Care Resources From Veterans to Illegal Aliens

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The Biden administration is under scrutiny for prioritizing medical care for noncitizens and illegal immigrants at the expense of service members and veterans. Inadequate care, restricted access to medical treatments, a complex filing process, and lengthy wait times are fueling the ongoing veteran suicide crisis. These issues impact military readiness and recruitment, evident in the collapse of recruiting numbers over the last four years in America’s military branches.

Senate Veterans Affairs Committee member Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., and House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost, R-Ill., have raised concerns about redirecting resources from wounded warriors and veterans to noncitizens.

Since 2021, over 7 million illegal aliens have been encountered at America’s borders, both at official ports of entry and between them. This overwhelming volume has strained federal agencies, requiring resources from other agencies like the Department of Veterans Affairs to help cover costs and/or workload.

VA Deputy Assistant Secretary Terrence Hayes claimed, “At no time are any VA health care professionals or VA funds used for this purpose.” While this statement may be true, Hayes carefully chose his words to sidestep the question by specifically mentioning health care professionals. While the administration denies diverting funds directly from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the reality is VA administrative personnel are being diverted to process noncitizen claims and ensuring payments for noncitizen care instead of addressing long-standing problems that lower the quality of care for veterans.

Despite improving wait times and mental health care access, veterans still wait almost three weeks to see a medical professional. This shortage affects VA processing times and appointment availability. Over 300,000 claims are backlogged, and more than 950,000 claims are pending for service members and veterans awaiting their final benefits package.

Following the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, the Biden administration directed the Department of Homeland Security to coordinate efforts across the federal government and redirect resources to support vulnerable Afghans under Operation Allies Welcome. These policy changes come when veteran care facilities like Walter Reed National Military Medical Center are understaffed and overburdened.

As part of this directive, a medical ward and staff at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center were reallocated to treat Afghan nationals evacuated to the United States. Service members were moved to other areas throughout the hospital for recovery. While no wounded warrior went without care, our nation’s heroes are being pushed aside to prioritize individuals from other countries.

Despite improving wait times and mental health care access, veterans still wait almost three weeks to see a medical professional. This shortage affects VA processing times and appointment availability. Over 300,000 claims are backlogged, and more than 950,000 claims are pending for servicemembers and veterans awaiting their final benefits package. The administration denies diverting funds directly from the Department of Veterans Affairs, but personnel within the VA system are tasked with processing claims and ensuring payments for noncitizen care.

For over 20 years, the veteran community has faced a suicide epidemic due to an inadequate understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder, a lack of access to mental health care, and limited resources—with no signs of improvement. From 2001 to 2021, the United States lost 133,857 veterans to suicide, with no year reporting fewer than 6,000 successful attempts. Veterans are 1.6 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population, making it the second leading cause of death among veterans under 45.

But this is only half the story, as an additional 20 veterans die every day from non-suicidal self-inflicted injuries—with the most common being overdose deaths. Factoring in these self-inflicted deaths over the same period reveals the true scale of the VA’s failures in addressing suicide within the veteran community.

Moreover, failing to fulfill our nation’s promises reduces the likelihood that people will choose a military career and that service members and veterans will recommend military service to others, making this a national security issue affecting U.S. military readiness and recruitment.

Today’s Army recruits, over 80% coming from military families, see a direct link between the government’s failure to follow through for veterans and its impact on their own families. Benefits rank as the second-highest reason for joining the service (26%). Since 2014, the Army has not met its recruitment goals. In fiscal year 2023, the military services collectively missed recruiting goals by approximately 41,000 recruits, despite lowering those goals as well as their recruitment standards.

Bureaucracy, understaffing, and poor accountability at the VA already meant fewer veterans received necessary care. Now, add the fact that we are prioritizing the health care of noncitizens over them, and we are leaving our nation’s heroes unsupported. Sadly, in many cases, these individuals resort to suicide.

If resources are diverted from veterans under the Biden administration, Congress must reaffirm its commitment to supporting veterans by supporting the “No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act” and exercising its power of the purse. Anything less would fail those who bravely served our nation. Without accountability on this issue, veterans will continue to take their own lives, military families will opt out of service, and the all-volunteer force will be at risk of disintegration—along with our national security.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Derick Carver.

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3 months ago

Give the illegals a parachute, fly them back to their country, and show them the open door. Our veteran paratroopers didn’t risk their lives for people who break in to our country.

3 months ago

Dont give illegals any medical care, they dont deserve it. I read a week ago in five months Florida spent $566 million on them. Biden and his looneys are draining America.

3 months ago

When are people going to wake up to this insanity? biden has done nothing but ruin this country. I hope they wake up in November! We cannot afford four more years with this insanity going on day after day!

3 months ago

Another example of joebama’s America-Last agenda. Take from those who sacrificed so much and ask for little, and give to those who do nothing but trash our country and demand much. FJB!!!!

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 months ago

This is unacceptable! The Veterans of our country deserve 1st class medical treatment any time and all the time. The illegals pouring into this country do not deserve the freebies they are being given. The American people did not ask for this and quite frankly I resent our tax monies being used for these purposes. Please Vote Joe out of office, out of the White House, and out of Washington DC. I don’t know how Obama, Biden and all their sidekicks got this far in their “destroy America” plan but we need to get rid of this bunch and their influences in our government. The squad needs to go also. Let us clean up Washington DC and the cesspool that it has become politically and vote in President Donald J. Trump come November!

3 months ago

So that’s where my husband’s medications are going. Since President Trump left office, getting the VA to send his meds has been as difficult as pulling chicken’s teeth.He has gone as long as 2 weeks without his heart and blood pressure medications!

3 months ago

WTF, the democrats love to rule but offer no viable solutions to anything that I can see. They flat out just rule as a Tyrant would.

3 months ago

Another biden evil, too many to list. Can’t we save or children too?? Our veterans need help, ALL the criminals illegals should not even be here. Bureaucracy, understaffing, and poor accountability at the VA already meant fewer veterans received necessary care. Now, add the fact that we are prioritizing the health care of noncitizens over them, and we are leaving our nation’s heroes unsupported. VOTE them OUT!!

3 months ago

Congratulations FJB you win the award for being the biggest *sshole God ever placed on planet Earth. Just think if your father had used a condom that fateful night what a better place America would be. I don’t believe anyone could do a better job of spitting in the face and kicking in the face America’s veteran heroes than you. FJB, you worthless piece of cr*p. Zero respect.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

The Marxists talk a lot about Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. They say that’s why we should allow UNLIMITED numbers of migrants to swamp us. Of course, they never mention that the immigrants of the 1800s and 1900s were first checked for diseases and ID. Then they went out and got JOBS–they weren’t on the government teat! And, as far as I know, they didn’t get ballots written in their birth languages! They were AMERICANS once they were naturalized!

3 months ago

This whole administration has to go!

3 months ago

They are shifting every damned American asset out there from American citizens of EVERY stripe to the illegal invading army!!!!!

3 months ago

And what does Obiden say? The Reps won’t support more money for the Vets medical care. They don’t tell that they have thrown the allocated money toward the invaders who have come here holding their hand up. And our own citizens, Vets, children are being hated by Obiden so much and his love for Invaders is obvious but he disguises it under the lie all this is the reps fault. Why did he become president, oh yes he didn’t he was installed not elected. To destroy America and blame Trump and those that love America and see the destruction of America getting worse every day, that is the legacy Obiden leaves behind. In the debate don’t talk about what Biden did but spread more hatred for Trump. Where is the one nation under God. That is being created every day by flying thousands of people from all over the world into our country on our tax money by Obiden to replace those pesky Magas and the white race at the same time. Obiden hasn’t told one truth since he came into office. He doesn’t know the truth. Because he is a puppet president. The deep state with the elites in Davos and O pulling the strings he is being propped up for tonight’s debate. AI is doing the debate for Obiden. Prominent dems are callling to slap Trump in the face. How evil do you have to be to call for Obiden to do this. You might as well put a bullseye on Trump to have him killed. That is there hope since they have thrown everything at Trump and he is still standing as a candidate for President. Who is fighting for America?

3 months ago

Being awake is one thing- being able to actually do anything about it is another. Any benefits received by military were EARNED. In medical matters, time matters, delays can cost lives. Urgent need for more mental health professionals in VA system. Sick of their Biden lies and word games; our taxpayer dollars should not go to illegal aliens who disrespect us, our country and its laws. Mass Deportation sooner rather than later!

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
3 months ago

These folks are mentally ill if not full blown evil. They are literally stealing from the American citizens!! This must STOP!! Get the word out and VOTE TRUMP!

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
3 months ago

I notice you also failed to mention Biden has brought back the draft and now wishes to draft women. That and the unspeakable poor treatment of veterans only underscores the failure to make a military career appealing.

David Barksdale
David Barksdale
3 months ago

This is just further proof how Anti-American our present-Day government truly is!!!! They are only focused on Globalism and the Total Destruction of Our Economy, Their Open Boaders jeopardizing Our National and Personal Security, Our Energy Independance, Our True Values, Our Morality, Our Rule of Laws, Our Constitution, We The People and America!!!!
We MUST Wake Up, Wise Up and Rise Up America!!!! We Are in Very, Very, Extremely, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” by Local, State the Seriously Corrupt Washington, DCeivers, China, George Soros and his Henchmen, the Clinton Klan and Sadly many other Subversive Groups both Foreign and Domestic!!! This Anti-American Madness Must Be STOPPED!!!!! No Guts, NO America!!!!! Government of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE!!!! Not, of the Politicians, By the Politicians and MUCH LESS FOR THE POLITICANS!!!!! The Voting Public MUST be Very, Very Careful for Whom They Vote For!!!! In a General Election, such as the coming 2024 November Presidential Election, Voter Can Vote Across Party Lines!

heil biden
heil biden
3 months ago


3 months ago

Here is this sh__bird Biden who never served a day in uniform diverting resources from our Veterans to illegal aliens. Who the hell does he think he is? God? He is lower than whale excrement. What an oxygen waster. As a commander in chief, he is a total failure. I am a Veteran and come from 3 generations who have served and I would never advise anyone to enlist under Crooked Joe Biden, He must be friends with Jane Fonda.

3 months ago

Of course they are, veterans are less likely to be democrats……….

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Housing is next People fordce3d out of their “too big” homes that could accommodate the “migrant” family of 10

3 months ago

1st. It’s Far Higher a “Number” Than 7 Million Who’ve Come…ILLEGALLY. Number 2. They’ve Been Doing this With Every TERM of the Ovomit Regime Since 2009 & Trump Is the ONLY ONE Who’s Ever Helped The MILITARY! Ovomit Put Them In RED HIGH HEELS & The Reasons We’re Seeing Again Another TERM & 4 More Horrific Years NOT FOR AMERICANS Or VETS Is Because They’ve Been Turning the Military Even MORE “”WOKE” Now Then Back Then…All For the Cause Of Course… Also, Purged More Conservatives, Those Who Refused the POISON Shot In Military & Gov “Jobs”. So.. Good Luck ANYONE Who Believes Somehow IF Trumps Not BACK IN Real Soon, That the REST OF AMERICA Won’t DIE….Here’s What SO Many Still Do NOT Understand, Or Believe…We’ve Already Crossed So Many Points of NO RETURN….In Every Way Imaginable. Educational, Judicial, Law Enforcement? Still Defunding & Targeting By Forcing Their “Retirements”, Or Putting Them in Jail Like The REST of the Conservatives….TRUST ME…What You SEE & Or Read Now?? Isn’t Anything Compared to How Much WORSE ALL Is Still Going to Become. Economy, Ownership, Safety, Security, SOVEREIGNTY, EDUCATION, Fairness In the LAWS & Application of the LAWS…I Mean, I Cannot Begin to List How They’ve RUINED This Once Great Nation SO Much In the LAST 16+ Years. Yes, TRUMP Did Slow It ALL Down & For This He’s Been PERSECUTED, TARGETED, Tried to Bankrupt Him & Will Try & LOCK HIM UP TOO…Why? For One Reason…They WANT NO Opposition Or Challenges to the Rest Of THEIR Plans & Agenda of “Transforming” America, With Their ANTI-America, ANTI-Israel, Replacing US With None LEFT But those Willing to SUBMIT & BE…Controlled…Get Ready to Accept Just the Crumbs & Hide in Your Homes, Or What Ever They’ll Allow You to OWN. It’s All Still Coming.. & The Crimes? You’re Not Hearing or Being Told the Truths About Any Of Those REAL Statistics Either. Like the Economy, or the Closeness of WW3.

3 months ago

Totally disgusting. We owe our war veterans a lot. We don’t owe illegal aliens a damn thing.

3 months ago

Joe Biden’s Welcome Wagon just keeps on giving to illegal aliens. As a veteran, I can’t countenance shafting veterans while bestowing healthcare benefits upon people who cross the river or storm our beaches to get an illegal free pass into the country. We are mostly all immigrants or descendants of immigrants, so Democrats need to cut the crap about telling me how I feel about “migrants.” Migrants entering legally are great, those here as illegal aliens are criminals.

3 months ago

Everything the treason party does weakens the country. Everything. This is never the result of bumbling mistakes as so many think. Its deliberate. They celebrate in their covens, imagining theyre that much closer to absolute power. Lenin and stalin liquidated millions in order to secure total control. Our Bolsheviks are called democrats . They work tirelessly to undermine the usa in order to usher in communism.

3 months ago

What we have in this corrupt and broken government failure to follow the constitution and the rule of law. Since when the shift of power of we the people went to them the corrupt. Our founding fathers knew from the very beginning bad people would undermine the constitution. Government elected officials serve the people, and not the other way around. The governmental destruction didn’t just happen it’s been going on for over 200 years. They got out of the Republic because they didn’t want to serve the people, and started the Government Corporation to sidestep accountability. Schools don’t teach history anymore they’re more concerned about changing genders. Veterans are true heros and deserve first class treatment for the sacrifice they made to preserve our freedom.

3 months ago

So, if they are “shifting” money from veterans to illegals, then they are also “shifting” money from hard working Americans who have put money into Social Security to take care of these illegals. The Processing Center in San Antonio continues to receive these illegals on a daily basis, they continue to walk the streets, hang out in front of businesses, and in their parking lots. Sleepy Crooked Joe states the border crisis has slowed or changed, no it hasn’t! Still the same! Sleepy Crooked Joe, come visit, park across the street, watch for yourself.

3 months ago

I hope Biden suffers an excruciating and slow death for how he has put veterans at the bottom of everything. He was not a veteran because he was a rich kid and chicken shit all his worthless life. He respects no one but loves money. He is doing everything he can to destroy this nation with help from communists within our government.When will the citizens of these United States of America wake up and put a stop to a piece of crap demorat and his cult?

3 months ago

I have 2 sons that are veterans. I cannot express how angry the Biden administration makes me over this.

William Butler
William Butler
3 months ago

Get out and vote!!

3 months ago

The Biden administration SUCKS!!! Please people, let’s vote his sorry butt out in November as our country can’t take another 4 years of this idiot.

3 months ago

This is their plan. Let in 10 million homeless illegal aliens, don’t say anything, then implement middle class tax increases to pay for them. Isn’t this what socialism is all about? Biden gets another term, he’ll let in 10 million more.

3 months ago

How can anyone with a functioning brain even consider voting for this geezer for another fours years of destruction?

Bill Fleming
Bill Fleming
3 months ago

If this doesn’t make you angrier than you’ve ever been, you must be a brain-washed, brain dead Democrat…Disgusting !!!

3 months ago

What more would you expect from the Marxist democrats? This party is pure evil. Lie, cheat, hate, destroy, pass the buck. They couldn’t effectively manage a rest room with one stall. Unfortunately those who support them are just the same. America’s future will be decided this year. Pray for God to intervene.

3 months ago

can’t undo the gross calamity of the last 1256 days. in the debate you didn’t see the death and destruction biden has HEAPED upon people all around the world, but based on what he’s done so far he’s got to go to save the world. they say arsonists will stick around to watch their destruction and chuckle. biden wasn’t missing and WAS chuckling all night. this guy is all wrong for the world. he could go donw as the worst “leader” in the history of manking.

3 months ago

Biden didn’t have it in him to become a veteran. It takes loyalty, willingness, sacrifice to enter the US Military..

Gloria Timblin
Gloria Timblin
3 months ago

There is no three week delay in treatment. My husband waited two months to see a therapist and my daughter has been waiting eight months to see a specialist and still doesn’t have an appointment

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

No surprise that Dictator Beijing biden puts his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion first over U.S. Veterans. He put Terrorist first over the United States by giving them Billions of our money to Iran, Communist China, and Surrendered to Terrorist in Afghanistan while getting 13 U.S. Marines killed and still to this day hasn’t said their names.

3 months ago

Illegals do NOT deserve anything from the USA. This money belongs to our veterans. I agree with Lesie’s comment, send them back.

3 months ago

Here we go again … those damn bleeding heart liberals trying to take of everyone at American Citizens expense … Send the illegals home and when we do send the Biden’s with them! Do not see how anyone in their right mind can support Biden especially after last night’s debate. As grandpa use to say … if the Biden / Obama administrations comes in parts leave mine out!

3 months ago

First we divert Pentagon money to build a border wall – Good Choice! Next we divert VA money and medical professionals away from our Honorable Veterans, and use it for illegals? Bad Choice! Why next thing you know the VA will be providing voter registration forms to known felons and gotaways to vote in our elections – insanity!

3 months ago

The amount of remittances sent to back to their home countries is mind boggling.
Are these people going to fight for our country when war breaks out?

3 months ago

The Democrats always hated the Military.

3 months ago

Socialist Democrats belong in jail, they are non-American!

3 months ago

No illegal should be given welfare, healthcare, housing or anything else. We need to take care of our Veterans and legal citizens. Let their own country take care of them. They should get together and change things in their own countries instead of invading ours.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
3 months ago

It is completely ridiculous to think the U.S. can take care of millions of illegal aliens without it adversely affecting how the U.S. takes care of its citizens.

3 months ago

This is exactly why they keep coming! Can anyone explain to me why when the Republicans had the majority they DID NOT end birthright citizenship for ILLEGAL ALIEN BABIES and make sure that ILLEGAL ALIENS got NO FREEBIES. IF they had done this and locked it up by eliminating the ability for the “President” whether RINO, Republican, Democrat, Socialist or Communist from being able to change it, we wouldn’t have 10 Million ILLEGAL ALIENS and who knows how many Jihadi Terrorist scattered around the country. In my opinion Republicans are JUST AS RESPONSIBLE for doing NOTHING!

3 months ago

The “Wokeness” in the military doesn’t help matters much either…

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 months ago

Gotta get those demonicrat voters imported and taken care of. The logic of the demonic rats is impossible to comprehend. Billions to Iran/Islam while promoting a “cease fire” against an enemy sworn to the destruction of all Jews, Christians, and even each other. Makes one wonder what the rats have up their sleeves for tonight’s “debate,” or for the future when Trump wins!

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