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ACLU’s Progressive Left Views of the Death Penalty Do Not Match Most Americans’

Posted on Wednesday, June 21, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

The left, especially the ACLU, floods the arena with their marginal and bizarre social narratives hoping we will become inured to their madness. The strategy is to inundate society with slogans, outrage, and demands no one actually believes in or wants, so that their increasingly bizarre narratives will appear to be ‘mainstream’ and normal.

Bad news for progressives everywhere: It’s not working.

The latest gobsmacker comes from the ACLU illustrating just how grotesque the progressive agenda has become and how out of touch with normal human beings they really are. Responding to the execution of rapist and murderer Duane Owen, the formerly respected civil rights organization tweeted that the state of Florida, where Owen had committed his crimes and had been imprisoned on death row, had caused “her” enormous suffering because the state refused to provide him with “gender affirming care.”

My generation has watched the ACLU’s chronic slouch into slow-walking their debasement to the woke left. Did they really think using the transgender issue to fuel a supportive and sympathetic statement about a child murderer and rapist would somehow turn us against the death penalty? They wrote, in part:

“In legal papers she drafted, Owen wrote that she ‘should be accorded the ‘essence of human dignity’ and be allowed to become ‘who she was meant to be” before her death. No one should be killed by the state. The time to end the racist, unfair and cruel death penalty is now.” 

Here’s a newsflash for the ACLU: Owen was white. And as state psychiatrists reported Owen was not gender dysphoric but a sexual sadist.

Painting a child killing rapist as a victim epitomizes the left’s putrid condition, lack of common decency, their complete rejection of law and order, and their disturbed romanticizing of crime and the violent.

For the record, in 1984 Owen attacked Karen Slattery, a 14-year-old girl, while she was babysitting two small children. While those children slept, he stabbed her 18 times. After her death he then raped her corpse. A few months later he broke into 38-year-old Georgianna Worden’s home and attacked her with a hammer, raped her and then bludgeoned her to death. One of her children found her body the next morning. Losing a mother to murder is horrible enough, but what that child has had to live with after finding the body is unimaginable.

Christina Pushaw, Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s rapid response Director tweeted this in response to the ACLU’s loathsome cheerleading for Owen and his exploitation of the transgender issue, “He wanted to be housed in a women’s prison. Presumably because as a violent rapist he wanted to be around more potential victims in a captive space. Good thing we don’t do that in Florida.” Indeed.

Debbi Johnson, Karen Slattery’s sister who was 10-years-old at the time of the murder, has had to spend 39 years knowing that Owen was living his life, getting three squares a day, with a roof over his head despite the people he tortured to death. The Palm Beach Post reported on her remarks: “’Thirty-nine in this process is finally over,’ Debbi Johnson, now a deputy sheriff in Monroe County, read from a prepared statement. ‘March 24, 1984, Owen attempted to write the final chapter in Karen’s book or so he thought. Karen lives on in her community, her friends, her family and, most importantly, her legacy. Today, June 15, 2023, at 6:14 p.m., the state of Florida actually wrote the final chapter of Karen’s book. The Slattery family may now close Karen’s book, put it on a shelf and move forward.’”

Progressive activists are finding out that their pro-crime and criminal agenda is achieving the opposite of what they had hoped for. Unsurprisingly, the defund the police movement, no bail policies facilitating the release of hardened and violent criminals back into society has impacted the American people. Just not in the way the ACLU and the rest of the left had hoped for.

A recent Gallup survey found a significant jump increase in American support for the death penalty. In 2020 the polling firm found approval of the death penalty was at a record low of 54%. In 2022 that had moved up to 55%. By 2023 the approval of the death penalty had risen to 60%.

Why is this happening? It’s clear Americans have been subjected to a catastrophic assault on law and order and policies that have made certain parts of this country look like a real-life version of Golding’s “Lord of the Flies,” a novel illustrating how society devolves into savagery when reason, maturity, and logic are unknown or abandoned.

Courtesy of a progressive society where the violent are coddled and encouraged by defunding and demonizing the police, pro-crime Democratic policies and progressive district attorneys, Americans are getting a glimpse of what human beings are capable when justice itself is abandoned. Our response is not to accept that insanity as normal, but to demand a return to law, order, and justice, including the death penalty.

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