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A Very Red Republican Map

Posted on Thursday, May 12, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman


If you look at the state legislative map of the United States, you will see a mass of red (Republican) punctuated by islands of blue (Democratic), with some larger blue islands on the northeast and west coasts. Not surprisingly, the actual numbers fit the visuals, with two-thirds of state houses and state senate chambers controlled by the GOP.

Of the approximately 7,500 state legislators in the U.S., just under 4,100 are Republicans and about 3,350 are Democrats. Only 40 state legislators call themselves Independents or something else.

Similarly, more states have Republican governors than Democrat governors.

Most Democratic voters are clustered in areas that are relatively small geographically, but densely populated in places such as California, New York, Illinois, and a few other states.

According to projections by CNalysis in a recent issue of Inside Politics, a nonpartisan elections newsletter, this significant grassroots legislative GOP advantage could be increased by triple digits in the forthcoming national mid-term elections in November, now less than six months away. Their potential projection, based on wave elections, both red and blue, of the past might even underestimate the actual results if indeed 2022 turns out to be not only a red wave, but a red tsunami.

Contrast this with the federal picture — that is, a Democratic president, and both houses of Congress narrowly controlled by the left of center party trying to advance an unpopular agenda of higher taxes, more regulations, open borders and unrestricted immigration, prioritizing alternative energy sources while restricting oil and coal resources during energy shortages, economic policies that exacerbate inflation and vital supply chains, planning to forgive college debt that is inevitably passed on to the general public, promoting censorship and political correctness, and proposals to pack the U.S Supreme Court. Although Democrats were initially all-in to defund the local police and impose self-destructive rent controls, voter backlash has prodded many Democratic candidates to reverse themselves on these issues. A clear rebuke in the 2021 elections of anti-parent liberal policies on secondary school education further turned away voters from the Democrats.

Some observers have suggested that the leaked draft of a potential U.S. Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade might rally Democratic voters and lead to a mid-term election surprise. Because the abortion issue arouses such intensity on both sides, some observers think it might boost turnout on the left, but initial polls indicate that while pro-choice women, particularly in the suburbs, are upset by the potential decision, their vote is much more dependent on inflation, the price of gasoline, and other economic issues

The Court decision does not, furthermore, ban early abortion, but simply turns the issue back to the individual states. Pro-choice partisans also downplay the fact that polls indicate that almost half of U.S. adult women are to some degree pro-life and would applaud the decision. In short, the issue is not likely to be a decisive one.

The Republican dominance of local and state politics is not new, especially in rural, small town and suburban areas. The establishment media, of course, downplays it, but support for conservative policies at the grassroots level forms the backbone of the right-of-center sentiment now taking shape ahead of the November elections. It also explains why President Biden is getting no poll number bounce from the Ukraine war. Normally, administrations and presidents see a “rally-round-the-flag” increase in their polls during international conflicts, but Biden was slow to act, and has been overshadowed by European leaders.

The map tells the true story. It will take much more than public relations gambits (“messaging”) to alter the course of the mid-term elections now.

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2 years ago

Hmm! Could it be that small areas with high density populations are more DemocRat governed because it is easier to harvest illegal votes in such densely populated areas??? Nah … the DemocRat Party would never do that, and a bear would never doddle in the forest? THE ELECTION SYSTEM MUST BE FIXED TO PREVENT BALLOT HARVESTING OR THE DEMOCRATS WILL CONTINUE TO RULE THE NATION IN A COMMUNISTIC WAY. This Nation is losing its rule by Constitutional Democracy if the voting system continues to deteriorate to the extent it has in recent years. Photo IDs for voter registration cards showing addy and SSN is a MUST as a first step.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Whats the matter AMAC? The Ukraine situation look dire according to the narrative you bought into? Gonna flip the switch to the “new big thing”, aka for now, Roe V Wade?
Whats gonna be your new next big thing? Whatever it might be I betcha blame it on Putin.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

Dems are about to learn that bad policies have consequences. Dems are constantly on the wrong side of every important political issue. They are just plain stupid. It has come time to never allow the looney left Dems from governing again. Period!

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago


Richard Kosack
Richard Kosack
2 years ago

Big city elections all depend on how many dead people are voting. Where’s the map?

Donald Christian
Donald Christian
2 years ago

So where is the map?

2 years ago

Don’t get over confident, the slimy marxist democrats hate America and its Citizens and will not relent!
Their greed for power and money is the ONLY thing they care about and everything is in play.
Until it’s all red and all been said. DON’T become complacent, THROW THEM ALL OUT!!

Rexford Ames
Rexford Ames
2 years ago

Complaisance is unfortunately an excellent tool for a Politician and that means the Bosses or each so called ” PARTY”. I know, that sounds like an independent and I am when I use my brain instead of, You are or you are not ” A Party Member”. I am an American. Having said that , here are the rule”s made with the agreement of both parties. In all Primary election cycles. You are a Democrat or a Republican. You must then select with that party the contestants that that party supports. Once they are selected, the general election allows, you to select that candidate, that the PARTY leadership has approved to be on a ballot! Not because you even wanted him or her, but the party has control from Day one. Regardless of what PARTY you think you are. That’s the choices!

T Smith
T Smith
2 years ago

The Republicans have a long history of saving Defeat from the jaws of Victory. Even if they get the majority, will they be willing to use their power, or will they take a cue from the past several decades and try to compromise with the Democrats rather than actually accomplish anything?

Charles M. Landstreet, Jr.
Charles M. Landstreet, Jr.
2 years ago

Including the map with this article would have been a great touch.

2 years ago

“Because the abortion issue arouses such intensity on both sides, some observers think it might boost turnout on the left, but initial polls indicate that while pro-choice women, particularly in the suburbs, are upset by the potential decision, their vote is much more dependent on inflation, the price of gasoline, and other economic issues”
The Demorat’s have again tried to stir up the country with their brand of smoke and mirrors. Just to try and get people’s minds off the real issues. Such as food prices, gas prices, weak to non-existent supply chain (when the supply chain could be solved) — to help them in the Mid-terms. I think a lot of voters can see through this. MAGA!

2 years ago

Yes, the republican slant is rural areas is exactly why the hideous NWO fascists are packing our areas with invaders. I had to grocery shop yesterday. Our stores are overrun by Hispanics, muzzies, Asians of all countries, etc. And we are a small farming area.
Can we all say WELFARE leeches?

2 years ago

Where’s the map? “You know, the thing…….” As Joe Biden so eloquently once said. The map was noted in the subject line of the article, but leaving it out or not offering a link to it exhibits poor editing/review attention to detail.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Until we fix the rigged, i.e. stolen 2020 presidential election, no good will come out of this, including the presumed RED WAVE, come the midterms in Nov…As it all stands currently, the Democrat machine has locked in all future elections if they manage to make legal what they have done to this nation’s election processes…
Moment ago I finished up watching the 2000 Mules documentary by Dinesh DeSouza…
For those that don’t understand what a mule is for the documentary, it is no different than the drug cartel’s use of mules, they are people…
RINO’s are all in on Biden’s ( 40 ) billion dollars for Ukraine aid, only( 57 ) patriotic lawmakers did NOT sign off on this proposed bill of complete insanity…
Houston we have a problem: Time to go RINO hunting, the herd is in desperate need of culling…
The America I love so dearly, cannot continue on this path of woke ideologies, CRT, free speech canceled, censorship, allowing BLM/ANTIFA to even exist is wrong headed & extremely dangerous.
The amount of people involved with the election theft of 2020 is staggering.
Through GEO location, these mules have been tracked going from from drop box to another box with an average of ( 5 ) ballots per box, they take a picture of the box, this is what gets them paid for services rendered…All of this is recorded on security cameras, unless they get turned off, some in fact did in AZ & other states…
The massive early morning Nov 4, 2020 drop off of ballots into those ( 5 ) key states is what the Dems needed to catch up to Trump & go ahead by just enough so as to not draw to much attention to themselves for the FAKE win…
Hello, it didn’t work, you got caught & the average American voter already knew this stuff, now it is confirmed as fact…
Bill… :~)

trump and the drug and opioid epidemic
Man places bullets on the counter in gun store. Weapon shop interior, ammo and ammunition assortment, firearms choice, shooting hobby and lifestyle, self protection

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