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A Valuable Lesson Liberal Elites Could Learn from Nikita Khrushchev on “Green Energy” Push

Posted on Saturday, June 25, 2022
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

Nikita Khrushchev, Former Premier of the Soviet Union, with Ingvar Granström.

Early last week, a wave of power outages hit the suburbs of Sydney, Australia, including homes in the high-end neighborhoods of the Northern Beaches. Multimillion-dollar houses, including those owned by world elites like Hollywood actor Russel Crowe, two former Australian Prime Ministers, casino magnate James Packer, and even current State Premier Dominic Perrottet were suddenly plunged into darkness, a once-unthinkable scene that is becoming increasingly common in “advanced” democratic countries around the world.

While it is clear by now that these blackouts are the result of ill-advised policies inspired by left-wing alarmism over climate change, many government leaders throughout the West still refuse to admit the shortcomings of so-called “green energy,” and the continued importance of more traditional sources of energy like coal and natural gas. Their willful blindness to this reality is a tragedy often seen in socialist regimes throughout history, a fact that has inflicted tremendous pain and destruction on whole populations.

Today’s liberal thinking is in many ways a throwback to the 20th century “command and control” economies and “state planning” of Communist governments around the world. One of the most dramatic cases of how badly it can go comes from the height of the Cold War and the Soviet cult of top-down planning – namely Nikita Khrushchev’s doomed scheme to forcibly convert the Soviet Union from an agricultural power dominated by grain production to one dominated by corn production. “There will be no communism if our country has as much metal and cement as you like but meat and grain are in short supply,” he remarked in early 1954.

Eager to compete with the United States, Khrushchev began importing corn seed as a feeder crop, convinced that the USSR would soon become the leading farming and ranching power in the world. Soviet farmers were ordered to immediately convert the vast majority of state-run wheat farms into corn farms – always under the watchful eye of the Soviet secret police. Though many agricultural experts predicted that the plan would fail, as the soil and climate in Eastern Europe were not conducive to corn production, they dared not cross Khrushchev.

Initially, the plan seemed to work. Corn production soared, and Khrushchev earned the nickname of “Mr. Corn” (“Kukuroozhneek”). The state-owned media outlets proclaimed that he had precipitated an “agricultural miracle,” and Khrushchev quickly doubled down, ordering that corn production be expanded even further.

With messianic confidence, Khrushchev proclaimed corn would be the solution to all Soviet economic ills. But, he added, sacrifices might be needed. “We are in a corn race with imperialism that we must win no matter the cost,” Khrushchev announced, adding that the Soviet Union would soon plant corn on the Moon.

By the early 1960s, however, it appeared that the celebrations may have been premature, and the experts’ predictions were correct. After a few unusually warm years in the latter half of the 1950s, the weather turned cold and rainy again, leading to the devastation of the corn crop in 1962. Even Kremlin sources from the time admitted that seventy to eighty percent of the corn crop had been ruined, leading to widespread food shortages and the beginning of Khrushchev’s downfall.

Today, liberal elites around the world are engaged in a similar delusion. The modern political left seems to not have learned any of the lessons of the last century about state planning and are locked into the mindset that more government intervention can solve every “problem” facing a country. But now, their fantasies are no longer about corn and foodstuffs, but something even more vital – energy.

Christopher Bowen, the new Minister for Climate Change and energy in Australia, proclaimed earlier this week that the country is “10 years late” in the race to renewable energy, echoing Khrushchev’s fervor for forcibly transitioning the USSR from wheat to corn. Undoubtedly Bowen views the recent blackouts as a “sacrifice” that Australians must make in order to save the world from certain destruction.

At the same time, just as the corn fiasco in the USSR destroyed the Soviet economy, rising energy costs are driving up the cost of living and wreaking havoc on the overall economy in Australia and throughout the West. An increase in coal and gas supplies could cut the price of energy, but Australia’s Energy Minister perceives it as a deviation from his clean energy plans. Even though the country is now facing an exceptionally cold winter (seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere) that has increased energy demand, consequently driving prices even higher, Bowen refuses to back down from his climate extremism.

Moreover, two days after four Australian states narrowly avoided another wave of blackouts, the Labor government doubled their target for emission cuts by 2030. The new goal “sets Australia up for a prosperous future, a future powered by cleaner, cheaper energy,” Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated.

The very next day, Australians from four states once again received warnings of electricity supply shortages. Nervous ministers advised Australians to switch off unnecessary lights, disconnect computers, turn off the second fridge and sit in one room without heating.

But when a journalist suggested that coal could at least temporarily alleviate difficulties for Australians, Bowen angrily denied that prolonging coal-fired power is the solution to the energy crisis. “The problem is there is not enough investment in renewable energy,” he insisted, chillingly echoing Khrushchev’s arrogance when he faced destruction of corn in the cold weather.

Amid the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, countries throughout Europe are also quickly learning that renewables are far from capable of meeting their current energy needs. In the United States, residents in Texas saw first-hand in February of last year how devastating and even deadly an over-reliance on renewables can be.

From the outside, it objectively appears as if liberal policies are literally thrusting society back into the dark ages. With their almost religious zeal for radical climate policies precluding any possibility of moderation, it will be up to voters to stop them.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian and researcher. 

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2 years ago

Americans need to wake up to the fact that Democrat driven political policies benefit on the elites, not the majority of Americans. Leftists must be defeated at every level at the ballot box. If they are not, America is toast.

2 years ago

Can’t wait until the lack of electricity hits the liberal cities!! If you think you have witnessed the absolute worse in your life. Just wait. NO POWER, no heat, no air, no lights, no TV, No Radio. No Internet. No food. Complete and total chaos. They will be eating or killing each other just to survive!! Think I am BS’ ing. You will see. BUT it will put an end to green energy which is OK, but it will not and cannot supply the demand! Thank the Democrats , but the good thing is it will be them suffering and dying because of their wet dream. If they think We will help them, forget it. Death will then be final for them, because this is what the demanded without thought or a plan.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

While AMERICANS and BUSINESSES suffer under DICTATOR Beijing biden he and his FASCIST party like FLIP-FLOP Kerry and Hollywood so-called elites fly around in Private Jets pouring out TONS of POLLUTION but expect AMERICANS to believe their LIE on Global Warming and so-called Green Energy.
DICTATOR Beijing biden has created this DISASTER with his COMMUNIST buddies to FORCE the UNITED STATES and rest of world into their New World Order.
So far, DICTATOR Beijing biden has followed every guideline from Hitler, Stalin, and Khrushchev DESTROYING their own countries with MILLIONS DEAD.
Green Energy is a JOKE. Ask German people when NONE of their Wind Mills and Solar Panels were ALL FROZEN and Produced ZERO ENERGY.
Plus, it takes ELECTRICITY to POWER those Wind Mills. They DON’T turn by themselves from the wind. Each one has an ELECTRIC Motor for them to run and are ALWAYS BREAKING DOWN.
Solar Panels get covered in Snow and/or Ice they produce ZERO POWER.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Briefly touching on the opening paragraph concerning the wealthy celebrities in the Sydney, Australia area, people such as Russel Crowe & former prime ministers & others have already no doubt installed underground LPG tanks, typically in the 1000 gal. variety to run their stand alone generators that kick on automatically to keep their homes & chest freezers running in the event of power outages, for clarity, propane tanks typically get filled to 80% capacity here in the states, making a 1000 gal tank effectively an 800 gal. tank, so what to do, install multiple in ground tanks for long term outages to keep their entire homes with power…Back here in America on Cape Cod, MA, the former potus, one Barrack Hussein Obama did just that very recently in fact for their estate on the the Cape, Obama has had installed ( 2 ) 1000 gal. LPG inground tanks with an additional 500 gal. inground tank. I have no doubt they also have a stand alone generation system in place… So much for the Green New Deal that eliminates fossil fuels forevermore, where the wealthy elite are concerned with Obama’s Cape Cod mansion a glaring example, ” RULES FOR THEE, BUT NOT FOR ME. ” are alive & kicking…

Khrushchev was one strange dude for sure as I have clear memories of this man going back to the late ’50’s, early ’60’s as a child growing up in Connecticut…
The pen named author on this article, no doubt wasn’t even born yet, so he’s getting his information from history books, old news paper stories, etc…Nothing wrong with this, but it is not the same as living through those times as my generation did in fact…
I have clear memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis along with Khrushchev’s threats & mostly blustering facial expressions…( This was all about testing newly elected John Kennedy’s resolve at the time. )
I remember the nuclear attack drills in our elementary school that when instructed by the school’s principal, okay everybody, on the floor & under the desks with you go back to 4th, 5th & 6th grades…
Oh, the memories!
MAGA & America First,
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

First of all this whole climate change issue is a hoax. Once the government gets control of how people live they won’t relinquish it. Read the book by Milton Friedman “Free to Choose” showing how capitalism and innovation are best method for improving our world. Even in America our climate czar is John Kerry and he flys around in jets like there is no issues with the climate. In addition, if there was really a climate problem, why is China building so many coal plants. China is building 1171 new plants and already has 2363. India is building 446 new coal plants to add to its 589. Are these countries not part of this global climate change issue? Australia is shutting down its 6 remaining plants to save the World. Climate Change is just a big money grab! Plus when you buy an electric car what they don’t tell you is what the cost is to get rid of the toxic battery after it’s short life is over. Last I heard $25,000.
Good luck with this climate change hoax!

Chris Wilborn
Chris Wilborn
2 years ago

All we can hope for ( sorry blokes ) is that the Aussie’s lead the way …. and show how Stupid the Government planners can be . Historical Russia is Too far back for the ” elites ” to think about. AND, if they do , they Only remember the Glory Days of “Khrushchev”.

Henry D.
Henry D.
2 years ago

Why is it that these EXPERTS have a solid voice in the SOLUTION to global warming and preach “green energy”; wake up people (experts included), it IS unrestrained population growth that is the cause of this significant increase and still growing volume of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. More people means more homes to heat, more automobiles to drive to work, more cattle to produce (the largest producer of methane of any animal) to feed our appetites, and freely bring all those illegals into this country to add to the already overburdened energy needs. ZERO population growth is already too late, it needs to go negative to solve the crisis!! Thank God I am old enough to not be hear when the ax falls. You are expanding your cities and roads, building more schools and driving more buses to collect this next generation of population, your new homes on the farm land of my generation, even limiting more land use to the environmentalists saving some useless smelt in California, where is your food going to come from? the cornfields of Khrushchev’s fields on the moon??

2 years ago

One thing to say here. The renewable energy?All electric vehicle are powered by fossil fuel generated power plants that supply that electricity to your homes to charge them on a mass scale as well as the electricity to light your home, cool them, run your a/c, fans and all other electric devices. The government is playing a shell game!!!!

William Smith
William Smith
2 years ago

Well its only Obvious that , dems can not be trusted to run a country , every time you vote them in office they jack everything up. They don’t know how to rationalize, and the commen since is way out the window. Thats why I call them democrackheads, its like they go into panic mode and in stead of fixing the problem they make it worst . They are so worried about a green deal sure we can work to make things green but the way they are going about doin it is totally backwards, you Don’t just cut off energy sources to the people in the world you first come up with the solution create it and then slowly work your way to get it going. You don’t just cut it off thats how people get hurt or even killed wich is probably what the democrackheads want. They can BUILD A NUKE BUT THEY CAN’T SEEM TO GET IT RIGHT WHEN IT COMES TO GOVERNMENT AND RUNNING A COUNTRY.

Nancy Arnett
Nancy Arnett
2 years ago

I hope these “elites” suffer as much as the rest of us. I would be willing to bet you they have generators powered by secret storage of propane and/or natural gas. Bet Nancy Pelosi will make her ice cream won’t melt, she will still have her different types of ice cream, tasty steaks, and a cool house. “Antoinette” Pelosi will tell the masses to “eat cake” anb have large paper fansThe article states that in the last half of 1950 there was unusually warm weather then in the 1960s it became colder again. The earth goes through cycles and when you add volcanoes there’s climate change. Man has contributed to this but not to the extent that “green energy” idiots want you to believe. Before cutting off Americans from their fossil fuel (and it’s all being turned into energy more cleanly”.Why not tell China to keep their viruses to themselves and clean up their industries.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

The REAL INSURRECTION is happening right now at Arizona State Capital by FASCIST liberals.
Where’s COMMUNIST News Network reporting 24/7 on it?
Apparently the TERRORIST holding Lawmakers HOSTAGE is okay with DICTATOR Beijing biden and SWAMP QUEEN pelosi who PROMOTED the TERRORIST VIOLENCE with the DOJ’s Blessing.

Jammie D
Jammie D
2 years ago

Liberals brain dead and hopping to bite the preverbal dust. It must be hell to be locked up in the head of a liberal never to realize reality ever.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Very recently 365 MILLION Chinese citizen’s ABANDONED the COMMUNIST CHINESE PARTY because they said that
Million’s more Chinese are following.
365 MILLION Chinese people is more than the LEGAL Citizen’s of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
That should send a STRONG Message to the AMERICAN people about the COMMUNISM that is Happening TODAY in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

2 years ago

The wealthy all have ICE back-up power plants on their property no big woop for them

2 years ago

Political and Social “liberals’ don’t learn anything useful. All they learn is how to intensify their liberal positions and opinions … legal, illegal, sane or insane, honest or dishonest, accurate or inaccurate …. Nothing matters to liberals except they want their views and opinion accepted as “gospel.”

Mike J
Mike J
2 years ago

Does anyone else see the irony. We can not produce enough electricity right now. Going green will produce far less energy and then they think we should all drive cars that charge with electricity. To make things even worse we now have millions of illegals living in the USA they to require yet more electricity. This is so obviously a scheme for control of millions of surfs. I wish a slow death to the evil minions!

Richard Chez
Richard Chez
2 years ago

Oh man, the power went out for a bit for people using green energy? That’s it! Time to pack it in for clean energy. We all know that’s NEVER happened burning those fossil fuels.

Steve Harmon
Steve Harmon
2 years ago

Get ready for this here. “Nervous ministers advised Australians to switch off unnecessary lights, disconnect computers, turn off the second fridge and sit in one room without heating.”. Turn OFF computers? Yup, that way you cannot organize. A BLIND public is a docile public. Easier to control! VOTE!!!!!

2 years ago

Cause and effect strikes once again.

2 years ago

If leftists elitists progressives would stop burning the history books and start reading them they could save themselves lots of problems…but, what do I know?

2 years ago

Great piece. All of the deniers who have claimed since the fifties that ‘it cant happen here’ are being proven wrong. Totalitarian minded leaders see themselves as above history. They believe they can rule from olympus and that the serfs dont deserve a say. We see this in the biden obama clinton kerry axis. If they succeed in stealing the next election every able bodied conservative should take to the streets in peaceful silent protest . They can and did arrest 800, but they cant arrest 8 million.

2 years ago

elite low IQs.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

They have been beating this drum for about 45 years. And you know it is bogus if anyone that doesn’t agree with them is silenced. It is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the people of the world

gayle becker
gayle becker
2 years ago

History usually repeats itself and for those smart enough to pay attention, they alleviate catastrophe. Sadly, some so called leaders are not smart, so we find ourselves in this fix today.

2 years ago

This,while climate change prophet Obama is installing liquid propane tanks on his ocean front estate in Martha’s Vineyard totaling 2,500 gallons of capacity. Two 1,000 gal. tanks, and 500 gal. for the third. So much for his carbon foot print and rising oceans levels.

2 years ago

“But, he added, sacrifices might be needed.” 
Said sacrifices are NEVER born by the elites!
It has been rather obvious that the “green energy” lie is being used to enrich and further the power that totalitarian/marxist elites already have.
Note: the wealthy “investors” in green energy are not working toward reducing the cost of said green energy. They are in control of governments and forcing them to abandon oil and coal based energy in order to drive that cost up. IN OTHER WORDS, THEY DONT WANT TO WAIT FOR “GREEN TECHNOLOGY” TO BECOME COMPETITIVE WITH PETROLEUM AND COAL BASED ENERGY! THEY WANT THEIR WEALTH AND POWER AND THEY WANT IT NOW! TO HELL WITH THE PEOPLE!!!!! This is not capitalism folks, it is totalitarianism. Rest assured, they will not suffer when the power grids fail due to their policies any more than little kim(the 1st) of north korea was starving because he was only able to get one small bowl of rice a day to eat; EVEN THOUGH THIS IS WHAT HE TOLD HIS PEOPLE!

2 years ago

I for one want to go forward and not step backward, no matter how illusionary the idea is presented of the “good old days”. People need to stop listening to the Kool-aid dribble.

James P.
James P.
2 years ago

Stupid, smart people.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Don’t forget the biggest mistake Kruschev made. Following a friendly drunken encounter with a friend and supporter, Mr. Kruschev literally gave Ukraine to the other gentleman as a gift of friendship……..thus the Ukraine we know today was established. Ironically once again the country is being run by an addict, perhaps not involving alcohol but from ALL reports most certainly involving cocaine. This sot has banned opposition political parties in Ukraine and shuttered all but nationalized newspapers in what remains under Elensky rule.
Strange how everything operates in a circle. Soon most of Ukraine will again be part of Russia and strangely it appears the citizens there are welcoming the prospect.
NO LONGER can we believe what our government nor our news outlets tell us. Do your own research, that is when you aren’t busy working to try to pay for the incredible energy costs supporting this drug addled idiots country has given us.

2 years ago

If you study historical geology you would know the weather has never remained stable. It is always changing significantly through the eons. And why is the polar cap melting on Mars? We are not making more CO2. In July and August of 1960 in the Selma California in the Sanquan Vally the temperature soared to 118 degrees with 45% humidity. The temp in Bakerfield, CA was 124 degrees. The people took their beds out on the lawns. This was before many people had Air Conditioning. Our usual temps were from 112 to 115 degrees. People cut down on food. We lost 20 to 30 pounds in summers. Ate a lot of salads and cantelop, watermelon, etc. We were used to the heat in the Summers. No one was very fat. Swam a lot. Lots of irrigation ditch(wears?), rivers, lakes. Everyone had fun!. That was only 60 years ago. The planet has not heated up that much more in 60 years. It’s PROPAGANDA. How else can China sell all the Green ‘equipment’ which is NOT producing enough energy in Austrailia or Europe. Or USA. Biden has to pay back those billions somehow

2 years ago

It is stupid to abandon , coal , oil , gas & other energy because of something that you can’t measure. The earth has been here going through changes for thousands of years . slowly move toward the energy you want & retain the basic use of the energy we have used for years.

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