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2021: The Year the “Great Realignment” Became a Death Spiral for Democrats

Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Roman


2021 has been the year of the Great Realignment. Rather than a one-off, Donald Trump’s impressive gains with non-white voters have proven the harbinger of a greater shift. Republicans won two heavily Hispanic districts in the Texas State House this past November, one which went Democratic in the presidential race by 14%, the other when Democrat Ryan Guillen switched parties in a district where no Republican had ever won more than 39% of the vote. Democrats have also begun to acknowledge their peril as they have come under fire over their use of the term “Latinx.” In the meantime, they are losing voters at a speed almost unprecedented not just in American but in world history. In 2020, Joe Biden still won Latino voters by a factor of almost 2-1. As recently as this summer, polls showed that advantage falling to a 50-50 split. This fall, as Joe Biden’s polling numbers have descended to the basement, his numbers among Latinos have fallen into the Earth’s core. Recent polls have Latino voters being less supportive of Joe Biden than white voters as a whole.

It is hard to describe the scale of this shift. The last Democrat to win the white vote nationally was Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, when he won 62% of white votes overall. Barack Obama in 2008 managed a mere 43%. Joe Biden did only marginally worse in 2020, garnering 42%. Marist College, in their most recent poll, finds Joe Biden around that mark among white voters, with 40% approving and 56% disapproving of his job performance. While underwater, Biden’s numbers among whites are not horrific by historical standards for a Democrat. Obama won reelection with only 39% of the white vote in 2012. But he also won overwhelming margins among non-whites, to the tune of 93% among African Americans, 72% among Latinos, and almost as much among Asians. Joe Biden, by contrast, lacks any sort of cushion. As a whole, nonwhite voters disapprove of Joe Biden by a margin of 52%-44%.

That is not a data entry error or a typographical mistake. A majority of non-white voters disapprove of Joe Biden’s Democratic administration. It is hard to overstate just how momentous this shift is for U.S. politics generally, or how potentially catastrophic it is for Democrats. The saving grace of the Democratic Party in elections, the force that kept them competitive, was the overwhelming support of non-white voters. Democratic dreams of electoral victory, or more accurately hegemony, have fixated on the prospect of an increasing proportion of non-white voters. Such sentiments infected Democratic arguments regarding immigration, leading them to abandon their unionized working-class white base in the Midwest in favor of promoting the mass migration of what they fully expected would turn out to be millions of new Democratic voters at some future point. They are now discovering that the children of immigrants grow up to be working-class Americans and resent competition from cheap foreign labor, as well as the perception that those who break the law are favored over those who follow it.

The collapse in non-white support for Democrats creates a problem for Democrats, not just in terms of winning elections but in terms of campaigning. Democratic appeals to non-white voters relied heavily on the belief, which for a time had some basis in reality, that as long as U.S. politics was polarized along racial lines, then voters of different races would have different political and policy views. Even if Democratic efforts to woo non-white voters by supporting mass immigration, or promoting liberal policies on crime, offended white voters, Republican efforts to exploit that alienation in turn pushed those groups further into the arms of Democrats—or so the thinking went. The increasing political alignment of voters of different races who are otherwise similar (in terms of class, education, and rural/urban/suburban status) means that the Democrats can no longer count on this sort of divide and rule strategy. If Latino voters increasingly favor a tougher approach to border security, and African American voters, as they recently demonstrated in New York City’s mayoral election, care far more about getting crime under control than woke social policies, then populist Republicans face no tradeoff whatsoever running on those issues.

The Democratic collapse differs across non-white groups. Latino voters have seen the greatest shift. 65% disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance in the Marist poll, while only 33% approve. That is an almost exact inverse of Biden’s performance in November 2020, and far worse than his 56%-40% margin among whites. But other groups have also seen erosion. While Marist did not provide a breakdown of their African American sample, a recent Economist/YouGov poll found Biden above water at 60%-27%. Although a 60% approval rating among African Americans is drastically better than Biden’s 43% approval rating overall, it is much worse than the 92% of the black vote he received in 2020.

The even bigger surprise is not so much Biden’s collapse among non-white voters but why he has held so firm among whites. As mentioned, by historical standards for a Democrat, 40% is not particularly bad. In fact, it is arguably better than Obama’s numbers at the end of his first year. When we dig deeper, we see another split, one at the heart of the Great Realignment globally. In the Marist poll sample, white respondents with college degrees actually approve of Joe Biden 52%-46%. Those without degrees disapprove 32%-65%, almost identical to Biden’s numbers among Latinos. The Economist/YouGov poll finds slightly smaller splits, but still massive. Among white men, those with degrees approve/disapprove 43%-55%, while for those without, the figures are 26%-67%. When it comes to white women, the numbers are 51%-45% and 32%-58%.

In short, for all of the news of Democrats’ collapse, that collapse has not reached the core of the college-educated elites who became the base of the Democratic Party during the Trump years. That is especially true among white women with degrees. It is probably not a coincidence that the messaging coming out of the White House, whether it be on COVID-19, abortion, or “voting rights” seems almost exclusively designed to appeal to that constituency.

While support for Biden has held up among that constituency, the collapse among everyone else has not escaped notice. Hence the hysteria of the college-educated wing of the Democratic Party is not so much about the loss of non-white support, but what it means for their issues – “democracy” and “abortion” – with the former more or less involving control of institutions such as the federal government and judiciary to safeguard the latter, or to impose draconian restrictions on the working class to keep COVID-19 away from their enclaves.

The sturdiness of white college support for the Democrats in their time of adversity is a mixed blessing at best for the Democratic Party. While it is preventing their numbers from seeing a total collapse, it creates a feedback loop which is proving hard if not impossible for Democrats to escape. The more non-white voters desert the party, the greater the dependence the party has on white college grads, a demographic whose policy and cultural interests actively repel nonwhites and working-class voters of all backgrounds. To make matters worse, discourse about future political strategy is driven by a professional political and media caste dominated by this white college elite. Hence the focus on words and issues which only matter to them, such as the belief that the use of “Latinx” is more important to Latino voters than the border or support for Communism in Latin America, or that introducing racial lecturing into the schools is more important than reducing crime or keeping schools open for African American children.

By contrast, this is also making it easier for Republicans to keep their new coalition together. Historically, politics around the world have been about resource distribution. A dollar spent on school X cannot be spent on school Y. As a result, it is hard for one party to appeal to everyone because parties become identified with policies that effectively favor one group over another. One reason the parties became so polarized was because Democrats were the party that wished to spend more money on African American or Latino school districts and police forces, while Republicans wished to spend more in often-wealthier white areas either through lower taxes or spending decisions. This meant Democrats, by favoring redistribution, had an audience.

It is an audience Democrats have forfeited by being the party that wishes to defund the police – for everyone. The party that advocates closing schools – for everyone. African American and Latino voters who cast ballots for Democrats because they believed Democrats would fight to provide greater funding to their communities had zero reasons to support a party that wished to defund their police departments entirely. In fact, the only people such a policy could appeal to are groups who do not feel they need the police or in-person schools. This does not mean that tensions do not exist within the (potential) new Republican coalition. But they are ones Democrats will find it hard to exploit.

They are also tensions which have been removed by the defection of wealthy former Romney/Bush voters to the Democrats. In many states and regions, it was precisely these voters who are now Biden’s most committed supporters and who today most stridently champion lockdowns and, when they were “country club” Republicans, tended to veto efforts to redistribute wealth to non-white communities. In fairness, they tended to oppose investing money in poorer white communities as well. In fact, they tended to have near equal hostility for the interests of working-class individuals of all backgrounds, an attitude they have taken with them to the Democratic Party. But the important point is that their absence from the emerging Republican coalition is as important as their presence in the Democratic one. By leaving the Republicans, they have made it easier for the Republicans to serve the interests of working-class voters across the board.

The net effect is what we see now – The Great Realignment, present not just in the U.S. but globally. Every country is different, and whereas in Canada or California, it may simply entrench the dystopian technocracy of the postgraduate classes, in America broadly, it promises the reverse. It has sent the Democratic Party into what may very well be a death cycle, where everything that weakens the Democrats also strengthens the Republican Party.

American politics in 2022 promises to be a new world. One that has Democrats fearing their November 2022 rendezvous with destiny. Caesar’s ghost told Brutus they would meet again at Philippi. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and the rest might as well have the voice of Donald Trump in their ear promising the same.

Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Yep The Great ReSet is the Dem Upset Hooray, Dems sure cant read people

2 years ago


2 years ago

This is all good news. Now we must show up in mass numbers to vote so that we can overcome the DemocRat’s propensity for fraud. But we can do it. Please vote in 2022. KAG

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

Good article, however the November elections depend on one thing and that is an honest election.

2 years ago

Reality check… how much did Biden actually win in truth… we will never no because of the amount of fraud in the coup election! Trump won, Democrats stole! We were victims of a coup that will go unpunished and never be taught in the socialist controlled education system! And the final insult is the Fauci control of our world that they are getting away with for two long years! And NO ONE is stopping any of this!

2 years ago

Republicans need to learn from the Democrats about voting!
They have to figure out how to out-cheat the Democrats!!
If anyone thinks the Dems won’t cheat in mass in 2022 I have some beach front property in West Texas for sale cheap!
Why ???
Because the Dems are decimated politically and have absolutely nothing to loose by cheating/fraud.

Republicans have plenty of time to counter this before mid-terms but like the 2020 elections they will probably do nothing to insure a fair and free election!!

We’ll see….
Our country’s future depends on it!

2 years ago

Cheating isn’t winning. This next election has to be looked over by conservatives, and ( I hate even saying the word ) democrats . I hope that we have learned a lesson when it comes to fair elections. The red vote has got to come out in the masses . A sweep in other words. Vote in 22 .

2 years ago

Now it seems like the Republicans are trying to do the same nose dive. With Former President Trump out pushing the vaccines and taking credit for their creation, he also will have to take credit for the thousands that have died after taking it. Facts matter it takes years to create and test vaccines. Doing it in less than a year and forcing people to take it is a fool’s errand. Worse yet giving it to innocent children without knowing what effects they may have and how it could affect their future is child abuse.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Just wait until the Commie Left Demonrats (Democrats) take over the Elections Nationwide, the Democratic Republic will be gone forever, because the worthless Supreme Court with Chief Justice John Roberts (using the term Justice very loosely) will protect the Democrats and their march to socialism and the destruction of American, because he doesn’t give a S##t, within 6 months America will be gone forever. Will anyone stand up? HAPPY NEW YEAR!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

Not so fast! Joe Biden still has the strong support of at least three groups of voters.

The first group contains the “taxsuckers”. These parasites never vote for any candidate who promises to be a good steward of the taxpayer’s money.

The second group consists of illegal aliens. Many voting districts are welcoming these foreign invaders, New York City just passed a law that allows known aliens to vote.

The third group that Biden can count on are the dead voters. These zombies vote for whoever they are told to vote for.

No matter how many times Joe Biden soils his depends, his handlers will keep the cameras above waist level while he attempts to read the teleprompter.

When the appalling effects of Joe’s dementia reach a certain level, the Democrat Party will be compelled to declare that he is handing over the reins of power to their wise choice for Vice President, Kamala Harris, At that time Kamala will probably assure the public that they can count on her to continue Joe’s great steps in bringing about obama’s fundamental change in America’s destiny.
But hey, what else would one expect from the Democrat Party?

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

I am a college educated white man and I never vote for Democrats. We must ensure election integrity because we know the Democrats will cheat. Why do all dead people vote for Democrats?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Death spiral for democrats if only we could be so optimistic

2 years ago

No red wave is coming, you can not lose a rigged election! “It’s not who votes that counts but who counts the votes” Stalin! Nov 3rd 2020 the United States was overthrown, nothing has happened since to correct that, no one has gone to prison, the Dominion machines are still in place, nothing has changed! Things are about to get a lot worse!

2 years ago

Gee whiz, let us categorize all voters. Okay then….let’s be frank about it. White liberal college educated females are the dumbest voting block in the country.

2 years ago

After being so lazy, complacent and spineless for decades I surely hope and pray the Conservative party as well as the American people have finally woken up from their deep slumber of enjoying the good life while the hard working, ass kicking middle class and small businesses have made this great country what it is (or was). Time to realign!

2 years ago

How about taking the assumption that any race is superior and entitled out of the conversation and get the great thinkers to find the positive movement forward. Unfortunately, the ones with the loudest mouth and the big PAC backing don’t use their brains constructively. We need better players to come forth who think rationally, has a great understanding of how to work around social media blocks to gain exposure, doesn’t require the current popularity theme to be appreciated, but also is current in knowing what is really needed by the real voters—in other words —a Superstar person who is not a persona

2 years ago

The only reason we are dragging out covd19 is so the democrats can say we need mail in voting for the 22 mid terms. Nothing has been done about cheating, the mid terms will be just like the last election. We will watch city employees in Chicago, counting the votes, all democrats because they are union employees. If you have ever worked in government, you understand that if it makes no sense it makes perfect sense. And white female college graduates voting for Biden, most never having had a meaningful job. They buy in to this saving the planet as we send the U.S. in to financial ruin. If you want to fuel electric vehicles, have enough power winter and summer on the grid, be energy independent in America, have cheap utilities for production for our factories, we need to build nuclear plants. It is clean, safe, cheap, reliable, and is world wide becoming the alternative that countries are realizing make the most sense. Natural gas is relied on now and can get us by cheaply until we transition to nuclear energy. This democratic B.S. of saving the planet with alternative energy is nothing more than lining their pockets and the pockets of their cronies.

2 years ago

It’s the level of tone-deafness that is hard to fathom. Imagine the hubris – the utter sense of superiority to rename an entire group of people “latinx” which they neither asked for nor accept. I should be the democrats perfect demographic – white, college-educated, but having lived in NorCal for many years and having seen first-hand the damage done by ultra-liberal policies I want nothing to do with these people. Democrats have become a party of elite ivy-leaguers, urban-progressives and BLM style blacks – it’s the party of those with complaints about just about everything; not exactly who you want to have at your barbeque. No thanks…I’ll stay an Independent where it’s a bit more sane.

2 years ago

This is not about Conservatives being complacent. However, what is the best way to get your point across in an argument? Should you just scream louder? Stomp your feet and hit? Does that get your point across?
Conservatives are not lazy nor spineless, they are Mature. What is the best way to get your point across? LOWER your voice, talk slow and even, make your point.
Being a college graduate Does Not Make You Mature!
It sometimes seems so annoying because it is Badin, Poolousi, AOCrap, etc, that seem to “get all the attention.” Why? Because they are screaming, stomping their feet, and pointing fingers. That is not only juvenile, it is infantile.
Then there are the Conservatives calmly making their point as they allow the Liberals to have their tantrums.
It clearly may necessitate more time to be patient adults…
But would you rather be a screaming infantile brat?

Generally, the people, mostly the patriots, become aware of this infantile/adult divide. And eventually the maturity wins out.
I live in a town with two universities 10 mile apart. A LOT of college students AND graduates.
As a whole, 95 out of 100 students are completely clueless (that percentage may be slightly exaggerated, but fairly close). They think that they are big bad adults now living on their own, that they are “adults” now and so “they know everything”. So, so sad. They continue with this mentality their entire 4 years and usually for 2-4 years post grad. Because they were under the misconception that being 18yo makes you an adult, they never actually Work at attaining adulthood. This is Exactly why so many “white college graduates” join up with the party of the screaming brats…they identify with that; besides the fact that ALL educators, from nursery school to graduate school, are almost forced to be part of the Liberbrat club, who are in turn “educating” these immature developing minds into screaming brathood.

I know this was quite a long discourse, I only felt it necessary because I personally witness a town of mature adults (of Any age) dealing with the influx of children who refuse and a unable to grow up.

2 years ago

Democrats use Racism as a cudgel to beat Reparations out of trashy white-guilted liberals. They are the racists. Hell, they are just jerks.

2 years ago

We need to get the libtards out of education, even if it takes violence to do it. Break the teacher’s unions.

Mike Flair
Mike Flair
2 years ago

Finally the curtain has been pulled up exposing the democratic elites. It is hard to imagine any one supporting Joe Biden (aka Ron ‘Flounder’ Klain) as he has ruined the USA in so many ways. The elites must have some kind of (power?) agenda, or live in some type of bubble world. Nothing like transparency, shine a light and expose those rats. There is an ancient human law, which transcends USA Politics. You reap what you sow. Now the Democratic Party and their media, the reaping has just begun. Year 2021 has proved the USA Justice System works, and 2022 will mark the end of Progressive Wokism and the return of Republican Control.

timothy mcmenamin
timothy mcmenamin
2 years ago


2 years ago

A Progressive would need to be a very special kind of stupid to not see from the beginning of this multi million invasion episode that the MS-13 as well as the peaceful family Hispanic units would settle into the established Hispanic communities.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Well what do you know, we the American People are not as dumb and gullible as Biden and Harris and Schumer and Pelosi think we are.

John Doe
John Doe
2 years ago

Woke progressives are not only destroying our society and nation but the Democratic Party as well.

2 years ago

Will Democrats pivot back to the center, and try to regain their lost voters? The jury is still out on that one. Because a lot of Democrats have been describing their losses as a “messaging problem” rather than the stinging, catastrophic failure that it is. Everywhere they turn, progressive policies have failed: Defund the police, open borders, rampant crime, record homicides, buying votes with taxpayer money, killing energy independence, pushing non-existent green technology and killing jobs, Afghanistan withdrawal, COVID mandates, injecting politics into the military, race-pimping, anemic job growth, massive inflation, anemic GDP growth, etc. It’s not theoretical. People have witnessed these failures every time they go to the gas pump, grocery store, the malls, Amazon, etc. The income gains they made under Trump have evaporated. Democrats have nowhere to hide and no one to blame. They’ve had a supermajority. They’ve run like a steamroller over the GOP, and then whined about the “undemocratic” outcome with the GOP opposing every horrible policy they try to enact. In my opinion, it’s already too late for them. It doesn’t matter whether they try to pivot to the center. The voters are going to punish the Democrats next November in a rout that will make the 1993 GOP takeover of the House look like mild. My bet is that Democrats lose both the House and the Senate. They only have themselves to blame. So, when you’re losing that badly, expect the Democrats to do something radical. Like start a war.

Malcolm Evans
Malcolm Evans
2 years ago

Which Daniel Roman are you? Looking for you on other sites.

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

????CHRISTrumpOwens and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen????

Dan Roberts
Dan Roberts
2 years ago

I like the optimism. But Democrats have the “deep state” and the media and legions of brainwashed youth. I live in a blue city where Republican is a dirty word. I am not sure if Americans are smart enough or open-minded enough to realize that Dems are trying to make America a one-party country akin to the CCP in China or if Americans are able to discern the lies they’re told from truth or the tactics being used (“Russian Collusion”) from reality. Dems have proven they have absolutely no principles other than win. Trump may have handled the pressure Dems exerted without grace, but he certainly served up an agenda that served most Americans, the elite political class excepted. The fact Republicans don’t offer handouts as shamelessly as Democrats serves Americans in the long run. Dems are into “feeding the wildlife”, short-term gain with terrible consequences in the long run. Are Americans wise enough to eschew this tactic?

2 years ago

There’s a basic problem. No leadership. Leadership is when someone ( ie Trump) takes a
sharp, clear position and defends their position against opposition Not a vague , lets change it tomorrow, we’ll adapt it to fit the narrative position. The dims possess the second.
Petro inflation is killing us but the dims can’t figure out why Joe Mansien is against BBB ? Talk about clueless. Joe knows this game and he is devoted to his constituency as he should be. BBB is code for giveaway and the public is violently opposed to more giveaway. We have done mega-trillions of giveaways for decades and have nothing to show for it. I defy anyone to defend the RESULTS of our giveaways starting with the Lyndon Johnson- Great Society giveaway plan. I’m listening.

2 years ago

¡Vamos Brandon!

2 years ago

The Democratic party is morally, intellectually and politically bankrupt. Its constituencies are smug, elitist white leftists from the media, Hollywood, the academy and the cultural refuse of the large cities have values and attitudes that are completely out of touch with the rest of the nation and they know it. They do not care about fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, gun ownership and religious freedom. They believe that they are always right and everyone else is always wrong. Their sickening sense of entitlement and certitude is destroying civic life and threatening the legitimacy of every single institution in the country from sports to medicine and now air travel. They must be firmly repudiated in 2022. They are a modern day confederacy that has seceded from the cultural and moral mainstream since the sixties and whose lust for power and control poses and clear and present danger to all of us.

Mojo Raisin
Mojo Raisin
2 years ago

When Biden acknowledged there was no federal solution he should have tendered his resignation as well.

Scott J. Brooks
Scott J. Brooks
2 years ago

I disagree with this article. It says ” The saving grace of the Democratic Party in elections, the force that kept them competitive, was the overwhelming support of non-white voters.” Not accurate. voter fraud is what kept them competitive.

Dana L Turner
Dana L Turner
2 years ago

Well written but what I get from it is the stupidity of black voters who somehow feel (D) is the most important thing on the ballot. This tribalism is what holds them back.

John Brown
John Brown
2 years ago

Democrats have become the party of the rich, selfish, Marxist, ELITE. They are bought and paid for by White, left wing billionaires, and they hate working Americans of all races and religions. Working Americans are supposed to keep their mouths shut and obey their Democrats masters. Funny how Democrats went from slavery, to control with Jim Crow, KKK, Lynching, and now they want total control of the Government to give them total control over all working American by making them slaves of Government, which of course they think they are entitled to control 100%, even if it means stealing elections with massive fraud. That’s why Democrats and their lying Fake News propaganda media are increasingly hysterical about race baiting, and spewing racism and hate to drive divisions. They know that working Americans aren’t racist, and that LATINO’s and a growing number of Black Americans see what the Marxist Democrats are all about. LATINO’s in particular came to the USA to work hard and build a better life. They fled Marxist dictators and socialist dead in the water economies. They see that the Democrats are taking the USA down the path of poverty and misery for working folks just like the Marxist in Venezuela did with what was once the richest country in Latin American and now a total Communist basket case. Latino’s know what happens.
The problem with silly college educated whites is they’ve had it too for too long. They haven’t seen a country destroyed by the likes of Chavez, Maduro, Biden, AOC, Ilhan before and they don’t believe it can happen to them. They buy the lies as likely will until the inflation, murders, violence, chaos and authoritarianism of the Marxist Democrat party starts to hit them and their families. We’ve seen some reality sink in like in VA, but not enough. They still think old Senile Alzheimer JOE and the Marxist incompetents around him will make sure they are ok. They should look at Venezuela and see what happens when you buy the lies from those people for too long.

lothar baier
lothar baier
2 years ago

the main question i am asking myself is : WHAT TOOK THEM SO LONG ?
Hispanics always been family oriented hard working people their values and religious beliefs always were at odds with the values represented by the democratic party and the importance of immigration for hispanics always been greatly overstated by both parties for a variety of reasons !

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

I expect a huge shakeup when the “Everything Bubble” collapses – probably before the 2024 election. If this happens, the 2024 contest will probably be a faceoff between Trump and AOC (I am assuming that AOC becomes NY’s next Senator after defeating Chucko, which will tee up the big 2024 cotnest). AOC will run on a platform of full communist revolution, and will probably draw crowds at rallies as big as Trump’s.

Alisa A
Alisa A
2 years ago

How can we keep pretending Joe Biden won anything honestly? Yes, his almost year of presidency has been one flop after another. But the voters didn’t get it wrong. And any article pretending we did is dishonest and placating the left.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

The Democrat’s hypocrisy is on full display and can’t be ignored anymore even by the media and those sold out to the socialist/marxist agenda. 2022 will show even more evil from this party. People are finally waking up! Yay! Go America! Let’s all do our part in “the great shift” back to common sense and pray for God’s intervention.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Henker, there HAS to be a greater country out there for you somewhere.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
2 years ago

Well, Dan, you forgot to mention the obvious: massive, unchecked voter fraud that still has not been (nor will ever be) corrected to allow honest, fair and untainted elections. Does not matter what percentage of this or that group votes GOP. All is naught when the system is rigged. Now the Dumbocrats are working in Congress to make sure the fix continues forever with a FEDERAL ‘voting rights’ law. WAKE UP!

2 years ago

Loved this:”If Latino voters increasingly favor a tougher approach to border security, and African American voters, as they recently demonstrated in New York City’s mayoral election, care far more about getting crime under control than woke social policies, then populist Republicans face no tradeoff whatsoever running on those issues.”
The whole piece totally nailed today’s issues.

2 years ago

It does put some ease that these numbers are going in this direction, but who in the hell is attributing to the non zero Biden approval rating? I’m mean we all know some of type of leftist idiots, but a 40% approval? I’ll take notice when it’s 4%.

Verdes Lutz
Verdes Lutz
2 years ago

DJT has exposed democrats for what they are, liars, frauds, and cheats, greedy, vicious, incompetent and corrupt. This is good reason to leave their

River daughter
River daughter
2 years ago

Funny, as ‘postgraduate’ progressives claim the problem is that top Democrats are too corporate and what is needed is a shift left to bring back working class and non-white voters. Not to mention Manchin as the spanner preventing the same.

Bonnie M
Bonnie M
2 years ago

Very informative article. Thank you.

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