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2020 Election in the Bag for Trump

Posted on Friday, November 13, 2020
by Outside Contributor

electionWritten by: Brian Garrison 

Shortly after 10:00 Eastern Time on Election Night 2020, Donald Trump more than a 14.6%, (438,000 vote) lead in Pennsylvania. That was before the fake manufactured ballots started coming in. Soon thereafter 19,958 votes were stolen from Trump, and 19,958 votes were added to Biden’s total, according to Nick Chase (Examining the code, internet geeks conclude ‘Trump’s win was yuuuge,’ American Thinker, Nov 12, 2020)  As for the ballot-counting that resumed early in the morning after election day, the imbalance in favor of the Biden must have been unrealistically enormous.  A recount of the late ballots must be ordered as soon as possible.  Every late ballot must be witnessed by a Republican and a Democrat checker, and a video and/or still camera.  Is this common sense or what?  (I wish I had written down the Pennsylvania raw vote tally before I went to bed on Nov 3.)  While Pennsylvania is the most egregious, the same awful scenario exists in Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada, and possibly Wisconsin and Arizona.

As I was writing this article (8:50 am 11 Nov 20), I saw Sidney Powell on CNBC assert the that the burden of proof is on the late vote counters and conveyers of very late and suspected fraudulent votes.  The idea that the burden of proof is on the vote counters and not on the aggrieved party seems obvious to me but is rarely mentioned by commentators.

The law specifies severe penalties for voting fraud. If fraud is proven, the perpetrators must receive the maximum penalty if convicted.  If fraud succeeds, almost everyone in the country loses, including Biden voters.  If fraud succeeds, everyone in the country will have been disenfranchised and we Americans will no longer have a democratic republic, because voting will not matter; it will not affect the outcome of any election.

As you know, the actual election takes place on December 14 when the electoral college votes.  I cannot imagine the Pennsylvania legislature instructing their electors to vote for Joe Biden if they do not see convincing evidence that Joe Tally has earned the majority of the legal, legitimate votes. The same holds true for Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Arizona.  In most states, the state legislatures select the electors. Why would the elected legislatures disenfranchise their own voters?

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Linda Contois
Linda Contois
3 years ago

Totally agree. The left must think we are real idiots to think we’ll fall for that.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

Sorry Brian, federal courts don’t accept “common sense” or speculation as proof of fraud. Actual evidence is required.

John S.
John S.
3 years ago

Cannot begin to express how much of a relief it is to read that headline! Never tuning in to Fox News again!

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
3 years ago

So happy to read a positive comment for a change. Proving that fraud occurred is a collosal challenge but we are talking about
Donald Trump who will apply every possible remedy. Our president will NOT give up. The question is will we give up ? That is my
key concern. If the public says “lets just give it a rest” or ” lets move on and fix the system” we are loosers. I am not a looser and will
never accept Biden. Biden is not the opposition. The opposition is the 1,000 key forces in the democrat party who are constantly
saying ” I want my piece and I want it now”.

Roy Carpenter
Roy Carpenter
3 years ago

HOLD FAST THAT THAT YE HAVE ! Don’t allow anyone take it from you !!!

3 years ago

No one is talking about Virginia. Same scenario… huge Trump and Red Patriot lead before the reporting froze on televised news late, late night… I am thinking midnight in VA… but when waking in VA Trump had lost by a huge margin and I read that happened due to “mail in ballots” being added. If Biden wins, then ChiComms are dancing in the streets of Bejing… because ChiComm – through the Biden criminals – did indeed buy the USA.

3 years ago

I just hope that the investigations have time to prove the blatant fraud and the media and states stop trivializing it! Corruption is too widespread for us to ignore it anymore. If we fail we are in for trouble. I would hope whistleblowers come forth and the computer hackers are caught. Nonetheless, even if Trump doesn’t win, which I doubt if all is fair, I pray Republican voters will storm out to vote in the senate run-off to assure their majority. It is critical esp if for some reason Joe actually does win. We will need that checks and balances like never before. I applaud Trump’s efforts as he continues to stand up for what is right and hope he succeeds.

John Derrick
John Derrick
3 years ago

I was shocked when watching elections that Arizona was called after FOX showed only 4% of votes tallied. It was THIS premature call that suggested to me that something is suspicious. Well, following Hitlery Clinton’s words to Biden…”whatever you do, don’t concede the election.” Shouldn’t this call NOT to concede also be advise to her opposition party?

Sue McNulla
Sue McNulla
3 years ago

The left are thieves and we all know it! We cannot fail at rising up and not accepting an illegal election. We will never survive to fix it! Civil war is coming. Get ready snd stand together!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

All election votes should be examined by representatives of both parties and then we can keep the process HONEST, ONLY legal ballots counted, how many house and senate seats were stolen? The PRESIDENT is not the ONLY one being cheated!!! Recount and only legal votes used.

Linda Nelson
Linda Nelson
3 years ago

Now we know how Joe Biden was able to stay in the basement rather than stump for his election!

3 years ago

Ok, we’re INCREDIBLY EXCITED that there is a possibility of something(s) happening to reverse the election, but really, AMAC, we need to know if this stuff is really OUR VERSION of Fake News. All we hear is that the Trump legal team pulled out of this battle and that battle, and that they aren’t finding enough vote reversals to make a difference. Is there something going on behind the scenes that can’t be talked about b/c it would give the other side ammunition or tip our hand? Please give us more to take a stand on than just our loyalty – we trust your journalism. Thank you!

Ken Blumenschein
Ken Blumenschein
3 years ago

Why would state legislators want to disenfranchise their voters? Because too many of them have been to Epstein’s island?

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