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10 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Show It’s Time to End War on Lawful Gun Owners

Posted on Thursday, November 21, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Major gun control groups are already lamenting the outcome of the Nov. 5 election, decrying the results as detrimental to public safety.

In reality, though, President Joe Biden’s yearslong war on law-abiding gun owners repeatedly and wrongfully placed them at the center of the federal government’s target.

But ordinary lawful owners of firearms never have been the driving force behind violent crime.

Not only that, but they regularly rely on their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms to protect themselves and their loved ones from violent criminals when the government can’t or won’t be there to ensure their safety.

Almost every major study has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, according to the most recent report on the subject by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2021, the most comprehensive study ever conducted on the issue concluded that roughly 1.6 million defensive gun uses occur in the United States every year.

For this reason, The Daily Signal publishes a monthly article highlighting some of the previous month’s many news stories on defensive gun use that you may have missed—or that might not have made it to the national spotlight in the first place. (Read accounts from past months and years here.)

The examples below represent only a small portion of the news stories on defensive gun use during crimes that we found in October. You may explore more by using The Heritage Foundation’s interactive Defensive Gun Use Database

  • Oct. 1, Seattle: A woman came out the front door of her residence and pointed a shotgun at two process servers, police said. One of them, drawing his own gun, shot and killed the woman.
  • Oct. 7, Hubert, North Carolina: Police said a woman fatally shot her ex-boyfriend after he showed up at her home in violation of a protection order and climbed through a window. Local officials said the man had a lengthy history of domestic violence and was wearing a court-ordered ankle monitor after having violated protection orders at least twice before. He allegedly called the woman 26 times and sent her dozens of text messages in the hours before the deadly encounter.
  • Oct10, Sioux Falls, South Dakota: Several people wielding baseball bats confronted a group of motorcyclists at a gas station, mistakenly believing that they had jumped a friend earlier that night. After ducking to avoid a blow from a bat, one motorcyclist drew a gun and fatally shot two of the assailants. He also shot and wounded a woman who pointed a gun at him. Police confirmed that the motorcyclists weren’t involved in the original assault, calling it a case of mistaken identity.  
  • Oct. 11, Cut Bank, Montana: Two juveniles broke into a car and stole a handgun before a resident confronted them, police said. One juvenile shot the resident in the leg with the handgun before another resident arrived and, armed with his own firearm, held the shooter at gunpoint until police arrived. Both juveniles were taken into custody; the wounded resident was expected to recover.
  • Oct. 12, Poplar Bluff, Missouri: A woman shot and wounded a man as he illegally entered her home through her bedroom window early in the morning, police said. The suspect—who police said was caught on camera in 2022 trying to enter other homes—faced unspecified charges.
  • Oct. 16, Columbus, Ohio: When a newsstand employee caught a man trying to steal an item from a cooler, police said, the would-be thief drew a handgun and pointed it at him. The employee called for his nearby brother, who drew his own gun and shot and wounded the thief. He was charged with felony aggravated robbery.
  • Oct. 20, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania: After being kicked out of his girlfriend’s house during a dispute earlier in the day, a man returned, pinned her to the floor, and held a knife to her throat in front of her children. One of the children, a teenager, grabbed a firearm and fatally shot the man, police said.
  • Oct. 25, Chicago: When a bystander tried to intervene in a quarrel between a man and a woman on a public sidewalk, the man pointed a gun at him. The bystander—a concealed carry permit holder—drew his own gun and fatally shot his assailant. The incident occurred a day after two other Chicago gun owners successfully defended themselves against violent criminals.
  • Oct. 29, Stratford, Connecticut: Police said an armed resident confronted two would-be car thieves who he discovered breaking into his car, exchanging gunfire with them until they fled. The resident wasn’t hurt.
  • Oct. 31, New Iberia, Louisiana:  A man broke into two residences and stabbed two victims—one in each home—before an armed resident in the second home shot and wounded him, police said. All three were taken to a hospital for treatment; the suspect was charged with attempted first-degree murder. 

All of these lawful gun owners highlight just how important the right to keep and bear arms is to ordinary Americans.

Ending the Biden-Harris administration’s war on the Second Amendment won’t threaten public safety, as so many gun control activists claim. It only will threaten the safety of violent criminals, from whom lawful gun owners want to defend themselves.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Amy Swearer.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

Sadly, some of the examples above reminded me that some states do not allow the use of a firearm to protect one’s property when a perpetrator is attempting to steal or vandalize that property. The owner has to wait for the perp to commit an act of violence that causes the property owner to feel he/she is in imminent danger before justifying the use of the firearm. Otherwise the thief can steal the property. This is unfair to those living in rural areas where police can take an hour to show up, or simply not show up at all. The solution? BACKHOES!!!!

3 months ago

In my state of ohio, dem reps often introduce bills that would outlaw almost any gun style invented after 1890. The dem party has plans in drawers waiting the opportune moment. We must never relax vigilance. Btw, we live in the golden era of firearms. The variety of high quality offerings is stunning. Its a great time to arm up and get training.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
3 months ago

On a daily basis, the eternal wisdom of The Founding Fathers is clear for all to see, and there is no question that the existence of The Second Amendment is an integral part of that eternal wisdom.

Tom Adair
Tom Adair
3 months ago

It been time for the last 70 years at least! The constant slow erosion of our 2nd Amendment rights was purposely designed to strip us of those rights without alarming us to the prospect. The left ignores any evidence the founders knew what they were doing when they created the 2nd Amendment. I hope you are correct in your assertion the right to keep an bear arms is experiencing a much needed renewal.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Expand CCW & Constitunal Carry

Chet Zaiko
Chet Zaiko
3 months ago

Guns don’t kill people, PEOPLE kill people.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

As with about every issue, the LEFT only reports ONE side of the issue! They dare not tell the public of the thousands of times that armed citizens save themselves or others against attacks from THUGS. Probably because one of the DIMM voting groups IS thugs!

3 months ago

With defunding the police we the people have to arm ourselves. The reps and senators have their bodyguards and live in gated communities. We don’t. Having a gun is our self defense. Will we, the people, survive the dems policies. Like releasing 1.4 illegal migrants, whose visas have expired just before Biden goes Bye Bye. Keep your guns handy and be aware of your surroundings at all times. And the dems wander why they didn’t win the election.

3 months ago

The first thing communists and control freaks do is disarm citizens: then these rotten individuals have complete control over you because you have nothing to fight back with

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
3 months ago

When we moved out to the country, we had an occasion to meet with a local deputy. He asked if we had a gun at our house, and we answered that we did not. He pointed out that there were two sheriff’s deputies that patrolled the entire county, and it could take up to twenty minutes to get a response.
We quickly bought a gun.

3 months ago

Being a legal firearms owner with a concealed carry license, it is always good to see examples of good people able to defend themselves against criminals. I have never been confronted by one but if I ever am, I will not hesitate to defend myself or loved ones against them at whatever cost.It’s really too bad the liberal media is so hesitant to report on such incidents.

3 months ago

Do you notice that the term Gun Violence is a left wing talking point that unfortunately has been widely adopted. When there is a stabbing why don’t they call it Knife Violence? Same thing.

3 months ago

Perfect time to overturn the anti-Constitutional NFA!

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
3 months ago

Carry .. Always

3 months ago

Never leave home without it.

3 months ago

This is the FBI’s fault. They do NOT report, or include in their reports, instances where a good guy with a gun saves people. This needs to stop. The CDC is weaponizing the FBI numbers, or lack of the numbers for our side, to make gun violence a public health hazard. Google John Stossel’s latest UTube video debunking gun safety measures. And he has never been pro gun! Its eye opening, as are all his videos.

Scott L
Scott L
3 months ago

Years ago, I used a firearm to defend my home. I didn’t shoot anybody, just scared off a would-be burglar.
Without a gun, I could easily have become a victim. But I didn’t.
That’s the kind of story that never gets recorded, but is an example of a good reason to own a gun.
By the way, I did call the police. They showed up 45 minutes later. This in the middle of a major metropolitan area.

David P. Nelson
David P. Nelson
3 months ago

The legal Gun Owners are not the problem!

3 months ago

I’ve been a certified firearms instructor for almost 17 years…in a state run by a leftist “governor” who’s bleeding from the eyes to disarm Colorado…my home of over 54 years. We have a true American coming into our White House soon. We’ll have a “reprieve” for at least 4 years. 3 decades ago under a sitting “president” American citizens were slaughtered and ultimately burned to death in Waco, Texas. I watched it the whole hideous 51 days, like a moth being drawn to a flame. One “little” detail missing from the almost round the clock cheering on of the carnage of these citizens on the lamestream networks was that one “reason” was that they had “thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammo”. Never acknowledged publicly…and never acknowledged after all but about 5 were killed, including moms and children. This was under William Jefferson Clinton! Our 2nd Amendment RIGHT was written in blood by our Founders who knew oppression. It’s under attack, and it will no doubt remain under attack…in fact the left will no doubt continue the war on We The People while continuing the deliberate deterioration of our “criminal justice system” of course using that as an excuse to disarm We The People.
I’m not sure just how many gun owners truly understand the depth of deception going on against our gun rights…and it is a massive deception. Cuba was once a free and open nation. Then Castro came in like a ‘lamb’. Gradually he ramped up the tyranny and disarmed the nation. Now only his thugs are armed. Re: Waco: when that horror happened, militias sprang up all over the nation. All were ready to “go to war if need be” and made it clear. I can’t put a finger on how many came together but it was massive and nation wide. When it became “clear” to the left, they “judiciously” decided to “table going after our guns until a more opportune time”.
Present and future dictators cannot abide an armed people. There are organizations, national and state wide who’re in the fight for our Second. Please please, look them up, check their record and what they’ve done. Support those who’re in court daily fighting to keep our 2nd. Amendment and our rights. National Gun Rights was spearheaded by Dudley Brown who started our Rocky Mountain Gun Rights organization over 30 years ago in Colorado. Taylor Rhodes is now president. I’m hoping the NRA hasn’t been untenably destroyed by Wayne LaPierre. There are new leaders but I’m holding them at arms length until they’ve proven themselves.
God bless, stay vigilant, and practice often.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

The Fake news and FBI never report that hundreds a times a day people with guns have stopped crimes from being committed. That goes against their attacks and lies about guns. Guns do NOT commit crimes. People do. It takes the person to use it. A gun does not get up and shoot people all by itself as the Fake News and democrats want you to believe. The 2nd Amendment is the BEST thing to ever happen in the United States. Americans used to be taught in schools and by family members correctly on how to use guns. Not only do you have the right to protect yourself and family but your country as well. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, they did not continue onto the West Coast because they knew practically every American had a Gun and would protect not only their families but our country. It is by far better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. Not only having a gun levels the field but you have the God given right to Protect yourself against harm. So instead of attacking Law abiding Americans and our Constitutional Rights with Illegal and Unconstitutional Anti-gun laws including their illegal and Unconstitutional Red Flag laws including trying to use Toy Gun Control to implement Gun Bans. How about going after and punishing the person that commits a crime with a gun instead of all this BS playing politics including attacking our country, our citizens, and our U.S. Constitutional Rights.
Just remember, biden/harris Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion who has just opened the Borders wider telling them how to enter through apps and no vetting. How many Americans have been raped, kidnapped, killed and God knows what else because of democrats Illegal and Unconstitutional anti-gun policies while they hide behind armed guards with assault weapons but you can’t protect yourself or families though. Democrats are more Dangerous than guns because they protect criminals and themselves with our tax money for power and control. Look how crime has been running rampant for the past 4 years and democrats don’t want you to be able to protect yourself and family. Democrats have given their Illegal Aliens Terrorist Invasion more rights and money than American citizens. FACT. How many more Americans would be alive if they had a Gun to Protect themselves and their Families?

Michael Adams
Michael Adams
3 months ago

We have a break in Government’s oversight with Mr. Trump’s victory. However, the left’s push for more and more control of our lives will continue. We won’t only need firearms to protect ourselves from all manners of violent criminals, but from a tyrannical government that are stripping the freedoms from the American people in the name of public safety. Doing it all legally with corrupt prosecutors and judges.

3 months ago

Ms. Swearer’s informative article seems to suggest (or, maybe not) that thoughtfulness, self-control, and expressive-but-non-menacing communication is a far better platform than bravado… in a confrontation between two or more armed parties. I am confident that many legal gun-toters tend more towards remaining “whole” by NOT compelling others they may encounter to use their own weapons. Such encounters may still be wildly stressful and unpredictable… but, more survivable, if the right signals are given, and everyone stays “Low Key”.

Nancy L Rockman
Nancy L Rockman
3 months ago

The last paragraph of this article is so important. Hopefully under Trump we can get some sanity back in our country.
Ending the Biden-Harris administration’s war on the Second Amendment won’t threaten public safety, as so many gun control activists claim. It only will threaten the safety of violent criminals, from whom lawful gun owners want to defend themselves.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Excellent article.

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

Rest assured, when seconds count, the police will only be minutes away!
Firearms are essential tools for EVERY homeowner or renter, period! The responsibility for the protection of self and family falls directly and legally on you! The police have absolutely NO OBLIGATION whatsoever to protect individuals. They are obliged to protect society at large only! That’s the truth!

3 months ago

In the examples listed above, firearms are discharged. In many cases, just the display of a firearm is enough to dissuade a miscreant from his planned course of action. Of course “blue” states such as California have rules against “brandishing” a firearm (or protecting yourself in general), so one needs to know the laws of each state. Since I occasionally have to travel through southern Illinois – where most people are gun owners and refused to register them when the unconstitutional attempt to require that was promoted by the Governor but was batted down – I have printed out the salient portions of Illinois law as to the carrying of a firearm in an auto. You’ll rarely but occasionally run into a “Barney Fife” LEO who doesn’t know the law or wants to display his authority.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
3 months ago


3 months ago

Chuck Schumer ,high profile gun grabber is a gun owner himself. His favorite gun, the Uzi. Nearly all those who fight to destroy the 2nd Amendment, own guns either legally or illeagally. Theft has always been pro kriminal and they believe they are above the law while screeching to the world ” no one is above the law.” Is it any wonder why I call them Kriminal Krats?

3 months ago

Almost every day we read about the bad guys shooting and killing innocent citizens. We rarely hear about the concealed carry citizens who have had to use a gun to protect themselves and their families against the bad guys. Let’s hear about the good stuff too.
The democrats are so rabid to take away our Constitutional rights and freedoms because, as far as I am concerned, they are the bad guys and a bunch of domestic terrorists. This last administration (almost over, thank God) was being led by two Nazis, Soros and Obama. Biden was and Harris would have been just puppets. They censored our speech, tried to take our guns away and condemned our religion.
President Trump, a true Patriot, understands the Constitution and I have faith that his four years will make America great again and we will return to what America really stands for.
I am all for concealed carry. My son and his wife both are and he is a shooting instructor. I feel totally safe when I am with him because I know his skills and how he would react to any violent threats against his family.
Good article.

3 months ago

Having a handgun is a wonderful deterrent to being a victim. Responsible gun ownership is a second amendment right.

Butter and guns
Butter and guns
3 months ago

AGAIN: Beat it libtard, you’re ignorant ilk are history

James Madison a portrait from old American money - Dollars
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U.S. President Donald Trump greets Vice President JD Vance (R) and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as he arrives to deliver his address to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol on March 04, 2025 in Washington, DC. President Trump is speaking about the early achievements of his presidency and his upcoming legislative agenda.

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