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Joe Biden and His Team Have Been ‘On the Wrong Side of Every Energy Policy Since They Came Into Office,’ Says Tim Stewart

Posted on Friday, November 3, 2023
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Nov 3 — The Biden inflationary spiral has left senior citizens at a loss. Of particular concern is the high cost of gasoline, says Tim Stewart, president of the U. S. Oil and Gas Association. As he put it to Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, it’s “intentional.”

In an interview for AMAC’s Better For America podcast Stewart told host Weber that “we’ve been scratching our heads for two and a half years. And now I think we’ve all resolved to the fact that not only are they incompetent. This is intentional. There’s no way you can put policies in place like this by accident over and over and over again. This was intentional from day one. They’ve made it very clear that there is no room for fossil fuels on [Biden’s agenda] and that their energy policy has created energy poverty. When you create scarcity like this, you’re creating energy poverty for millions and millions of low and moderate-income families. It impacts retirees. It impacts young families. Not only have they risen to a level of incompetence, they now have risen to a level of intentional incompetence, and that’s really disturbing and should be disturbing for all of us.”

Meanwhile, says Stewart, we have to contend with disrupting global events. “In the United States, we are largely energy independent in that we produce more oil than any other country, and we’re able to export some of that. The challenge, though, is that being a global commodity, we are still subject to global prices. And so, whenever there’s a disruption, say, in Israel, in the Middle East, or in Ukraine, for example, American consumers feel the pinch of that because it is a globally priced commodity. Now, what we want is to be able to have plenty of oil and gas supply here for the United States. And the challenge that we’ve had over the last two and a half years is that the Biden administration has made things very, very difficult for domestic U. S. producers. They’ve made it very clear that they are not happy with the use of fossil fuels in the United States. And so, they have made efforts to constrain production and the use of fossil fuels. But the challenge is that, in a global commodity and a global price environment, whenever there’s a hiccup, if the supply and production are tight in the United States, American consumers feel that. So, we watch global events very, very carefully throughout the course of every single day as to what happens because the global markets respond accordingly, and the U. S. markets react to that as well.”

Stewart went on to point out that it is one of the reasons we have a Strategic Petroleum Reserve. As he explained it, “When you and I establish our household budgets we always try and make sure that we’ve got some cash reserve on hand just in case an emergency comes up. And the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created in the 1970s when we were subject to the Arab oil embargo. It was designed to protect American consumers and industry from massive price shocks or supply disruptions due to global events or to local events like a hurricane or refinery outages. And it was designed to be able to be refined and moved out to the consumers. That’s why the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is located so close to the major refining and pipeline infrastructures in the United States. What the Biden administration did, though, was rather than use it as an insurance policy against a global disruption in supply, they used it as political security, a strategic political reserve for use when prices were high. During the midterm election, they sold off more than half of it. We’re now down to 17 days of supply. And that’s very concerning. It’s like you and I have our household budget. We always keep some in reserve in case emergencies come up. And that’s what the SPR was. But that’s been drawn down for political reasons rather than policy or global events.”

Stewart challenged the notion that the Biden administration is truly concerned about the environment. If so, shouldn’t we be drilling and refining crude oil right here at home?  His response was succinct: “Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates made a comment about Joe Biden. He said that he’s been on the wrong side of every national security and international policy in the last 40 years. We see that reflected in his energy policy right now. It’s so interesting to see the Biden administration come after my industry when we produce oil and gas in the cleanest way possible, far cleaner than anywhere else in the world, and come after us and lean so hard on us for methane and emissions when we’ve reduced our emissions by 40% or 50% over the last few years and then turn right around and reach out to Venezuela, which without a doubt produces more dirty oil than anybody else by a multiple factor of ten. We have a challenge, but we’ve still got to invest in our refinery systems to make sure that they can refine that light crude that Texas and New Mexico are producing versus bringing it in from Venezuela. This administration, in my opinion, has been on the wrong side of every energy policy since they came into office.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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11 months ago

Welcome to Jackass Joe Biden’s Green Agenda where the COST OF GASOLINE HAS DOUBLED in his nearly 3 years of Destroying the American Economy to push Electric Cars onto the People! Electric Cars ARE NOT ONLY NOT PRACTICAL COSTWISE BUT AMERICA’S ELECTRICAL GRID CAN’T SUSTAIN THE AFFECTED DEMAND! . . . It’s ALL NONSENSE Like Everything Else He Has Presented. HE IS BANKRUPTING AMERICA ON PURPOSE and He Must Think We Will Just Let Him!

10 months ago

Ole Joe hates the oil industry. They are all right wingers to him and they have too much control. Plus they couldn’t be bribed by ole Joe. No money there for him. Now with the war in Israel he can continue to harp on the Maga people and he said today we are worse than Hamas. So when Hamas attacks America everyone will welcome them of course but not the Maga people and Hamas will take care of them. The way the world is today this scenario is not that far fetched. From day one ole Joe has worked at bringing America down and all his actions point to this including making Magas enemy number one. His Bidenomics does not work, unemployment is going up, with 8 million illegal migrants that is no surprise and inflation still rises. Ole Joe was asked today if this time was his most stressful period of his presidency. Answer: Nothing to it. He is in his element destroying America and Israel with it.

10 months ago

I do believe it was deliberate and if people would research the candidates for POTUS they would realize Biden is a narcissist, liar and plagiarist and always has been. A friend of mine is pro union and believes Biden to be excellent since he has been in our government for 50 years. Sorry, but when a POTUS is elected he is responsible for the entire country..not because he is pro union. He has destroyed our country and I believe should be charged with treason. I worked as a medical professional which involved long days, call time holidays and weekends. I am, or should I say was, retired. My husband is deceased and I can barely make ends meet. The COLA for next year is not enough to to make a dent in the rise in groceries, gas and medical bills, The cost of Medicare insurance has also increased. The electric in the winter is now over $550.00 a month and over $200.00 in the summer . My car is 15 years old. While Biden sits on his butt we are suffering.
Do people sincerely believe he isn’t involved in Hunter’s business? How can a senator afford two homes of over a million dollars each? Is the money going to Ukraine actually being used for the battle or is it being laundered to line the pockets of the Bidens?
He has no empathy and when he speaks to those such as Maui and compares his 15 minute kitchen fire to their suffering there is no compassion. He compares losing his son Beau to those smilies who have lost their families in combat it is not the same. Beau died from cancer, which I understand as I have lost many family members and friends to that deadly disease, Beau was surrounded by family. Those in our military were not.
My nerves are shot. We citizens should not pay taxes for illegals, other persons student loans or reparations. Crime is out of control, college students and others are no longer taught history as it actually happened . They are taught the views of the warped far left instead of the truth. Any of these students protesting in behalf of HAMAS should be suspended from school . Perhaps they should be sent to Iran and have every freedom taken away from them or forced to join the military.

10 months ago

Joe Biden (AKA Barrack Obama) has been on the wrong side of about everything since entering the WH. I am sure this is all part of Obama’s promised “fundamental change” — the takeover of our country by the Left.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
10 months ago

Sloppy joey and and the kronie/programmer groupies have been wrong about a lot more than energy.All that they had to do was to keep President Trumps policies,but no,hate trumps TRUMP.They thought that they should show their hate for TRUMP and conservatives and now look at our country,look at the world,doesn’t this make you sick and untrusting of almost everyone?

10 months ago

The Biden Administration are al idiots, and they are intentional in what they really want for America. There are so many reasons to impeach the idiot, the southern border being only one of them. Is it not treason to allow so many in, many terrorists! Yeah, right, Commander in Chief. God save America. Only He can.

10 months ago

Let’s make it more specific, Democrats are on the wrong side of every issue they tackle. They have killed more people than guns ever will they need to be classified as a domestic terrorist organization and outlawed

David Millikan
David Millikan
10 months ago

Excellent article.
Dictator Beijing biden KILLED our Energy Independence on 1-21-21, cause he gets kickbacks from Communist China Energy Companies and supports Terrorist Iran, Taliban, and his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion.
That way he can buy DIRTY Venezuelan oil and from loser OPEC instead of DRILLING here in the United States where we have an overwhelming abundance of energy that is cheap and affordable. Dictator Beijing biden still hasn’t refilled our National Strategic Oil Reserves since committing espionage and treason by SELLING OUR OIL to his Communist China buddies.
Gasoline and Diesel are at a minimum of $2 or more HIGHER than when President Trump had US Energy Independent.
Fuel prices are just like they were when obama was in office, OUTRAGEOUS because both are working hard to DESTROY the United States.
All the over 200 Executive Orders came from obama since Dictator Beijing biden doesn’t even know what he’s reading or saying. Remember he has named many people as the U.S. President since 1-21-21, when standing before his FAKE news buddies and they still lie to protect him and obama.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
10 months ago

The Democrat party, at least at the elected level and in the media, is composed of people opposed to everything this country supposedly stands for! The are opposed to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They have more in common with Chairman Mao and the Chinese Communist party than with any American vale. So, what do you expect from tyrants and despots?

10 months ago

this whole Hussein/Biden thing from the beginning was the Communist Demonrats Plan. The Demonrats, Hate America, They Hate Americans, They Just Hate. They Will and Are Destroying our country. and We wait for an election..
This was PLANNED

10 months ago

It’s deliberate and part of a bigger plan. Biden is NOT in charge. He is a puppet for puppet masters like Obama and Valerie Jarrett.

10 months ago

Biden should consider TAKING A DIRT NAP

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

It’s pretty sad when regular 87 octane gas that used to cost $5.47/gallon costs $4.89 now and I get a warm fuzzy. The economy under Trump was sp good I bought a Harley; now I can’t afford the $30/ 6 gallons it takes to fill it to take a wasteful, enjoyable ride on it!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
10 months ago

No, they haven’t. Their job is to ruin the country and make it as decrepit as the rest of the world. Leaving China in charge.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
10 months ago

You do not have to limit it to energy. The antisemitic leftists have been on the wrong side of every single issue for 40 years straight. these little fascist nazi’s are wrong today as they always are.
Russian collusion, covid origins, covid shots, masks, social distancing, man made global warming, inflation is transitory, LGBTQ oppression, George Floyd, BLM, number one domestic terrorist threat, gun control, voter fraud, forest management practices, the border wall. the list can go on and on. the leftists/progressives/democrats are just always wrong.

Just to drive home the point.

The sierra club wanted the skagit river shut down to rafting/floating because they said it was disturbing the eagles nesting. they poured millions into lobbying for their restrictions and control of the citizens of Washington state.

I sent in two videos. one of the eagles nesting and stealing food from people watching boat races on lake Sammamish and one of the eagles nesting and stealing food from people at the lake Washington hydroplane races. The videos came with a simple question to the Washington congress. If a 2000 hp boat does not Bother the eagles how does a 14 year old in an inner tube floating down a river?

The ultra leftist sierra club got told no.

Leftists are always lairs and always wrong.

james Carlyle
james Carlyle
10 months ago

I think there is a gross misunderstanding of the objectives of the Biden Bunch–their objective is to destroy the USA prosperity and energy independence–I read it in their 2020 DNC Platform–right out of Marx & Engels. As such, they have been very successful, in my opinion. Kind of like comparing George Soros to an American.

Paul W
Paul W
10 months ago

joe biden and his team* (*translation – puppeteers) have been on the wrong side of EVERYTHING!

10 months ago

Come on man! Climate change is the biggest threat to the world! We need more solar panels, and to seed the sky to make more clouds to block the sun to keep the planet cooler. Come on man.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
10 months ago

For most of we consumers the truth about Biden agenda has been evident from the start. We also do not believe he fabricated this agenda. Looking at his work record we do not believe he is capable of profound thinking. So, who pulls the strings? BO comes to mind. What is most discouraging is the constant beat on the drums (lame stream media) supporting the LEFT claim that NOT TRUMP at all costs is the only path. That means of course that ole Joe is the only act left in town. While Trumps’ antics discourages many his results were in many cases stellar! I can deal with the antics when he gets the country back on track where we little folk can prosper in our simple lives!

10 months ago

Joe Biden and his team have been on the wrong side of every issue they have attempted to address.

10 months ago

I agree with Nick, lying Biden and his squad should be classified as terrorists. I heard on a new outlet that Biden is forcing the US to commit suicide. Amen

10 months ago

Take Biden & Obama & their crime families out, ship them over to China where they belong. They stole the election, yes stole the election and they will steal it again unless we by force stop them!!!!!!!

10 months ago

Is it because he is a liar that he gets everything wrong and has for years or is it that he just thinks backwards? Does he know he is lying? How can a person’s mind operate like that. I can’t figure how everything a person says can be a lie and yet it is: All his major military decisions are backwards — that is– they are exactly wrong and always bad. The good vs the bad and the bad is always his decision. Hmmm! Very strange, but we live in strange times.

10 months ago

Let’s not limit it to just energy- they’ve been wrong on EVERY policy decision they’ve made, period!

10 months ago

The changes Biden has made show the opposite of loving his country. He may have only a dim understanding of what he has done, but rational voters should see that indeed elections have consequences. All the wrong turns add up to disaster.

10 months ago

Nothing new there, Joe has never done anything right since he entered politics

10 months ago

He’s been a traitor and selling off the .S. to communist China for a very long time. Very deliberate (for money) and very evil. The sure fire way of getting the U.S. shut down was to close off the energy supply that Trump had established. His goal was purely and simply the only he could make for himself and his family and in agreement with Obama that is what he has done and is doing. They act their lives will be forever. They are all getting old and should start thinking about what happens to them after death. They have been spitting in God’s face and mocking Him for a very long time now.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
10 months ago

He has always been an f-up.

10 months ago

What do you expect from an idiot like joey biden….

10 months ago

..the real culprit in this is puppet Joes’s master–Nairobi Obie…

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