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AMAC Action Proud to Play Role in Overturning Chevron

Posted on Wednesday, July 3, 2024
by AMAC Action

Bohemia, New York – On June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court, by a 6-3 majority, ruled in favor of a family fishing company in Loper Bright Enterprises et. al. v. Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce et. al., and in so doing overturned Court’s decision in Chevron v. Natural Resource Defense Council (1984). This long-anticipated ruling will finally end decades of rogue federal agencies trampling the rights of everyday Americans under the banner of Chevron and ensure that the people’s elected representatives, not unelected bureaucrats, have the final say in the laws that govern us.

As this case progressed through the judicial system, AMAC Action was proud to join with 91 other conservative organizations in urging the Supreme Court and lower courts to reach this conclusion. Through AMAC Action’s work with these partners, AMAC members have helped limit the unfettered ability of federal bureaucrats to define regulatory standards and requirements that go beyond the plain language of the enabling statutes.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who helped lead the coalition, called the Supreme Court’s decision “a great day for the Constitution and the American people. Since Chevron was decided in 1984, the heavy hand of big government has been encroaching on Congressional powers, and that power has rightly been put in check today. No longer will the Constitution’s safeguards be whittled away as our courts are forced to defer to unelected bureaucrats. The Constitution is the greatest charter of freedom in human history, that has been proven by the test of time. Today’s ruling is a monumental moment for preserving freedom, prosperity and Constitutional Limited Government for future generations of Americans.”

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom agreed, calling the ruling “a huge win for American business in all industries and businesses – small and large – and for all Americans in view of the massive regulatory costs imposed by the federal agencies and passed on to them in product prices. Moreover, it is a long-awaited constitutional check on the tyranny of the unelected bureaucrats who behave as they are the fourth branch of government. I expect and hope that this decision will ripple throughout the regulated business community and that it can be used to force reductions in the current broad universe of excessive regulation.”

With more important cases making their way through the judicial system, AMAC Action will continue to be an advocate for the interests of our members both in and out of the courtroom.

For media inquiries please contact Alyssa Lopresti: [email protected], 631-337-0106.

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1 day ago

Restoration of the Balance of Powers.
Now to LIMIT THE USE OF Executive orders by the President. They were intended in times of emergencies, not an avenue around the Constitution. Biden has overdone this privilege and overstepped his authority as a President, (which is not what he took an oath to do).

1 day ago

Thank you AMAC for your part in this!!

1 day ago

This decision was necessary. Too many regs were instituted by the federal employees on orders of the president. No more getting rich on the “chevron” decision and defer to the people not the elites.

Irv C
Irv C
1 day ago

It’s about time but a day late and a dollar short regarding 18 million people trampling across our borders. biden committed TREASON opening our country. Atrtie 3 section III Paragraph 1 of the constitution states: Anyone who gives Aid, Comfort, or help to do our country wrong is guilty of treason. biden had no right because he’s a President not a dictator and it should have been put to a vote. He’s allowed at least 400 ISIS terrorists. Taliban, Cartels, drug routes and child trafficking routes to be built. It’s Treason! Had this been decided 3 years ago I don’t think it would have been this way. Trump must win so he can boot them all. If they have something to offer America then they could stay but we don’t need 18 million people taking welfare, medicade, housing off of the blue collar or anyone else’s taxes. I’m still in absolute shock that an AMERICAN PRESIDENT would do this. It’s plain as day, he’s a traitor.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
1 day ago

no government agency should have any right to create any laws, regulations, fees, fines, or restrictions. all of the current regulations, laws, restrictions,fees, and fines should be immediately cancelled if they were not directly voted on by congress.
Government employees should be subject to felony charges if they lie to am american citizen.
Any government employee who is found on private property without a warrant should be immediately classified by all courts at all levels as a deadly threat to the land owner and is completely warranted of response with deadly force.
Any government equipment found on private property without a court order for it to be there immediately becomes the property owners property and can be used in any way they wish.
no government agency should have the right to buy, store, or carry any type of weapons unless specifically approved by a vote of the people. further that vote must include the specific uses of the weapons.

AS soon as a person is acting in a official governemnt capacity they should lose all rights as an private citizen.
If you want to end bureaucratic over reach you have to severely limit their power and ability to enforce it.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 days ago

As AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom described the unelected bureaucrats as people behaving as if they are a fourth branch of. government — that description says much about the spirit of the situation and the appreciation of this Supreme Court ruling. The comment by Mike Pence was good too. Anything that can be described as a “monumental moment for preserving freedom, prosperity and Constitutional Limited Government for future generations of Americans” as Mike Pence stated — sounds right good ,and actually noble to my ears. I. like the sound of it !


1 day ago

Did you hear those socialist democrat liberal crybabies whimpering?? You would think their mommies took away their allowances, huh?? This long-anticipated ruling will finally end decades of rogue federal agencies trampling the rights of everyday Americans under the banner of Chevron and ensure that the people’s elected representatives, not unelected bureaucrats, have the final say in the laws that govern us.HA HA HA…VOTE them OUT!!

Mark S
Mark S
1 day ago

Excellent Job AMAC !!! Keep up the good work. There are more people than you know that love this type of action. God Bless.

Irv C
Irv C
1 day ago

I must add. A new congressman or Senator starts pay at around $175,000 a year. How is it by the time they have 2 years in office they are worth 2 million plus? Term limits are required. This corruption must stop.

1 day ago

I still don’t trust Pence. He plays the game too well, in my opinon. We don’t need someone who comes out to “wave and smile” to look the part and then crack under pressure when things get hot.

Old Silk
Old Silk
1 day ago

Well done, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 day ago

Bureaucrats are NOT mentioned in the Constitution!! They should have ZERO power to penalize citizens without clearly expressed legislation approved by Congress! We have way too may “experts” who think they are smarter than the taxpayers who provide their salaries!!

Tom Wajerski
Tom Wajerski
1 day ago

Credit where credit’s due. Thank=you Mike Pence.

Pat R
Pat R
1 day ago

I learned of Chevron Deference some time ago and knew it was not good for businesses, especially smaller ones.
Hopefully this ruling will also remove the rules/mandates regarding ponds on farms to water animals. The EPA forced some farmers to fill them with dirt because during rains the water from those ponds would overflow and run into rivers. EPA doesn’t consider the farmer’s livelihood, not the fact nature has a way of consuming the things that flow into rivers during storms, especially natural contaminants.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 day ago

Victory Now do More, expand More

Dan Danser
Dan Danser
23 hours ago

The actual 4th branch of the US government is the lobbyists!

1 day ago

Yea let’s celebrate uphold the US Constitution all the way every day !

1 day ago

So AMAC why did you sit back and allow the Social Security Act of 2024 to take away a benefit that had existed for decades that I had planned on to help my wife get by after I pass away. Before you let the Social Security Act of 2024 the surviving spouse could take the higher of the two social security benefits. That’s gone – Thanks AMAC
Is this the first chip from Social Security with more to follow that you’re just going to watch and do nothing about?

James Parker
James Parker
4 hours ago

Thank you AMAC for your grit !

10 hours ago

This is more newsworthy than Biden losing the debate. Let Freedom Ring

Dave Teal
Dave Teal
1 day ago

Although I’m fully aware of bureaucratic overreach, I’m not familiar with CHEVRON. I will appreciate early explanations in future articles.

John Kociuba
John Kociuba
1 day ago

My comments are too truthful to be approved by AMAC narrator. Jewish Communism has decimated the United States. America will slowly wither away. Maybe California, New York, Minnesota, New Mexico, Connecticut, California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Oregon, Georgia, Washington, Delaware, Maryland will join BRICS someday? Repealing Chevron Doctrine changes nothing.

President Biden looking at papers at his desk
Rocket against the background Flag of North Korea. Weapons of mass destruction. Missiles with warheads. Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons.
United States democratic party symbol flag waving on wind. United States democratic party symbol background fullscreen flag blowing on wind. Realistic fabric texture on windy day; democrats

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