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AMAC Action Launches Nationwide Campaign to Safeguard American Elections

Posted on Monday, July 1, 2024
by AMAC Action

Bohemia, New York – Amid an unprecedented threat to election integrity from noncitizens voting as a result of the ongoing border crisis, AMAC Action is launching a nationwide campaign to urge Congress to pass H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

Since President Joe Biden took office, more than 10 million individuals have unlawfully crossed into the United States. Loopholes in existing state and federal election laws mean that many of these individuals could illegally obtain access to the ballot box and potentially influence the outcome of pivotal elections throughout the country this November.

The SAVE Act, which Speaker Mike Johnson will soon bring to the floor of the House of Representatives, would close these loopholes and install crucial safeguards so that every American can be confident in the security and integrity of their elections. AMAC Action’s campaign will empower our members to demand their elected representatives in Washington quickly pass and implement this urgently needed legislation.

Among other essential provisions, the SAVE Act would:

  • Amend the National Voter Registration Act to require states to obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship and identity – in person – when registering an individual to vote in a federal election.
  • Require states to establish a program to remove non-citizens from their existing voter rolls and give states no-cost access to Department of Homeland Security and Security and Social Security Administration databases.
  • Empower citizens to bring civil suits against election officials that fail to uphold proof of citizenship requirements for federal elections.

Importantly, the SAVE Act would provide for all of these changes to be implemented before this November’s elections.

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom called the SAVE Act “vitally important to protect the sanctity of our elections, particularly with the influx of people that have entered our country illegally. The SAVE Act ensures that only U.S. citizens may register to vote in our elections, cleans up voter rolls, and introduces critical accountability measures to ensure the law is followed.”

To join AMAC Action’s campaign and urge your representatives to pass the SAVE Act, click HERE.

To read more from AMAC about the threat of illegal aliens voting and the SAVE Act, click HERE.

For media inquiries please contact Alyssa Lopresti: [email protected], 631-337-0106

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USN Retired
USN Retired
8 months ago

State of Illinois just announced “illegals” (they call them things like “undocumented migrants”) can now obtain standard Illinois driver license,
BTW, it’s the same drivers license used to verify identity to vote by all Illinois residents.
Oh, but wait, they don’t cheat on elections . . . These drivers licenses are legal . . .

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Election safeguard ideas:
Colorcode ballots
UV scan ballots
Watermark ballots
Produced in secure locale
Screen USPS workers
Screen counting room techs
Open door Observation
Chip the ballots for Tracking

Martin B
Martin B
8 months ago

This is a great start, but what about tracking all ballots, watermarks to verify authenticity, no mail-in ballots except for verified disabilities or military service members, no “drop boxes”, no early voting, same-day voting in person only, same-day manual counting, and eliminate ALL voting machines. Then prosecute to the fullest extent, anyone involved in election or voter fraud!

8 months ago

This SAVE Act is a wonderful thing, and I will support it. Hat’s off to AMAC!
Biden’s personal attempt at usurping our voting rights, by allowing mass entry of illegals, is the ultimate act of disrespect to our citizens and country. What a filthy, dishonest, dishonorable little man. He belongs locked in a cage with the families of every innocent child and woman who has been raped and/or murdered by the dregs he illegally let in. There is no language that can adequately express the heinousness of Biden’s criminality in having done this awful thing, for which the result has been so predictable.
He has been a lying, 2-bit punk for his entire career… and, yet, his supporters actually have the nerve to call him “honest”…. These truths can stand alone as a reason to export Biden and all his supporters to wherever his disgusting, murderous imports came from.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
8 months ago

The Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – will fight any and all efforts to ensure election integrity and to prevent cheating during elections. Why? Because they know that if they don’t cheat and can’t utilize every imaginable type of election fraud, they will never again win an election. The left in this country has not had majority popular or voter support since the 1960s. So, you ask, how do they win so many elections? Very simple: they cheat. And they have been doing so for a long, long time. And just an FYI: reports have been coming in for over a year that a substantial portion of the illegal invaders have been registered to vote by the Democrats who have arranged the invasion.

John Miller
John Miller
7 months ago

I applaud the Speakers effort; reality is Schumer won’t bring it to the Senate floor for a vote. Not likely to be in force for the Nov election.

7 months ago

The Federal Government has NO business in regulating elections. Our Constitution clearly says it is the DOMAIN of the various States People’s Legislatures that have the POWER to regulate and determine election laws. The Founders wanted it closest to the People, NOT a corrupt dominate authoritarian Federal Government.

7 months ago

As goes California, so goes the nation. Ca legislature law requires everyone getting a drivers license to be registered to vote at the same time. illegals or not!!

P. Lindberg
P. Lindberg
7 months ago

Passing another law won’t do a thing. The laws we have aren’t being enforced. Democrats have no problem violating laws they don’t like – or enforcing them only on their political enemies.

7 months ago

Support Judicial Watch. They’ve sued many states, including Colorado, and won, to get the voter rolls cleaned up. Unfortunately, our Polis people, aren’t complying with the court ordered cleanup. Seems that there’s not enough resources to clean up the rolls, but enough to violate Colorado’s constitutional guarantee of home rule!

7 months ago

This is nonsensical to even consider having illegals removed from election databases whether it is federal or states. Why are we allowing non-citizens to be included in our elections? Democrats or Republicans who are in favor of such ill-conceived gesture hate this nation and that is the bottom line. Power is all that fancy their greed to that of sovereignty.   

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

To safeguard the elections we first would have to have functioning justice system Just a plain law and order would do

8 months ago

In the passionate disgust I already presented for “President” Biden under this good article, I neglected to mention all of the other deaths he, personally, caused, besides those by the violence of his illegal immigrants against our women and children citizens.
Those are by the cartels, who have killed an inestimable number of Americans and others with both fenanyl and violence… and, likewise, by way of human trafficing involving minors. THESE, also, are murders that Biden himself enabled and supported, by authorizing the open border, and, again, by refusing to stand down when overruled by our Supreme Court…. as if HE can overrule our Justices…. It’s beyond words….

Miriam Erpenbach
Miriam Erpenbach
8 months ago

What an excellent idea to protect the integrity of the elections.

8 months ago

It’s about tie Johnson did something positive for us citizens, although, I still don’t trust him much. He has much more to do to make up for the betrayals he has done.

7 months ago

With Speaker Mike Johnson at the helm, I am not holding my breath. He is NO friend to the American voter. He has turned out to be a turn-coat and part of the swamp. God has exposed him for what he is.

7 months ago

Get over to Wisconsin and monitor those ‘ unmonitored’ ballot boxes, 24/7.

S. Haskell
S. Haskell
7 months ago

Where do illegals register to vote? If illegals have been here for years (waiting for their court date) they must be working? Are employers getting non-citizens registered?

7 months ago

I appreciate this effort. The democrats will do their best not to pass HR8281 and right now they probably have what it takes to defeat this legislation we obviously need. I will tell the only good Senator Alaska has that I wish it would pass.

Susan C Sandy
Susan C Sandy
8 months ago

Cannot edit the email you provided. Not even able to enter my name. I very much want to support this effort, but am frustrated by these technical difficulties. Hope you can rectify this situation. Thank you.

8 months ago

I’m so sad that AMAC is incapable in hosting its own web sites’ responses for supporting the SAVE Act and even at its alternate website. Why promote a response when you can’t handle it? Really poor management and inept leadership!!

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