
National Security , Newsline

Yes, America Is Being Invaded

Posted on Tuesday, January 30, 2024
by Outside Contributor
US map state of Texas - border issues

Across the globe, hostile nations like Russia are using migration as a weapon of war. War is being waged with migrants, instead of tanks, to destabilize and even bankrupt a country and facilitate terrorists attacks from within.

Migration is being used to attack Finland, Italy, France, Poland and — no surprise — America. But the Biden administration is asleep at the switch, oblivious to the threat.

Though most of the migrants crossing the U.S. southern border are in search of economic opportunity, some are used as tools by our enemies.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is rightly sounding the alarm about what he calls an “invasion.”

So are 10 top-ranking former FBI executives, who sent a warning letter to Congress on Jan. 17 about a “new and unfamiliar” type of warfare. Heed their words.

The letter points to the danger of a large number of military-age men “who could begin attacking gatherings of unarmed citizens,” duplicating the horrors of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

The letter also warns that some of the migrants are on the terror watchlist or are from countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism.

Europe gets it. French Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin cautioned back in October that failing to expel illegal immigrants has led to past terrorist incidents, and will again.

The Left claims it’s “racist” to refer to migration as an “invasion.” Nonsense. Ask Finland.

Finland locked its eastern border in November, after Russia flooded the country with migrants from as far away as Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria, likely in retaliation for Finland joining NATO.

In the Western Hemisphere, the anti-American government of Nicaragua is doing what it can, welcoming charter flights of Haitians and Cubans heading to the U.S. border. The Ortega government uses migration as a way to attack the U.S., reports the Associated Press.

Texas is on the receiving end. Abbott has laid miles of razor wire along the Rio Grande to deter border crossers.

Last fall, Customs and Border Protection officials, on order from President Joe Biden, began cutting Texas’ wire to let migrants in. Biden has made the CBP into a concierge service for migrants.

On Oct. 26, when the CBP spotted several hundred migrants waiting on the Mexico side of the Rio Grande, it used a forklift to pull Texas’ fencing out of the ground and hold the wire high enough to allow 300 migrants to walk into Texas. That’s when Abbott went to federal court to sue.

The Biden administration insists that under the Constitution, immigration is exclusively a federal matter. But a federal district court, though declining to halt the wire cutting, found that the feds are “flouting their duties at the border,” enticing people to cross and causing “irreparable harm.” All true.

On appeal, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered Biden’s Border Patrol to stop cutting wire.

Then Biden leapfrogged over the 5th Circuit, going directly to the Supreme Court. The justices have yet to rule on the merits, but on Jan. 22, they lifted the restraining order to temporarily allow the Border Patrol to resume cutting Texas’ wire.

Even so, the justices did not bar Abbott from laying more wire. And he’s doing just that, vowing to protect his state from what literally is an “invasion.”

Liberal critics mock Abbott for invoking the Invasion Clause of the Constitution, which says that if a state is “invaded,” it can defend itself in the absence of federal help.

A federal appeals court ruled in the 1996 case Padavan v. U.S. that “for a state to be afforded the protections of the Invasion Clause,” it must be under attack by “another state or foreign country that is intending to overthrow the state’s government.” But that 20th-century definition of invasion is outdated. Now, war is being waged with migrants, not just missiles.

The letter to Congress warns an “invasion of the homeland is unfolding now.” Military-age men from Russia and China pose “an alarming and perilous” threat.

On Monday, attorneys general from 26 states — all Republicans — sent a strong message supporting Abbott and condemning Biden’s open-border policy. Several of these states have also dispatched state troopers or National Guard troops to help Abbott.

“If the Biden Administration won’t do its job to secure our border and keep Americans safe,” said Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, “it should step aside and let the States do the job for them.”


Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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Joe Dixon
Joe Dixon
11 months ago

Pres Biden is not asleep at the switch as some have said. He and his ilk are intentionally allowing the open border for enemies of America. This is a clear and present danger. Biden and his cronies should be charged with treason, tried, and convicted. Biden is a saboteur in plain sight.

11 months ago

Please don’t call the people flooding our borders, migrants. They are illegal immigrants. They are political pawns and have been lied to by a corrupt administration. Those in power right now don’t care about the child trafficking, illegal drug cartels, protecting our country from invasion or destroying our constitution. Those who come here illegally don’t care about doing things the right way to become a proud American citizen. Most are here to get whatever is free and some are here for very evil intentions. America was built by migrants that came here to work hard and become proud American citizens that would make this nation their nation and the finest nation on earth. The vote whores that brought them here are committing treason and should be hung out to dry.

11 months ago

Overall, this administration from day 1, opened the dam to allow the borders to be flooded with immigrants, terrorists, the drug cartel, etc. The tax payer is footing the bill for immigrants which is bankrupting the country. No one is bothering to chase down potential terrorists who have melted in and are awaiting for orders to create chaos. Look at all the drug deaths that the nation has endured because of other nations that want this country to suffer. When will it end? Will the nation wake up or continue to sleep? Only time will tell.

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

Don’t forget that Dictator Beijing biden and his Communist Party kicked Veterans out of their homes so his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST could live there FREE. Dictator Beijing biden and his Communist Party puts his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION first over AMERICANS and uses OUR TAX DOLLARS and DESTRUCTION of our Sovereignty to do it.

G Morgan
G Morgan
11 months ago

We are going to have another 911 event again in this Country soon ! It will be on a scale we have never seen before. And it will come from those who crossed our Border on Bidens watch watch ! Then the finger pointing will start , and Millions will be spent on the Investigation on how this could have happened . Secure the Border and Deport them ALL until they go thru the Legal System of Immigration that we already have Laws for.

11 months ago

It’s not Russia doing this. It’s our own government doing this to us. On purpose.

11 months ago

Whatever happened to States Rights? There has been creeping of Federalism. for the last hundred years. We are a Constitutional Republic. America was warned by the framers of the Constitution that we had opted for the best form of government,” If we could keep it.”. Seems inattention by irresponsible citizens as to the importance and the power of the vote has led to the threat of one party governance. A disaster in the making.

james carlyle
james carlyle
11 months ago

“But the Biden administration is asleep at the switch, oblivious to the threat.” I find this statement puzzling. Based on this article, It seems that Biden’s activity is the intentional encouragement of illegal immigration.

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

The ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION began on Dictator Beijing biden’s first day in the White House Illegally and Un-Constitutionally. Yet, he waits over 3 years to admit the Border isn’t Secured turning the United States into a 3rd World country INTENTIONALLY and says he needs MORE MONEY (To give to his Illegal Aliens) to Secure the Borders when the Border WAS SECURED under President Trump.
And Dictator Beijing biden SELLS all of the Steel for the WALL that was already paid for to FINISH the WALL.

11 months ago

All states should follow Abbott/Texas’. Put up the wall/barbed wire. But add electrified fences., alligators in the Rio Grande

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
11 months ago

“If the Biden Administration won’t do its job to secure our border and keep Americans safe,” said Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, “it should step aside and let the States do the job for them.
Unfortunately the Mexican Drug Cartels owns too many border States politicians. Mainly Democrats Governors and State A.G.s. Arizona is the prime example. On her first day in office, after she rigged her own election, she order the shipping containers placed on the border removed. California is going to drive every tax payer out of the state with Gavin giving everything to the illegal aliens including cash payments. While doing anything for his own citizens.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
11 months ago

As I’ve stated numerous times on this and other platforms before, the Democrat party is waging war on the U. S. citizenry. They are causing approximately 1.5 million Americans to be killed each year and using foreigners to invade the country to replace them. That is war by any reasonable standard.
The Democrats are now, and have been since 1861, at war with the U. S. When do the people of this country wake up to reality?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Been invaded since Joe said come on IN in Nov 2020

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
11 months ago

Treason. The Biden administration is not honoring their oath of office. To let this insanity continue is ridiculous and criminal.

11 months ago

Biden IS NOT asleep at the switch. This is all deliberate, part of a malignant plan to ensure demon party majorities for the foreseeable future. Theres an added bonus: when some of the vermin steal firearms and create havoc, the demon party will call for universal confiscation . Many scared robots will go along. So its a gift that will keep on giving.

11 months ago

Very scary. All the military aged men. They are the UN’S army I believe. They are being trained, paid and armed to go against Americans.

Valerie Derendinger
Valerie Derendinger
11 months ago

I will vote Republican until the border is closed and all these illegal immigrants are rounded up and deported out of our country. We have immigration laws on the books so it is time to enforce them. Too bad if you don’t like our laws Mr. President which you don’t want to follow. Your butt should be in jail. I don’t understand how some of these Democrats can still vote for this idiot. VOTE RED

11 months ago

Does anyone remember the “political prisoners'” from Cuba…Florida was a blood bath….this will not end good for many many years. thank you Brandon!!

11 months ago

And…you need to be afraid, very afraid as their numbers have reached 10+ million and continuing to grow. Mount your head on a swivel and do what you can to protect your family and secure your home.

11 months ago

So lefty trolls even hanging out platform for seniors they share nothing on common with. You Marxists are pathetic

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
11 months ago

Biden is deliberately allowing the U.S. to be invaded as a way of repaying those who got him installed as president. Biden sold his soul to the devil and the U.S. and American citizens completely out. The U.S. has never had an enemy more dangerous to the U.S. than the Biden administration is.

11 months ago

I just wish Governor Abbott would’ve put a stop to this right from the start obamas sick twisted destructive plan of destroying America is almost complete having more migrants illegally voting canceling out legal Americans votes! Harris went to the triangle countries right after they illegally corruptly got in to set all this in motion right from the start. Obama has been working on this since before he was elected then while he was president he corrupted every agency within our government after Trump won he stayed in D.C. to finish the job! Trump was right obama was illegally wire tapping his phone calls etc. obama is a phoney a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Trump won and everybody knows it and he will do it again this time by an even bigger margin! God bless America!

11 months ago

The Biden Administration is not asleep at the switch!!!The administration is an active participant in the invasion and over through of our country! The evidence is clear… Time to wake up and get busy!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Biden is not asleep! This is a coordinated effort to “flood the zone” with bodies to flip Texas representative numbers with the side benefit of refreshing the Hispanic base the Democrats have been losing. Cloward & Piven destroy first, build back better later.

11 months ago

“But the Biden administration is asleep at the switch, oblivious to the threat. (of illegal migration). All due respect, FJB (Obama) knows exactly what he’s doing.
FJB is on record: “Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent — for the first time in 2017 we’ll be an absolute minority in the United States of America,” Biden said. “Absolutely minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America, from then and on, will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.”
Further: Biden said. “And the wave still continues. It’s not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of.”

Joanne4 justice
Joanne4 justice
11 months ago

It’s true ???? ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are invading globally. However, USA ???????? is the largest target! Human trafficking at its WORST! bringing in crime , drugs and huge numbers of criminal antisocial persons. Many of whom have committed huge crimes in their native countries ! Are the Dirty Dems planning that these persons will get driver license IDS, and vote for their dirty dictatorship?????

11 months ago

remember the Alamo. Because this is going to be even more embarrassing then that loss lol

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