
National Security , Newsline

Who’s Funding Illegal Immigration? You Are.

Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2024
by Outside Contributor
border patrol - illegal immigrants

People often ask how illegal aliens can afford to pay for their journeys. Much of the funding comes from predictable sources: Relatives in the United States may send the money, the migrant may borrow it or even indenture himself to smuggling gangs and work off the debt once here.

But a lot of the money comes from the American taxpayer.

At every stage of a migrant’s journey, U.S. tax money smooths the way for people planning to enter and live in the United States illegally.

Start with the United Nations. The United States gave all the U.N. agencies $18 billion in 2022, representing about one-third of the total budget. The U.N. does many different things with that money, but one thing is to help wannabe border-jumpers actually make it to the border.

An investigation by the Center for Immigration Studies has revealed that U.N. agencies have budgeted $372 million for 2024 to help 624,000 migrants heading north to cross illegally into the United States. These migrants “in transit” will be supported with money, transportation, food, shelter, legal advice and more to ensure they’re able to get to the Rio Grande.

Once the illegal aliens cross the border, they turn themselves in to the Border Patrol, which is obviously totally funded by our taxes. Law enforcement is an essential function of government, and few people begrudge the taxes we have to pay for that protection.

But now, the taxpayer-funded Border Patrol is no longer doing much law enforcement — it’s been turned into a vast, green-uniformed Welcome Wagon. Since President Biden took office, more than 3 million undocumented aliens have been “processed” by the Border Patrol and released into the United States.

Once you’ve paid to have the immigrants “processed” and released, they then have to make their way to the relatives or friends they’re going to join. While much of the money for the bus or plane tickets comes from the aliens’ families or a genuine charity, the taxpayers provide some of it whether you like it or not.

For one group of immigrants, all the transportation costs are borne by the taxpayer. Unaccompanied minors (who frequently are neither minors nor really unaccompanied) have totaled nearly half a million on Biden’s watch, and they are delivered to their “sponsors” (often their undocumented alien parents who paid to have them smuggled in the first place) by the U.S. government. 

This is so egregious that one federal judge has angrily noted that the Department of Homeland Security was “successfully completing the mission of the criminal (smuggling) conspiracy.” On your dime.

But you help pay for adult undocumented aliens to get to their destinations, too. The Federal Emergency Management Agency oversees Emergency Food and Shelter Program, which was started 40 years ago to give money to non-profit groups to help homeless veterans and others. The original purpose of this program has been swallowed up by a new mission — assisting undocumented border-crossers with transportation and basic needs. In 2023, $425 million in your money was budgeted for that task.

And then, when the aliens reach their destinations, you’re still paying. New York City expects to shell out up to $12 billion through next year to support them, and Chicago and other cities face similar challenges. And since states often help pay for municipal budgets, people in Upstate New York and Downstate Illinois will also pay.

If you don’t live in one of those places, you’re still not off the hook. The border bill being negotiated in the Senate, whatever its other strengths and weaknesses, includes a federal bailout for New York and other sanctuary cities struggling with the costs of our border policies.

Whether the money comes directly from the federal treasury or is directed through the United Nations or various non-profit groups, your tax money is helping underwrite the border crisis. There’s a long list of things that need to be done to regain control after three years of chaos, but high up on that list is to stop paying to make it worse.

Reprinted with permission from The DC Journal by Mark Krikorian. 

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7 months ago

As a Retired employee of Home Depot, here in Arizona, a border state, I have absolutely no sympathy for those that cross the border. I saw it daily … 15 or 20 living in a 2 or 3 bedroom home … they buy a lawnmower, a beat up old truck, a rake, and start a landscaping business. They can undercut legitimate businesses, as they have no licenses, or overhead … homeowners, especially during this administration, unable to do the work themselves, can’t afford the legitimate businesses, so they hire the illegals, cash, at 1/4 the cost. If it was just landscape … not a big deal, but it’s plumbing, electrical, handyman services … a magnet sign on their truck door, some business cards, and it looks like a legitimate business … 1/4 the cost … of course if they do something wrong, and your house catches fire, or pipes burst …. try to find them …. they exist on a cell phone that the government gives them for free, no questions asked … funded by your dollar. It is a plague on society … IF only from mexico and South America … but now the Chinese an others coming across, with no intentions of working in America … they already have jobs, for their homeland … terrorism will soon be running amuck in America … and we have the open border as the cause.

Paul W
Paul W
7 months ago

That’s true that much of the funding comes off of our backs, but personally speaking, it’s done completely WITHOUT my permission. As far as I’m concerned it’s congressional malfeasance and misappropriation of funds. I DO NOT consent to being a source of the funding of completely unvetted invaders intentionally violating our so-called sovereign borders (plural…their invading the northern border as well, albeit in lower numbers)…unlike george soros, the u.n., the “American” red cross and many Catholic charities that are purposefully aiding and abetting these INVADERS (stop calling them migrants!)!

7 months ago

Unfortunately there are too many stupid people in America who vote Democrat, or for RINOS for that matter. The beltway uni-party is alive and well and so is the new American police state. Thank a Democrat you know for the current untenable economics, cultural rot, unbridled drug use, weak defense, and growing countrywide lawlessness. The politicians are not your friends and they do not care about you.

7 months ago

Biden’s name will soon be synonymous with Benidict Arnold, only America will lose this fight. He has simply sold out his country for money and should be charged with treason.
We have been invaded and when the hammer drops, we will not know who our enemies are. And we will be defeated from within by a traitor for a president.
As the Bible says, beware of the wolf in lambs clothing.

Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
7 months ago

These people are not immigrants, but an invading army for the Democratic Fascists who brought them here. They are taking our money, food, and water, bringing drugs. Many representing underground cells are ready to strike when given the signal. There will be serious repercussions from these devils. This regime in Washington needs to pay for this vile, evil action.

Randy J Jones
Randy J Jones
7 months ago

There is something fundamentally wrong when people who cross the border get more in benefits than our retired people get in benefits they paid for before retiring.

7 months ago

I’m tired of paying for everyone else wants and need including free medical, I work my butt off and still don’t receive free anything…this just keeps pissing me off
We as Americans don’t get the choice in any of this we just get to pay everyone’s bills!!

7 months ago

Of course the American public is financing all of this via our tax dollars being used to fund the entire process via the Democrat Party and their numerous allies both domestically and abroad.

7 months ago

The entire Biden Administration needs to be brought up on charges of Treason and tried by a Military Tribunal for their treasonous acts against this country by not only allowing this invasion of our borders but by encouraging it and paying for it with taxpayer dollars.

7 months ago

This is utter insanity… and treason! Destroying our country so it can be sold off piece by piece!

7 months ago

Defund the UN

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Non profits & other schemes to use Tax $ for Illegals

7 months ago

I feel sorry for these immigrants but I, who have worked for many years, do not feel that we should just pour money into the illegals when so many of our own are suffering.

7 months ago

Yet again President Trump had it correct, the UN is no friend of America.
We need to stop funding this marxist, anti American organization!

7 months ago

Lying Joe Biden iso giving those that are here, Money that is out of the Veteran benefits, Once again sticking it to the Veterans.
Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!
Not one penny should go to anyone, and I mean anyone who is not a Veteran!

Pat R
Pat R
7 months ago

And this is how the Dems plan to get them all registered as voters on Dem tickets. How, because GOP’rs (if they have spine) vote no to fund illegals and Dems will shot from the rooftops that Republicans are anti-immigrants. Geez they broke our law when they entered illegally. A genuine citizen would be in jail for that. This is definitely an UPHILL battle but one we must fight.

7 months ago

I have watched and listened to them while saying they are hungry, saying they are cold, saying they need a home, saying they need surgery, saying they are sick, saying they need to work, saying they want a better life, saying they want their children to be educated. Well, I would give definitely food to anyone who is hungry. But I find it hard, after seeing how many have walked across the border with cell phones, ok shoes, suitable clothing to feel sympathy on those who have brought these hardships on themselves!

Irv C
Irv C
7 months ago

Article III Section 3 Paragraph 1 of the constitution says a person commits treason by assisting and giving comfort to our enemies. Well biden, they come illegally and that’s an enemy, terrorists and drug smugglers along with child traffickers are also enemies. I ask? How in the FU*K are you not in prison? How is it the crooked leaders go after the Honorable President Trump? It’s because democrats make millions from cartels by allowing all this crime. Who’s the REAL CRIMINALS HERE?

7 months ago

I’m 66 years old and never never thought I would see the day when our very own government would try to take us down from within. The straight up blatant in your face corruption and their what are you going to do about it attitudes are completely insane! These so called Americans have sold their souls to satan for a very high price and will hopefully eventually pay for their sins of deliberately hurting allowing selling and murder of innocent little children!

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
7 months ago

Unfortunately, through taxes being misspent by politicians and government agencies, American taxpayers are supporting many things that are directly doing US harm.

7 months ago

Send them home!
Send them home!
Send them home!
Send them home!
Send them home!

7 months ago

Taxpayers are paying for the illegals who are pouring across our border?!?!!?!? WOW!!! & DUH!!!!!!!! Gosh…..what gave this writer his/her 1st clue?!?!? Who else were they stealing the money from to pay for it???? Didn’t think the Biden family was donating their ill-gotten gains from China to pay for it!!! I doubt they even PAY taxes!!!!

Robert Jackson
Robert Jackson
7 months ago

Note: Fewer than half of Americans pay federal income tax.
There are over 300 million Americans and roughly 144 million pay income taxes.
Articles that either intentionally or unintentionally inflame are usually misleading.
For about 156 million people, it makes no difference how much taxpayer money is spent. It’s not like taxes of those people are misdirected away from the homeless or disadvantaged veterans.
However, it isn’t just federal taxes being spent. Law enforcement, water supplies, sewer service, etc are also impacted – affecting even the 156 million not paying federal income taxes.
Just to clarify

7 months ago

Forgot to mention in the article, the Red Cross and other philanthropic organizations, that are supported by the American taxpayers, who in turn support the migrants on their journey here. Camps providing food and shelter, clothing and transportation on the way. Then once here cellphones, credit cards, free transportation via plane, without ID, bus or train are provided. These so called sponsors are human traffickers and pedophiles. Many young men end up in slave shops. Yes people they stil exsist. Lawyers and judges and businesses and many more are making money of these migrants on your tax dime. Like the war in the Ukraine. Plus the cost of weakening our defense capabilities to support ole Joe’s buddies in the Ukraine. An Egyptian journalist was found killed after he reported that Zelensky’s mother had bought a 5 million dollar estate. Shhh keep your mouth shut. But also we taxpayers paid for that. Ukrainians in exile don’t want to go back. Zelensky wants to call up 500,000 more civilians to fight. 400,000 have been killed to date and many many more wounded with loss of limbs and brain damage. But what is 500K more. If Zelensky and his family can buy more estates. We are being duped left and right. And pretty soon so weak Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorists groups will come ashore welcomed by sloppy with open arms. He thinks they are migrants he invited in, you know he has memory problems, only here that is a qualification to be president. Just remember your tax dollars at work.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

If they spent the same amount of money on OUR BORDER as they do on Perpetual War Machine Funding, there would BE no problem! But it’s always about money and buying that vote, isn’t it!?

joe smith
joe smith
7 months ago

they did nothing for their country and they will do nothing for our country!!!

7 months ago

I agree! Why do these politicians make the decision to supply funds to immigrants. That’s quite simple!
To Buy there vote! Hoping that they become Citizens by getting Amenesty.
Vote for Donald Trump.
He will not allow this disaster again.
Just Remember back in his
Illegal Immigration was down by 75%.
Our nation was healthy financially and Americans had jobs.

TRUMP 2024!

Robert Grove
Robert Grove
7 months ago

How is it for you construction workers? I don’t see any construction workers in my area anymore that appear to be citizens. It must be hard to find construction work if you are a US citizen

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
7 months ago

Yippee! if you love watching your freedoms and independence drift away, while pedophiles and perverts move into power, vote demonicrat! The horror of the demonicrat party, which began its existence fighting freedom for Black Americans (a battle they’ve not yet abandoned), continues to darken our existence. The fact that a demented pedophile who lacks the least grasp of the concept of honesty sits in the driver’s seat of what once was the land of the free and the home of the brave, is all one needs to see in order to understand that the evil overarching our nation today is something far beyond misunderstanding and/or stupidity. Much like our very existence, intelligent design is the only logical explanation.

7 months ago

The level of overt satanic lawlessness in this country and in the world is beyond belief. It is my taxi driver who informs me he has no papers but in the state of NY not only is allowed driving license but can drive a taxi. “In 2023, $425 million in your money was budgeted for that task.” We kill ourselves working so our money – earned honestly is taken out of our paychecks to fund and provide a comfortable passage of unlawful illegality. New York State is insane – more than 1/2 of the population in my upstate small city is latino – majority of them are most likilely illegal but living working, using every social benefit known to man and earning money as well – we are living in the most insane bizarre world that has ever been pre- ante-diluvian society and the time of Noah – God help us.

7 months ago

I send emails to my Senators and House Rep weekly (Republicans) asking when they are going to QUIT blaming Brandon and SHUT OFF the Tax Payer $$$$ being given freely to ILLEGAL ALIENS and do you think I have EVER RECEIVED A STRAIGHT ANSWER— NO!!! And they are SUPPOSED TO BE CONSERVATIVES! IF the ILLEGAL ALIENS KNEW they would get NOTHING but a free flight to the tip of SOUTH AMERICA WE WOULDN’T NEED A WALL because they would STOP COMING!!! ENOUGH SAID!!!

7 months ago

it’s a disgrace and a waste to help unlawful acts – this is not necessary – what about Americans???? the dumos are ridiculous and the voters are even worse! Trump has to get back in office to get America back to being Good America

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
7 months ago

The immigration situation is the worst domestic event. Ever. Including Nixon. That was repairable. This isn’t. I think it is impossible to round up 12 to 15 million people. American civilians could shut it down on private land.

7 months ago

That has been my question for quite some time. The second question I have is who is or are the driving force(s) behind it?. It takes a lot of effort and logistics to herd all this people, transport them, feed them, house them etc. I believe the only goal of this treason is to create voters to offset the conservative vote. If they are using tax payers money, then we are unwillingly paying for our own demise.

grumpy old woman
grumpy old woman
7 months ago

I am absolutely disgusted that the unelected president Joke Biden is destroying America. The House is wasting time and effort on a fruitless effort to impeach Mayorkas, if he is removed the would be replaced by an open borders zealot just as bas as he is.
Bottom line, American taxpayers are funding, with borrowed dollars, the destruction of our nation and the so called republicans are standing by at best and helping at worst. They are all bought and paid for and don’t care about the nation or the people.

7 months ago

It’s beyond sick, it’s fatal.

7 months ago

Over 55% of migrants. legal and illegal, get public assistance (welfare) after moving to the US. This makes the expense of our over 80 welfare programs more expensive than our national defense.

7 months ago

The Constitution is the Law of the Land. It says taxpayer money is only to be used for Domest Concerns, Infrastructure and Military (to protect Americans here). How can Congress do what they are doing sending taxpayer dollars to foreign countries. The UN/WHO etc. are foreign entities. . This is against the Constitution. Americans wake up DEFUND CONGRESS and lets see what it does next. The fat cats running Congress need to suffer along with all the destitute Americans they have created.

7 months ago

Of course working Americans pay for everything. But – WHO IS AT THE TOP MAKING ALL THIS HAPPEN? When we know that then there can be outrage towards those individuals.

7 months ago

Where is the box on our tax forms the we Americans can check to claim all these illegal immigrants as DEPENDENTS? Our tax dollars are supporting them!!! We have paid our taxes, they HAVE NOT earned the rights to receive what we have worked our whole lives for!!!

Mike S.
Mike S.
7 months ago

This is being done deliberately. By balkanizing us with no common culture, tradition, value sets, religion. No commonality, nothing to unify us only to divide us. They are only here to exploit us, adding nothing to our society. They are not doing the jobs Americans won’t do. We have a welfare system that pays you not to work, so lazy Americans choose not to work. I have a legal Mexican immigrant friend who became a US citizen the right way, a lot of time and money spent. She loves this country more than most native Americans, and she hates what is going on. These numbers of illegals will foster a culture clash. And for food Jobs, housing. This is where a real civil war is looming. Only if God divinely intervenes can this corrupt government be stopped, Pray.

7 months ago

Illegals are allowed to vote in federal elections in many states including Arizona where over 46000 voted in the last election.

7 months ago

It’s the swamp draining tax payer funds to support thousands of projects and organizations that are not government related and have no benefit for all Americans, other than supporting repayment for political supporters and dole recipient’s. It’s the UN that is doling out Amerivan tax payer funds supporting thousands of projects and organizations that have nothing to do with benefits, of any kind, for the American people. Add that to the money Americans are paying at the pumps for fuel, to the middle-east and to China, which supply to funds for Anti-American propagandists at all levels of American government, and you have identified the American haters world wide. These governments want America filled with people that have no knowledge of Amercia, American history, or any regard what-so-ever for the American people. The shame though, is that our own people are allowing this to happen, because they are blinded by the constant untruths circulating in our own media. Biden caused the border crisis, at every border into our country, not just the southern border. He started this treason with a pen and he can stop it with a pen. Any other statement or what if is a continuation of his blatant lie.

7 months ago

And who do Biden, the democrats and the media blame? Trump and MAGA! Where are Republicans? I’m not hearing much about all the executive orders Trump issued to control the border, that Biden reversed! Or HR 2 that the house passed this past May, sitting on Schumer’s desk, that would stop the border madness. No, republicans just let the democrats gas light the voters, instead of taking every opportunity to slam them by calling out all their lies! The democrats are turning the border issue around, making them the ones who are going to fix the border, and Trump and MAGA the reason there is a problem, and they will be the ones who will save the nation.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
7 months ago

Here’s my solution:

  1. Vote out all Democrats at every level of Government.
  2. Defund every agency that enables illegals to enter the country.
  3. Create new agencies to find and deport all illegals, who may go to the back of the line and attempt to enter legally.
  4. Strictly enforce all immigration laws already in place.
  5. Do whatever is necessary to make our borders and ports of entry rock solid.
  6. Prioritize programs for new legal citizens to encourage assimilation into our culture.

That would be a good start.

7 months ago

I am a retired senior citizen, I worked hard all my life and to see my tax dollars going to pay for criminals to enter and stay in our country is very hurtful!! I understand that other countries have problems that affect the little people but we, the United States, cannot afford to take on so many people all at once!!! Those who come here illegally may be escaping something horrible but we have laws and our own leaders are allowing 8 million plus to enter our country without any concern about how we are going to care for them, Joe!!!! Joe and Democrats have already made my retirement bad with their inflation and high prices that are still there!!! There is so much crime that comes with these illegals and drugs, hostile actions!! Joe, what are you thinking?? Are you and Barack actually trying to destroy this country??? Because that’s what it feels like and you have another year to put into place more horrid policies!!!

7 months ago

People like George Soros and family, and others that would blow the minds of most American Citizens!!! l have learned enough to regurgitate daily. WE have got to take our country back from these demonrats

7 months ago

Let’s not forget the government monies going to NGOs, like the one formed by our three illustrious former presidents (Clinton, Bush, and Obama for those who just graduated college) to fly illegals from Mexico into the US. Google search it if you don’t believe it.

7 months ago

What will it take to stop this insane use of our taxpayer dollars? Sounds like pushback time against the government that is recklessly spending our money like a drunken sailor on liberty.

7 months ago

Undocumented Aliens is politically incorrect. This is America now. The correct term is: Predocumented Future Democrats. Lets be politically correct. CHRIS

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