
National Security , Newsline

Violent Criminals Continue to Pose as Migrant Children to Enter US; Congress Must Act Now

Posted on Friday, September 1, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Caution sign border USA Mexico to prevent children and migrants from entering

Despite all the “victory laps” Biden administration officials have taken as they brag that their unlawful policies and processing programs have reduced illegal immigration, recent border data shows the opposite.

On top of that, there is an undeniable link between the increase in illegal entrants being welcomed into the country and an increase in violent crime, which is posing a significant threat to public safety.

This is a matter that must be addressed when Congress returns in September, and its resolution is so critical that Congress must tie it to the negotiations for funding the federal government for the new fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.

In July, as temperatures soared into the triple digits, Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 132,652 illegal aliens between the ports at the southwest border—a 33% increase over June, when 99,539 illegal aliens were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico line.


The lower total in June was clearly an artificial reduction due to the abuse of the parole system, a tool this administration uses to quickly bring in as many inadmissible aliens without visas through the actual ports of entry (not around them) as possible.

Not all of these illegal aliens are the same, but certain groups present more challenges to an overwhelmed Border Patrol and are able to easily enter the United States—notably adults entering illegally with children as a “family unit” and minors who enter without a parent or guardian, also known as unaccompanied alien children.

On top of increases in both single adult and family unit apprehensions, unaccompanied children at the southwest border increased by nearly 50% in July compared to June.

The same Biden administration officials who have repeatedly begged Central Americans not to send their children on the treacherous journey to the United States at the hands of smugglers and traffickers have done absolutely nothing to slow their entries. Instead, their policies and methods of resettlement are encouraging more.

The fact that unaccompanied children are regularly raped and exploited on their journey to the United States is a heartbreaking reality. And sadly, their lives do not improve once they enter the country, where they are then turned over to questionable, if not dangerous, “sponsors.” Many are also forced to work in unsafe conditions that violate child labor laws, go missing, or are sex trafficked.

Furthermore, teenage members of MS-13 and other violent Central American gangs continue to take advantage of current U.S. policy and the easiest, most vulnerable migrant flow and enter the United States as unaccompanied children.

More than 70% of unaccompanied children are teens, aged 15 to 17, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, with some adults even posing as minors.

Too many Americans and migrants themselves have needlessly died at the hands of vicious gang members who were welcomed into the country and then released into our communities. Yet another tragic instance of this took place mere weeks ago, with the media refusing to explore the reality of the situation.

Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, a 17-year-old native of Guatemala, illegally crossed into the United States and self-surrendered in El Paso, Texas, in January. He was quickly turned over to HHS custody as an unaccompanied child and released to a sponsor in Louisiana. On Aug. 19, he was arrested as a suspect in a brutal murder of an 11-year-old migrant girl in Pasadena, Texas.

At the time of his arrest, his address was not in Louisiana with the sponsor but an apartment complex in Texas where the little girl was found after having been sexually assaulted, strangled, put into a trash bag, and hidden under her bed while her father was at work.

The media continue to leave out the immigration details in their coverage of this brutal crime that should have been prevented in a concerted effort to cover for the Biden administration and keep the historic flow of unaccompanied alien children going and viewed in a positive light.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics show a consistent and alarming increase of convicted criminal aliens that it encounters. As such, this horrific crime by Garcia-Rodriguez is just one of the thousands of murders, rapes, and other violent crimes that occur each year at the hands of illegal aliens in the U.S.

What is even more outrageous is the fact that Democrat politicians in the region and here in Washington continue to ignore such crimes.

The same folks who claim that everything they do related to border security is humanitarian in nature have shown more outrage over inflatable water barriers that Texas erected than the murder of an 11-year-old girl by a now-18-year-old man allowed into the country by their policies.

Enough is enough.

Republicans on Capitol Hill will soon be at a crossroads when it comes to addressing the Biden Border Crisis and funding the federal government.

It is essential that House Republicans unite behind a reasonable demand to include their already passed border security measure as part of any spending agreement that is passed to avert a government shutdown in late September.

The bill, the Secure the Border Act (HR 2), fulfilled promises made to the American people on delivering solutions to a self-inflicted crisis that harms not just cities and states along the border but every city and state around the country.

The bill’s intentions and contents are clear: It would end the crisis and restore sanity, safety, and security at our borders. A key component that helps do that is closing longstanding loopholes in the processing of unaccompanied alien children.

It is vital that this bill is a part of any agreement for the continuation of funding for the federal government.

If the federal government cannot perform the basic task of keeping our border secure and preventing instances like the murder of an innocent 11-year-old girl from happening, it should not be funded.

RJ Hauman is a visiting advisor for the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By RJ Hauman

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Ramon Maceyras
Ramon Maceyras
1 year ago

Yes, defund the federal government, but also impeach president Biden and Home Land Security Mayorca who are direct responsible for what is happening.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

If the federal government cannot perform the basic task of keeping our border secure and preventing instances like the murder of an innocent 11-year-old girl from happening, it should not be funded.” Triple huge AMENs to that last statement.

Cindy Hayes
Cindy Hayes
1 year ago

America has the largest demand for child sex slaves in the world. For this to happen with no change means our ruling Elites are in on the debauchery.
Ironically, back in February 2021 we came across a change to the definition of “Ageism” in Wikipedia while researching why Seniors were the only ones NOT awash in Covid Cash during the Con. No extra Meals on Wheels for them. Not even the short program to get them back on their feet from Covid hospital stays.
For some reason, it was imperative for snot nosed academics, who can work another 45 years, to have their student loans paid off (at our state universities) via the taxpaying money of those of us who can’t. Shall I get into the million dollar lottery & million dollar scholarship lottery for the jab in addition to loan pay offs in our Red State with our installed Dem Governor?
Anyway, they changed the definition of ageism to include adolescents since they aren’t allowed to marry, consent to their own medical procedures & the like. We started calling them WikiPedo & plastered the change all over social media while outing their attempt at normalizing Pedophilia AND their treasonous treatment of our Seniors. They have since changed it back.
The other reason their Webster Czars change the definition of words is an activist tactic they are taught. This way the Dems can propose bills that forbid ageism and since most people associate the definition with our Senior population, they hope to fool legislatures – especially since no one has time to read bills before passing them.
The more you know…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

This is all nothing new: there are signs posted at the boundaries of US national parks in Arizona warning visitors of armed cartel activity in the area. There are hills in Arizona where they have armed look outs posted. So explain to me how this is not an invasion but “migration”?

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Well Done with this very important writing Mr. Hauman. The information you presented in this article is vital to anyone interested in defending the Country from the criminal element invading the Country through corrupt policies that concern immigration. I plan to contact Congress about passing the Secure the Border Act. This is a war going on, the level of hostile acts being perpetrated by this enemy should make it clear to anyone with any sense that things need to be done to deal with this situation accordingly. The United States of America has dealt with situations like this before and the enemy forces were vanquished . Good prevailed (Think about the 1941 song ” We Did It Before, and We Can Do It Again ” ) That is the spirit that is needed now. In the spirit of encouraging respect for good character, good citizenship, respect for law and the will of God, respect for life and Liberty. You have helped to bring about victory and to defend things that are good and right and honorable with your writing this article. It is appreciated.

1 year ago

The Corrupt Obama/ Biden Administration and Family Crime Mafia, have three-in-one goal -destroy America. Destroy America’s families. Destroy American children. Sexualize the children, abuse them, teach them what they cannot, as children, understand (grooming) rape them and call it consent, train them to hide things from their parents. mutilate their tiny, underdeveloped bodies and minds. We don’t have a “government” of the people, for the people, or by the people. We have totalitarian, oligarchy, Marxists, communists control. We are hanging on by a thread. Everyone is crying for donations, yet Biden or whatever it is, can continually hand over billions to Zelensky, while the Ukrainian people are dying by the thousands. And all this time, they continually try to destroy the man who was able to sop it for a short time, e.g. Donald J. Trump. What we can do is return this nation to God. Each of us individually, and the churches. The pope won’t help. He too is compromised. Find people to pray with. It isn’t easy. Everyone likes to think they are Christians, but when it comes time to really pray, they aren’t around. But we have to pray and read God’s word. We can’t do this without God.

1 year ago

Finish building the wall all across the whole border and keep armed guards there. Then close PERMANENTLY any gates. But our a**hole gov in CA likes the illegals, they vote for him.

1 year ago

On Cleveland, Ohio’s Downtown Public Square, members of the military placed purple flags in the ground for every Clevelander killed by a fentanyl overdose. It’s scary! I don’t understand why this sorry excuse for an administration doesn’t just close the border. That’s where so much of the fentanyl is coming from. I guess “they” think purple flags on Public Square look nice.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

If you have not already seen “Sound of Freedom”, please do so now!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

I am sure the Congress will get right at it such diligent little workers that they are

1 year ago

Geez, what a surprise! . . . NOT!

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

Nothing will happen until we take control of our government. Your vote is your voice. I don’t care about party lines if they are the problem get rid of them. Obey the Constitution or you are out. The fix is in, the Dept. of justice is the Dept. of JUSTus. Your vote is your voice, shout out loud and clear.

1 year ago

I live in Texas and I appreciate all of the thoughts expressed here. However, the only substantial action to stem the flow of illegals into Texas is by the state. I urge everyone to support and urge the Texas government as well as the other border states to install such physical/administrative barriers as are needed to control the situation. The sovereignty of the citizens of the US is being extinguished by illegal immigration.
AMAC, please develop form letters for members to send to all of the federal representatives to put an end to this failed policy of the Marxists and Communist bureaucrats that are ruining this country. Please include a special request to support the border states with donations and or assistance. Our collective voice can have an impact. The border states can bring common sense and order back to our country. It is clear the federal bureaucrats cannot.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

Biden continues to pose as POTUS, yet he has NO common sense, no idea how to handle problems, BUT he does have the capacity to put foreigners first and Americans LAST!

1 year ago

Children, teenagers, and women are being snatched by KKKJoe Biden’s accomplices and kicked into forced seks and labor camps. Take note also that the known anti-civil rights Biden has been targeting even blue states to send his illegals to, knowing full well that many of those people are violent and will cause chaos and mayhem. Needless to say that Joe Biden doesn’t care about anyone, not even those who voted for the slob.

Robert Deighton
Robert Deighton
1 year ago

Is anyone in the Biden administration concerned with the number of military-age Illegals streaming across our border? Is America being invaded? Was this planned by the Biden/Obama agenda? He did promise open borders in his campaign, and many of our own” Useful Idiots” families and friends voted for him. Hopefully, they are aware of the Devious Dems plan for our country and will vote conservative in 2024. In the meantime, we should be very vigilant in our own communities.

Everyone else does
Everyone else does
1 year ago

heh texas why can’t you keep your lights on? Lol

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