
National Security , Newsline

US Outraged at Central American Court-Packing?

Posted on Monday, May 17, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

court-packingHypocrisy is seldom so pure.  The Biden State Department just took El Salvador to task for a constitutional outrage – their Congress is packing the Supreme Court for political ends! Outrage justified?  Yes, of course.  Pot calling kettle black – what would you say?

The Biden Administration – even as it plans to dump planeloads of money on Central America to end the border crisis – just hammered El Salvador.  The US Secretary of State called the Salvadoran President and told him court-packing is a bad form: “An independent judiciary is essential to democratic governance.″ See, e.g.,

Biden’s team said having a politically aligned Congress vote to replace five of 15 justices – or El Salvadoran magistrates – for alleged misfeasance during COVID is foul play.  That amounts to politically stacking the deck, raising the number of justices politically aligned with the Salvadoran president, allowing them to vindicate legislation otherwise unconstitutional.

Gosh, now there is an idea.  If a Congress politically aligned with a President were to suddenly change the composition of the Supreme Court, in turn assuring unconstitutional legislation were ruled constitutional – such as “election reform” creating a one-party rule, gutting the First and Second Amendments – that would be wrong.  But only in El Salvador?

Yes, you get the point.  The Biden Administration underwrites rule of law and policy around the world, but condemns, defunds, raises liability, and undermines policy at home.  The Biden Administration pressures nations to protect borders and honor treaties, then violates that principle at home.  And they are now outraged at politically motivated court-packing in El Salvador, while that idea is being pushed hard at home – by Biden and Democrats.

Is there a distinction?  Yes, El Salvador wrestles with endemic public corruption, and the process was hardly constitutional.  The removal of one-third of a Supreme Court is not the same as adding one-third to the court.  And yes, the US Congress still has – for now – a legislative filibuster or cloture vote of 60, that would or should prevent this outrage here.

But the distinction is narrow because the underlying motivations – by a corrupt or politically suspect El Salvadoran party controlling their presidency and congress and a politically craven party controlling the US presidency and congress – are the same.

The goal of Biden’s court-packing play is the same at the condemned court-packing in El Salvador:  With no respect for rule of law, undermine the Supreme Court’s independence, legitimacy, and rulings – by stacking the deck, making the High Court a tool of one-party rule, turning it political.

In short, the Biden State Department is right to call out the ruling party in El Salvador.  They are right to forcefully condemn a one-party president and congress for making a Supreme Court the tool of politics.  That is exactly the reason such a move would be dead wrong in America.  Just hold the mirror up, Mr. Biden.

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3 years ago

“Do as I say, not as I do”…sounds familiar?!!

3 years ago

Democrats only approve of court packing, when it works in their favor to over-come an obstacle to enacting their socialist agenda.

You might notice that the Biden administration doesn’t seem to be voicing any concerns about how China has essentially packed the local courts in Hong Kong to facilitate the crushing of the pro-democracy movement in that formerly free country. All in order to impose pure communist control on the people there. Not a peep from the Biden administration on Hong Kong at all. Instead it is all back to “business as usual”.

Democrats here are very selective in their outrage. One could call it hypocrisy, if one thought for a moment that Democrats had any principles to begin with. Which of course they don’t.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Yet they want same for USSC? Dble std

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

American taxpayers no longer live in a FREE country———————–socialist control is rampant !!

Debbie Freie
Debbie Freie
3 years ago

Isn’t this illegal? If not,it should be. There are no checks and balances and I for one, am not naive enough to believe the Republicans can’t stop this.

3 years ago

The El Salvadorian Supreme Court must be turning to the Right for the Democrats to have an issue.

Snowman ⛄
Snowman ⛄
3 years ago

Since Tax Paying Americans no longer live in a Free Country, what say all American tax payers “STOP Paying Taxes!!!!! What’s the Braindead Biden Administration going to do?? Arrest everyone that stops paying, I think not!!!! ???? The problem with Americans anymore is, most are “Sheeple!!” And follow the “Fake Leaders” in this country!!! AKA (The Demonrats ???? ????) or the far leftest, Socialist, Communist Ragime!!!!! ????????????????????????????????????

3 years ago

Democrats started this game with Robert Bork. Plus, they did it earlier than that. They savaged two of Nixon’s appointees in 1969 and 1970. Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell.

3 years ago

Impeachment is looking good.

3 years ago

All for show!! Remember the obama years? Forget what’s in the hand in FRONT of the President…look what’s in the hand BEHIND his back. It’s DECEPTION and it’s part of the Alinsky method.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Biden is NOT our POTUS. Trump is still MY commander in chief.

3 years ago

Yet the people of the US the elected officials who work for us DO nothing. A revolution is coming in the near future.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
3 years ago

Classic do as I say, not as I do.

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