
National Security , Newsline

Trading Dictators: Biden Seeks to Replace Russian Oil with Chinese Minerals

Posted on Friday, April 29, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

President Joe Biden talks with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm during a tour of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Flatirons Campus.

After the White House has spent months dismissing rising gas and energy prices as “transitory,” the result of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and finally as simply a matter of “corporate greed,” poll after poll shows that Americans just aren’t buying it – the connection between Biden’s failed energy policies and sky-high costs is all too clear. Faced with this failure, the President and his team now appear to be going all-in on the line that if the country just “transitions” to “green energy,” it will both lower costs and alleviate concerns about energy independence. But mounting evidence suggests that Biden’s energy policy has not only failed to accomplish either of those goals, but it also was self-contradictory from the start and would leave the country once again reliant on a foreign adversary.

From the earliest days of his campaign, President Biden made it clear that his administration would seek to end domestic production of non-renewables. In September 2019, he stated, “I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuel.” On his first day in office, he suspended all new oil and gas leases on public lands, rejoined the Paris Climate Accords, and killed the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Predictably, this ended the hard-won energy independence achieved under President Trump and sent prices soaring. Biden was soon reduced to begging American adversaries in OPEC to boost production to offset rising costs. They declined.

The White House then thought they had a break when Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. Finally, someone else to blame for rising costs. This also provided another excuse for the administration to push their radical environmental agenda, as they insisted that only a rapid forced transition to renewables could bring prices down and prevent similar price hikes in the future, apparently ignoring the fact that such a price hike could have easily been avoided this time around had Biden followed Trump’s lead.

But that wishful thinking soon ran up against the reality of Biden’s self-defeating energy policy. Currently, not only is U.S. renewable energy capacity far below the level needed to bring about the type of changes the White House is pushing for, production of component materials for green energy equipment is heavily reliant on imports from China.

Solar panel production is a prime example. In February of this year, Biden extended tariffs on solar panel imports after China was accused of “dumping” cheap panels on the international market to the detriment of American producers. In theory, this should have led to increased domestic production.

The reality was, again, that Biden’s agenda is at war with itself. Because of restrictions on mining and increased regulations under Biden, solar panel manufacturers were not able to get the necessary materials they needed domestically. As a result, they were forced to import them from China, effectively leaving the country reliant on foreign suppliers for energy production once again. In cutting American reliance on Putin, Biden is attempting to thrust the country into the clutches of the Chinese Communist Party.

Even green energy executives, which originally welcomed the Biden administration with open arms, have now grown frustrated with the counter-productive and dysfunctional energy agenda pursued by the White House. George Hershman, the head of Solv Energy, one of the largest solar farm builders in the U.S., recently blasted Biden for having “done more damage to renewables than the previous administration…This administration every day says how much they are in support of renewables but then actively make decisions in opposition.”

The common-sense solution, even for Democrats who would like to see an eventual transition to clean energy, would be to ramp up domestic energy production of nonrenewables now, giving the green energy sector the years it would need to build up enough capacity to meet the country’s energy needs. The Biden administration appears to recognize this somewhat and has attempted several “stop-gap” solutions to increase the short-term oil supply. But their adherence to left-wing climate orthodoxy has only allowed them to go so far, and they have refused to support measures that would lead to a long-term increase in American oil production, setting the stage for future energy crises.

The situation seen today in countries like Germany should be a warning to Democrats and Biden about the disastrous consequences of putting ideological purity above hard realities. While Germany touted its commitment to green energy, it was simultaneously growing more reliant on imports of oil and natural gas from Russia, a fact which ultimately hamstrung the West’s ability to levy sanctions on Putin for his invasion of Ukraine and threatened the energy security of the German people. Should Biden pursue a similar strategy here, not only would the U.S. become reliant on its chief geopolitical adversary in China for materials, but the country would likely soon also be at the mercy of oil suppliers in the Middle East.

Democrats have made it clear that they want “clean” energy and want it to be made in America. But they don’t seem to want to do the dirty work necessary to create it. Ironically, given Democrats’ constant lamenting about environmental concerns and “human rights,” mining can be done more safely, sustainably, and effectively in America than in any other country.

Domestic mining would also mean significant investments in renewable energy infrastructure and the opening of new mines. This would create tens of thousands of new jobs and reinvigorate areas crippled by the loss of manufacturing jobs. Yet, Democrats have opposed nearly all American mining operations. Until Democrats are serious about building renewable energy infrastructure at home, their energy agenda will amount to trading reliance on one dictator for reliance on another—at an extremely high cost.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Stukahna Sandbahr
Stukahna Sandbahr
2 years ago

“….against enemies both foreign and domestic”. Does that include the president?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Need to mine Ores here vs China OR send China OUR coal at top $$$ alone for other rare earth ores we need

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

Biden has shown his true Communist colors. We, as a country, do not stand for Communism. What the hell is going on with this Administration? Who let the “dogs” out???? I blame everyone that ever voted for those asshats. Shame on YOU!!!!

2 years ago


Harry L Guzaliak Jr
Harry L Guzaliak Jr
2 years ago

Time to use the 25th Amendment!

2 years ago

At the risk of having my blood pressure spike, let it be known, it will be a cold day in H..l before I go ANY green initiative. I drive a 3/4 ton (F-250) Ford diesel pickup. I’ll drive it until it falls apart. I refuse to consider an electric vehicle. I use a wood burning stove to heat and cook. Hope the democrats enjoy smelling my smoke. I have chickens with a loud rooster. Hope he irritates the liberals who live in the subdivision behind me.

2 years ago

We’ll either, as a people, come up with effective ways and means to neutralize demoncrat policies or we will enter permanent decline. On a recent trip to the local paint store, i discovered that top brands of outdoor paints are around ninety bucks a gallon. With tax thats a c note for a gallon of paint! One small example for sure, but demoncrat policies are set to catastrophically raise energy prices from current levels.

2 years ago

Biden and his regime are destroying our country. Team of FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

John A Bird
John A Bird
2 years ago

The Biden Administration are doing their best to destroy this nation in favor of the “New World Order” and if American Patriots do not unite to destroy these treasonous bastards, our offspring will live in hell for eternity. There are an abundance of “Carbon Fuels” within this nation and we were energy efficient during the Trump Administration. It’s time to replace Washington with Politicians who work for Americans, not themselves!

2 years ago

… America’s Mr. Bean, the stupidest president in U.S. history, never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden, to screw up everything, asunder –

Harry Ivan
Harry Ivan
2 years ago

Gee, if only Solyndra had worked out! Wait, wasn’t this fool VP when THAT scam was pulled?

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

you know there is a point you just have to admit liberal / democrats progressives are too stupid to be allowed to speak. Beat ones face in to make america better.

2 years ago

… proven reserves on needed mineral 90% insufficient, even if we magically mined every metric ton of mineral needed to make the transition, 100%, to electric vehicles? You’d run out mineral, inside 10 years, and you’d have no choice but transition back, to internal combustion engines. You have a stupid president. You can’t solve stupid.

2 years ago

What’s new? More bad judgment from ol’ Joe.

Veronica Kim Cota
Veronica Kim Cota
2 years ago

this man is destroying the country and fools still support him

2 years ago

Joe’s brain cells may be dying faster than fleas on a freshly sprayed dog but you have to admit, he is a success. What would you call a man who is reaching all his goals and dreams? He wanted to destroy America in every way possible and he’s well on his way in only his first pathetic year on office.

2 years ago

Still waiting to read a comment from a joeblow supporter who believes he is the best thing since sliced bread. Been waiting since he was sworn in.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

Until billions in upgrades to our electrical grid and proper placement of charging stations are initiated across the country, the Dems new ‘Speed Queen’ Green Energy policies are a disaster!! They really should be called the ‘Stupid Party.’ I’ve read where some believe they are smart, but what do you call it for things as serious as this they’re trying to do?

Bruce Wickstrom
Bruce Wickstrom
2 years ago

What in the heck is the difference between the two commies? Not that Sleepy Joe or Kamala or the great Kerry would know it. These guys are totally lost in their own country. Rvn 68-69

2 years ago

Biden and his coward puppeteers in the backroom pulling the strings have only contempt and hate for this great country and yet have no problem lining their pockets earning a min. of $174,000 a year plus benefits. Losers in life and in Washington. They could give a rats rear about the legacy they will leave behind for America, their children and grandchildren. POWER and GREED the two driving forces.

A vote for any Democrat is a vote against America!

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

One day’s worth of Lying Hidden Joe Bidens blowing hot air would turn the wind turbines behind him, for one year non-stop, but that would only kill 100 or so Bald Eagles, and not solve the energy Criss’s.
God Bless America
Save America — Vote Republican!

Ed J
Ed J
2 years ago

Ah, YES! Comrade Presidente Bidense — leader of the King Midas in reverse follies — everything he and they touch turns to Sh*t! with devastating results for our country. But, then again, did anyone concurring with President Trump’s commonsense responses to problems expect anything else from these self-made misfits?

2 years ago

Re – Open the XL-Pipe Line and the US will again be energy free. We have here in the US enough oil fot the entire world for the next 1,000 years.

2 years ago

Granholm was Governor of Michigan Twice.. Term limits finally got her out of Michigan not soon enough though. She Destroyed Michigan.. She got out of Michigan as fast as she could and settled in California She is a Commie from Canada now in California .. She boasted look what I did to Michigan in 4 years Watch what I can do in my next 4 years.. We are Screwed

2 years ago

Bidens actions are Criminal !!!!

2 years ago

I put no faith whatsoever in either Biden or any of his cohorts. Can’t wait to vote in November. I’ll be voting only for those who are conservative and puts our country first! GOD BLESS the USA

2 years ago

What a clown show the marxist democrat party and joebama are!
Obviously the corruption evidence that china has on these traitors is coming into play.
NEVER, ever vote for ANY politician hell bent on destroying OUR COUNTRY!

2 years ago

The Biden’s owe China a lot of help. After all, China played along and bought favor with the Biden family, so the Biden family owes China. And if the Bidens turn against China, I suspect China has enough provable “dirt” on the Bidens to qualify them as traitors and crooks by any legal measure or interpretation. Biden brought a lot of qualities to fit Presidential character … lies, cheating, plagiarism, stupidity, wholesale criminal activity, loyalty to a foreign Nation(s). It is with shame that I think of Biden as POTUS ,,, and it extends, fairly or unfairly, to his background (home state, family members, intellect, etc.).

2 years ago

If American citizens are truly alarmed and discontent with Joe Hidin’ Biden, then DEMAND an honest voting system than cannot be rigged.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

The ecological morons who won’t let that western rare earth mine open should get upside the head with a good-sized stick to get their attention and then asked where in hell the lithium and other rare earth minerals for their beloved electric cars should or will come from.

2 years ago

Just another example of our idiot president and his puppet masters who can’t think past the nose on their face.

Roger D
Roger D
2 years ago

And now in addition to everything else Biden had done, now he wants to send doctors and nurses who help veterans to instead treat illegal immigrants.

Dawn Marcucci
Dawn Marcucci
2 years ago

Now I know this man is SICK IN THE HEAD the two countries we cannot trust. Do not tell me that both him and his son does not have anything to do with China. This country needs to investigate this problem NOW.

2 years ago

I would like knowing, once and for all, who’s more stupid, Bejing-Biden, or the punk who rigged the election for him, Mark Zuckerberg?

2 years ago

Biden is compromised. He has sold out our Great Country.

2 years ago

He just can’t stay out of Chinas pocket, can he? So we become more dependent on them.

2 years ago

Remember, he is being controlled by several billionaires who would(and are) sell our country down the tubes for their own wealth and power. I am talking larry fink(appropriately named) george soros, etc. They are very much unlike our founding fathers.

2 years ago

USA does not have some of the mineral deposits that are used in electronics & some of the green energy such as EV batteries. Some are rare earths & those deposits are in other countries & we need to import from them. Most of the tariffs backfire & end up costing USA more to buy. And mining takes a long time to develop to production (just like oil wells) and will mining companies trust Biden & EPA & green climate agenda to let them operate mines or oil wells.

2 years ago

Ummm….Putin isn’t a dictator. Just sayin’.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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