Foreign terrorists are more likely to attack the United States, according to FBI Director Christopher Wray.
“In a year where the terrorism threat was already elevated, the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole ‘nother level,” Wray said.
“Since October 7th, we’ve seen a rogue’s gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against Americans and our allies,” Wray told the House Homeland Security Committee during a Wednesday hearing on Capitol Hill.
Since Hamas’ attack on Israel last month, in which terrorists killed 1,400 Israelis and took 240 people hostage, Wray noted that Hezbollah has expressed support for Hamas and has made threats against U.S. interests in the Middle East.
“Al-Qaeda issued its most specific call to attack the United States in the past five years,” Wray said, adding that “al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula called on jihadists to attack Americans and Jewish people everywhere.”
ISIS has also urged members to target Jewish communities, according to the FBI director.
“Given those calls for action, our most immediate concern is that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here at home,” Wray told the members of the committee.
The hearing, titled “Worldwide Threats to the Homeland,” centered on the threats America faces and how the current border crisis may have left the U.S. more vulnerable to deadly threats.
Wray testified alongside Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Christine Abizaid.
Over the course of the last three fiscal years, Customs and Border Protection has encountered 286 illegal aliens on America’s terrorist watchlist between ports of entry on the country’s southern and northern borders.
The terrorist watchlist includes “individuals who represent a potential threat to the United States, including known affiliates of watchlisted individuals,” according to Customs and Border Protection. The government’s chart below refers to the watchlist by the acronym TSDS.
“This is one of the most dangerous times in the history of the United States,” Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee, chairman of the committee, said at the hearing. Green pointed to the border policies of the Biden administration as a key reason for the current threat level, adding that President Joe Biden’s border policies can be compared to “a college town bar that doesn’t card. Before long, they have a line out the door.”
At @HomelandGOP hearing, Rep. Green compares the Biden administration’s handling of the southern border to “a college town bar that doesn’t card. Before long, they have a line out the door.” pic.twitter.com/c81q9XD2NN
— Virginia Allen (@Virginia_Allen5) November 15, 2023
Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, pressed both Wray and Mayorkas on how the current situation at the southern border could leave Americans vulnerable to the threat of terrorism.
In fiscal year 2023, authorities encountered 169 illegal aliens on America’s terrorist watchlist at the southern border between ports of entry.
“Are there people that match the terror watchlist that were apprehended by CBP that the FBI and other agencies are searching for in the United States?” Pfluger asked Wray.
“There are certainly individuals who are the subject of terrorism investigations that we are searching for,” Wray said, though he was unable or unwilling to directly say if those are individuals whom CBP encountered at the border.
Pfluger then turned to Mayorkas.
“Is their policy at DHS and CBP that requires detainment of people who match the terror watchlist?” the senator asked Mayorkas.
“Individuals who pose a threat to public safety or national security are a priority for enforcement. And if, in fact … they pose such a threat, they ought to be detained,” Mayorkas answered.
“So why didn’t you release people in the United States that match the terror watchlist?” Pfluger shot back.
Mayorkas reiterated his prior statement before Pfluger interrupted him, adding that based on his testimony and Wray’s, he believes “there are people that you’re still searching for that you should have detained.”
“Is every person that you have listed on the terror watch list detained right now?”
DHS Secretary Mayorkas does not provide a clear answer to @RepPfluger.
In FY 2023, 169 illegal aliens on the terrorist watch list were encountered at the southern border. pic.twitter.com/gONLj4mzYI
— Virginia Allen (@Virginia_Allen5) November 15, 2023
Wray did not hide his concern over the threat of terrorist activity in America, and while being questioned by Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, Wray reminded the members of Congress that “it was 19 people who killed 3,000 people” on Sept. 11, 2001.
How substantial a threat do the millions of illegal aliens allowed into the country under Secretary Mayorkas represent?
FBI Director Wray reminds the Committee it took just 19 terrorists to carry out the 9/11 attacks. pic.twitter.com/TbGfHP3ZAa
— House Homeland GOP (@HomelandGOP) November 15, 2023
In October, Fox News reported that Border Patrol has encountered 72,823 “special interest aliens” on America’s borders over the past two years—many from the Middle East.
Federal authorities use “special interest alien” to refer to an illegal alien from a nation that promotes terrorist activity, harbors terrorists, or poses a possible security threat to the U.S.
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Virginia Allen.
Don’t worry. Director Wray is just prepping the American public for the next terrorist attack on U.S. soil, that will happen a few months before the 2024 election. The MSM and the Democrats will then roll out a whole coordinated PR campaign to push keeping Biden in office as the only way to “strike back at the terrorists and keep America safe”. It’s called the old fear mongering and “never let a good crisis go to waste” tactic, that the Democrats are masters of.
At least half the country will be dumb enough to fall for it, as the campaign will be painted as a combination non-stop news and relentless messaging by the MSM. Something along the lines of a vote for Biden and Democrats is a vote to ensure American “safety”. Try not to spit out your coffee on that one when you first hear it. All while the policies of the last three years of this administration are what created the opportunity for terrorists from around the world to just walk into the United States across our wide-open southern border in the first place. Don’t forget, Democrats will do whatever it takes to stay in power, so it is no big deal of some additional Americans have to die on this administration’s watch. Elections have consequences.
“19 terrorists to carry out the 9/11 attacks.” How many others were involved in the planning? Lots more than 19….get your facts straight, Mr. FBI Director. How many sleeper cells are there in the US from the gotaways?
Terrorist Communist leaders Dictator Beijing biden and Communist China Xi made clear yesterday on 11-15-23, that California is DEFINITELY a Communist State also being backed by Dictator Beijing biden’s ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION allowing TERRORIST by the Millions to cross into the United States illegally with MORE Communist Chinese TERRORIST.
Only a Communist State backed by Newsom and Dictator Beijing biden would allow Communist Chinese flags to be displayed all up and down Communist City San Francisco (Former U.S. City).
Dictator Beijing biden still has done NOTHING on the ILLEGAL Communist Chinese Police Stations in the UNITED STATES. Or the Communist Chinese SPY Ballon’s that flew ILLEGAL over the United States for WEEKS.
More evidence and proof that Dictator Beijing biden is a Communist Chinese Agent and is COMPROMISED. Remember he accepted BRIBES from Communist China and other countries. Not to forget he SOLD our Oil from OUR National Strategic Oil Reserves to Communist China and still HASN’T replaced the OIL.
He ALWAYS runs to Communist China for aid and instructions on SELLING OUT the UNITED STATES of AMERICA as usual putting US last.
Pure and simple acts of intentional espionage and treason against the American people and our country.
But President Trump is being FALSELY charged with FAKE indictments because he’s the TOP opponent in a Presidential election with PURE ELECTION INTERFERENCE by Dictator Beijing biden.
Does this surprise any one?? We need an impeachment.
Any intelligent human being would understand this- it’s not a matter of “if”, it’s “when,where “.I wonder if the powers of our government believe they’ll be exempt from any of the mayhem.Our current government, main stream media are explicit, I say Yes.
If they stopped the bullsh*t fake charges on president Trump and spent money on fixing the border we won’t be about to have a terrorist attack. Get trump get trump. Now they are going to kill us smh. Shameful
Open border and over 5million unknown people entering USA and costing WE THE PEOPLE millions while the drug cartels are making 14$ million each day and killing Americans..The DEMS see no problems
Hmm why the Release of info we already know about? Maybe to distract us from the arrest of high ranking pentagon official (DODEA) in Georgia in a human trafficking sting?
Now if we had a decent pres. We would be more secure i think.
“Awaiting for approval” again…
In October, Fox News reported that Border Patrol has encountered 72,823 “special interest aliens” on America’s borders over the past two years—many from the Middle East.
So, where are they now? Have they been detained? Deported? Are they being tracked? Does anyone care?
This administration is falling far short of the main purpose of our federal government, which is to protect the American people. Does anyone in Washington care? Remember this, folks, when we go to vote in 2024.
Shall we assume your plan to combat this threat will be to continue to hassle CIS parents interested in their kids education ??
The likes of Donald J Trump are increasing the threat.