In a recent online exchange, the YouTuber Casey Neistat posted his fury after his car was broken into and the contents stolen. Los Angeles, he railed, was turning into a “3rd-world s-hole of a city.”
The multimillionaire actor Seth Rogen chastised Neistat for his anger.
Rogen claimed that a car’s contents were minor things to lose. He added that while living in West Hollywood he had his own car broken into 15 times, but thought little of it.
Hey, Seth Rogen’s an i**t. As most overpaid special people are. Crime is crime just because you can afford to replace what was stolen doesn’t make it less of a crime. There’s no such thing as undocumented immigrants, they are illegal immigrants!
So, because Seth Rogan thinks that is trival and almost nothing. Then everyone else is suppose to lower their Outlook