
National Security , Newsline

‘There Could Already Be a Cell in the US Planning the Next Terrorist Attack’

Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2023
by Outside Contributor
US border patrol logo and former commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Mark Morgan amidst hamas attack

Hamas’s terror attack on Israel is having ripple effects around the world, and the porous U.S. borders are again in the spotlight.

“The same terrorists that just carried out this horrific attack in Israel—their hatred and their unwavering commitment … to do harm to the United States, is alive and well,” Mark Morgan, who served as acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection during the Trump administration, told The Epoch Times.

“Nobody in their right mind can say that our border is secure.”

There’s a real concern that terrorists have already crossed the U.S. border, particularly within the group of more than 1.6 million illegal immigrants who evaded Border Patrol upon entry and are unknown to officials, Mr. Morgan said.

In the past 11 months, 151 people on the terror watchlist have been arrested by Border Patrol after crossing illegally, while tens of thousands of other “special interest aliens” have entered and been released, he said. “Special interest” means that they hail from countries with direct ties to state-sponsored terrorist groups, including Yemen, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, and Pakistan.

Another terror attack inside the United States like the 2013 Boston bombing or the 2015 San Bernardino, California, mass shooting and attempted bombing, is imminent, Mr. Morgan warned.

“It’s coming. It’s coming. No one can predict, but what I will say is, there could already be a cell in the United States planning the next terrorist attack, and we would have no idea,” he said. “That’s a fair statement; that’s not hyperbolic.”

Terror concerns in the United States are escalating, especially as thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets around the country.

FBI Director Chris Wray, in a speech to the International Association of Chiefs of Police in San Diego on Oct. 14, encouraged law enforcement officers to stay vigilant.

“You’re often the first to see the signs that someone may be mobilizing to violence,” he said.

“In this heightened environment, there’s no question we’re seeing an increase in reported threats, and we’ve got to be on the lookout, especially for lone actors who may take inspiration from recent events to commit violence of their own.”

Meanwhile, the FBI issued a statement on Oct. 9, saying that it doesn’t have “specific and credible intelligence indicating a threat to the United States stemming from the Hamas attacks.”

The lack of intelligence may not mean a lot, because the attack on Israel showed a “colossal intelligence failure,” Mr. Morgan, who also served as an FBI agent for 20 years, said.

He said that a terror event such as Hamas’s attack that killed 1,400 Israelis, including children, on Oct. 7 can serve as a trigger event.

“We have people in our own country that are actually supporting Hamas, supporting the actions of babies being decapitated, of being burned alive, of women being savagely raped and videotaped,” Mr. Morgan said.

“When you have this deep-rooted, irrational ideology, to be inspired to move to radicalization, then action can be very quick. Generally, it takes an event—and we have that now.”

Hamas sympathizers brandishing Palestinian flags stood outside of the White House on Oct. 14 chanting “Free Palestine.” Some demonstrators wore head and face coverings commonly associated with jihadist groups.

National security lawyer and regional analyst Irina Tsukerman said much the same about the threat that Hamas agents pose to the United States.

“There is significant pro-Hamas support in the United States already, both among leftist radicals and apologists in academia, and Palestinian activists and their allies, such as the crowds rallying with Hamas in various big cities around the United States in the past few days,” she told The Epoch Times.

Ms. Tsukerman said she disagrees with the FBI’s Oct. 9 statement that suggests there’s no current specific threat to the United States.

“The FBI is wrong. Khaled Meshaal called for his supporters to attack Western and other targets. … That could well include the United States or at least Jewish and Israeli targets in the United States,” she said.

Mr. Meshaal is the former chief of Hamas. In a cryptic recording sent to international media outlets, initially reported by Reuters on Oct. 11, the terrorist commander said, “To all scholars who teach jihad … to all who teach and learn, this is a moment for the application [of theories].”

On Oct. 8, an Iran proxy terrorist group called Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS) warned the United States against getting involved in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

“Palestine is not Ukraine,” the terror group stated.

“Any direct American entrance into the conflict for the crumbling entity [Israel] will make all American positions in the region legitimate targets.”

The fanatical group is one of many through which Iran pushes its political agenda in the region. Another one of these is Hezbollah in Lebanon, which is reportedly holding an Israeli captive amid the newest conflict with Hamas.
Like Hamas and KSS, Hezbollah is an Iranian-funded Islamic terrorist group. In 2020, the U.S. State Department stated that Iran provides $100 million in annual aid to Hamas and another $700 million to Hezbollah.

However, while most of these organizations’ actions are limited to the Middle East, Hezbollah has terrorist cells operating in the Americas.

Wave of Mobilization

In Latin America, Hezbollah has quietly been putting down roots for decades, and the U.S. government is aware of it.

“It is important to note that the relationship Hezbollah has developed with criminal and terrorist groups in Latin America has escalated from one of mutual accommodation and benefit in the spheres of money laundering, contraband, and financing to more direct and deadly forms of collaboration,” a 2012 U.S. Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence report noted.
On Sept. 12, the U.S. Department of Treasury enacted sanctions on three people associated with Hezbollah’s illicit financial activities in Latin America.
“Over the past decades, Hezbollah has built a well-oiled, multibillion-dollar money-laundering and drug-trafficking machine in Latin America that cleans organized crime’s ill-gotten gains through multiple waypoints in the Western hemisphere,” Emanuele Ottolenghi, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said.

In the wake of Hamas’s attack on Israel, some intelligence members believe that sympathetic terrorist cells such as Hezbollah, which operate in remote parts of South America, will take a less direct approach to undermining U.S. security interests.

“I see this more as a long-term strategic play,” Evan Ellis, Latin America analyst and professor at the U.S. Army War College, told The Epoch Times.

He said he thinks that the United States could have “serious issues,” exhausting its resources supporting Israel in its conflict with Hamas. Mr. Ellis also pointed to Iran’s recent actions to quietly maneuver and reengage with its “anti-U.S. friends” in Latin America. These nations include Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

In June, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro signed a new agreement deepening bilateral cooperation in multiple areas. One of the sectors is security cooperation.

“We are on the right side of history, Iran and Venezuela. Together, we will be invincible,” Mr. Maduro said during the signing event.

Mr. Morgan said that it’s well known that the regime has “proactively released criminals from Venezuela to encourage them to come to the United States.”

“This new war in the Middle East should tell us that global terrorism is alive and well. And they have their tentacles across the entire world. They are trying to radicalize as many people as they can,” he said.

There’s no movement of Islamic terrorist organizations—in the Americas or elsewhere—without some knowledge, consent, or support from Iran. The Middle Eastern anchor nation has wielded its anti-Western ideological agenda through Islamic extremist groups, including al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Hamas.

Iran also hasn’t been shy about strengthening its connections in Latin America outside of predictable alliances with authoritarian regimes such as Venezuela.

In February, two Iranian warships arrived at Brazil’s famous beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Then, in July, Bolivia announced its entry into a formal defense agreement with Iran, prompting immediate security concerns from neighboring countries, including Argentina.

Through its proxy groups in the region, security analysts say that Iran has access to a wealth of funding from illicit activities such as drug and arms trafficking.

“There is some terrorist intent [from Hezbollah], but in general, the pattern seems to be this is an area for raising money and building networks,” Mr. Ellis said.

However, he said, there currently seems to be “a collection of opportunities that are coming together to create a perfect storm.”

Ms. Tsukerman agreed.

“Given the level of Hamas and Hezbollah coordination and the fact that there is now a wave of mobilization, it is clear the two terrorist organizations could easily be joining forces to provide weapons and other material support to their counterparts inside the United States, or even plan an attack or other subversive activity from their base in South America,” she said.

Border Reality Check

As many other law enforcement officials have stated, the overwhelmed U.S. border is a gaping hole in the nation’s armor, Mr. Morgan said. He maintains that depleted border forces can’t perform thorough intelligence interviews to identify potential terrorists.

At best, border officials have time and resources to do a “rudimentary check” on special-interest aliens before releasing them into the country, Mr. Morgan said. By law, they should all be detained pending a thorough vetting process and the outcome of any claim to asylum they may make, he said.

Border officials have apprehended more than 2.8 million illegal immigrants in the past 11 months, the highest number in such a span on record.

“We have just decided as a country, if somebody illegally enters our borders, in violation of our nation’s sovereignty, in violation of the rule of law, we have said that because we have a moral obligation to help ‘those in need,’ we have allowed our compassion to be hijacked,” Mr. Morgan said.

“And we have stuck our heads in the sand with any potential negative downstream impacts to our nation’s safety and national security.”

Customs and Border Protection didn’t respond by press time to requests by The Epoch Times for the number of special-interest aliens who have been apprehended at the border in the past year or who have been released into the United States.

Mr. Morgan suggested that the United States’ current top priority should be for the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force to conduct extensive interviews and background checks on the tens of thousands of special-interest aliens who have been released into the United States in the past several years and beyond.

“That should be No. 1 right now,” he said.

Mr. Morgan said he would target special-interest aliens “because they came from a country that sponsors, harbors, and encourages terrorism.”

“And we just want to make sure that [they’re] not sharing in the ideology. That is reasonable. That is rational.”

Charlotte Cuthbertson contributed to this report.
Reprinted with permission from The Epoch Times by Autumn Spredemann.
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Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

What do you mean, “could be”?????????
The fact that “Nobody in their right mind can say that our border is secure” tells me everything I have suspected is true.

1 year ago

Of course there is! How many of those young, fit, single men brazenly walking across the border fit the description of terrorists? So many different nationalities, not what used to be hispanic from Mexico, Central and South America. It is only a matter of time before an attack occurs.

1 year ago

Stay alert, stay strong, be aware of your surroundings, and always carry 24/7.

1 year ago

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that having open borders and allowing anyone who wants to enter our country illegally can and will. We are looking at another 9-11 in the making and the next one will make the first one look like child’s play; we are in extreme danger.
This time it won’t be 10 or 20 it will be hundreds, maybe even thousands and they will hit several cities at the same time and with a weak Military and Police Departments short staffed because of woke Mayors and City Councils, America will be imperiled. Food supplies will be short, fuel supplies will be nonexistent, and because of the broken energy supply, fuel for heating will be short, and cars won’t run on air, and even Electric Cars won’t run because you won’t be able to charge them, Hospitals and emergancy care will be extremely limited, basically you will be on you own.
This is something else you will need to worry about, defending yourself, with more and more cities and states placing more restrictions on your 2nd Amendment rights and outright banning some types of firearms, your safety is a risk.
This is working out just as Joe Biden and his minion planned it, he would have earned the millions he was paid to weaken America.
It’s coming to a city near you, be ready!
God Bless America – The Treasonous are among us!

1 year ago

Only a fourth grader would think that there isn’t Hamas and Hezbola groups who came across our sieve of a border in our country…the first hit that kills Americans on our own soil, every Democrat in power should be tried for treason and executed accordingly…

1 year ago

They are here just waiting and ready for when Biden or what ever cut out tells them go!
All according to the plan.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Tragically, we have a demented thug for a president who does not care about the safety of the American citizens who he has sworn to protect. How Biden is allowed to totally shirk his responsibilities as commander in chief is beyond belief. Instead of being treated as a king, he deserves to rot in jail.

1 year ago

I’m insulted by the articles telling us what “could be” while we watch in real time the “could be” actually taking place! ????????

1 year ago

There could? No it is already here. Ole Joe was not and is not bothered by the border as long as he is doing the opposite what Trump did. All he talks about is the Ukraine. America be damned.
See what brainwashing a population can create? If anybody in America now is not awake to what the ultra left with help of the dems is doing, I am afraid we are doomed. Like the Germans were and the rest of Europe in the 1930. Oh it will be all right, Chamberlain said peace in our time and a month later Hitler invaded Poland. It can happen here. 9/11 was proof of that. We need new leadership in the White House. Including the cabinet, the deep state, the FBI, the DOJ and CIA. Let’s throw in the DA’s and Judges bought by Soros, a few dem senators and House members, governors and mayors. In order to get America back of old where we all got along. Law and order was maintained. Dialogue between people was tolerated and not one side shouting down the other.
We are not United although ole Joe keeps screaming at us that we are. When you first divide us it is not that easy to unite us. And by screaming and calling half the population fascists and Nazis is division not uniting. But isn’t that hun plan all along? They lie as the best.

1 year ago

There already is, it’s called borack nobummer. the worst lying muslim president in U.S, history….

1 year ago

Of course, there is. “Open border” and anyone who thinks they are not here is daft! The Biden criminal regime has allowed the unthinkable, that sorry dweeb sould be charged with negligence.

1 year ago

Huge amount of factual data.!!! However, it’s another WORLDWIDE crisis that crippled government refuses to address! I am truly appalled by HOW MANY IGNORANT PEOPLE ARE BEGGING BELOVED ISRAEL TO BACK DOWN???? Even A hole Obama is offering his stupid opinion!

1 year ago

The first arrests if any such group carries out such an attack on our country should now be the heads of DHS, Customs & Border Patrol, the FBi, as well as the leaders of the Democrat party in Congress, the Biden administration, as well as president Joe Biden himself, because it is their actions to leave our border wide open, and to actively solicit, and reward hordes of illegal invaders to cross into our country that will have made any such act possible. They need to be charged with aiding, and abetting in the commission of a crime, perjury while taking an oath of office, compromising the national security of the United States of America, treason, and aiding, and thereby participating in an Insurrection against the United States of America as a Constitutional Republic, as well as misappropriation of U.S. taxpayer money. These are just the obvious charges that should be filed immediately with more specific charges to follow. These “officials” should think about it real hard before they keep going on disregarding our laws, rewarding criminals, and soliciting more criminals to come and do more harm.

1 year ago

A cell???? try dozens that are probably going to hit simultaniously

1 year ago

there could be??? They are here ever since this flunky president and his followers open the borders, its only a matter of time the world knows the US is WEAK Who will take the Blame when this terrorist strike, Democrats ? No they will blame others for their mistakes

1 year ago

Scary. Where is Homeland Security in all this?

1 year ago

I have no doubt that they are, & have been for years, established here just waiting for orders from their evil leaders. Most have been let in by the administration headed by Biden, who likes to think he is “in charge”!! So any attacks will be on him & the democrats & whoever is controlling the White House!

Bob L
Bob L
1 year ago

The problem is much bigger than the government admits. 1.6 million since when, over the last year? There could be several cells of different factions or even Chinese waiting for the word for a coordinated strike. Back when Clinton was in the White House, and the FBI was more trustworthy, arms and ammunition from China was being intercepted, bound for gangs in the U.S. A Chinese arms agent was detained who offered undercover FBI agents guns with or without serial numbers. I think he was just “sent home” without being charged. There are now an estimated 40 to 45 million illegals in the U.S., most have or were not vetted at all. How many among them are a serious risk?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Error: We have CELLS planning next terrorist strike

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Praise for Charlotte Cuthbertson for this very important article — This invasion of the United States of America by enemy elements should be dealt with in a manner that not only stops the enemy individuals and groups but does something to discover the reasons for this developing as it has developed . The use of the words ” reasonable” and ” rational ” in this connection in the last paragraph – that sets the spirit of the matter right , at least puts the right idea forward — doing things in a reasonable and rational way usually favors a good outcome, a good result, it is the intelligent way to go about the defense of the Country. Let Liberty be the watchword .And remember the spirit of the Declaration of Independence . A great defense can be established by keeping in mind the principles of Honor, Honesty, Integrity ,Courage and Loyalty . Praise for everyone who respects the ideals of Faith, Family and Freedom here in America.

1 year ago

It only took 19 terrorists to capitalize on 9-11, If only 1% of this uncontrolled stampede of rabble coming across our Southern “Border” are having evil intentions, organized or not.Dementia Joe has put us in dire straits, selling “the Wall” for scrap ! After 9-11 there was a phrase ” Kill ’em All, Let Allah sort ’em out”, Just might be time for a comeback.

mortimer Snerd
mortimer Snerd
1 year ago

We’ve known this PROBABILITY for several years now…..and you guys only THINK it’s possible??? WAKE THE HELL UP!!! And we can thank our idiotic liberal friends for all this mess. This open border crap happens when you let feelings override COMMON SENSE AND LOGIC!!!

1 year ago

I don’t think that there’s any doubt that a coordinated attack nationwide is coming. The open border was a bonus for terrorists and I’m sure that they will thank Biden when their terror attack comes.

1 year ago

There almost certainly are terrorist cells in America, thanks to Joe Bidumb opening our Southern border to illegals.Terrorist nations watch and exploit every opportunity Bidumb gives them, and they are many. America used to allow only 250,000 immigrants/yr to enter and only on a visa.That allowed Border Security to vett them in an orderly process. Then Dimocraps raised the number to One Million/yr which made it impossible to vett them all. Trump built miles of border wall and drastically cut the number of illegals. Then Bidumb stole the office and it has gone to hell. Bidumb gives illegals free food,Phones, 5 Star Hotel Rooms and health care, while he gives America’s citizens and veterans the middle finger!

1 year ago

Buy more ammo.

1 year ago

I believe they are already here! We would be naive to think other wise. Be alert!

1 year ago

Oh, for sure. And keep your head on a swivel.

1 year ago

Am not sure who will be happier after the next terror attack, the Obama puppet government or Hamas.

1 year ago

When the dust settles and the smoke clears, we’re going to find scum from both parties involved in this border crisis. They all own big businesses requiring large numbers of employees. With all the illegals coming over the border, they will hire them for $1 to $2.00 per hour and no benefits, they will lay off Americans in order to hire the illegals for much more profits. All by design by our elected officials

1 year ago

Cells? They’ve been here, some are called sleepers while others in Congress and other public offices are diversions. Those coming through the borders and under different guisesare soldiers, expendable.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Biden and his flunkies have NO idea who is illegally entering OUR country! The ones they “catch” are set free with minimal vetting and then there are all the “gotaways.” If/when a terrorist attack occurs, I hope it only kills DIMMs. Maybe THAT will wake them up!

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago

border biden should be held accomplice to any and all incidents barring none

1 year ago

Of course, there are many enemy cells planning to launch coordinated attacks within this nation’s borders in the future. With the porous borders created by the current administration, one would be a fool not to believe that such attacks would not happen. The nation has several historical dates coming up that enemy attacks could occur such as “The 250th anniversary of the start of the American Revolution or Independence Day as well as the 25th anniversary of 9/11.” The enemy is patient and will count on our intelligence services to be reactive instead of proactive.

1 year ago

If ANY Republican president were to put us into the scenario we now find ourselves in, he and his entire crew would be impeached, removed from office and hung. Our country is being dismantled. Intentionally. And it’s being allowed to happen.

1 year ago
  1. Biden and “Hussein Obama” should immediately be put in prison. Obama was the first to breech our border, and still running his ugly mouth. Both must be arrested for High Treason. Every law enforcement agency, (sans ATF!) including all our military; emphasis on the Seals, should be dispatched throughout this nation, border to border and sea to sea. Our nation is full of enemies who have no compunction about killing….NONE. Everyone in this present regime who has any part, however “small” in the deliberate and with malice of putting this nation in imminent and potentially massive danger must be arrested and held without bond! They are enemies of this Constitutional Republic and have been allowed for far too long to dismantle, piece by piece, our justice system, our borders, our criminal “justice” system, the attacks on our Second Amendment RIGHTS, our national and world wide security and our peace.
  2. This “administration” and “congress” has for too damned long, been feeding off the backs of Americans. But part of this insult, sadly, are the far too few who’ve written letters, made phone calls, literally gone after these government leeches.. “We” the people have been lax at the least in allowing these alleged “representatives” to go to the party with no supervision. Our nation is in more imminent danger than ever since its beginning … Politicians aren’t sanctified…to many are opportunists who’ve grown rich playing paddy cake with our enemies: IE Joe Biden and his spawn are just the latest in a long string of takers.
1 year ago

One big thing that we have going for us in the US is that we have our Second Amendment to aid us. It’s amazing to hear that Israel, that has just about every citizen serve in its military, including women, did not have easy access to firearms for its citizens. Well, now, after this crazy terrorist attack, Israel has made it much easier for Israeli citizens to have firearms. Look at Ukraine, they were in a similar situation and now they are handing out firearms to everyone that can use one. It’s just common sense. Imagine if the US actually prosecuted its criminals instead of letting them out without bail and stopped reducing sentences for violent offenders? Criminals would not be so brazen and not feel emboldened, the way they do now. The US government dramatically slowed down the traditional Mafia in America by increasing their penalties and enforcing those increased sentences. They could do the same thing with violent gun offenders but they choose not to because most times the violent offenders are minorities and this administration has already discussed having too many black people in prison. Yes, we should reduce some sentences, like those for non violent offenders and certain drug offenders, but all violent offenders need to be kept in prison with no early release, period. Some people feel that another reason the government doesn’t enforce strong sentences for violent offenders is because they want to keep the population fighting against each other, that sure seems true sometimes.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I believe the could is not accurate. I believe they ARE here and everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Thanks Obama/Biden.

Martra Alvarez
Martra Alvarez
1 year ago

Add Colombia to the list, the main source of cocaine for the ‘civilized’ world, whose narco president was received with open arms recently by the Biden Administration. Alex Saab, in charge of laundering narco dolars from FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) to Hezbollah in Venezuela will tell you all about it the billionaire enterprise. But interestingly or diabolically enough, Biden scratched off FARC from the terrorist list in 2021, thus practically endorsing FARC’s candidate G Petro, Colombia’s actual narco President. Yes, the State Department has known about Hezbollah’s cells in Latin America for decades now. Nothing has been done and now they have grown to the point that it is impossible to control. I hold no hope to end this food chain of drug use that provides in kind money to the terrorists that will eventually kill thousands here in America. But no President has ever had the moral courage to tell his own people, especially Holliwood and corporate types, that they are buying their own demise thru recreational drug use.

1 year ago

We already have a strong group of terrorist serving in the house of representatives and the whitehouse.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Let’s not forget that Dictator Beijing biden let Communist China fly SPY ballons all over the United States and military installations for weeks knowingly that each Spy ballon (200ft. In Diameter) capable of carrying multiple Nuclear Warheads and/or EMP Weapons did absolutely NOTHING but take vacations and hide.
Not only was that a Terrorist threat but an Act of War violating our air space and a Major Threat to National Security.
Where was NORAD?
That was a willingly act by Dictator Beijing biden giving aid and comfort to our enemies along with the $6 Billion he gave Terrorist Iran and the DOJ with the Fake News still protecting him since they all support Terrorism.
Even his Socialist/Communist/LOSER WOKE buddies in Congress cheer Terrorism on by Disgracefully and Disgustingly displaying Terrorist flags in front of their Congress office doorways. An act of Treason itself.
Yet, they’re still in Congress promoting Terrorism right along with Dictator Beijing biden.
To top it off, Dictator Beijing biden’s Open Borders has let in Millions of ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST since 1-20-21, each one a TERRORIST THREAT.

1 year ago

Fear not. If Islamofascists unleash another terror attack within the U.S., Karine Jean-Pierre already as an alibi blaming President Trump. (It’s in her binder.)

1 year ago

But there is also an urgency of renewing the education of our youth in terms of the true principles of the American founding. We need to renew the appropriate patriotism in America.

1 year ago

Considering the rationale behind Biden/Democrat open border, as long as those who entered the US illegally vote democrat all is good.

1 year ago

There already are, probably more than one. If this is news to you, you are the problem. Please get out of the way, you are an added weight not needed right now. Situational awareness needs to be the name of the game. Wake up, put the phone down and pay attention to the world around you. Practice situational awareness 24/7.

1 year ago

Yes many of us have suspected that another attack is coming. What will the White House say? Find them a hotel room and deliver pizza.

1 year ago

Not to offend anyone on this prestigious platform, but what our government has done to this nation with the senseless open borders and freebies like expensive lodging, healthcare, personal items like phones, etc., etc., to illegals drug traffickers and terrorists, 9/11 is going to be pale in comparison. The world is a hot canopy ready to explode into WWIII. Some Americans are living in a delusional world. The sad thing is they too will be impacted. Open border has its death threatened consequences, socialism or communism do entitle life threaten effects. So too are idiots compromising the lives of all Americans, including theirs.

1 year ago

Biden the president that destroyed America. He’ll go down in history for that.

1 year ago

OMG! what was your first clue? This administration is truly clueless, we are in so much trouble. Thank you Biden voters.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

No could about it and certainly not only one

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