
National Security , Newsline

The Wishful Lunacy of the “Moderate” Taliban

Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – by Aaron Kliegman


Meet the “new Taliban.” It’s the same as the old Taliban: brutal, Islamist extremist, and allied with al Qaeda. In many cases, it’s even the same people.

In 1999, during the Taliban’s first try at ruling Afghanistan, the United Nations demanded the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden after al Qaeda bombed two U.S. embassies the prior year. Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, then a senior Taliban leader, gave the U.N. a blunt response: “We will never give up Osama at any price.”

Last week, Akhund was named the “head of state” or prime minister of the Taliban’s newly announced government. He’s been on a UN blacklist for two decades. And he’s hardly the lone “hardliner” in the new regime.

In 2001, following 9/11, Jalaluddin Haqqani helped bin Laden escape America’s manhunt for the al Qaeda leader. He warned at the time that Afghanistan would be “the graveyard of the Americans.”

Last week, Haqqani’s son, Sirajuddin, was named the Taliban’s interior minister. Like his late father, Sirajuddin has worked closely with al Qaeda. In fact, according to a U.N. report, the younger Haqqani is “a member of the wider al Qaeda leadership.” He’s also wanted by the FBI for planning an attack that killed an American citizen, and the U.S. is offering $10 million for information that will lead to his arrest. (Good luck executing that warrant now.)

Most importantly, the Taliban’s current “emir of the faithful,” or supreme leader, is Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada. In 2016, the head of al Qaeda, Ayman al Zawahiri, swore allegiance to Akhundzada. To this day, Zawahiri remains loyal to Akhundzada, who has never disavowed the al Qaeda leader’s pledge — a fact that few leaders and commentators note when they write of a more “moderate” Taliban.

In short, the Taliban got much of the old band back together, and added a few new faces with the exact same beliefs.

The only people who will be surprised by this are those who desperately want to believe the Taliban has changed. The truth is that after the U.S. toppled the Taliban’s self-declared Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in 2001, its leaders and their Al Qaeda allies spent the next two decades fighting to restore it. The jihadists were clear about their goals the entire time. And with President Biden’s help, they are now back in power.

Taliban thugs are already beating women in the streets, apparently beheading children, and imposing strict Sharia law. This is the Taliban on its best behavior, hoping to gain access to Afghanistan’s assets held abroad.

But once Afghanistan fades from the headlines and the American consciousness, the real horrors will begin. As a Taliban judge told a German newspaper in July, “There are only two penalties for gays: either stoning or he has to stand behind a wall that falls on him. The wall must be 2.5 to 3 meters high.” This will soon be the new normal.

Yet somehow, the Biden administration was surprised that the Taliban didn’t suddenly abandon its long-held beliefs, hold elections, and treat women as equals upon re-conquering Afghanistan.

“I think the whole international community was hopeful that they would be as inclusive as they said they would be weeks and months ago,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said of the Taliban in one eyebrow-raising comment last week.

One day earlier, Secretary of State Antony Blinken lamented that the Taliban’s newly announced government “does not meet the test of inclusivity.”

“It includes people who have very challenging track records,” he added.

“Challenging track records.” The Obama administration’s use of the term “violent extremist” was a bad enough euphemism for “Islamist terrorist.” But Blinken just took the obfuscation to another level of absurdity.

Still, the Biden administration somehow seems to think the Taliban will be a pragmatic partner capable of working with the United States. Our current leaders are either shockingly naïve, blinded by their own progressive ideology, or shamefully dishonest, hoping to hide just how badly they failed in Afghanistan.

Consider the words of Blinken, who managed to sound victorious as the last American troops left Afghanistan.

“A new chapter of America’s engagement with Afghanistan has begun. It’s one in which we will lead with our diplomacy,” Blinken said on Aug. 30. “The military mission is over. A new diplomatic mission has begun.”

You’d think he was declaring a great triumph, not presiding over a humiliating surrender. Perhaps America’s top diplomat was unaware that the U.S. leaving meant the Taliban was taking over.

The Pentagon was well aware but appeared to see the situation as an opportunity — to fight jihadists. No, that’s not a typo.

Two days after Blinken’s remarks, Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it’s “possible” the U.S. will coordinate with the Taliban on military strikes against the Islamic State in Afghanistan.

This is a fantasy. Both the Taliban and the Islamic State hate America and want the same thing: global domination for Islamists. Their only real disagreements are about timing, tactics, and who ultimately rules the caliphate. But their objectives are identical. Empowering one to weaken the other would only hurt the U.S.

Milley’s comment is reminiscent of the Obama administration trying to work with Iran to fight ISIS in Iraq, in effect having the U.S. serve as Iran’s air force. What was true then remains true now: The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.

But Milley and Blinken could be forgiven for their remarks considering what’s coming out of the White House.

Last week, the spokesperson for the National Security Council actually heaped praise on the Taliban for helping to get Americans out of Afghanistan.

“The Taliban have been cooperative in facilitating the departure of American citizens and lawful permanent residents on charter flights from [the airport],” said Emily Horne. “They have shown flexibility, and they have been businesslike and professional in our dealings with them in this effort. This is a positive first step [emphasis added].”

When asked about Horne’s statement, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki echoed that the Taliban “was cooperative,” adding that the administration had to work “in a business-like manner” to rescue Americans and Afghans.

This is the messaging of this administration: The group holding innocents hostage should be lauded for releasing some of them.

The administration is refusing to recognize the true evil of the Taliban. This is shameful but it’s also dangerous. Taliban rule means a country-wide haven from which al Qaeda can operate. Not to mention both al Qaeda and the Taliban see Afghanistan as the cornerstone of a global caliphate, which can only be achieved by waging jihad.

The bottom line is this: The cruel and savage men who celebrated 9/11 and stood by Osama bin Laden are back in charge of Afghanistan. And the Biden administration seems more willing to collaborate with them than to make their lives more difficult.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

” The bottom line is this: The cruel and savage men who celebrated 9/11 and stood by Osama bin Laden are back in charge of Afghanistan. And the Biden administration seems more willing to collaborate with them than to make their lives more difficult. ”
Once again, the final sentence sums up the entire article…
Blinken, Milley & Austin quite obviously are NOT on the same page where the the Taliban are concerned…( 3 ) main people within the US State Department & each has an opposing opinion to one another, in other words, the LEFT hand has no idea what the RIGHT hand is doing…
This kind of haphazard idiocy within the State Department is a concise example on why the Afghanistan evacuation played out as it did, lest we forget surrendering our multi-billion dollar heavy lift airfield, Bagram Airport, $85 billion dollars of equipment, Black Hawk Choppers, Humvees, armaments, ammunition’s, weapons, pallet loads of CASH…All of this occurred before the Kabul Airport catastrophe ever began, not forgetting the Taliban emptying the jails of ISIS terrorists…This is where ” the enemy of my enemy is my friend ” played itself out with the bombing at Kabul Airport & the CIA did nothing to thwart it as they allegedly had fore knowledge of it…
Biden’s final maneuver, give the enemy a kill list of American citizens & Afghani’s who gave aid to our troops declaring we want them back…They are now either hostages or they are DEAD, thanks in no small part to a senile old man, so desperate to become potus, he used China in the theft of the US 2020 Presidential Election & boy does he owe them now, big time…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

How anyone could still love this administration and want to support it at this point is beyond me.

I looked at GW Bush and his love in with Obama.
I thought to myself, if I were GW, I would be furious at Biden for forcing us to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with the Taliban back in charge, with Americans abandoned in Afghanistan and with our allies hiding and at the mercy of the Taliban, whom Biden called cooperative. Egad.
And it was Biden’s puppeteers who arranged all of this, including leaving those weapons and planes and humvees, etc. behind (I believe intentionally) if I wereBush, knowing it was Obama and his operatives who chose to make this happen, I could never be interested in being his friend ever again.
No matter how angry Bush is at Trump, he has to know that Trump would never have left Afghanistan the way Biden and his crew did.

I don’t understand anything. How could Bush not give Obama at least a bit of the blame for that horror?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Well well,the politicans just cant leave it alone. Now we are out ,stay out. We didnt have Aggan. in 1960 and we dont need it now. Let the mideast fight among thereselves. Bless the innocents over there. Kyle L.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Did FDR look for the “good Nazis” in WW2?

3 years ago

Surprise, surprise, surprise……and no one in their right mind would expect terrorists to change their spots…..only an idiot thinks they can ever be “moderate” at anything, especially when given the open door to the world to do their worst. Now the kaka will hit the fan all over this planet. Surprise, surprise, surprise….Gomer is in charge.

3 years ago

Do our politicians think that when China takes over that they will still be able to keep power and keep collecting $$$$$$$$$. NO, SORRY. You are going down with the rest of us.

3 years ago

Our ‘leaders’ are Liars and shockingly Stupid.
It merely requires a read through muslim History to understand their platform: rape, pillage, burn, and murder in such abhorrent ways that populations cave before them.
This has not, nor will it ever, change. This has been their platform since the 600s AD.
They are the most brutal and worst sort of Totalitarian culture on earth, followed closely by Communists in beliefs and behavior. It is why America participated in the Barbary Wars in the 1700s, and WHY muslims were banned from America.
Now, the Traitors within are denying this History. At OUR peril. They have stolen enough of our wealth to be safe. We will not.

Red Hawk 1
Red Hawk 1
3 years ago

Before abandoning Afghanistan I understood that as many as 40,000 Americans, and 80,000 Afghanis, were to be brought out. I don’t hear what might be accurate counts but only about 6,000 Americans got out. 200,000 Muslims were brought out, but the 80,000 Afghanis we promised to bring out are being slaughtered by the Taliban. Biden abandoned Americans and imported our enemy.

1 year ago

Ironically, the “author” conveniently forgot that it was your Dear Lard and Saviour DJT and Mike Pompous who negotiated with Pakistan to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners in 2019 before the Taliban set out the rest of their demands, which DJT acquiesce to like the little bitch he is. DJT wore out several sets of kneepads in service to Islamic extremist regimes and we know how great his negotiating skills are for enriching himself and his family.

1 year ago

Ironically, the “author” conveniently forgot that it was your Dear Lard and Saviour DJT and Mike Pompous who negotiated with Pakistan to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners in 2019 before the Taliban set out the rest of their demands, which DJT acquiesce to like the little bitch he is. DJT wore out several sets of kneepads in service to Islamic extremist regimes and we know how great his negotiating skills are for enriching himself and his family.

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