
National Security , Newsline

The Left’s Use of Intimidation to Silence Christians

Posted on Thursday, January 24, 2019
by Outside Contributor

left intimidation silence ChristiansIf you’re Christian, shut up.

That’s been the unmistakable message of our current culture in recent weeks.

Karen Pence has been lambasted for her decision to teach at a Christian school. Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, after asking a judicial nominee about his membership in the Catholic Knights of Columbus, has tied the organization to the “alt right.”

And a group of teenage Catholic schoolboys waiting for a bus at the March for Life, who didn’t know the mob-approved way to handle a Native American activist walking up to them, are fighting for their reputations.

Of course, this isn’t really about Karen Pence, or judicial nominee Brian Buescher, or the Covington Catholic High boys.

It’s about intimidating everyone else.

It’s telling the husband or wife of an up-and-coming lawmaker that if they want to teach at a school, it’s probably better they choose a non-Christian one, unless they want their spouse someday ensnared in a media cycle over LGBT discrimination.

It’s telling the law student who dreams of someday becoming a judge that no matter how appealing he finds joining a Catholic charitable organization, it’s probably better for his career ambitions if he doesn’t.

And it’s telling schools and students and parents that no matter if they are willing to deal with the expense and trouble of hauling dozens or hundreds of students to Washington, D.C., on buses and having them sleep on gym floors, it still might not be a good idea—because the students’ future reputations, careers, and college prospects could all be gone with one viral video.

No, that wouldn’t happen if the students came to Washington to fight for gun control or raise awareness of climate change.

Just if they’re there to speak up for the babies who can’t.

When President Donald Trump was elected—in a shock for conventional D.C. wisdom—it become obvious that there were plenty of silent Americans who, in the privacy of the ballot box, dared to defy the politically correct, woke cultural leaders of our time.

But it’s not enough to vote.

I’m glad Karen Pence, the vice president’s wife, isn’t backing down and resigning. I’m thrilled Brian Buescher is remaining a member of the Knights of Columbus, and that Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., introduced a resolution saying there’s nothing wrong with a judge being in the Knights. I’m heartened that the Covington students are fighting back, and saying they did nothing wrong.

But they can’t do this all on their own.

About 70 percent of Americans are Christian, according to the Pew Research Center.

They—and everyone who believes in religious freedom—need to start speaking up.

You don’t have to agree with Buescher’s judicial philosophy to say that in the United States, there should be no religious test for judges.

You don’t have to have attended a Catholic school or be pro-life to say that a group of teen boys being awkward around an activist—an activist who later that weekend tried to bring a group of protesters to disrupt a Catholic Mass at the basilica in D.C.—should not be a news story, much less a reputation destroyer.

You don’t have to agree with Immanuel Christian School’s faith tenets to defend Karen Pence’s right to choose the school where she wants to teach.

You know what breeds intolerance? Silence. It’s easy for someone to kvetch about the Covington boys or mock the second lady as a bigot at the water cooler if he has no reason to believe any other colleague will speak up.

We need to take a lesson from the left’s playbook.

Here’s what liberals do really well: They share their stories. And they make it personal.

We need to do the same.

Did your son or daughter go to the March for Life? Talk about it. Share how proud you were that they cared enough about the lives of unborn babies to be on a bus for 20 hours and sleep on a crowded gym floor.

And share how scared you are that they, too, could become targets of social media acvistists and mainstream media because they didn’t know the appropriate public relations strategy to deal with a protest.

Does it make you feel like an alien in your own country that what you hear from the pews on Sunday could make you ineligible to do certain jobs in our system? Express that anxiety. Tell the truth about how you don’t like being treated like a second-class citizen in your own nation.

Are you appalled that your mom’s job at a Christian school could get her branded as a bigot? Say that. Share the facts: Plenty of Christian denominations adhere to 2,000 years of sexual morality, and demand no sex outside of marriage—whether you’re straight or LGBT.

If we keep talking, things will change.

Because people know that if their colleague Kelly is pro-life, or their hair stylist Melissa is Christian, or their neighbor Bob teaches at a Christian school, they will think twice.

That doesn’t mean they will agree with Kelly or Melissa or Bob.

But it does mean they will realize it’s unfair to assume all pro-lifers hate women, or that all Christians hate LGBT people. They will realize it’s more complex than the woke leaders of social media say it is.

And then we can have real discussions and real dialogues, person to person.

I get that it’s hard. I’m often more of a coward than I’d like to be—even with the job security of working at a conservative news outlet. It’s hard to speak up sometimes, especially if you’re scared people will judge you or there will be hidden consequences—promotions that never occur, networking that abruptly stops.

But we don’t have a choice.

Right now, thought leaders in the United States are working overtime to make it clear: Stand up for your Christian beliefs, your pro-life beliefs—and you will pay.

But we can rise up, too.

If there’s one thing we should have learned in this era of Trump, it’s that standing up to bullies works.

And we need to—because there’s nothing American about a future where holding certain religious beliefs makes you a second-class citizen.

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Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson
6 years ago

Personally, I believe there are darker forces here and at work, and creating a potential civil war! I honestly believe many who are doing the “INTIMIDATING” are being paid. See for yourself? Have you seen these bad actors before? Are they at every political function, rally or march? I bet if we were to locate their names, (I am sure the FBI, NSA, DHS + already know) and you could follow the money trail from say “soros” and others, you would then find a connection. Shed light on “ALL” of the money trails and then fully expose those who are footing the bill, (intimidation rally’s, illegals border marches, organized open border groups etc.) and you will then have exposed those who have helped to create this mess. Now add, lobbyists, puppet dem-on’s, RINO’s and so on, and you will see the patterns. Once you have opened this cesspool of anti-American efforts, you simply then call out both corporations “AND” individuals and take them to task for their illegal efforts and their anti-American tirades. Once this has occurred, you will then see the intimidation stop and those jackals will crawl back under the rock where they came from. Trust me, they do not do this only for fun and most certainly they could care less about this country. They only care about the $$$$$$, PERIOD!

6 years ago

You are completely wrong about a hidden agenda to stop Christians. You believe Trump is a good Christian? This is what’s wrong here. You’re missing the fact that the so called “left” allows for all people to participate. Sticking to this way of thought you seem to want to protect rich white men with this position. And it’s rich white men who have you brainwashed into believing people on the left want to stop you from practicing your religion, or protesting something you believe in, which is extremely ironic because it’s democrats and progressive people that are actually inclusive to all kinds of people, not just a few white people and their rich white men. No one is trying to stop you from your right to religious freedom. That’s just what they want you to believe so they can control you. But there’s only 30% of you left. It’s not really very Christian to keep brain washing you into believing you’re being targeted by the left. You’re not.

You are simply wrong and mis-understanding what is happening. Just because people on the left don’t believe exactly like you doesn’t mean they are down on Christians or those boys from the Catholic school. The boy did not show respect to Native American man or NA culture. It was creepy and violent what those boys did; laughing and getting all pumped up –clearly making fun. Young boys in big groups are actually very scary. Where were the girls?, where were the teachers?, why was a giant group of boys allowed to act like that jumping all around that one kid taking off his clothes? You’re the victim ? and the Native American guy is the bully or the other groups there are the bullies. I’m sorry but it was your group of white boys creating the bulling dynamics from what I could see.

No one is trying to stop you from being a christian. Look at how you’re being brainwashed into believing there are ONLY two sides? There are many points of view and all people have a right to be heard and understood but you are clearly mis-lead, mis-informed and unfortunately blind to how wrong Trump is as a president of our country. Clearly he is not a good christian (stormie Daniels etc. ) which defeats your purpose — wake up! It’s so sad because you’re fighting for this horrible, morally-corrupt president, you’re missing so much about what Jesus taught, just to keep the “us verses them” story going ?

As a “leftist” person who was brought up in a southern baptist community I can tell you for sure, the media and the democrats in general are not trying to stop your right to practice your religion. That is not what is happening. We’re just people trying to survive this world too, we’re trying to stop rich white men from destroying our country, our planet, our kid’s future. Stop seeing this as us verses them, and look at how corrupt the current president is. Try allowing for a perspective where all people get to speak, be heard, and look at how you are perpetuating violence by seeing things so narrowly. The boys were clearly charged up and the potential for violence was there. Good for them for not taking it any farther.

6 years ago

Good article, great suggestions. You are right. It’s time to stand up against bullies!

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

And the Pope remains silent …

Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson
6 years ago

#2 – Start putting forth special in-depth reports on both corporations and individuals dealings showing their connections to the money and it will either force their hand and put them on the defensive, or they will slither out of the country so fast they won’t know what hit them. Hopefully some of this is being done already and we just haven’t heard about their efforts, and that is fine, just as long as these jackals are stopped period! This process is not easy given the bad actors are using our Constitution and their so called rights to continue their sinister activities. But no problem, we have “GOD” and being in the right as our guiding force. We have taken constant hits from these jerks, both public and private, and we still keep taking this crap everyday.
So I am hoping that someone who reads this “may” have someone they know that can start an “OPENLY” transparent investigation on those causing these altercations. Someone that has contacts and funding enough (at least to start) whittling away even if one person at a time, exposing each intimidation technique, persons, corp’s and governments involved in perpetuating this onslaught of the USA. It doesn’t always take an army to take over a country, but rather it can start with a few, to hundreds to then thousands coming here uninvited soaking up all of our resources while at the same time whittling away at our American values one at a time, (i.e. Can’t say Christmas, Monuments forced down, public places removing GOD’s commandments, and worse instituting policies of socialist, progressive and sharia ideals to our young kids. So it begins with the path to the money! You find the path, you’ll find the players, no matter how good they think they can hide. The truth will “ALWAYS” seek you out, expose the bad deeds, and “GOD” willing, will destroy these rabid liberal, socialist and progressive
bad dem-on dogs. We are coming for you “soros”, schumer, pelosi, cortez, plus bill & hillary, and many, many others. There will be no place to hide for those that hate this country enough to attempt to destroy it from within, and it will be sooner rather than later! PERIOD!

Mike Mallinson
Mike Mallinson
6 years ago

I’m not ashamed of celebrating religious freedom!! It should be welcomed not restrained. Look at the first amendment to the constitution of the United States of America!! It should be freely practiced!!

David French
David French
6 years ago

GOD BLESS Karen Pence.

Germán Rivera
Germán Rivera
6 years ago

Is the double standard message. Pro-inmigrant but pro-killing innocent babies.

Charlene Kimmel
Charlene Kimmel
6 years ago

Hi Sissy, I ready your whole statement and I think it is you who are brainwashed. When was the last instance of a conservative accosting a liberal politician at dinner, at his kid’s soccer game, on the subway? By and large conservatives believe in a God who demands we treat people with respect the befits a child of God, no matter their belief. We do not do those kinds of actions. The only ones who do them are people who do don’t have a faith that demands they treat people with respect. The liberals call people ugly names, threaten to burn them down in their schools, and to follow them and shoot them in their homes. Name me one documented case of a conservative doing this…. I don’t want anecdotes; I want names dates, times, news report. Something that can be verified. I am not saying that it never happens… there are nuts on both sides of the isle. But the liberals have 100 times the number, or it’s an allowed strategy ……… Did you know that the VERY NEXT DAY after the lIncoln Memorial event, Mr Phillips was stopped on the steps of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral trying to get into Mass while banging his drum? The men who stopped him the event was “scary”. Those were grown men….what about 15 year old boys with no experience? I think they acted admirably to try and defuse the situation. I hope we can come to some understanding of how we must treat each other going forward, with reasonable, caring debate and without this kind of confrontation.

6 years ago

You can tell you are on the left. Congrats on being indoctrinated by the left. Your thinking is so backwards and out of touch. Hard to tell if you are black, white, or Hispanic but ;probably black as you attack white people and rich white men. It is really bad to be a rich white man, correct. What about all the black millionaire NBA basketball players, 90 %. They are all very wealthy. How about the black rappers , singers, and Hollywood performers. Ok for them to be millionaires but not white men. You are not only sexist but you belong to the biggest racist and hate group in this country, the Democratic party. You are the bullies of the political world. You organize groups like Antifa, black lives matters to cause violent protests aimed at hurting conservatives. Your group blocks free speeches, especially on college campuses. You don’t want to have a conversation about anything that does NOT believe what you believe. You are the cruel people of this country. Thank God Trump won the election. He has done for this country than any President since Reagan. You should stop CNBC and CNN. They are most hateful bunch of hypocrites in the media. Your party is so great that its has to label white men as racists, homophobic , xenophobic, sexist, and now I hear that all white conservative men are the terrorists of the country. All they do is demonize people like me , hard working, pay my taxes, don’t commit crimes, embrace diversity. You should take a better look at yourself. Maybe you will finally see who you really are.

Harold D Fleming
Harold D Fleming
6 years ago

Point of illustration, many years ago as attending 50th anniversary reception. One of the waiters came by and tried to give me a glass of champagne. When I refused he said but the man celebrating wanted every one to be holding a glass. explained that I was against that type drink. After discussion for several minutes I agreed to hold a glass of coke. I noticed a couple I knew, who did not have a problem with the drink but because I stood for my Christian principles they change to glasses to coke also.
When we stand for our Christian faith, others will respect us.

Keith Z
Keith Z
6 years ago

Good article, Katrina, and very important and needed at this time in our country’s history. But, as a 52 year old white male, I have no idea what “woke” means! It doesn’t seem to mean that you’re no longer asleep.?

Darrell Loomis
Darrell Loomis
6 years ago

I agree completly.

6 years ago

I think that Christians should broadcast the message that, even for someone who is Jewish, or Hindu, or Buddist, or no religion at all, that we should ALL rise up against the repression of Christians because after they have intimidated all Christians, they will next come for those who are members of NRA (National Rifle Assn), or SCV (Sons of Confederate Veterans); or the Jews, or anyone who is Pro-life, and so on and so on until there is none who does not suffer this persecution. If you don’t believe it, just read the history of Germany from WW 1 through the End of WW2.

Dan F
Dan F
6 years ago

I work at a Catholic University and I am proud to let everyone and anyone know it. This country is suppose to have religious freedom, so I don’t care if you are Jewish, Moslem or Christian or any other religion, respect all and we will be much better off.

6 years ago

What bothers me most is that there are no Republican politicians( and I’ve written to a fair number, especially in Florida), who will be vocal, and lead the offensive to fight and counteract the standard of equal justice; meaning H.C. and her subjects, who based on what has been published, broke significant federal laws, or were allowed to skate on their involvement in the Russian influence in the 2016 election, whether it is Comey’s or Lynch’s actions or lack thereof or of her two employees who were given immunity, or Weiner’s computer contents of official records, or the Uranium One deal, or the Clinton Foundation play for pay escapades or the Podesta’s foreign representations, and on and on, as compared to this run-away non-sense with Trump. Look I do not want to relieve any of them of responsibility, but hold them all liable.

6 years ago

I’ve stopped giving my money to corporations like Starbucks, Target, Levi’s/Dockers, Nike, … Corporations who openly tell Christians to take a hike like Starbucks, or through their policies like Target and their unisex bathroom free for all. Then there are those who actively undermine our God given individual rights like Levi’s and their major support for anti-gun laws and banning firearms, Nike who supports those who hate our flag, those corporations that support abortion like American Express, Bank of America, Adobe, Allstate, Avon, Bath & Body Works, … The list is long and goes on and on. None of these corporations will receive my money to undermine my religious freedom, or values.

If all Christians would do this these corporations would once again start worrying more about the quality of their products than about influencing politics in favor of a communist nirvana that actually would destroy their companies in the end. Why are shareholders not up in arms about the conduct of the anti-Christian CEOs of companies they own? My representatives and senators know my name, they hear from me on a regular basis, whenever they want to pass something they think might be their chance to get one over on us.

Christian faith is not something just for Sunday mornings , to get your spiritual shower and now you have permission to wallow with the rest for the remainder of the week. Christian life is an obligation. Your values are no good if you hide them in a closet, only to take them out every once in a while to alterate them and hang them back into the closet. Christ told us to love even those with whom we disagree, but also to rebuke those who violate His teachings. Inform yourself! Speak up at stock holder meetings, at parent teacher conferences, political caucuses and townhalls, write to and call your political “representatives”, boycott businesses that violate rights and values, teach your children and grandchildren those values, civics, and our history, but most of all vote and report those who undermine the voting process by cheating, paying for votes, intimidating voters, a.s.o. …

My one question is why is there not an organization that unites all of the Christian conservative organizations like AMAC, the Family Research Council, the Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, American Center for Law & Justice, a.s.o. under one roof?

I did not serve in the military and let myself be sent overseas to see my country turned into what many of those countries were and just look on. These CEOs, politicians, public servants need to hear from us at every turn so that when they go to sleep they dream of the squeaky wheel; after all it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.

Susan Laughlin
Susan Laughlin
6 years ago

i thought the days of hatred was gone from the mainstream was over!!!
what disturbs me is that people like me..well educated, a retired middle school teacher,78 yrs old and a proud Catholic…..
time was not long ago that people had proof of “evidence” . Were not so “bigoted”and mean spirited………what the hell happened?

Thomas M Honka
Thomas M Honka
6 years ago

Bravo! The founders of this nation paid dearly for their desire for all to be free to choose their religious beliefs. We should do no less.

Don Warmus
Don Warmus
6 years ago

Brilliant suggestions, Mr. Johnson. There are many groups on our side of these issues, but someone has to have the resources and charisma to lead the fight to band together and fight for them/us. My vote is for President Trump himself or one of his sons. No matter who assumes the mantel they are going to be attacked from every possible source on the left. Count me in, but I don’t have a nickel to my name to do more than root and pray for the success of such a righteous endeavor. God bless all who feel the same.

Donald C Cashman
Donald C Cashman
6 years ago

The Church is complicit in its silence. Cardinal Burke, Catholic Vote, Cardinal Newman Society et al are fighting in the front lines. Churches are losing numbers because who wants to seek a bending reed in a storm ? I haven’t found equivocation in the Ten Commandments if we were to return to that standard we would attract multitudes ! The only method to bring the churches to the forefront of the battle is to cease contributing and tell them why ! ! ! The churches have sold their souls for money from government. They have found that the path from helping the needy to coveting thy neighbors goods pays dividends. Confiscation by taxation is easier than convincing
voluntary contributions.

Boromir's Horn
Boromir's Horn
6 years ago

We need our own TV station, one that everyone can get for free. Faith based movies and music are on the rise, someone needs step up and help us

Karl Kautz
Karl Kautz
6 years ago

These are just more examples of the less numerous, but vocal radical left. Who with the help of the radical media, who are also immoral, and unethical trying to force their illogical and wrong ideas and practices upon the majority of Americans. All for the sake of getting and holding power and control over the majority. Because “they think they know better” than the average person. Meanwhile, in the places where they are in control things are falling and breaking down around them. IE, San Fransisco, LA, Chicago, NY, the list goes on. Yet, they ignore that and want to spread that to the rest of the country and take more of our freedom and fruits of our labors away.

Larry Brown
Larry Brown
6 years ago

Don’t be intimidated by anyone! Just do what you want and to hell with these people that think their way is the only way. And remember, God loves us.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
6 years ago

“If you’re Christian, shut up”. I have a better suggestion – if you are a liberal socialist Democrat – SHUT UP!

6 years ago

As an observant, religious Jews, our family find it very disheartening to see Christian people of sincere faith seemingly constantly denigrated, demeaned and dismissed as ignorant and irrelevant in the media and political system. Blessings to all of you who respect your faith and beliefs!

brian Dutton
brian Dutton
6 years ago

I am a retired 70 year old Republican that is finally hitting the end of my political rope. As we all read what the Liberal Left is doing, it seems we can do little to nothing to change anything. When Trump got elected and we had the House and Senate, we did little to stay aligned. We keep trying to take the “high road” to avoid the confrontations that most likely will have to take place to affect change but we have NOT done one real notable investigation on HIllary, Schumer, Pelosi, that I’m surewe get some attention but let the Dems walk all over Trump. The DEMS are aligned, corrupt, powerful, and their narrative has been and still is MUCH BETTER than the Republicans. They get their propaganda out and the Republicans rely on TWITTER!! Are you kidding me? The Repubs had numerous opportunities to buy newspapers, tv stations, possibly even come up with their own Search engine..but nothing. The reality is we are a dying Party because the Hispanics will be taking over and converting America to Mexico…WE LET THAT HAPPEN OUT of weakness and a POOR strategy over decades but Obama schooled us all. I even look to AMAC as NOT doing enough to recruit more members and be aggressive with its marketing and messaging. This is the last year I will be a member and maybe converting to a Socialist is the way to go!!?? The President needed FULL ON SUPPORT from all of us and the Congress. Too many Rino’s and lack of unity is ringing the death of Republicans.

Linda Lock
Linda Lock
6 years ago

I totally agree. We must stand up for our Christian beliefs. What is happening to our country is appalling and wrong!

Johnnie McHan
Johnnie McHan
6 years ago

These are workers for Satan and they will continue to chastise Christians and all who believe in God the Father! We must stand up against them and please, REMEMBER, we have our ALMIGHTY GOD on our side!

Gail Wilson
Gail Wilson
6 years ago

Thank you. I want to put a sign in the lawn that says, “JESUS, the best Drug “.
I live four doors from a known crack house. They regularly get busted.
It is sad that a nation of Freedom From Religion has become a nation of
Fear of Religion. Thank you.

Carol Malinowski
Carol Malinowski
6 years ago

What I love the most about our President, he is not afraid to voice his Christian beliefs. He has brought back such joy to our Christmas celebration. The beauty of the
holiday has been brought back to the White House and Country. God Bless our country…God Bless President Trump!

Henry Naizer
Henry Naizer
6 years ago

I don’t believe that 70% of Americans are TRUE Christians. Pelosi claims to be a “catholic” but she acts contrary of Catholic doctrine by supporting abortion.

Silas Longshot
Silas Longshot
6 years ago

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.
Adolf Hitler
In a fascist system, it’s not the lies that count but the muddying. When citizens can’t tell real news from fake, they give up their demands for accountability bit by bit.
Naomi Wolf
Fake news clickbait strikes again, catfish type bottom dweller Trump hating moron DC rep grabs it & runs with it, tweeting demand to BAN MAGA HATS?! From this fake news lie about innocent kids just wearing MAGA hats, here we are proving YET AGAIN the fake news narrative & purpose: to deceive gullible haters out there about Trump & supporters. Mission accomplished, more dimwits hate Trump now, doesn’t matter in the least the whole thing was a lie, and the ‘retraction’ 10 seconds long, broadcast about midnight, does nothing to interfere with the goal of hate mongering for the left. This triggers morons like these to do what they do best, hate and harass Trump supporters

And the “native American” Phillips is a hired protester who’s been at many events claiming ‘harassment’ by the evil white man. His front group is most likely one of the 206 that Soros & democrats fund in the USA

Also there was a small group of hostile, bigoted, racist “Black Hebrew Israelite” morons yelling slurs and foul language at the kids.

Karma for these hostile, vile, hateful leftist baztards would be to fall to their own wishes for innocent kids who have been framed by the hostile, vile, hateful leftist media. Fake news accomplished its goal again, fanning the flames of hate for the leftist agenda against us

Gail Tubbs
Gail Tubbs
6 years ago

Gary J.
I fully agree with you. Those nasty mutants that attacked the children—CHILDREN!!!—were paid by that fat, greasy,Clinton loving, George Soros. He is the money behind many ‘civil’ protests. He also is a Socialist, does that sound familiar? Unfortunately when he dies there is someone being groomed to take his place so his ‘good works’ can continue to cause evil in America. HE IS A SOCIALIST PIG!!

Doggie Daddy
Doggie Daddy
6 years ago

The new Abortion law in NY is as abhorrent as Slavery in the 1860’s and justification for the the United Stated to invade New York State.

6 years ago

TERM LIMITS . Everything should be up to the majority not the remaining Ted Kennedy types that burrow in for life and spend all their time corrupting our great nation.

Rose Avery
Rose Avery
6 years ago

Thank you for the reminder to be vocal. I told the story of Jesus’s mother Mary at a senior gathering and portrayed the travel on the back of a donkey for many days to get from Nazareth to Jerusalem. How she must have felt being an outcast from society and physically tired and sore. As I relayed the story of this lovely young woman the look of distaste on many faces was amazing. It was as if I were telling a disgusting tale that was not to be associated with Christmas. I am sure had I told a funny tale about Santa Claus they would have given full attention and applauded loudly. I am glad I did it as a will be sure to speak up more for the truth of what Christmas means to us.

6 years ago

I don’t do politically correct. I’m a straight white Christian. I’ve worked and been friends with a number of gays. No problem as neither of us resorts to name-calling. What the left doesn’t realize, if they destroy the Constitution and OUR rights, there’s no protection for THEIR rights when America’s invaders finish their job. Like our Founding Fathers said, “United we stand, divided we fall.”

6 years ago

Amen… and pray.

6 years ago

Thank you for this supportive and courageous article about SILENCE being the only REAL DANGER to CHRISTIANITY. America, founded on the platform of religious freedom, not on sexual permissiveness or “anything goes” politics, will only stand if God hears our cry and heals our land. A prayer will be heard. A cry is anything but silent. Keep writing so people can read; keep talking so people know that being Christian and following Jesus Christ is synonymous with going about-doing good; ….and keep crying out to God to hear our cry and heal our land. This is NOT just for our politicians or government calling….this means God’s “people”. JESUS said, IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY, I WILL HEAR THEIR CRY AND HEAL THEIR LAND. Though I be only one voice, let me be the voice of one, crying in the wilderness, MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD.

6 years ago

The US was established for one main reason, religious freedom. Independence from Britain and the Church of England was the primary goal. It should never have happened. It was only achieved by the support of our Heavenly Father. Our Father has shown how he works with those who live by His word, and works against those who are His adversaries. As a nation of people we have supported murder ( the killing of babies), homosexuality (the legalization of same sex marriage), and other atrocities. Our Father cannot support such a people, and we are seeing the results of this as more and more liberal leaders are gaining power who have no understanding of what is right.

Doug geib
Doug geib
6 years ago

Well said katrina thks n thks amac

addy ducey
addy ducey
6 years ago

This Country was founded on the principal of Religious Freedom!

Ellen Woods
Ellen Woods
6 years ago

Good morning-

Thank you for this incredibly well written plea to stand up for our faith in Jesus Christ!

Two weeks ago, I was able to join the March For Life in Chicago as I have for years. This time was remarkable for so
many more marchers were teens and young adults. My guess is that at least 40% were under 25 and it was the largest Chicago group to assemble in its history. Thousands of supporters from Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan were carrying banners/praying /listening to remarkable pro life warriors including Cardinal Cupich.

We were faced with a small very loud drum banging group of Non Pro lifers who did not succeed in drowning us out but made great efforts to do so.

Yes, we need to grow in courage and pray unceasingly for the people opposing
us for it is hard to say —-they know not what they do! But we do and disheartened as we may be we have no choice now but to be fiercely faithful to our Lord and each other.

Julie O. Tipton
Julie O. Tipton
6 years ago

Great article!

Jim Darnall
Jim Darnall
6 years ago

Sadly of the supposedly poll showing 70% of Americans are Christians only about 50% are really Christians. That means probably about 20% just go through the motions. That in itself is sad. Christians are more passive than those on the left and need to not be afraid to stand their ground. Not in a violent way but in a unified way. Quite like the march for life we had here In Kansas. It seems like even Pastors do not speak when our government goes against God’s word. This showed a few years back when our state was forced and accepted same sex marriage without any real opposition from Christian leaders or even the members of those churches. In a loving non violent way would have at least put the government on notice but it didn’t happen. Our Lord tells us we are to obey our government until it crosses the line on Christian values. What many do not realize is God ordained government just as he did marriage as one man to one woman. Government is supposed to follow what God has put in place but as we all know few do. The time is coming when judgement will fall upon all that has not followed Him and it will not be pretty. I pray as all Christians should that hearts are changed before that time comes.

6 years ago

It’s time to stand up for one nation under God. It’s to to fight for our beliefs or they will be lost. The devil has seized
the democrats and they have embraced him!

William Wayne Tolliver
William Wayne Tolliver
6 years ago

2 Timothy 4:2-4 Preach It in season and out of season also study to show yourself approved a workman of God.

6 years ago

I stand by my christian values and not be silenced by the progressive haiters my god is bigger stronger and sees all the hearts of people for their true intentions .We have nothing to fear you will end up in heaven or hell made for the devel ,fallen angles,unsaved.
Good old boys will not make it to heaven only saved obeying gods word.

Roger Daines
Roger Daines
6 years ago

Christians have always been persecuted for their beliefs because Satan fears them and tries to destroy any progress the Lord makes in the spreading of his Gospel. We are not activists, but individual testators of his reality. Unfortunately in our society today Satan has a vocal force through the media, while we individuals speak privately one to one In sharing our faith. Thankfully there are a few with opportunities to be in the public eye who stand firm in their Faith. Roger Daines

Drug and medical costs - healthcare. Pills spilling out of a medicine cup onto hundred dollar bills, with a hundred dollar bill rolled up in a pill bottle, a concept showing the cost of healthcare.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 26: Demonstrators, some of them former PEPFAR and USAID employees, protest to demand that Congress stand up to President Donald Trump and Elon Musk's "Department of Government Efficiency" and reinstate lifesaving programs in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill on February 26, 2025 in Washington, DC. Organized by ActUp's Health Global Access Project, the protesters temporarily occupied the floor of the rotunda before U.S. Capitol Police arrested 21 of the demonstrators. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

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