
National Security , Newsline

The Left’s Gender Tyranny

Posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2021
by Outside Contributor

Militant transgender advocates are imposing their agenda with uncompromising zeal on public school students.

That’s fine with President Joe Biden. On Friday, the Biden administration announced that, by April, it would enhance the legal entitlements of transgender public school students, with new guarantees regarding access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports competitions.

These issues are grabbing the headlines, but they’re less harmful to most students than the damage being done by the distortion of the school curriculum. Children as young as 5 are being encouraged to disregard their anatomy and choose their gender based on their feelings.

Last week, a California mother raged at her local Spreckels Union School District board for allowing teachers to coach her 12-year-old daughter on becoming a boy, choosing a boy’s name, and hiding the plan from the family.

A book offered in school libraries for ages 4 to 8 reads, “This is Ruthie. She is a transgender girl. That means when she was born everyone thought she was a boy. Until she grew a little older — old enough to tell everyone that she’s actually a girl. ” 

Gender dysphoria, a rare medical condition that makes people feel mismatched with their sexual anatomy, occurs in about 0.6% of the adult population, according to current data from the Williams Institute. Anyone afflicted should be treated with kindness and offered medical help.

It first appears in childhood, but so few children are affected that the curriculum should not be distorted for everyone. Elementary school teachers are putting words such as nonbinary and transgender on the blackboard, even before kids have learned multiplication.

But the Maine Department of Education reports that between 13% and 18% of public high school students say they’re “lesbian, gay, bisexual, or unsure” of their gender. It’s no wonder when the curriculum programs them to doubt their identity. In school, it’s cool to be anything but heterosexual.

Maine requires public school teachers to explore the achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals, not just in health class but also in history and social studies. That’s indoctrination since teachers are not asked to do the same for the celibate, for example.

This indoctrination offends many Christian and Jewish parents. Most Christians say that whether someone is a man or woman is determined by their sex at birth, according to Pew Foundation research, while agnostics and atheists are more likely to go along with gender ideology. In a document called “Male and Female He Created Them,” the Vatican rejects gender ideology.

Public schools shouldn’t be taking sides. But in Maine and many other states, they are.

On Dec. 8, as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case involving Maine’s public schools, Maine Attorney General Christopher Taub insisted that they’re “religiously neutral.” That’s a laugh.

Justice Samuel Alito was skeptical, asking Taub if he’d say that about schools that teach critical race theory. Taub ducked the question. Alito would have been even more on the mark asking about Maine’s transgender curriculum. It’s the left’s new religion, and there’s nothing neutral about it.

Where do parents go for help stopping this propagandizing? Sorry, not to the American Civil Liberties Union, despite its century-long record protecting the free exercise of religion. Lately, the ACLU has demoted religious rights, putting them below transgender rights. The ACLU declares that “religion is being used as an excuse to discriminate against and harm others.”

The International Olympic Committee is also kowtowing to transgender apostles. Last month, the IOC announced it’s eliminating any sex testing whatsoever, including for testosterone levels. Now transgender athletes will be allowed to compete in women’s events. Fairness be damned.

Don’t count on Biden. He’s already told the transgender crowd, “Your president has your back.” His administration is unlikely to strike a middle ground that respects the majority as well as the transgender minority.

Truth is, if students are to be educated rather than indoctrinated, parents will have to stand up to the transgender militants. No one else has the nerve.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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3 years ago

The whole school system has gone insane. There are only 2 genders Female

Daniel Birch
Daniel Birch
3 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree with the substance of this article. However, surely it is not only Christians and Jews who object to this insane transgender propaganda. Any reasonable person from any religious or non religious background must object as well. Any person who has learned basic human physiology and/or biology would have to object to and reject this idiotic notion of transgender being a thing to be promoted through propaganda in public schools. Don’t assume that people of other faiths or atheists are in favor of it.

3 years ago

Liberals have completely lost touch with reality.

Pushing sex change surgery for children is cruel, permanent mutilation. It’s fake science cover for pedophiles to groom children.

Our love and our duty is to keep children safe, no matter what it takes.

Every politician and government employee that champions transgender agendas needs to be removed – now.

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
3 years ago

Stand up parents because you cannot depend on your government to!

Judith R.
Judith R.
3 years ago

If the world would acknowledge the God of the Bible, and that HE created everything, including man and woman (male and female), there would be no confusion – read Genesis chapter 1. There is no mistake with God, we are born male or female and to say we are “transgender” or try to be something other than our birth gender is an affront to our Creator, God. Be reminded of the Bible verse, Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Don’t condemn me for this comment; go read your Bible and see that what I’ve said is true.

3 years ago

It is much better for civil society to pull your children out of these EVIL circumstances. Parents must allow them to be what they are, and that is what they were born as.
Keep your children home.
Or prepare for the fight of your lives.
These evil, corrupt thugs mean to OWN your kids.
No matter how it is done.

3 years ago

Follow the science is a popular phrase used by liberals these days. One has to be careful in doing so however, as liberal science tends to be fluid depending on what they want us to hear, believe and comply with. In the matter of Covid, follow the science means get your shots or die a horrible death without a job. In matters of gender, follow the science means there are multiple genders, when in fact, there are two and only two. You don’t get to pick and choose, male or female. In matters of the human race, racism, systemic racism, whatever the buzzword of the day is…. guess what? Science says there is one race of human beings… homo sapiens. therefore there can be no racism, systemic or otherwise. We are all one race!

Take it or leave it, we are being lead down a dark path by “science”. Be careful what and who you follow.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
3 years ago

Honestly, we need school vouchers. The parents get a voucher for whatever school costs per child and they can apply that to any school they choose. There needs to be a mass exodus from the public system. The private system would do a much better job with education. I know because I switched my daughter this year and what a difference! The public system has become a cesspool.

Bwa Ha
Bwa Ha
3 years ago

Pretty simple stuff. Just check the plumbing and go with it. If you’ve got male parts then by Jove! You’re a male. If you have female parts then by Jove! You’re a female. If you altered your God assigned sex then, who knows what you’ll end up as.

The natural selection that’s already been assigned by God leaves little room for argument. Male plumbing? You’re a male. Female plumbing? You’re a female. Change it up and who knows what you’ll end up as. But remember, it’s your life.

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

Phillip Ridenour
Phillip Ridenour
3 years ago

Since the woke mob and the cowards that knuckle under to them are in the process of destroying Title IX and women’s sports it will be up to the women themselves to save their athletic careers. All female athletes will have to refuse to participate in high school, collegiate and professional sports if a transgender plays on their team. Then they’ll have to start their own leagues and organizations that require genetic testing in order to participate. Finally, they will have to refuse to play against trans “women” who might be competing against them. I know it sounds bigoted, but what else can they do? Women who have trained for years in order to win scholarships or earn a living will be thrown on the trash heap if they go up against biological males.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
3 years ago

Genesis Ch 1 verse27,

Patty L
Patty L
3 years ago


John D. Beach
John D. Beach
3 years ago

The stark reality is that any rational adult should realize that biological identity and the abilities of it are NOT alterable to ANY other capability. Thinking will NOT make it so (or sow, for that matter!) The tragedy would be to allow people to, literally, ruin their lives, forever, by medical procedures to make a non-entity. Purpose, in life, which respect to sexual identity is innately or congenitally, biologically. fashioned. A person can NEVER be other than they are at birth, male or female. This is a simple fact.

2 years ago

The very fact that a man by birth wants to participate in a competitive women athletic activity goes strictly and purely against the very soul of creating such a set-up. Anyone that seriously supports the propriety and fairness associated with male competition in a women’s designated athletic competition is a dufus unless it is merely for fun. The whole purpose is to create a fair competition situation. By God and nature’s design men are physically endowed with a physical different system of genes that create, on the average, a physically superior set of athletic skills. For the life of me, I can’t understand why anyone would take pride or interest dominating in an athletic system which gives a clear athletic advantage. True, some women are physically stronger and/or better athletically that some men. Seems like me there is an unfairness to competition in such a situation.

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