This week, a 16-year-old boy named Ralph Yarl — black — accidentally rang the doorbell of an 84-year-old white man, Andrew Lester. According to reports, Lester then shot Yarl twice through the door, wounding him in the head and the arm. According to Clay County prosecutor Zachary Thompson, “I can tell you there was a racial component.”
This fact pattern immediately sent the salivary glands of the media and the Biden administration into overdrive. Drooling with excitement, the media headlined the Yarl shooting for days; President Joe Biden himself immediately invited Yarl, who survived, to the White House.
The reason for the journalistic and political feeding frenzy is clear: For the political Left, the narrative of white supremacy must be maintained. What’s more, shocking examples of that narrative must be found. Yarl’s shooting fit the bill. Americans are supposed to believe, as Yarl’s attorney put it, that “blackness is under attack.”
This is a lie. Not only is it a lie, it is a blatantly idiotic and devastatingly counterproductive lie. That lie provides the impetus toward undercutting police presence in high-crime areas; it provides the basis for racially discriminatory governmental policies; it provides the foundation for the argument that all disparities between the races are the result of white discrimination.
The truth is far more troubling: In America, while most violent crime is intra-racial (white on white or black on black, for example), in cases in which blacks and whites have violent interaction, blacks are overwhelmingly the perpetrators, not the victims.
In 2019, for example, 3,299 white Americans were murdered; 566, or 17%, were killed by black perpetrators. That same year, 2,906 black Americans were murdered; 246, or 8%, were killed by white perpetrators. Adjusted for population size — there are far more whites in America (235 million) than blacks (47 million) — this means that approximately one out of every million white Americans killed a black person in 2019, while 12 out of every million black Americans killed a white person. Such numbers are reflective of a norm: every year from 2001 on, the number of black-on-white killings has approximately doubled the number of white-on-black killings. When it comes to violent crime generally, the same sad truth applies. In 2019, there were 562,550 reported violent black/white incidents. 472,570 were black on white — 84%.
The media routinely ignore these facts, since they don’t fit the narrative. In fact, the media have a general tendency not to even mention the race of perpetrators of crimes if those perpetrators are black. The people harmed most by this narrative failure are not white Americans, but black Americans, who are predominantly the victims of black crime. According to the Department of Justice, “In 2018, based on data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, black people were overrepresented among persons arrested for nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation in the U.S. population (13%).” The vast majority of victims were black.
Understanding the facts about interracial crime presents different solutions than the lies we hear about the prevalence of white-on-black violence. Those solutions include encouraging fatherhood in the home. Only 37% of black children are living in a home with their biological parents; 72% of black fathers aren’t married to the mother of their children; and only 4.2% of black children grow up in areas with a poverty rate below 10% and over half of black fathers present in the community.
But such discussions never take place if we focus on a lie: the lie that black victims are disproportionately the victim of white evils. Those who promulgate that lie victimize all Americans, black and white.
Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.
Stats show BOB crimes higher vs BOW
The left have been racists for centuries!! They keep the racism alive so they are basically using black people for personal gain and it’s despicable!! They keep the carrot on the string and the black communities continue to suffer at their hands! The left are contemptible in their behavior towards the black people taking advantage of their trust at every turn! The left are pathological liars; the truth and facts don’t matter to them anymore than the rule of law!!!!
Nevertheless, a lie that has been working wonders. Obama made sure of this.
Essentially this whole phony racist premise by the left is a huge distraction to divert the public’s attention from far more world-changing things they are doing around the world, like the construction of the worldwide network currently being fashioned by the BIS for the implementation of a global digital currency called the UNICOIN. Our current administration is fully on board with this effort that will replace the current banking system, as we know it today, and ALL existing fiat currencies globally with a centrally managed and controlled digital currency built to replicate the Chinese Yuan digital dollar model around the world. So while everyone is kept preoccupied with this ginned up racist nonsense from the left, the left is moving in for the final shot that will change the face of the world overnight.
Pieces of new global network are already in place and at the rate they are going, everything should be fully completed by 2025. So by all means waste your time focused on this phony garbage being pushed by the left, but you’re missing the real threat that very few in the MSM will ever focus on until its too late.
Let’s hear from some of you blacks out there. If BLMatters so much ,why do blacks keep killing blacks. ??? South Chicago kills more than Russia and Ukraine does in a week. Kyle L.
This is just another of the many examples of our bigoted racist media and the left in general. Democrats love to spread this lie because they get to embrace all the little subgroups that benefit from lies about their fake victim hood.
There is a higher % of blacks working then the percent of whites work. there is a much higher percent of blacks committing crimes then any other grouping of people.
Blacks beat and kill more people of all races then any other group of people.
America needs to get over the whole concept that blacks are oppressed. they are not. they are so enabled and arrogant they they feel they have the right to do anything they wish.
It is a big lie that blacks are frequently assaulted by whites. The truth is that whites are much more frequently assaulted by blacks. To spread the malicious stories that blacks have to be worried about the violent whites is not only disturbingly false, it is pure evil. This practice of blaming the whites creates a racist fantasy world where blacks are often not held responsible for their own actions. It makes it very easy for pathological misanthropes to fool the blacks into believing that they are the oppressed, and the whites are the oppressors. The politicians and lawyers who spread such fabrications are not only unethical race hustlers, they are also actively helping to destroy the United States of America. Biden and his supporters are frequently spreading so much fear and hatred that honest, good Americans are unjustly being labeled terrorists and white supremacists. MAGA Americans are, for the most part, patriots who wish to preserve our union as a productive land of opportunity and peace — opportunity and peace for all citizens of this great Constitutional Republic.
… the origin of the white-on-black victim-hood myth traces its roots to, Barack Obama himself, who aspired, circa 2009, that white woman be made to become more receptive, to black men. So, President Obama pressured mainstream media into a moratorium, from reporting on inner-city black youth crime (e.g., Trevon Martin!), ordering a de facto censorship suppressing black-on-white violence on the 6:00 news. In doing so the mainstream media experienced a revelation that, through blatant unbalanced reporting, only reporting white-on-black violence, it now enjoyed leverage, throttling the black community, at will. The mainstream media discovered it could, at will, incite the black community to riot, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. It is none other than Barack Obama, himself, and the mainstream media, which subsequently spawned BLM, and ANTIFA –
Excellent article telling the truth.
The democrats love dividing the country destroying it any way they can for power. Democrats have been trying to start a Race War since they started the Civil War so they could keep slavery (Real History). Remember all the Race Riots of the 1960’s caused by democrats. They are trying to relive those days.
The country was working and doing its thing till 1-20-21, and then all of sudden the whole country was racist on that day. What a crock of BS. There are other countries that are by far more racist than the United States.
Americans need to WAKE UP and quit believing these lies.
The recent shooting at the sweet 16 party is a good example. Initially, there was no mention in the news of the race of the victims or the killers. It has eventually become known that both victime and their killers are black.
The article fails to point out the fact that most black murders are committed by blacks.
The key point is that the lie that whites are responsible for most black murders has been
known to be false for decades. We knew this 30 years ago. The problem is that a huge % of our
population is ignorant to the point where they believe our abusive, crooked media. Media
exists only because we pay attention to it. When we learn to ignor media, we will be a much
more advanced nation.
So is this today’s ” blacks are victims” story ? Never miss an opportunity to call yourself a
victim. Our government will spend quadra – trillions on anyone who thinks he’s a victim. Thats
the game, Victimhood. Example: San Francisco says no amount of money is enough to
compensate blacks for slavery. We all know the plan is to get the all US taxpayers nationwide to take on the payment of reparation money that San Francisco commits to.