
National Security , Newsline

The Left’s Cynical ‘Speech Is Violence’ Ploy

Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2022
by Outside Contributor

This week, another evil mass shooter unleashed horror at a gay club in Colorado Springs, killing 5 and wounding another 25. The shooter — whose name I refuse to mention in order to disincentivize future shooters, who seek notoriety — was clearly mentally ill: Just last year, the shooter reportedly threatened his mother with a bomb, resulting in his arrest. Yet Colorado’s red flag law, which could have deprived him of legal access to weaponry, was not invoked by either police or relatives. The Colorado Springs massacre, then, is yet another example of a perpetrator with more red flags than a bullfighting convention, and no one in authority willing to take action to do anything about him.

Yet the national conversation, as it so often does, has now been directed away from the question at hand — how to prevent mass shootings — and toward broader politics. Instead of seeking methodologies that might be effective in finding and stopping deranged individuals seeking murder without curbing rights and liberties for hundreds of millions of people, our political and media leaders have decided to blame Americans who oppose same-sex marriage, drag queen story hour and “family-friendly” drag shows. Disagreement with the radical Leftist social agenda amounts to incitement to violence, they argue.

Thus, NBC News senior reporter Brandy Zadrozny said, “there is a pipeline. It starts from some smaller accounts online like Libs Of Tiktok, it moves to the right wing blogosphere, and then it ends up on Tucker Carlson or ends up out of a right-wing politician’s mouth, and it is a really dangerous cycle that does have real-world consequences.” Michelle Goldberg of The New York Times wrote, “it seems hard to separate (these murders) from a nationwide campaign of anti-LGBTQ incitement… They’ve been screaming that drag events… are part of a monstrous plot to prey on children. They don’t get to duck responsibility if a sick man with a gun took them seriously.” Brian Broome wrote in The Washington Post that the shooting could not be “blamed on mental illness”; no, he stated, “It’s right-wing rhetoric that sparks these nightmares… The bottomless list of homophobes and transphobes on the right don’t need to throw the rock and then hide their hands. Instead, they use someone else’s hands entirely.”

The Left’s attempt to lay responsibility for violence at the feet of anyone who opposes the transgressive social agenda doesn’t stop with blame — it extends to calls for full-scale censorship. “We’re living in an environment that’s driven by two things,” averred Sarah Kate Ellis, CEO of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. “Politicians who are using us to bolster their careers by creating division and hate, and number two is social media platforms that are monetizing hate, and especially against marginalized communities. They’re — they’re choosing profits over hate, and it’s killing, literally killing our community.” Social media, the logic goes, ought to shut down or demonetize any video disagreeing with the GLAAD agenda.

This is cynical politics at its worst. It’s also nothing new. The Left routinely cites violent incidents as reason to crack down on free speech with which they disagree. As the inimitably imbecilic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-Instagram, tweeted, “After Trump elevated anti-immigrant & anti-Latino rhetoric, we had the deadliest anti-Latino shooting in modern history. After anti-Asian hate w/ COVID, Atlanta. Tree of Life. Emanuel AME. Buffalo. And now after an anti-LGBT+ campaign, Colorado Springs. Connect the dots, @GOP.”

Yes, according to AOC, virtually every major mass shooting of the last seven years is the result of her political opponents — none of whom has called for violence. But in the world of the Left, disagreement is violence merely waiting to be unleashed. Which is why censorship, they believe, is the only way to achieve a more peaceful world.

Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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legally present
legally present
2 years ago

I don’t care what letter of the alphabet you claim you are, WHY do I have to conform to what you declare yourself to be??? You want to be gay, lesbian, or anything else, why do I have to accept your lifestyle??? WHY do you get angry when you are called out for wanting to push your lifestyle on children??? Leave us alone, and we’ll leave you alone.

2 years ago

Reopen mental institutions.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Bigmouth & stupid. Shutup and go away!

2 years ago

Do people have the right to live the way they want? Yes. However, sexual deviancy is a sin, and we are not required to accept it or be quiet about it.

Dr Dave
Dr Dave
2 years ago

I see this senseless violence just as repulsive as anyone else but let me make a suggestion: the comment on preventing the crime by preventing the perpetrator access to a weapon is just as false as those on the left who say it to prevent gun violence. The desire to kill another human is a mental illness that cannot be solved by forbidding a person to legally buy a weapon. This particular man threatened his mother with a bomb. The person who killed the 4 young college students used a knife. The Boston Marathon murderers used a bomb. When a person decides to kill, they will find a weapon. Further, it is much easier and a bunch less time-consuming to buy and AR-15, AK-47 or anything else a murderer might want in a local bar or on a parking lot, and it might likely be cheaper. So, let’s not join the left with false statements about preventing disturbed people from killing just because they cannot get a LEGAL gun. It just is not true. Preventing this kind of killing can only be done by recognizing and dealing with the signs of rage and history of lawlessness the sick person shows.

David N.
David N.
2 years ago

To AOC and the equally deranged, “lack of evidence” IS evidence!

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
2 years ago

Can we air drop AOC into Iran.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Let’s start with LOUD MOUTH Maxine Waters who yelled to crowd to attack Republicans using Speech to deploy violence followed by Communist harris and SWAMP QUEEN pelosi using Speeches on National television for FASCIST liberals to riot and attack Republicans.
And then we have LOSER AOC always running off at the mouth with her speeches when it only suits her and FASCIST liberals Communist agenda while she’s flying on her Unicorn and taking trains to Hawaii on their FANTASY WORLD new green deal and Global Warming LIE.
If speech deploys violence, then why is AOC, SWAMP QUEEN pelosi, Communist harris, Hilldog clinton, and DICTATOR Beijing biden opening their mouths to make speeches Deploying Violence?
2-Faced double standard as usual.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The shooter says he is “non-binary.” So much for the media’s LIES about his being a MAGA supporter!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Evil and sick people do evil things. Mental illness needs treatment but parents rarely get it for their children.

Old Silk
Old Silk
2 years ago

That impertinent little snip should never have gotten into Congress in the first place, and the liberal she replaced won’t say a word unless the winner was a Republican. That is how these people operate.

Buddy 60
Buddy 60
2 years ago

I don’t know what the left see in this woman!!?

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

I do not disapprove of their lifestyle nor seek laws to oppress them. I do resent their insistence I approve of their lifestyle and will not!

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
2 years ago

This woman’s speech is the typical Communist doctrine, geared to twist every event in order to demonize the political opponent. It doesn’t matter if it is true or not. Unfortunately, fanatics don’t think, they only follow.

2 years ago

Republicans vote to enact change that democrats created. Every so many elections Republicans rise up to stop democrat policies that that are destroying this country. We had such an election in 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022. Democrats control voting districts key positions across the U.S. which enabled them to thwart sweeping changes in our political make up. No matter how angry citizens have gotten since 2016 coupled with massive voter turn-out the makeup of our government stayed relatively unchanged. Democrats control any and all meaningful positions that affect elections. “It’s not important how many people vote for change, if the same people are counting the the votes”.

Craig Driver
Craig Driver
2 years ago

Speech is violence is an attempt to control. It is an attempt to destroy the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. Democratic Party leaders and their followers are definitely not Americans.

Bill in Kansas
Bill in Kansas
2 years ago

I was having a similar conversation with a 20 something female police officer in my shop last week.
I told her I was raised that until you physically touched me you had not hurt me. You could call me everything but a child of God, which might offend me, but you hadn’t HURT me.

I asked her if she ever had seen the movie Blazing Saddles. Of course not. I told her everyone got made fun of so no one got really offended. I told her it would rock her world but, if she had an open mind she’d laugh her ass off. She said she was going to try and find it and let me know.

I’ll keep you posted.

2 years ago

Maybe folks should get their eyes off media and social networks and put them in the Bible. This world would indeed be a better place to live

2 years ago

Left leaning DemocRat Party (a disguise for a Communist party or worse) can thrive if they can control public speech as a crime when it goes against their will. That is a key component of DemocRat Party tenets … control public speech. The Nazis were very, very dedicated to this tactic (Sound of Music is a good example of how the Nazis did it). Remember … the DemocRats seek to RULE the Nation …. not just GOVERN the Nation..

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