
National Security , Newsline

The Impact of Biden Blocking the Keystone Pipeline

Posted on Tuesday, February 16, 2021
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Biden Acts Immediately Against U.S. Fossil Fuel Energy Independence and Kills Jobs in His Broad Reaching Executive Order That Stops Development of the Keystone Pipeline

keystone pipeline

President Joe Biden spent his first day – January 20 — in the White House signing a spate of executive orders aimed at undoing the policies of the Trump administration, including a broad ranging one to ostensibly protect the environment. This document contains several provisions designed to set the stage for the restoration of increased regulatory costs upon, and lost opportunity for fossil fuel energy development. Section 6 contains an order that revoked the permit for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline because it was deemed “not consistent with [his] Administration’s economic and climate imperatives.” Biden’s order revokes the permit that was granted March 29, 2019, by then-President Donald Trump to reverse former President Obama’s blocking the pipeline company TC Energy’s request for a permit in 2015.

The Keystone XL pipeline is an international project to build an 875-mile pipeline to carry a heavy crude oil mixture from Western Canada to Steele City, Neb., where it would connect with another leg stretching to Gulf Coast refineries. While a voluminous State Department report on the Keystone XL pipeline found in 2014 that it would not significantly contribute to carbon pollution, its opponents say the pipeline threatens Canadian rivers and forests. And the project has become a symbol for the political debate over fossil fuels. Construction began in April 2020, and to date, only a 1.2-mile section of the pipeline had been completed in Montana near the U.S.-Canada border.

On that same day, oil and gas producers association — American Petroleum Institute (API) — President and CEO Mike Sommers issued a statement on Biden’s incoming presidency criticizing his executive order, saying: 

“… (R)evoking the Keystone XL pipeline is a significant step backwards both for environmental progress and our economic recovery. Pipelines are the safest, most environmentally friendly way to transport energy, and the economy cannot recover at full speed unless we deliver reliable energy from where it is to where it is needed. The Keystone XL Pipeline has been through more than 10 years of extensive environmental reviews, and today’s announcement is a slap in the face to the thousands of union workers who are already a part of this safe and sustainable project. This misguided move will hamper America’s economic recovery, undermine North American energy security and strain relations with one of America’s greatest allies.”

Pipeline company TC Energy projects substantial job losses because of Biden’s action:

“The decision would overturn an unprecedented, comprehensive regulatory process that lasted more than a decade and repeatedly concluded the pipeline would transport much needed energy in an environmentally responsible way while enhancing North American energy security. The action would directly lead to the layoff of thousands of union workers and negatively impact ground-breaking industry commitments to use new renewable energy as well as historic equity partnerships with Indigenous communities.”

Coal and natural gas state West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin wrote Biden asking him “to reconsider” his executive order. Mr. Manchin, who introduced the first Keystone XL bill in 2012, noted that “pipelines continue to be the safest mode to transport our oil and natural gas resources and they support thousands of high-paying, American union jobs.”  In other words, the pipeline is more environmentally safe than transporting by rail in which derailments have and may well continue to cause substantial spills.

Similarly, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said regarding job losses in a recent interview with Axios on HBO that the Laborers’ International Union of North America was right to say it would cost 1,000 existing union jobs and 10,000 projected construction jobs, and  he was skeptical about the veracity of Biden administration vague promises that those laid off would be trained for and given “green jobs,” such as build solar panels. 

In addition to those direct pipeline development jobs lost and the impact upon their families, there will doubtless be a significant economic “ripple effect” causing further job losses in related goods and service industries, stores, and businesses in the towns of those who lost jobs, and lost revenues to the impacted states and local governments and school systems. 

Inasmuch as the President quickly signed 30 executive orders in his first three days of holding office, to reject or block the progress made by the Trump Administration without examination, the question logically arises as to whether he even knew what the impact would be on jobs and families.  Were they just placed by his advisors in front of him to sign without presenting him with a complete discussion of the issues and impacts?  Time will tell… and we hope at not too great a cost to our Nation.

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3 years ago

This unfair to the people for theses oil companies. They have worked hard to clean up the oil to make it more save for cars, and truck’s. They have filters on the plant’s to make it more save too use. This hurt theses states that depend on theses jobs. They support ed school’s, and colleges in their state’s. The oil companies have cleaner products than Iran and Iraq. The rail ways don’t have room for the oil to be transported to state’s. It is more save to have the oil pipeline than to transport it by railroad. It cost my money by railroad. Our price on food will go up. This will affect the farmers who use the railway to ship to other state.

3 years ago

While everything you state in the article concerning the safety factor of pipelines versus other means of fossil fuel transportation and the significant economic impact of killing their construction is true, these decisions being made by Biden’s handlers aren’t centered around either legitimate transportation safety concerns or based on sound economic impact analysis of the direct and indirect jobs and businesses associated with the construction of these pipelines.

It’s all about the left’s vision of a “green future” based solely on wind and solar power. Nuclear is also a big no-no for most of the green movement. Everything else, like job loss, the closing of businesses that support those workers, higher fuel prices and energy costs, as well as intermittent power associated with green power is considered acceptable collateral damage that society (that us folks) will have to deal with as our economy is forced to adapt to the reality of what their vision can actually produce. Take a look at what cold weather does to windmills in Texas. Elections have consequences and that includes ruinous economic decisions being made solely for political reasons. That is what killing the XL pipeline is all about. It’s political payback and the poor workers and every business that relied on those workers in order to stay open, as well as the state tax and royalty are just expected to take it.

The fact that neither wind nor solar are particularly “green”, when you factor in what it takes to mine and build all the materials associated with windmills and solar farms is also inconsequential. The green movement has a vision and they poured major campaign donations in Biden’s presidential bid so they can reap of the rewards of massive federal contracts being awarded to companies that are associated with these donors. Hey, it worked under Obama with Solyndra, A123 and other economic black holes that consumed billions of taxpayer dollars, but managed to make their owners very rich. So why shouldn’t these same donors get a second crack at scooping up more taxpayer dollars for this green nonsense. With a Democrat in the White House, it’s a slam dunk. Cha-ching!

3 years ago

While everything you state in the article concerning the safety factor of pipelines versus other means of fossil fuel transportation and the significant economic impact of killing their construction is true, these decisions being made by Biden’s handlers aren’t centered around either legitimate transportation safety concerns or based on sound economic impact analysis of the direct and indirect jobs and businesses associated with the construction of these pipelines.

It’s all about the left’s vision of a “green future” based solely on wind and solar power. Nuclear is also a big no-no for most of the green movement. Everything else, like job loss, the closing of businesses that support those workers, higher fuel prices and energy costs, as well as intermittent power associated with green power is considered acceptable collateral damage that society (that us folks) will have to deal with as our economy is forced to adapt to the reality of what their vision can actually produce. Take a look at what cold weather does to windmills in Texas. Elections have consequences and that includes ruinous economic decisions being made solely for political reasons. That is what killing the XL pipeline is all about. It’s political payback and the poor workers and every business that relied on those workers in order to stay open, as well as the state tax and royalty are just expected to take it.

The fact that neither wind nor solar are particularly “green”, when you factor in what it takes to mine and build all the materials associated with windmills and solar farms is also inconsequential. The green movement has a vision and they poured major campaign donations in Biden’s presidential bid so they can reap of the rewards of massive federal contracts being awarded to companies that are associated with these donors. Hey, it worked under Obama with Solyndra, A123 and other economic black holes that consumed billions of taxpayer dollars, but managed to make their owners very rich. So why shouldn’t these same donors get a second crack at scooping up more taxpayer dollars for this green nonsense. With a Democrat in the White House, it’s a slam dunk. Cha-ching!

3 years ago

Stop censoring posts for no good reason AMAC.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

TX energy solutions post storm:

More wind farms offshore INTO Gulf of Mexico
Reuse land for farms or ranches
Automate coal plants
Expand NG
Thorium reactors
Space based Solar power: 1975 book High Frontier
share energy with Mexico aside NM LA OK Neb AR WY
Mass produce energy storage units
Rebrand TX utilities
Molten salt reactors

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Add more for TX energy:
Waste to fuel.
Synthfuels from Oil ?

3 years ago

They plunked em down, they were unread by jobama and he signed them. Simple as that.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Reminds me of the bumper sticker in the 80s, that read —-Let the B###ARDS freeze in the Dark !

3 years ago

We already seeing the effects with increase energy costs over the past few weeks. – Not counting the cold weather.

3 years ago

Welcome to Obama 2.0 are you ready to lose everything you have.

3 years ago

The dumb SOB has no idea what he is signing or the ramifications of his actions.
Did you hear his CNN “town hall”, he couldn’t answer softball questions in a clear
competent manor; and this clown is the president??? God help the USA !!!!!

3 years ago

Biden is an IDIOT and more than likely had no idea what he signed. The unions leaders still send millions to the Democratic party that in turn constantly screw the union worker out of good paying jobs. It should be a wake up call but I doubt it. Texans are suffering with the coldest weather in years and due to Green Energy people are suffering and worst some have lost life The Biden administration is on fast track to get the US in line with the Global Reset. Wake the hell up America.

John Schoepf
John Schoepf
3 years ago

The recent weather shows the “Benefits” of green energy. Clouds blocked solar panels, wind turbines iced up& stopped producing. People lost power!

3 years ago

Besides the nutjob climate crowd, the crew of people celebrating this stupid move are the Russians, Saudias, Iranians, Chinese Communist Party and a few other evil groups!

Dr. James Dobbins
Dr. James Dobbins
3 years ago

Just one more example of Joe Biden’s mindless and clueless adherence to the far left policies of those around him, and probably controlling him. He is our first puppet President in a long time and w do not know who is really pulling the strings.

3 years ago

You cant fix stupid.

jim robinett
jim robinett
3 years ago

I can NOT understand why anyone rational thinking human would refer to the proven very corrupt joey biden as president of anything more than the outhouse in his backyard with the “doctor” will allow him to use it!

Dave Donaldson
Dave Donaldson
3 years ago

Price of gas is up 40 cents per gallon in my area. Thanks Joe

3 years ago

We have a President who has been worthless for his entire political life who get elected President with the promise to those who supported him that he will do ANYTHING that they would desire no matter what that action may be as far as destruction of the economy, destruction of the military, destruction of all morals. See, he doesn’t care. He just wants to be President. Be sure you understand that he will not be running our Country. He is senile. Felons are now running our Country.

3 years ago

Biden is a TOTAL traitor to our Nation, what an asswipe!!

Debbie A
Debbie A
3 years ago

Biden has no idea what’s going on or what he is signing. He is a puppet for the hate driven party running our country. They could care less about our country or the people in it.

3 years ago

This is off the subject, but I received an email a couple of days ago from Convention of States Project. Their Facebook page is being blocked…are we surprised? The COS’ page is mainly to educate folks about Article V of the US Constitution Convention of States. But of course, since Big Tech doesn’t want anyone to know how the overreaching power of our government can be reined in, they are blocking the information. Please folks, cancel your Facebook pages. And spread the word about the Convention of States project. There is more than one way to skin a cat!!

3 years ago

MSM will not challenge, or ask this imbecile, (The President of the United States, unbelievable,) any questions about his absolutely nonsensical executive orders that do nothing positive for the people or our country’s wellbeing, they all do everything, opposite!

3 years ago

We need to think strategically as a nation using facts instead of embracing renewable fiction. Oil is not used to run big electric power plants like these renewable energy proponents continue to imply. Fossil fuels power the transportation industry. Fossil fuels provide the materials used to make every kind of plastic. Renewable energy proponents always have an excuse for everything that goes wrong with their technology, which merely generates electricity some of the time. More offending is the implication of the false notion that renewable technology displaces the need for oil, which is absolutely not true.

Know One Knows
Know One Knows
3 years ago

HaHaHaHa The unions voted for this jerk and the first thing he does is stab them in the back! No president has helped the unions by provided jobs more than Trump and they vote him out? Unions are as corrupt as ever!

3 years ago

No one mentioned it would benefit a billionaire Dem supporter Warren Buffet @ a rate of over 2 Billion dollars a year. Wonder if ole Lying Biden is getting a kick back out of that.

June L
June L
3 years ago

He is a liar, a fool and a danger to the American way of life.

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
3 years ago

Biden’s end of the pipeline, is more than, any environmental issue. It’s a blatant attempt to erase the 45th President from the history of the United States of America. Biden’s handlers are the ones doing this. Biden had no clue what he’s signing, he just does what he’s told to do. That’s why you almost never hear him speak without a teleprompter. His handlers are now going after the 2nd amendment. They and he need to be aware that the 2nd amendment protects the 1st amendment. Their efforts may very well create a nationwide confrontation, that could very well be deadly. And if we fight amongst ourselves, Ole Joe’s pocket buddies {China} will be more than willing to come help.
I just got a flash that Rush Limbough has died at 70 years old. Another loss for America.

Dave Willis
Dave Willis
3 years ago

I agree with many of the comments already made, so I won’t duplicate them. My comment is on the approval date by Trump of the pipeline. The article states he approved it 3/29/19, but it was actually approved 1/24/17. Given that much time, I thought it would have been finished by now.

3 years ago

One of the worst mistakes Biden did was to cancel the pipeline. Oil is used in most products i.e.: plastics cannot be made with out oil.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

China-Joe Hiden’ Biden needs to be stuffed into that pipeline, then open the valves…wait, the sludge would cause an obstruction- never mind…

Francis Elliott
Francis Elliott
3 years ago

President Biden showed us early that he was a job killer, and his multiple Executive Orders are a testament to his desire to placate the far left. His actions appear to be just the beginning of his desire to “fundamentally change America” into a socialist country. Freedom and prosperity will be freedoms that our grandchildren will read about in history rather than experience.

3 years ago

We have to ask ourselves who benefits from this? This has nothing to do with the environment. The green new deal is exactly what it says….Green = $$$ new deal. We will import our oil and gas, use the rail system (Buffet) to move the oil. Just have to follow the money and it becomes clear why they are doing what they are doing. As they say, “Show me the Money!”

3 years ago

Biden is a complete MORON and so is his sister Kamala// The windmills are frozen solid in Texas, but their is another election in 2022 and the Senate and House goes back to the smart party=Biden will have control of only his garbage dump//Was a loser and is so today = Jerky Joe Buffoon//

3 years ago

Biden is a killer. Period.

3 years ago

To all you union members losing your jobs. When you voted Democrat you voted for this.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

The advisors are running the ship. They won’t explain to Biden what he is doing. he doesn’t care.
But these people should be able to at least ask a question: will they seem like advisors anyone else should ever hire after Biden is no more.
What an obvious sign of a degenerate president. This cancel oil activity is in recent memory. Voters should notice.

3 years ago

Oh well, at least that large Democratic donor Warren Buffet stands to make a killing as he has significant investment in the rail cars that they’ll have to use now.

3 years ago

We all know Biden has no clue as to what he is signing…the little voice in his ear is telling him what to do….think obama. Wonder how much Jill Biden is getting paid to allow them to use creepy joe like this since she seems to be going along with all of it. Think IMPEACHMENT!!!

JAMES alas j.b.
JAMES alas j.b.
3 years ago

two nephews out of jobs on pipeline . no sign of solar panels yet. makes me sick. to see whats going on.

3 years ago

Biden is mentally incompetent too even remember how to flush a toilet!

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

To Start May Our God find favor in Rush, our Nation will miss him!
Not only will the price of motor fuel go up but the cost of the home heating oil that the east heats their home’s with. Not to mention Natural Gas (fracking band). The have about got it done, HR 1, and Senate 1, (votes and free speech), then will be weapon control. That will be the capstone. Wonder could some one with more money than I take some of the above to the courts? They did with President Trump, quite a bit of what he tried to do was blocked by the courts. May God bless and protect our Nation. BT

3 years ago

thdah, thdah, thdah, thdah, that’s all folks! Biden’s just as moronic as a Looney Tunes cartoon.

Heinz Park
Heinz Park
3 years ago

It’s a great disappointment What Biden as he is supporting the Left and not the hard working People that makes this country. I’m never will call him our Present just Grandpop that should have stayed home and enjoy his Grandkids.
Yes Biden has no clue what he signed he only did it to look good for the wrong people.

dean haack
dean haack
3 years ago

obamas 3rd term how you liberals like it now

3 years ago

Evil is going to take this country over if we don’t do something. The democrats are trying to control this country and they don’t care who they have to kill or go thru.God is watching and he will not forget there day is coming and it is getting very close.

3 years ago

Biden is a bone Head!!! The only job he’s ever had was in congress and he screwed that up every day!! He was elected thru Fraud and AI computer algorithms to change votes. You may laugh at this but if we have any justice, it will come out in the SCOTUS!!!

Diane Glassel
Diane Glassel
3 years ago

We no longer have a President. Biden is a clown, a puppet being handled by Obama and does not have the mental clarity to act as a President. All you fools who wanted Biden/Harris to take over our country…do you now see what you have done??????????? They are destroying our country piece by piece. They are going to take our guns, leave us defenseless and turn this country into a Socialist nation and worshipping Communism. We are doomed. Thank you all you idiots who wanted you have it.

3 years ago

Look at what is happening in Texas and other southern states as a result of the “polar vortex”. They sure could use fuel to heat their homes (since there is no sun for solar power and the windmills are frozen) that perhaps this pipeline could provide in an environmentally safe way . . . so much for “progressivism”!!

Rose DeWever
Rose DeWever
3 years ago

I just want to know how we can stop all the crazy anti American decisions he is making. HE is destroying our nation!

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