
National Security , Newsline

The Deadly Side Effect of the Illegal Immigration Surge

Posted on Tuesday, April 19, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 18 – We’ve heard it all before: illegal migration drains public funds, overwhelms our neighborhoods, and compromises national security. But there is a deadly side effect of the illegal surge at our southern border. It’s called fentanyl, and Mexican drug traffickers are using the migrant surge to smuggle their deadly wares into the U.S. It’s killing users throughout America by the tens of thousands.

“Drug Enforcement Administration Divisions across the U.S. are seeing overdose deaths climb at an alarming rate, especially those caused by the synthetic opioid, fentanyl. Only weeks ago, the DEA reported overdose deaths in the U.S. had topped 100,000 for the first time over a 12-month period ending last spring,” according to a recent DEA report.

Drug dealers sell fentanyl in powder form directly to users who sniff it or smoke it. It’s so powerful that three milligrams of the stuff – the weight of a snowflake – can be deadly. Dealers also mix it with other drugs such as cocaine and heroin to speed up the high.

The fentanyl crisis emerged in 2013-14. By 2017, President Trump declared it a national emergency, the likes of which we have never seen, and he took concrete measures to help stem the drug trafficking across the Mexican border. More recently, Congressman Bryan Steil [R-WI] and 116 Republican colleagues sent a demand to President Biden, noting that “Fentanyl kills more people age 18-45 than car accidents, suicide, or COVID-19.” He also wrote, “We cannot stand by and watch as Americans are being killed by the flood of fentanyl related substances coming into our country…the Biden Administration does not believe in securing our southern border which makes my legislation, the SIFT Act, even more critical in order to prevent further loss of life and damage to our communities.” The SIFT Act would amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as Schedule I controlled substances.

President Biden, in fact, issued a news release shortly after the new year in which he proposed to deal with the fentanyl crisis by spending $41 billion “for national drug program agencies, a $669.9 million increase over the FY 2021 enacted level. The largest increases in funding are for critical public health interventions to expand research, prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery support services, with targeted investments to meet the needs of populations at greatest risk for overdose and substance use disorder, as well as significant investments in reducing the supply of illicit substances.” 

Oh, yeah, he also proposed the creation of a new U.S. Council on Transnational Organized Crime to deal with the traffickers who bring the stuff into the country, a bureaucratic method of showing us he’s getting tough on crime. And, of course, he apparently thinks that dismissing President Trump’s Title 42 measure -a tool that allows border patrol agents to check and deny entry into the U.S. quickly and easily for suspicious migrants – is a good idea.

Perhaps he should have consulted the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, who took the bull by the horns and negotiated deals with three Mexican border states, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. Abbott said the governors of the three Mexican states have signed Memoranda of Understanding in an “historic step taken by the State of Texas to solve the border crisis, keep our communities safe, negotiate with our partners in Mexico, and fill in the gaps left by the inaction of the Biden Administration. Until President Biden decides to fulfill his constitutional duty to secure the border, we will continue to do whatever it takes to protect the safety and security of all Texans…Texans demand and deserve an aggressive, comprehensive border security strategy that will protect our communities from the dangerous consequences related to illegal immigration.”  

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2 years ago

Commercial advertisements should be banned in this forum. They drag down the purpose and intent of those who read, follow, and/or contribute to the topic issues. I get a blizzard of robo phone calls and pages of advertising in the newspaper that waste my time and are very irritating annoyances. Does AMAC get a kickback to advertisers to use this forum as an advertising venue????

2 years ago

It’s going to take a manned/patroled WALL to stop immigration across the Southern Border. And it is going to take quick trial and removal and prompt removal to stop the illegal immigrant flow. Right now, money and resources are being squandered on playing footsie with Illegal immigrants, and this just prolongs and make immigration enforcement much more expensive. This has become in the judgment of many, the utter failure of the Federal Government to protect and defend our Nation. The Republicans are lukewarm in enforcement because Media sorts will hammer them to pieces politically for being uncaring, and the DemocRats will hammer them because it somewhat deprives their party of election rigging resources. And it should be common knowledge (unless one has the ostrich political stance) that the DemoRats want to shore up their voting strength with them by using them as illegal voters in rigged elections. The old voting cry of South Texas (and other border states) Democrats is, “Never let a tombstone or grave go without it casting a vote!!!!”

2 years ago

Instead of giving $41 billion to all these various drug agencies and programs, Biden could do one thing to slow the flow of fentanyl into the country–close the spigot! The answer is obvious; just secure the border.

But adding to the democrat voter rolls (at some time in the near future) is more important to the democrats and to our president than preventing the deaths of 100,000 Americans. That’s 33 times the loss we suffered on 9/11. It’s pretty plain to me–biden and the dems hate Americans.

2 years ago

The Democrats want us sick-sick-sick. Biden administration people are using illegal aliens to spread the coronavirus. On account we’re bad Americans, that we need to be punished, Democrats sought to revert control over America’s southern border back to the Mexican drug cartels, in hope of using illegal aliens to elongate the pandemic, infect as many Americans as humanly possible.

Irv C
Irv C
2 years ago

Bottom line: Biden is a traitor as are all Democrats. It’s not about America and Americans it’s about power and money. It’s disgusting and Biden is the poorest excuse of a President I’ve seen in my 69 years. TRUMP 2024

David L
David L
2 years ago

I am disappointed in both the Democrats and Republicans. Democrats want power at any costs. Republicans seem to be cowardly and lack the backbone to do the moral thing. It makes me wonder why our political leaders want the illegal drugs to continue to flow over our southern border. Are some of our politicians in cahoots with the Mexican drug Lords? There is a lot of money involved. I am married to a Latino. Most Latinos we know believe in working hard, having families, refuse abortions, and believe in God. I do not believe the majority of Latinos will stay with the Democratic Party.

2 years ago

I have a major concern and seem to be alone in this concern. These illegals are carriers of malaria, TB, typhoid, Ebola, or other blood borne diseases. There are zero vaccines available for these diseases and very few meds. Does this concern anyone else? Covid is the least of our worries beside these other 3rd world diseases. Does anyone worry about their children sharing lunch and pencils and paper and books at school? How about your babies in daycare? These children are amongst ours with little to zero screening. OR am I just crazy?

2 years ago

IMNO: Good article. Well written. Lists some very reasonable and common sense remedies. We need to shut down all drug pushers, be they the cartels or Big Pharma, and educate our children properly. CDC, FDA, and many other alphabet soup agencies are no longer our friends and put profit before public service; follow the money! It would not surprise me to find out that our own government and a bunch of RINOs are funding a lot of the drug problems, maybe even directly involved in promoting the development of “new diseases” and “new drugs” to increase their profit margins. We didn’t used to have nearly as many maladies as we now have, and in case you haven’t noticed, Big Pharma never cures anything, they just treat the symptoms and relieve pain, which is much more profitable than curing something and losing the future profits. Fast tracked vaccinations are a good example of this, so again, follow the money to see those who are behind it. One way to be fairly certain who is telling the truth on the internet, not main stream media or government, is to read and listen to the experts who the liberal extremists spend the most money and effort to get them censored. Epoch TV is a good news source for one example, Rumble is another.

Our educational system was pretty damned good until the government got infested by democrat extremists and they began their socialist propaganda programs using mass manipulation psychosis techniques (brain washing) on the college and university teens followed closely by the K to 12 children. We now have over two generations of indoctrinated people who now even screw up home schooling with their Biden Sh!t. There is only one way to cure this problem, and I think most thinking adults know what it is. Let’s get’r done before they sink USS America!

Mark J Cheviron
Mark J Cheviron
2 years ago

This is an invasion of our country and Biden does nothing to stop it

Randall Jones
Randall Jones
2 years ago

The first job of the President of the United States is to defend the borders of the country! Blatantly not to do so, is considered treason. People who were accused of treason were brought before a military tribunal and if found guilty were usually executed within three or four days. That’s how serious treason is! Too bad so few people know anything about the Constitution today.

2 years ago

Good article, however the statement: Until “president” Biden decides to fulfill his constitutional duty. When has he done so? He should be impeached on several levels. It just shows the level of corruption in our government. Only God can turn this nation around. Pray hard.

2 years ago

Commercial advertisements should be banned in this forum. They drag down the purpose and intent of those who read, follow, and/or contribute to the topic issues. I get a blizzard of robo phone calls and pages of advertising in the newspaper that waste my time and are very irritating annoyances. Does AMAC get a kickback to advertisers to use this forum as an advertising venue????

2 years ago

It’s going to take a manned/patroled WALL to stop immigration across the Southern Border. And it is going to take quick trial and removal and prompt removal to stop the illegal immigrant flow. Right now, money and resources are being squandered on playing footsie with Illegal immigrants, and this just prolongs and make immigration enforcement much more expensive. This has become in the judgment of many, the utter failure of the Federal Government to protect and defend our Nation. The Republicans are lukewarm in enforcement because Media sorts will hammer them to pieces politically for being uncaring, and the DemocRats will hammer them because it somewhat deprives their party of election rigging resources. And it should be common knowledge (unless one has the ostrich political stance) that the DemoRats want to shore up their voting strength with them by using them as illegal voters in rigged elections. The old voting cry of South Texas (and other border states) Democrats is, “Never let a tombstone or grave go without it casting a vote!!!!”

2 years ago

Instead of giving $41 billion to all these various drug agencies and programs, Biden could do one thing to slow the flow of fentanyl into the country–close the spigot! The answer is obvious; just secure the border.

But adding to the democrat voter rolls (at some time in the near future) is more important to the democrats and to our president than preventing the deaths of 100,000 Americans. That’s 33 times the loss we suffered on 9/11. It’s pretty plain to me–biden and the dems hate Americans.

2 years ago

The Democrats want us sick-sick-sick. Biden administration people are using illegal aliens to spread the coronavirus. On account we’re bad Americans, that we need to be punished, Democrats sought to revert control over America’s southern border back to the Mexican drug cartels, in hope of using illegal aliens to elongate the pandemic, infect as many Americans as humanly possible.

Irv C
Irv C
2 years ago

Bottom line: Biden is a traitor as are all Democrats. It’s not about America and Americans it’s about power and money. It’s disgusting and Biden is the poorest excuse of a President I’ve seen in my 69 years. TRUMP 2024

David L
David L
2 years ago

I am disappointed in both the Democrats and Republicans. Democrats want power at any costs. Republicans seem to be cowardly and lack the backbone to do the moral thing. It makes me wonder why our political leaders want the illegal drugs to continue to flow over our southern border. Are some of our politicians in cahoots with the Mexican drug Lords? There is a lot of money involved. I am married to a Latino. Most Latinos we know believe in working hard, having families, refuse abortions, and believe in God. I do not believe the majority of Latinos will stay with the Democratic Party.

2 years ago

I have a major concern and seem to be alone in this concern. These illegals are carriers of malaria, TB, typhoid, Ebola, or other blood borne diseases. There are zero vaccines available for these diseases and very few meds. Does this concern anyone else? Covid is the least of our worries beside these other 3rd world diseases. Does anyone worry about their children sharing lunch and pencils and paper and books at school? How about your babies in daycare? These children are amongst ours with little to zero screening. OR am I just crazy?

2 years ago

IMNO: Good article. Well written. Lists some very reasonable and common sense remedies. We need to shut down all drug pushers, be they the cartels or Big Pharma, and educate our children properly. CDC, FDA, and many other alphabet soup agencies are no longer our friends and put profit before public service; follow the money! It would not surprise me to find out that our own government and a bunch of RINOs are funding a lot of the drug problems, maybe even directly involved in promoting the development of “new diseases” and “new drugs” to increase their profit margins. We didn’t used to have nearly as many maladies as we now have, and in case you haven’t noticed, Big Pharma never cures anything, they just treat the symptoms and relieve pain, which is much more profitable than curing something and losing the future profits. Fast tracked vaccinations are a good example of this, so again, follow the money to see those who are behind it. One way to be fairly certain who is telling the truth on the internet, not main stream media or government, is to read and listen to the experts who the liberal extremists spend the most money and effort to get them censored. Epoch TV is a good news source for one example, Rumble is another.

Our educational system was pretty damned good until the government got infested by democrat extremists and they began their socialist propaganda programs using mass manipulation psychosis techniques (brain washing) on the college and university teens followed closely by the K to 12 children. We now have over two generations of indoctrinated people who now even screw up home schooling with their Biden Sh!t. There is only one way to cure this problem, and I think most thinking adults know what it is. Let’s get’r done before they sink USS America!

Mark J Cheviron
Mark J Cheviron
2 years ago

This is an invasion of our country and Biden does nothing to stop it

Randall Jones
Randall Jones
2 years ago

The first job of the President of the United States is to defend the borders of the country! Blatantly not to do so, is considered treason. People who were accused of treason were brought before a military tribunal and if found guilty were usually executed within three or four days. That’s how serious treason is! Too bad so few people know anything about the Constitution today.

2 years ago

Good article, however the statement: Until “president” Biden decides to fulfill his constitutional duty. When has he done so? He should be impeached on several levels. It just shows the level of corruption in our government. Only God can turn this nation around. Pray hard.

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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