
National Security , Newsline

Terrorists At Our Border?

Posted on Monday, November 6, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Flag of Palestine painted on the concrete wall with human silhouettes. Gaza and Israel conflict. Terrorist organizations hezbollah and hamas

The FBI has troubles, but foreign terrorists coming here tops the list. On October 7, Hamas hit Israel. On October 15, FBI Director Chris Wray warned about a spike in anti-Semitism, and “increase in…threats.” On October 31, he raised the ante, Hamas-linked threats at a “higher level.” Privately, trusted sources tell me, lots of disturbing “chatter.” Here is what we know. 

As the FBI Director went on record arguing Hamas “will inspire the greatest US terror threat since ISIS,” law enforcement around the country is doubling down on security, surveillance, and contingency planning.

Already, protests have erupted in response to Hamas attacking Israel, Israel’s self-defense response in Gaza, remarks by officials at the UN, in the US, and in European countries, with specific concerns tied to protests going violent, groups taking law into their hands, and “lone wolf” sympathizers.

Here are hard facts, not to be overstated or ignored. First, whatever anyone else wants to argue, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are terrorist organizations supported by Iran, all involved in the current mayhem in Israel and Gaza.

Second, while no terror by these groups has hit the US, a CBP memo reported in The Daily Caller distributing facts, not denied by CBP, although lacking “specific information.”

Says the CBP memo: “Individuals inspired by or reacting to the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border” and “foreign fighters motivated by ideology or mercenary soldiers of fortune may attempt to obfuscate travel to or from the U.S. to or from countries in the Middle East through Mexico.”

Asked to explain, CBP said – cryptically – it just “provides frontline personnel a wide range of context for situational awareness in order to ensure they remain vigilant in fulfillment of our homeland and border security missions,” adding “situational awareness briefs are not threat assessments.”

So, be prepared but not scared? An elevated threat without specifics? Look at corroborating evidence: Every major police department in the country, from New York and DC to Los Angeles, is suddenly on watch, looking inward, 4000 elevating vigilance for this exact type of threat.

On one hand, that is very reassuring; more eyes out for bad actors and sleeper cells means more likelihood they get detected, stopped, deterred, and stay docile. Over time, they may be identified, flushed or ferreted out, disrupted, dismantled, and eliminated.

But right now, something else is afoot. Credible sources warn several things are happening at the same time – which may spell trouble. The Southern border continues to be porous. Last month, CBP intercepted “more than 600” on the “terror watch list.” Who got through?

More, Iranian warships are appearing in Venezuelan ports, an oddity, except that anarchists and communists, terrorists and those who aim to sow chaos, fraternize – and are plainly doing so.

Add the relative ease by which actors arriving in Venezuela can travel up the Panamanian highway and into the US unless detected and reversed by Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, or Mexico, few of which have capacity.

So, where does that leave us? Not clear, except other sources confirm threats on critical infrastructure, which could be just “shadow boxing,” fear generating fear, or real, are up.

Bottom line: Keep eyes open, as terror “over there” could become terror here. Second, trust and thank law enforcement, as they are on it. Finally, thank Mr. Biden, as terror like water goes to and through weak points, he has given us those. FBI does not always get it right, but this time, they have a bead on what matters most: foreign terrorist threats here – and we should too.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Terrorists at the border? They’ve been within the walls for a while now Multi culti diversity everyone is a friend To think otherwise is racist islamopfobic etc The massive shoplifting described in another article is organized by such friends Not much in the press With the friendly prosecutors they might do ok

11 months ago

For the first time in my lifetime (80-years) this is the first time I can remember that our government has put every citizen of this great country in danger, we have always been in danger from people who have illegally entered America, but never to this extent, not one person is safe from attack, and that includes your home.
We have had over 7-million people enter illegally if just 1-percent are terrorist that’s 70,000 if they decide to split into 100-groups that’s 700per group that’s enough to hit 2 major cities in every state with riots and that will be more than most police departments can respond too.
We have a President that can’t see the damage that his policies are causing, we as Americans are in grave danger and we are over a year away from a new President and Congress, and your only way to survive such an attack will be if you are well armed and have enough food for a minimum of 3-months.
America is Danger!

11 months ago

The fbi let their guard down focusing trying to take down President Trump covering up Biden’s crimes

11 months ago

The founding fathers had faith and respect for God. Now, we have degenerated to being “gods” ourselves. This playbook will not end well … I’d bet on this But Biden sellout of the American people has weakened us and the rest of the world laughs. Glad someone can laugh ????????????‍????
Fighting on my knees and praying for Jesus to
Return SOON!!! We’re about there…. God will not bless enemies of His people. He will surely save those who believe in Him and His WORD!!

11 months ago

Terrorists are already here! They have been coming through the Biden Gap since he “took” office! They have already selected their targets, acquired their necessary supplies and communication, transportation is in place for egress! All they are waiting for is the “Go” signal from the Mullahs! Thanks Sleepy Creepy Joe?

11 months ago

Of course they are at our border. Why wouldn’t they be at our border? They are not stupid. Easy Peasy to get into America. Easy Peasy to go anywhere you want. Easy Peasy do anything you want. Best part is you get free money and stuff to make it easier.

11 months ago

Buy guns, buy ammo. This country will not protect you and yours. Our leader is a turtle! Or he is a dead man walking

11 months ago

How can they not be with Jackass Joe Biden allowing for an open border just allowing whoever to just walk in?

Stupid is, Stupid does!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Been pouring in since Biden took office

11 months ago

Thank Biden? He’s the one letting in the terrorists at the southern border.

John Shipway
John Shipway
11 months ago

Smell that? Smells like another power grab. Smells like yet another assault on the civil rights of all citizens and yep, smells like the hiring of ever more government jackboots.
Remember the Patriot Act? The maniacal response to 9/11? We are still enjoying that act and yes, though the good Mr. Snowden had to flee to Russia for daring to tell the truth of the monstrous attacks on the privacy of us all, the Feds still have their nose in roughly every thing we do. What we buy, who we communicate with, what we talk about, you name it and they know it. All in an effort to defeat terrorists we ended up still funding in a crazed an ongoing attack on Syria just to name one country. Yep, Osama Bin Ladens boys are now on OUR payroll. Sweet huh?
The true enemy is our own government. Ask President Trump.

11 months ago

I fear that terrorists have been entering the country for the past three years!! Joe nor any of his administration would know if that happened or not because they simply aren’t watching!!! The alphabet agencies aren’t watching either – they are all watching Trump!! The government that Democrats voted for is now putting all of us, including Democrat voters, in grave danger!!! And the sheeple are just going to let it happen!!

Helen R Corey
Helen R Corey
11 months ago

How does US know whether or not people crossing border from Africa without documentation under Biden/Obama administration descended from slave traders?

11 months ago

We already have to many people who work in our government offices, who claim to be Americans, when in reality are the off spring of foreign nationals, who support foregin interests. Palestine was given state status from Iseral in 2005 and, within months, elected Hamas as their governing body. This is insanity! These people, working in our government are not Americans, they are the SWAMP rats, that is sucking their lively hood from the Anerican tax payer, without allgiance to the United States or the American people. These American squatters are families living here, teaching their childern to hate America because of their blind hate, the 666 of humanity. They have on blood in the sand here and no love for Ameeica or the American people! Every person who is supporting hate and terrorism by backing groups like Hamas, Isis, and Hezbollah, which are backed by countries like Iran and Iraq hate. People who award a blind sided attack on unarmed people, the beheading of unarmed men, women and childern, allowing parents to watch their childers throats slit before being beheaded themselves and the raping of women and childern do not belong in America, let alone working in our government! It is way past time to drain the swamp!

11 months ago

I know a lifetime Biden enthusiast who notices he may get us into war. Everybody knows.

Juana Contreras-Mendoza
Juana Contreras-Mendoza
11 months ago

The Democrat Party is planing and importing this people for all this terrorists groups like Black Lives Matter to increase their number to attack anybody that do not agree with socialist ruling
Like they are doing now the demostración in the streets
You see that even Obama came in their defense
Most of the people crossing the border are soldiers for the Democrat Party though the different organization this terrorist come to be part of.
They come to our country already indoctrinated from the Middle East.
To wait for the orders to stack.
You saw the guy that was fire that was in charge of the betting and abetting to get a visa to come to USA ????????.
He posted on x according to the terrorist ideology in agreement to carnage of the Jews and that means everyone who do not conform with the same beliefs.
I know because I had an Arab and Russian boyfriend and that is what they believe and also were importing bad people criminal people to take over USA ???????? this people do not care about our country they want to destroy our country and the people who live in our country.
Iran ???????? pay ???? the cartels to bring this people across the border to organize inside our country in the different cells they have.
They also do a lot of fund raising here in USA ???????? through
The sale of Arm.
One of the big ways is renting furniture.
The mayoritario of the people that rent furniture from Rent a Center
Are the people that are fund raising for this terrorist groups from the Middle East

Juana Contreras-Mendoza
Juana Contreras-Mendoza
11 months ago

The Democrat Party is planing for all this terrorists groups like Black Lives Matter increase their number to attack anybody that do not agree with socialist ruling
Like they are doing now
Most of the people crossing the border are soldiers for the Democrat Party I know because I had an Arab and Russian boyfriend and that is what they were doing importing bad people criminal people to take over USA ???????? this people do not care about our country the want to destroy he country and the people who live in our country.
Iran ???????? pay ???? the cartels to bring this people across the border to organize inside in the different cells.
They also do s lot of fund raising here in USA ???????? through
The sale of Arm.
One of the big way is renting furniture.
The mayoritario of the people that rent furniture from from Rent a Center
Are the people that are fund raising for this terrorist groups in the Middle East.

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ohio state flag
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