“I’m certainly not going to let the crazies run the funny farm. I’m going to stand up, and I’m going to fight for my country, and I’m going to do it the way our Founding Fathers asked us to do it. That is by going out, going to the ballot box, speaking out, standing for truth, and not being afraid to stand up to those people that want to take it from us. Whether that’s China or Russia or whether that’s people within our own government who are changing those principles and trying to alter the future of this country. It’s going to be up to every one of us. If we don’t fight for it, nobody else will.”
That’s how veteran war correspondent, investigative reporter, and Fox News contributor, Sara Carter thinks we can restore our country. Carter sat down recently with Rebecca Weber – CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens – in a recent episode of Weber’s Better For America podcast to provide an inspiring take on how we can overcome the challenges that torment our nation today.
Sara Carter was among the first newswomen to face the dangers of covering a shooting war serving for some seven years as a correspondent in Iraq and Afghanistan. She shared her authentic notion on the wide-ranging Biden-borne predicaments America faces today. As she put it, “What I’ve seen happen to our media and what I’ve seen happening in our country…is frightening.”
For one thing, the president’s arbitrary withdrawal from Afghanistan was “gut-wrenching,” she told Weber. “It felt like somebody kicked me in the stomach,” considering that her husband is a veteran of both the Iraq and Afghan wars.
Biden “turned over Kabul to the Taliban, and armed the Taliban with over $80 billion in US military equipment…We endangered the lives of our servicemen and women who were there. We endangered the lives of the Afghan people that stood by our side, some of them who fought. I watched Afghan men and women spill blood there to fight for the ideals and principles that our nation stands on.”
To be sure, Vladimir Putin and Communist China’s President Xi were watching and coming to a conclusion that “This is the time to seize power, to expand our power geopolitically across the board.” Certainly, she suggested, it emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine and Xi to expand China’s presence in the West.
Concerning our national crisis at the southern border, Carter reports she will soon be on her way there to cover the massive surge of illegal aliens seeking entry into the U.S. She specifies that it is “a direct threat” to our national security, not just because of their enormous numbers but because it provides cover for terrorists to infiltrate their ranks.
“If you get a bunch of people from Syria or from some other part of the world, they’re considered special interest aliens. So, if I get a bunch of people coming across and I really don’t know where they’re from, I really don’t speak their language, they’re not carrying any identifiers on them, I can’t hold them, I can’t send them back because where am I going to send them to? Do you know what they do with them? They let them go with a report, a notice to appear.” In no time, they are hiding out with no intention of “appearing” any time soon.
As for the growing numbers of entry seekers, she explains that groups of 200 to as many as 700 illegal immigrants are crossing the border in Star County, TX alone. Carter said “I used to think, is this just terrible policy? But now I’m like, no, they want this to happen. Yeah, they want it…It seems the Democratic Party and others want a big new voter base.”
We the Ol’ farts, MUST EXPLAIN to the younger generations that what is happening in OUR COUNTRY today is so DANGEROUS for EVERYONE and The UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
Cause right now with the current DISASTER HAPPENING the CHINESE WILL BE THEIR BOSSES.
Great Article. I agree. The Regime wants a bigger voter base so they can keep the power that they have over us. This is no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
I want to know when BIDEN AND THE OTHER DEMOCRATS are going to be put on trial ,, for killing American people that cant buy groceries , gas , meds, utilities and the ones being put out of a place to live all due the whats being done in washington ,, now they want us to give up our 2nd amendment rights ,, so we cant even protect what we do have ,,,PLEASE GO VOTE PEOPLE ASAP
Oh and yes this is one of the best articles ive seen Amac put online for us ,, Sara Carter tells it like it is not how she wants you to believe it is,, unlike others ive seen on here
Are my comments being blocked. ?
While I agree with what Sara Carter that we need to vote to take back the country, voting didn’t work to well in the 2020 election. A documentary titled 2000 Mules shows how Trump won the election, yet AMAC doesn’t believe we can decertify the 2020 election and wants to move on. I disagree with AMAC on this and think we should fight for decertification. Otherwise with the 11 million new illegals we’ll never win another election again!
You Rock Ms Carter, a true Journalist. Yes we have to vote but prosecute illegal voting enablers!!!
Send them to Biden’s and Obama’s home town only. That’s what you do with them.
I truly believe that the democrats have socialism at the root. Not the voters, but the politicians
PRAY for our country. There has to be a answer to all this mess that Biden/Obama has created.
I admire your courage in speaking out and your commitment. As another posted “”You go girl “
Sara Carter sounds like a person I would love to meet. This country is going in the wrong direction, I hope and pray people vote for the right and truth when they go to the poles
I’m fed up with what Biden and the Democrats are doing to our Country ! And I’m fed up with the Republican’s too! They are just sitting back and watching the Country Implode because they want Biden to fail and people will switch to the Republican Party ! Neither Party has “ America First “ I am Ashamed of what this Country is being turned into…… ONLY Prayer ???? can save America ????????
That’s great. However, if she is too vocal and too visible, she will end up dead. Especially if she crosses the Hillabeast.
I will get out and vote but we don’t have honest elections anymore our voice is lost.
Seems to me we all ready have terrorists in our country , and that would be the traitors that are running the white house they are all traitors of the American people Obama and Pelosi along with Hillary are the biggest Traitors of them all.
hello usa
No American Citizens should vote for a Democratic politician for any office. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer do not believe in the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights for the Freedom of all American Citizens.
nothing has been done to prevent another stollen election. after 50 years of fighting back through my voting against this rino/socialist crap with no success my expectations are going forward are nil without much strong medicine being administered. i’m a short-timer now with very low expectations based on life experience.
joebama and all the marxist democrat party traitors need to be THROWN OUT of office by the Citizens in 2022,2024 and prosecuted for their crimes and corruption!
ENOUGH of these anti american,anti freedom, and attempts to remove Our GOD Given Rights!
Its time to STAND UP and END this destruction of OUR COUNTRY!!
The problem it seems, is that we elderly and our children are the only one’s left who are true Patriotic Americans with the God given sense to understand what the consequences are of our society turning so very far from God. Some of those immigrants who came here legally get it as well. The rest of our great grandchildren have been indoctrinated by this spiritually lost world. This is partly why millions in this country won’t stand and fight against these demons in our government and schools. The conditioning began as early as the mid drug induced sixtys hippie generation, Woodstock comes to mind. They called it a love in: I’m sure the people of Sodom and Gomorrah thought the same. There are many of us praying earnestly for the redirection of our country back to God. This nation is so steeped in sin and depravity, the question is, has God had enough?
If the traitors of this nation turn against Israel, that may be the last breath of hope drawn and God’s besom of destruction prophesied in the Holy word of God will come to pass.
Pray for our loved ones to be Saved from the wrath to come. Sorry about all the gloom and doom, but I fear it will be our reality.
Talk is cheap
There is no doubt the Democrats believe we the republicans are looking like dumb asses. That we don’t see what they are doing. November is coming and we will show them there plan will fly back in their faces. AL