
National Security , Newsline

Report from Inside Afghanistan: Taliban Kills and Terrorizes the Innocent

Posted on Monday, November 1, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By  Ben Solis


After the departure of U.S. and allied military forces from Afghanistan, the wanton killing of the innocent has returned under Taliban rule. This assessment is based on a series of interviews conducted by phone with contacts in Afghanistan and the surrounding region as well as a review of the public reporting in the non-English press.  

In one tragic instance, it was just after midnight when the forces of the Taliban set their sights on their doomed victim. The targeted house did not stand out in the village. Four plain clothed armed men slipped inside. Two others guarded the door. One stood at the back of the house. One waited in the car. Two discreetly observed the street.

They killed the man first and then shot his wife in the head. One of them then shot their teenage son through the knees to make sure he would never be able to join the armed resistance. They took the man’s corpse and abducted his five-year-old daughter.

The murdered man, called Jalal by his friends who feared revenge if they used his real name, was a former policeman in the Balkh province.

The house targeted by the Taliban is about an hour’s drive from the border with Tajikistan.

The neighboring country has become an oasis for persecuted Afghans. There, Mr. Omar Khamosh, who escaped Afghanistan before the last American aircraft left Kabul, has established an exile organization or club of sorts for artists targeted by the Taliban in the town of Vahdat, about nineteen miles from Tajikistan’s capital, Dushanbe.

“At night I would not stay at home. I would hide because my friends told me that they were looking for me,” explained Mr. Khamosh. “Then they came to our house and killed my father,” he added. One month later, with a passport and documents, he crossed the border.

Khamosh’s friends are unemployed drawers, painters, sculptures, and musicians who live in fear of the Taliban, which closed the border and has forced artists into hiding.

“In Kabul, they threatened us. Therefore, we came here,” stated Ms. Sapan Nazari. “Nobody wants to leave their home, but we are in Tajikistan now,” Ms. Nazari commented while finishing a pencil portrait of Shah Ahmad Massoud.

Ms. Nazari fled from western Kabul, where at least eight children have died of starvation according to a recent statement by Mr. Mohamad Mohaqeq, former adviser to the President of Afghanistan. “The world should be appalled, but since these children were Shiites from the Hazara community, nobody is interested,” stated Mohaqeq on his social media page. One photo showed a child’s corpse with a heavily swollen stomach, a sign of excessive hunger and malnutrition.

The Taliban has further targeted the Hazara community with beatings, torture, crop confiscation, and eviction.

In video footage shot by a former government official, a man in his eighties states that the Taliban is giving people four days to remove their belongings and leave. “Do not Shiites have a share in this land?” asks the man. The Taliban forcibly evicted hundreds of families from the southern Helmand and Kandahar provinces, the Uruzgan province in the country’s center, and the Balkh province in the north.

But the Taliban’s orders to empty houses are not limited to the Hazara minority.

The tortures, abduction, extra-judicial killings, and violation of the fundamental rights of individuals and whole communities characterize the terrorist group’s governance of the entire country.

Plain clothed agents of the Taliban police have beaten and evicted families in Golzangar, a village in the Panjshir Valley during the night, according to the former deputy governor of Panjshir, Mr. Kabir Wasiq.

In the famed valley, the battle against the Taliban has never ended.  It is there, even amidst the terror of today, that Afghans keep the hope alive that they can plot a path to a better future.  

In the 1980s, the Panjshir Valley was the heart of the successful resistance to the Soviet occupation. In the 1990s, the opposition movement against the Taliban started. The anti-Taliban opposition leader, Shah Ahmad Massoud, had no doubts that decentralized government is the only viable long-term solution for Afghanistan.

Today, his son, Mr. Ahmad Massoud, Jr., builds on that vision, leading the newly formed National Resistance Front (NRF). No official statistics exist, but it is estimated that at least 10,000 fighters have joined the NRF.

The NRF has a justice and a realism-based political vision for rebuilding the country. “We believe that a decentralized political and administrative system is the best way forward,” stated Massoud at an international forum on the life and legacy of his father hosted last month by the University of Cambridge. Based on this model, local Afghan communities would be able to elect local leaders and hold them accountable, Massoud emphasized. He explained that under his vision, Afghans will have an opportunity to participate in politics.

“We believe that a solution similar to the Swiss system will stabilize the country and allow peace to reign,” stated the NRF Head of Foreign Relations, Mr. Ali Maisam Nazary, in a recent interview with the prestigious French magazine Conflits.

The organization believes that Switzerland could be a successful model given how it has integrated three official and ten unofficial languages and a population made up of at least seven national groups into a vibrant and modern democracy.

A Swiss-style direct-democracy federal republic, they say, would allow full and meaningful participation in political and social life for the Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Pashto, Turkmens, and the various other ethnic groups in Afghanistan, like the Balochs, or Brahuis.

With its contempt of history and tradition, the Soviet Union devalued but did not destroy the culture and spirituality of Afghanistan.

The NRF fights to restore local self-government with a respect for the dignity of human life. During the winter, the NRF fighters will reinforce and reorganize.

Asked when the battle for the country’s future will end, one NRF military commander replied that “our war for the liberation of Afghanistan is not over, but it is only the beginning.”

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian and researcher.

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3 years ago

Biden & obama are celebrating , taliban is THEIR terrorist “people” !

3 years ago

Thanks Joe!! What a success you had in your decision to abandon the Afgans!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Aren’t we lucky that BUCK FIDEN only left 100 Americans over there!!

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

That’s what the Biden Administration is doing.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

And the The Great Bafoon will do what?
Afghanistan is over folks, we have to consentrate on wind mills and global warming. biden doesn’t give a rats butt about the people we abandoned.

3 years ago

Not our monkey’s not our circus.

3 years ago

Is anyone surprised. Only if their head has been in the sand for the last 25 years.

3 years ago

The Taliban has just named counterfeit Joe, Man of the Year for his outstanding commitment to oppression and persecution

3 years ago

Way to go joebama,you failed again!
The World looks at you and knows the last two democrats in the White House were weak and useless.
They are laughing at you two and have zero respect for democrats!

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

“They” had us there for the lithium. Now the chinese have it. What is taking place is, no doubt, horrible. BUT, we / this nation has gone broke ( now ) in trying to “save the world.” It cannot be done and we have to deport criminals who came here ILLEGALLY. We have to have a 10yr moratorium on immigration. PERIOD. We have NO idea as to who or WHAT is here. Remember 9/11 ? About 90% of those thugs were here illegally. I’m done here and I’m disgusted with this GOVERNEMNT.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

GOT to get these people OUT NOW

3 years ago

The CCP told idiot Joe to get out, he did what he was told!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Bidens so stupid he doesn’t care how much blood is on his hands, but what people don’t realize is the blood is on the hands of all those that voted for this scum-sucken weasel and those who helped preparate this fraudulent election that put him in power. Come on folks do you really thank a sane person would vote for someone who hides for an entire year in a basement and when he had a rally only 200 people showed up.

3 years ago

So, our media morons are just ignoring this blemish on their “fearless leader” all the while making gender pronons the lead story. Ridiculous

3 years ago

We disgraced our country and the people we should have helped escape, instead we loaded unvetted people who have no right to be harbored in the United States. The democrat party should be ashamed and the so called news should be airing this information daily.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
3 years ago

And we have Americans who think this country is oppressive and racist. HA!!!!!
Go live there for a while people! This country is the best country on this planet or was a year ago. Not sure anymore.

Diana M Talmadge
Diana M Talmadge
3 years ago

Thank the mad king, Joe Biden for this!

3 years ago

Braindead, Bumbling Biden and the whole administration are a disgrace.

Hartwig Nicolaus
Hartwig Nicolaus
3 years ago

Put Biden on a plane to meet with the Taliban. He won’t have a clue as to where he is being sent.

Dagney Galt
Dagney Galt
3 years ago

Is this a newsflash? We (Biden admin, too) know well the ‘cloth’ these monsters are cut of. Was this part of “the plan”, too?

3 years ago

You will most certainly NOT see any part of this article or its’ story on any main stream media format!
They, along with the administration, want the Afganistan mess forgotten. …so they won’t cover it. This is to be expected. Meanwhile, known terrorists are working their way across the globe to Central and South American countries and joining the caravans that have been and will continue to be “coming to America.” We should expect attacks in the near future as a result…..and with no controls on the border, no watchmen on the wall, they will succeed in ways we can not comprehend. Taliban, Isis and all the rest now have an open door into this nation and will use every opportunity to take advantage of our failures. This is on the administration. Even as blood is already on their hands for the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the current reported atrocities. But we know, they do not care, have no desire to change the ongoing crisis or lift a finger in support of the Republic.

3 years ago

Is this the peaceful, loving religion of Islam about which we have heard so much? Does this make me a racist for questioning? Read the Koran.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Thank you Biden. Sarcasm…

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

Just a short post to thank sloppy joey for all of his screwups,But not really.I hope that he stay across the pond and send the rest of his herd over there with him.

3 years ago

I can only hope those who voted for the ppl in the White House who caused this are soon romoved from office

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

Charge Joe as an accessory to murder?

Ruth A Lance
Ruth A Lance
3 years ago

Biden – what a stupid and cowardly man led around by the nose by the extreme left socialists.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Biden is a weakling, being led around on a leash…many have suggested that Barack Hussein Ovomit is pulling his strings, remember that Bejing Biden was his “vice president” for 8 long, hideous years…and it has also been suggested that George Soros’, an evil self serving world king wannabe, is pulling Ovomit ‘s strings…Soros at last count has been responsible for the economic destruction of at least 4 countries…remember in one of Ovomit’s “speeches” he threatened to “fundamentally change America”… one of the really sickening aspects of his so called “speeches” were the glazed eyed fools cheering and clapping at this agent of destruction. Biden is a mentally deficient incompetent … “a familiar face”…indeed this do nothing has been raking in $$$$ not only in salary but selling out this nation’s manufacturing prowess for almost 50 years…China owns him.
I watched with nausea the last few minutes of an “interview” on 60 minutes with Soros…this individual said outloud how he “enjoyed taking the belongings of Jewish people and handing them over to the Nazi’s in the concentration camps”…he was 12 years old at the time; accountable as an adult in the Jewish faith. Those Jewish citizens were gassed to death in the gas chambers. I’ve see photo’s of the concrete walls in those chambers…with claw marks covering them, if raw fingers can literally dig into concrete what does that say about the unimaginable pain and agony they endured…CS gas does that. He wound up his discourse with this; “I guess I have a messiah complex” with a smile that would freeze the blood of Dracula….Biden isn’t doing this on his own….but is every bit as evil as those pulling his puppet strings.

3 years ago

I would love to be a fly on the wall after the other “big shots” got together re climate change. Wonder what they said about commie Joe.

3 years ago

biden and his horrible administration is to blame…..the press is silent, they too are the blame

3 years ago

I think all the useless democrats should take a trip to Afghanistan, stay a month so they get a first hand look at the hatred,death,torture and persecution they cast upon those innocent people for their failed politics.
Actions have consequences.
The marxist democrats punishment MUST be removal from office by Real Citizens!

jeff shull
jeff shull
3 years ago

The behind the scenes leader in the “Biden” administration, Barack Obama has brought this to be. This is what obama was striving for for years to hand the region back to the Taliban and Al-Qaida. Remember the Spring protests in Iran, we could have helped liberate Iran but he stood back and did nothing. He handed Egypt over to The brotherhood after having it’s leader removed. which quickly was put down by the Egyptian military. Obammy then took out Kaddafi in Libya and replaced them with the muslem brotherhood. This is all orchestrated by the real behind the scenes leader, Barack. Yes you will say Trump had a plan to pull out and I would say that it was not going to be this. He had a plan and I believe it probably came with some heavy threats. Biden and Barack just handed it over. Our former muslem president wants the Caliphate, he wants Christians and Jews wiped out. He is the muslem in chief and he is at the end of the string on his puppet Joe Biden.

3 years ago

When you see minds

3 years ago

My heart and prayers are with these people. If God does not intervene, we will suffer the same fate in the future…however, I believe that God WILL intervene if His people will humble themselves and pray as He directed us to do!! These are our neighbors, our brothers and sisters!! We need to continually be in prayer for innocent people in America and all over the world!!

3 years ago

Thank you Mr. Biden and fellow idiots like General Millie for leaving Afghanistan to the barbaric Taliban!!! Did they honestly think what they did would be an acceptable solution?!!?? How can they live with themselves????

3 years ago

This whole biden catastrophe has destroyed much of what our nation has done to improve life nationally and globally over the decades. It’s amazing how prepared biden and his handlers were when they installed their socialist guv’ment in our country. There’s absolutely no question in my mind re: their intention(s). They are to destroy our Constitutional Republic and rebuild it as just another needy, guv’ment dependent socialist satellite to the global elite’s growing list of socialist nations.



MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

3 years ago

You mean Biden’s buddies cannot be trusted? How about a late night flight to drop some of our “elite” politicians into Afghanistan. I wonder how they would hold up?

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