
National Security , Newsline

REPORT: DOJ Confirms Most Prisoners are Violent Career Criminals

Posted on Monday, April 24, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


A new report released earlier this month from the Department of Justice found that a shocking 77% of criminals entering state prisons in 2014 and 2009 had been arrested five or more times, and most were incarcerated for violent offenses. The findings of the study run directly counter to the assertions of liberal proponents of the “deincarceration movement” and “prison abolitionists,” raising serious concerns about Democrat efforts to release more prisoners back onto the streets.

The report authored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics is one of the most comprehensive in recent history, reviewing data from millions of arrests across 34 states in 2014 and 29 states in 2009. In both of those years, “persons admitted to state prison had a median of nine prior arrests in their criminal histories.”

Across both years studied, 95% of incoming prisoners had two prior arrests and 90% had three prior arrests. 30% of prisoners overall were arrested on guns and weapons charges and 74% were arrested for violent offenses, including 4.5% for murder and 12.5% for rape. This tracks with separate, more recent data which found that 62% of individuals held in state prisons are incarcerated for violent offenses.

Most alarmingly, 52% of people imprisoned in 2014 were released by the end of 2015, according the study. Of those released, 59% were arrested at least once within two years. 16% of the criminals released were re-arrested for violent offenses.

Sean Kennedy, the director of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, called the data “irrefutable proof that leniency – masquerading as compassion – is folly.” He continued, “We aren’t giving most criminals second chances but six, seven, or 20 chances. Even those who get real jail time don’t serve it, and it’s only gotten much worse with the rise of pro-criminal Soros prosecutors, who’d rather give some of these offenders a medal than a jail sentence.”

DOJ’s findings run directly counter to claims from Democrat politicians that most prisoners are incarcerated for nonviolent crimes and are first-time offenders.

The report also underscores the potential danger posed by Democrat efforts in recent years to dramatically reduce prison populations or shut down prisons entirely. In 2021, for instance, New York Democrats Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jamal Bowman, Jerry Nadler, Nydia M. Velazquez, and several others signed an open letter calling on New York to immediately shut down Rikers Island and release all prisoners held within, citing inhumane conditions and concerns over the spread of COVID-19.

They wrote, “The current conditions experienced at Rikers are inhumane, unconstitutional, and a public health crisis. We believe federal funds should be used to decarcerate and shut down the facility immediately.” New York Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio both declined to do so.

As Kennedy alluded to, one of the most outsized and influential leaders in the deincarceration movement is billionaire liberal booster George Soros, who has funneled millions of dollars to so-called “reform” prosecutors around the country. These district attorneys have enacted some of the most comprehensive “bail reform” laws in history, permitting thousands of criminals to remain out of prison entirely. In many cases, they have also entirely refused to pursue charges against offenders with long rap sheets.

In August 2022, for instance, ten career criminals racked up over 500 arrests in New York City while remaining out of prison. One criminal, Harold Gooding, has been arrested 101 times, 88 of which occurred following the bail reforms. Yet Soros-backed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg – who is now infamously litigating an indictment against former President Donald Trump – has failed to put Gooding or dozens of other career criminals behind bars.

Deincarceration proponents have argued that many crimes are nonviolent, like larceny. Yet even nonviolent crimes have a calamitous effect on the social health of a community. Smash-and-grab thefts have led stores like Walgreens to close dozens of locations in San Francisco – a factor that played heavily in Soros-backed DA Chesa Boudin’s recall by voters last year.

Last week, Walmart also announced it was closing four stores in Chicago because of ongoing losses and repeat criminal activity, all of which were located in economically disadvantaged communities. Now, because of so-called “victimless” crimes, poor families will have to pay more and travel further for essential groceries. The loss of these stores also means the loss of jobs in areas that are in desperate need of them.

However, despite clear evidence of the detrimental effect of crime – even nonviolent crime – on communities and more evidence that releasing career criminals only leads to more crime, Democrats appear determined to continue putting the interests of repeat offenders above those of law-abiding citizens.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

Then what’s the purpose the Department of Corrections? Prison and county jails are literally revolving doors for these “career criminals”. This government run system is big business and an ever growing source of expenditures that reach far beyond prison walls. Until there is no longer incentive to continue a career in crime, these individuals will gamble incarceration and the business of rehabilitation will remain rhetorical.

William Darling
William Darling
1 year ago

Well stated! It is clear that the Democrats think they will get more votes if they permit these criminals back on the street instead of keeping them in prison where they belong!

1 year ago

I support the death penalty. These people will never do anything but be evil. They will hurt good people as a career. Why support them with our tax money. I say six times and your done.

1 year ago

My hat is off to the author of this article. I received my MS in Admin of Justice and Security for the University of Phoenix online, and I can’t agree with what the author has to say, more!!! During my studies for this degree, I was blessed to have instructors who were not interested in trying to get me to believe one way or the other. I was part of a five member team that wrote 3 papers together, and we were all of the same set of values. The more I dug into my class materials, and the more I researched using information available to me through various libraries across the country, the more convinced I am of the author of this article is speaking the truth. Allowing liberals to take over the justice system in the way they have has been the worst thing we or rather the leaders of our country have ever done. I have been known to turn off the news channels because I am tired of hearing about how dangerous my country and my hometown has become. Sadly, I saw the writing on the walls while studying for my degree, however, I believe it is worse than I imagined. This article is so worth reading I am going to try to print it out and let my friends read it.

1 year ago

…. here in California, we have a governor dedicated to declaring war upon Californians, unleashing it’s hardened, most violent career criminals, into society. Here in California, use a gun defending yourselves against these animals, go to jail, directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect US$200 –

1 year ago

‘@Mike, I agree with you, William and Michael all the way!!! It has been proven that the death penalty is a good deterrent of violent crimes. I have always believed in this myself, as for being raised by a single mother and my father being absent, that is the worst excuse ever to give a criminal for their actions!!!! I am Blessed not to have been raised in poverty, but I have seen several mothers who were in a similar situation to what Anna described, and I saw one child find her place in The Church her best friend and her family attended. One girl was to my knowledge not taken to a Church, but she has not turned into a criminal, just the opposite, she is married with children. There are choices every parent has in raising a child. Choices have consequences for the parent and their children. The parent can remember that there is a path of good or bad. Parents are responsible for the raising of their children. I know how I was reared up by both my mother, and my grandmother, in the Presbyterian Church. It is said that if you raise a child in the Church in its young age, they will return in their older years. I believe that. I believe that our Churches need to do more community reaching out to the children that are at higher risk.

Brian Cuff
Brian Cuff
1 year ago

These criminals all have one thing in common- they all stole the Monopoly ‘Get Out Of Jail Free’ cards!

1 year ago

We know that Soros is behind so much. My question is why do we not arrest him?

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

The DOJ just now figuring this out.

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
1 year ago

trump commits more crimes than most of these hardened criminals yet he gets off scot free because hes so rich

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
1 year ago

trump ruined the once great gop, the gop used to be tough on crime, but now the gop is led by one of the biggest criminals on the planet donald trump, i thought the dems were nuts when they fawned over obama when he ran for president, but the gop has fawned over trump far more than the dems ever fawned over obama, no one should be idolized like that, gop used to be the party of reagan but now the gop is the party of hardened criminal donald trump, even out of control desantis is now deemed a rino because hes running against the gops idol trump, but trump will not be in jail because hes a zillionaire and can aford the top lawyers

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
1 year ago

reagan won 49 states in 1984 and should have won 50 except republicans got frozen in their homes in international falls preventing them from voting, thats an actual landslide, reagan was the greatest president in history, even beter than washington and lincoln and jefferson

1 year ago

Pray for them. Just read an article about our national revival and guess who is included? Prisons. Look into God Behind Bars and other ministries like Prison Fellowship and the Angola Prison Seminary where lifers find hope in sharing the truth of the Gospel. If y’all are so afraid, why not support those who go inside to minister or are inside to prepare for getting out. Granted when the economy crashes there will be many more but hope is answer to despair. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I ask He calls you by name. Be Blessed!

1 year ago

This is a message to ronald reagan………what does this article have to do with Trump. Seriously, I think you might need some counseling.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Haven’t we been telling that to the left lunatics for years?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Magnum time OK or Mac 10
Full Auto

1 year ago

If the mainstream media wasn’t propagandists for the Democratic Party this would have been revealed when Eric Holder and Barack Obama were peddling the lies back with Trayvon Martin and the Gentle Giant Michael Brown. The lies are all about having a Marxist society run by leftist and the Democratic Party.

Karen comisk
Karen comisk
1 year ago

Ronnie troll.

1 year ago

We need a devil’s Island where we ship these career criminals there and they never come back!! And some of the career government officials too!!

1 year ago

And the world will never know because dems control the media.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Roll on Dems. You are doing a good job of ruining america. Kyle L.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

The democrats are letting lose an army of prisoners to kill for them and rob businesses so they go out of business. That way they can create government businesses. No more power to the people. No more religion. Only one Devil and that is Brandon maybe Klaus Schwab or Soros or Bill Gates or all of them? And the fairies around him keep pulling his strings.
Small businesses all have about gone during the fake lockdowns. Now workers are being paid to stay home. Buying their vote. Migrants will be voting as well. As of today that is 6 million more votes.
And we are going to have 6 more years of this regime.
America home of the FREE? And home of the BRAVE?

1 year ago

So, if these criminals are so violent, why are the Democrat/Soros DA’s releasing them in droves?? Is this violence part of the push to socialism of the Democrat/Soros group?? If the next election is filled with fraud as the last one, then we are stuck with this administration for another 6 years and that will be enough to destroy America completely to some unrecognizable piece of land!! And who knows who will truly be in charge – China, Russia, Obama, Soros…….. I’m glad my parents aren’t here any longer to see what their Democrat Party has done to the country that they literally fought for!! I’m glad that I am a senior citizen and hopefully, if Democrats reign, I won’t be here much longer!!!

1 year ago

Ok Jussie.

1 year ago

Quit trying to stir the pot, Reagan. Why can’t you stay on topic? Prison data not Presidents. And Soros backing the DA’s who are pro-thugs instead of pro-victims. Stop trying to divide and stick to the subject! Unless you don’t have a logical thought…

1 year ago

Larceny is very serious if you’re struggling to make ends meet and have to park outdoors. When scum break your windows out to see if there’re coins stashed somewhere todays insurance deductibles guarantee you’re paying out of pocket. I knew people living in areas prone to this who simply left the doors unlocked. At the current rate folks will be doing that with their houses. They already do that in s africa. Concrete corridors leading to panic rooms.

1 year ago

What don’t you get, our country has been taken over by the most vile evil corrupt group that is intent on destroying America. With woke companies & antifa going after anybody that defies them, it is literally a war to try and salvage some of our country for freedom. Buy guns and ammo because we are in for the fight of our lives and you idiots that put your head in the sand will be run over & you will be dead or their slaves!!!

1 year ago


Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
1 year ago

There has to be an end to upside down experiments. It is normal vs. crazy.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

We used to a nation of laws. There was a clear distinction between right and wrong and there were consequences for breaking the law. Living in the Blue State of Maryland where vicious criminals are treated better than the helpless victims of their crimes, we have a whole new appreciation for the Criminal Justice System. It seems that only the criminals get “justice”.

Watching the local TV News everyday we are bombarded with the never ending litany of brutal murders occurring day and night. And the suspects are many times repeat offenders who are coddled by liberal lawmakers and never serve the time of their sentences. All of them have long rap sheets with escalating violence yet they never pay for their crimes.

We no longer have a death sentence so there is no deterrent to taking a life. We have criminals sentenced to life imprisonment get released after a minimal stay in prison. There is a direct connection between these lax penalties and the recurrence of violent crime in Baltimore City and across the State of Maryland.

When pressed as to why so many criminals are released we hear about overcrowding at local jails and prisons. The easy solution is to build more prisons! And the money to do this can come from the money we spend on pubic education in Baltimore City where the students are failing across the system. We can get the same results spending half of the money that can be used to get violent criminals off the streets!

1 year ago

And the DOJ calls parents Domestic Terrorists. They’re Idiots, the public knows what Ray Epps was up to Democrats suck

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

Provides the necessary clue to understand why the LEFT is working overtime to release prisoners and DAs to decide not to charge thugs.

1 year ago

How many career criminals are not incarcerated? That is the problem. These predators are feeding on the law abiding community. Liberal judges and Soros owned DA’s are killing and injuring thousands of citizens by leaving dangerous criminals out of incarceration.

1 year ago

I worked as a correction officer for the NYS Department of Corrections for 25 years. They catered to these criminals no matter what their crime was. We had murderers and rapists working in the the areas where visitors and deliveries were made. We just had to make sure they didn’t walk away with the visitors at the end of the day. Any crimes (called misbehaviors) committed inside the jail were basically dealt with by a slap on the wrist and a ‘Don’t do that again!’. Even when we were defending ourselves we were looked down on as the bad guys.

1 year ago

“claims from Democrat politicians that most prisoners are incarcerated for nonviolent crimes and are first-time offenders.”

Democrats just made this up without evidence. Most of what they say is made up.

1 year ago

Wow! Who would have thought…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Thanks for telling me! Here I thought everyone was in prison for simple pot possession.

1 year ago

And you can be sure that most, if not all, of these prisoners who have multiple arrests, should have been arrested multiple additional times for crimes they committed and weren’t arrested for. Causing chaos is one of the points in the Cloward and Piven plan to bring down America. The Dims are doing that all over the country, from the southern border to colleges and universities, and in cities and towns, large and small, but especially in the inner city. Who suffers the most? Minorities, especially blacks. So, who are the racists? DEMOCRATS!!!

1 year ago

Yep the criminals and illegal aliens are part of the socialist base. Need to keep sending them ballots for harvesting also. Along with good old ballot stuffing and machines linked on internet is the only way socialists can keep destroying America.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

Why are there so many violent criminals? Could it be our social issues? Could it be our allowance of illegal immigrants to easily enter the country?

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