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‘QUIET AMNESTY’: 1 Million Illegal Aliens Get Assist From Biden-Harris Admin, House Report Reveals

Posted on Friday, October 25, 2024
by Outside Contributor

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—Nearly 1 million illegal aliens in the United States have benefited from “quiet amnesty” by the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration court system, according to a report released Thursday.

Over 700,000 illegal migrants have had their cases administratively closed, terminated, or dismissed, allowing them to remain in the country “indefinitely” without being subject to immigration consequences, according to a report released by the House Judiciary Committee, led by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

The findings, which the committee dubbed as “quiet amnesty,” come amid record levels of illegal immigration into the country under the Biden-Harris administration.

“For almost four years, Americans have watched as President Joe Biden and border czar Vice President Kamala Harris have abandoned the southwest border and welcomed nearly 8 million illegal aliens into the United States,” the report says.

“Through administrative maneuvering at both the Justice Department and [the Department of Homeland Security], the Biden-Harris administration has already ensured that nearly 1 million illegal aliens can remain in the United States without the possibility of deportation—and that trend shows no sign of stopping,” the report continues.

When a noncitizen enters the U.S. unlawfully, he or she may be placed into “removal proceedings” and eventually go before one of roughly 700 immigration judges across the country.

Due to the unprecedented border crisis and wave of foreign nationals applying for asylum, the immigration court system has faced a massive backlog, the report details. The backlog grew from 1.2 million cases at the end of the Trump-Pence administration to nearly 3.5 million cases by the end of the third quarter of fiscal year 2024—marking a 175% increase.

The Executive Office for Immigration Review additionally reported nearly 109,100 cases as “not adjudicated” in fiscal year 2023, meaning the cases were completed but not adjudicated on the merits of the claims, the House report says.

There were 109,568 asylum cases not adjudicated in just the first nine months of fiscal year 2024, already surpassing the total previous fiscal year.

For comparison, a total of 12,960 asylum cases were reported as “not adjudicated” in all of fiscal years 2017 to 2020, the House report says. [The federal government’s fiscal year runs from October through September.]

The Justice Department, which oversees the Executive Office for Immigration Review, declined to comment for this story.

The Biden-Harris administration additionally failed to file required documentation to begin immigration court removal proceedings for around 200,000 cases, resulting in the “overwhelming majority” of those noncitizens being able to remain in the country indefinitely, the House report says:

Instead of actually adjudicating illegal aliens’ cases based on the merits of aliens’ claims for relief—such as whether an alien has a valid and successful asylum claim—immigration judges under the Biden-Harris administration have been tasked with rubber-stamping case dismissals, case closures, and case terminations, all of which allow illegal aliens to remain in the United States without immigration consequences.

“This sort of quiet amnesty has become a staple of the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration courts,” the report says.

Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Jason Hopkins.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Jeffrey Roddahl
Jeffrey Roddahl
2 days ago

Looks like TREASON to me!

2 days ago

Biden and Harris have done everything they can to destroy this country. In another 4 years they will complete the job

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 days ago

Assist from admin. but not a penny from Biden Harris personally Very generous with taxpayer money stingy and closed fisted when it comes to their own be it Clinton or Obama , steal what they can as much as they can but preach equality.

2 days ago

I agree! This is treason and Biden, Harris, Mayorkas and others should at the least, be in prison!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 days ago

This is the aim of the game, destroy the country by bringing in millions of invaders ,do away with the pesky constitution and rule unopposed but not for ever, not even “democrats” tree grows up to heaven

mary jo b gebensleben
mary jo b gebensleben
2 days ago

and yet the poor flood victims in North Carolina hardly got any help and they pay taxes. How is this right!!!

2 days ago

Just part of the overall strategy of the left. Every facet of the federal government has been fully weaponized to expedite the Democrat Party plan to complete the “transformation process” (to a socialist / Marxist style government) as quickly as possible. All the Dems need is to pack the SC, to do away with the last vestige of Constitutional law, and kill the filibuster, by holding onto the Senate, and they’re all done. The last restraints against protecting the republic will be eliminated, and it will be full speed ahead to becoming exactly like Venezuela, China or Russia.

2 days ago

Biden and Harris have done nothing for this country. They should be used as examples for Treason Trials. This country is dangerously close to losing it identity and standing and all because of them.

2 days ago

INDICT Mayorkas–Biden and Harris asap!

2 days ago

President and Vice President should be tried for treasonous crimes against our great Republic. This administration is criminal of the nth degree….

2 days ago

The Biden Harris administration do everything in secret. And when they don’t get their way Executive Orders are signed, Mandates are ordered or they take it to court where a Soros bought judge presides and rules their way. Even Supreme Court rulings are ignored. Behind the scenes they change the voting laws. Road to citizenship laws. Now all you have to do walk across the border and you are a citizen. It doesn’t mean anything to the Biden Harris regime. You don’t like it you are a Nazi, fascist, domestic terrorist. All names said by Biden Harris and the MSM, their propaganda machine. You are a nothing this regime keeps saying and has put a death sentence on all opponents. From Trump on down. They were crying that the assassination attempts on Trump failed. Just like Harris was applauding BLM and Antifa in the 2020 riots in Minneapolis and Seattle and many other cities. Calling it peaceful rallies and doing away with bail and raising money for those criminals that burned and looted. Nobody was ever charged while they burned downtown Minneapolis down. They have nothing with the citizens of this country. VOTE TRUMP VANCE and get our country back.

2 days ago

Was there any selectivity? Any standard? or just dismissal in the midst of too much activity? Our court system has been severely reduced in effectiveness.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 days ago

The un-American Democratic party is giving the country away. When the dinks who voted them in discover how bad it is, they will ask what happened and find it too late to change.

cathleen m
cathleen m
2 days ago

I will not be voting for K H given the fact of so much undermining the U S citizens while letting people here illegally not vetting people putting American lives at risk for violence t giving all kinds of help financially and housing while our own citizens are without shelter being kicked out of housing or hotels so illegals {they’re not migrants if they’re here ILLEGALLY] the list goes on and on….and the govt not helping the victims in the hurricanes and people devastated by these hurricanes with no help from this govt prioritizing help for illegals over Americans who wants 4 more years of this kind of crap?

2 days ago

If they have 4 more years we will be over! 25 million in the last 4 years alone. If the socialist communists win there will be stopping it. PLEASE VOTE Donald J. Trump 2024

2 days ago

More reason to vote for Trump. Deport all the illegals and throw Harris in with them.

2 days ago

This is consistent with the long-practiced fraud of the Biden/Harris administration. They purport to defend citizens’ rights, while openly disregarding them in policies and legislation that, ultimately, even pays illegal aliens with taxpayer dollars for the “favor” of invading our borders… as welcome guests of this administration.

2 days ago

DEPORT ALL of the ‘new arrivals’ and let them reapply LEGALLY from OUTSIDE of this Countyry….oR we will never have a safe America again….imo

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 days ago

No comment. What else can you say? Its treason, sedition, and every other word you can call it ending with NO ACCOUNTABILITY. So… no comment.

2 days ago

If OHarris wins, [to quote Elon Musk!] we’re HAD. Be SURE everyone you know is Voting! and Voting Right!

2 days ago

Progressives are lawless and are forcing these Illegal aliens “down America’s throat”. And yet half of the American voters just don’t care and will vote Democrat anyway….Obama warned us that he was going to fundamentally change America and he is following through with it and Conservatives are powerless to stop them. Sad

2 days ago

The question is. Is using this process legal?
If not, trump can chuck it in the trash!
Think this is bad, wait until Trump is elected and watch the crap that will happen between Nov 5 and Jan 20.

2 days ago

We can’t house our own homeless. That’s what the government says. All this for their votes. Will they vote ‘d’? I don’t think they believe in abortion, so maybe not.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 days ago

There is no other term for these America-hating, citizen-hating DC Democrats except pure evil. They have run Kamala on no other issues but hating Trump. She and Biden and their puppeteers have nearly ruined our Democratic Republic in the last 3+ years. I cannot even imagine what evils await us if they get 4 more. They ARE the Fascists and Hitlers that they keep calling Trump. I cannot think of any worse people I have encountered in my whole life…and I am 80!!! We ALL better get our rear-ends out to the polls or send in our ballots to stop this hateful, evil onslaught of enemies of our America!! Anyone who doesn’t is the enemy!! We all knew the reason they opened the border and invited all these criminals and child-rapists in…to destroy us.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 days ago

Biden and Harris will give money to anyone to buy a vote they spend money because it is not there money but tax payers money but obvious they do not care at all neither do any other Dems in the White House it is all about them to control the White House and Washington they will do anything to keep power. This is just a start if Harris gets in get ready for a lot more corruption.

2 days ago

SUPREME COURT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
What’s being done about their law breaking???????

just me
just me
2 days ago

why not a national AMAC ‘call to action’ link so we flood our congressional representatives and the President & VPs offices, and Homeland Security, and Attorney General heads’ offices?
AMAC continues to miss these opportunities to leverage the membership

2 days ago

Why isn’t someone doing something about this? Are there more corrupt people than upright people in America?

Dana Sheppard
Dana Sheppard
2 days ago

!REDICOUS!! Biden/Harris need to support a few of them and let them live in one of their many houses!

2 days ago

So do the illegals get treated as crappy as the rest of us when they (illegally) are given citizenship as well?

1 day ago

From what I just read, this process is illegal. How can this Administration continue to do what ever they want. They absolutely need to go and the sooner the better.

1 day ago

Sickening but typical of Democrats they have and always will care more for power and keeping themselves in office than they do for the safety and well being of actual American Citizens. And all the while those who will not see will still vote for these same low life creatures again.

1 day ago

Dems continue their initiative to destroy this once great Nation! 🙁

6 hours ago


James DeBona
James DeBona
9 hours ago

Biden/Harris are not Monarchs, Kings or dictatorial rulers of any sort! Having sidestepped Congress altogether on this issue, these illegals are and will always be ILLEGALS!!! There is no magic wand that they can wave and suddenly make all of them legal citizens of the US. These illegals are still not naturalized! They are still not citizens of this country! It may be a bit more difficult to track them all down now but track them down we must and DEPORT ALL OF THEM!

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
22 hours ago

Yep. Us Taxpayers have a lot of extra money.

1 day ago


Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
1 day ago

The narrative given by the propaganda media, (an arm of the dark state that controls Daffy Joe and his accomplice, Harris.) is that these creatures are immigrants, they are not immigrants but an army of illiterate Spanish-speaking brown people from Central America brought here to destroy the white English people and make them a minority.
This is treason and sedition in conjunction with this Regime as its controller. We need to purge this with tribunals.
This re-captcha is ridiculous!

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 day ago

beijing biden and komrade kacklin’ kammy, and all of their communist cohorts, need to be arrested and tried for treason. How damn dare they do this!!! They are using our tax dollars to support illegal alien squatters in our Country. This needs to stop and it needs to be fixed so that no rogue regime can ever do this again. They an internal enemy of our Country and we must stop them!!! VOTE THE B@STARDS OUT OF OFFICE. Every demoncrap up for election should be ousted from office. Personally, I think they should all be tarred and feathered and ridden on a rail out of town!

rr smith
rr smith
2 days ago

religion brought in moral absolutes and the ones screaming the loudest about them are religious sexual predators

2 days ago

It will be cancelled.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 days ago

ALL for votes next month

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
2 days ago

Does the Justice department approve of this?

Sarah J
Sarah J
1 day ago

I just started 3 weeks ago this web income system that my friend recommended to me and I’ve gotten 2 checks for a total of $9,200… this is the best decision I made in a long time! This extra cash has changed my life in so many ways, thank you!
Here is I started_______

rr smith
rr smith
2 days ago

i just burned someone’s flag which had democrat, republican, and pissed off with a check by it, he’s angry now

Sarah J
Sarah J
2 days ago

I just started 3 weeks ago this web income system that my friend recommended to me and I’ve gotten 2 checks for a total of $9,200… this is the best decision I made in a long time! This extra cash has changed my life in so many ways, thank you!

Here is I started_______

rr smith
rr smith
2 days ago

a different type of fraud is territorial fraud, everybody should be able to go wherever in the world they want but there are artificial borders and flags, which should all be burned

rr smith
rr smith
2 days ago

now the gop is accusing the dems of treason, what next gas chambers

rr smith
rr smith
2 days ago

those who don’t trust the press only want state run media

rr smith
rr smith
2 days ago

the real fraud is actually religious fraud
figures such as jesus, mary, mohammed, allah, moses, abraham, etc didn’t even exist

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