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Poll: Which do you believe is the most pressing issue facing America today?

Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2021
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

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2 years ago

Without election integrity the people are not represented and parties, not people make the decisions

Margery Coleman
Margery Coleman
2 years ago

I actually believe all these are equally important.

Michael Slack
Michael Slack
2 years ago

I’d put hem all at #1, we have goten in such a mess.

Rebecca Evans
Rebecca Evans
2 years ago

All are very crucial to our freedom.

2 years ago

I guess I can see the value of rating the issues like this, but at the same time, they’re ALL destructive and will be the end of us as a country.

2 years ago

All of these issues have the same purpose…to destroy America (as we know it) so they (Biden and his Administration in coordination with the radical left) can “fundamentally change” our precious USA and freedoms to a COMMUNIST country!! Big tech and media are complicit in this scheme!!

Sara Lee Langsam
Sara Lee Langsam
2 years ago

The truth is that each of the issues listed above should be ranked as number one. They are all necessary for our republic to survive.

2 years ago

All seven subjects presented here are critical issues!

Guy G.
Guy G.
2 years ago

How anyone can rate these issues that this Nation is facing, less than a 1(one) of importance is beyond me! All are very important to this Country.

Gerald Connally
Gerald Connally
2 years ago

Without free and fair elections, we are no better than any other Third World Country.

Bill Campbell
Bill Campbell
2 years ago

Its not loading but the biggest problem is the communist that have taken over the White House and the invasion of our southern border.

L Brown
L Brown
2 years ago

Everything is critical… this administration needs to go.

2 years ago

Agree with Michael Slack. All should be #1 on the list. Our freedom, our very lives as Americans, is under attack and we need to take decisive action to protect ourselves, our families, our faith, and our way of life. Truth, justice, and the American Way.

Edward Ludwig
Edward Ludwig
2 years ago

After 50 years of taking up space in Wahington Big Joe is finally showing his true colors and his cabinet is doing a great job of destroying our country apiece at a time. I am retired but I feel bad for people who have to work and buy gas and food for a large family. I spent $247 at the grocery this week and there’s only two of us in the home. Joe says we should suck it up and live with it while he spends our tax dollars to build a wall around his summer home. we are beginning to look like venezula.

2 years ago

All of these problems are worthy of a vote for No. 1 and they are entwined with one another so we need them all solved. It all hinges on restoring competency at the top.

2 years ago

its like our enemies are running the government!!!!!

Jill Larsen
Jill Larsen
2 years ago

All are Biden destruction of our country.

2 years ago

As the left is doing its very best to burn this country to the ground, all of these issues are pressing. Pick one pick all, they demonstrate the crisis we are in.

2 years ago

If we do not have election integrity, the GOP is going to do all it can to win at all costs and we do not need this in the USA. We have to allow ALL to vote and not have our elections turn into shames as someone thinks it was stolen from him and in fact, it was a legal election. TFG has to be stopped to regain the GOP to what it was before TFG stole it for his gain. Without this, the other stuff is moot, but it is all-important to a degree. Immigrants just want a better life and COVID has made it a mess.

2 years ago

It was very difficult to pick a level of importance for each of these issues. All of them should be viewed as top priority needing immediate attention.

Carl S.
Carl S.
2 years ago

Several of these issues, to me, are equal in importance….election integrity, illegal immigration, government intrusion, 2nd Amendment. However, they are all very important!!! The liberal left stole the presidential election and have set out on a mission to destroy the fabric of this nation.

2 years ago

We are watching us become Venezuela. Ask any of them if they would sit and watch if they could do it all over again.
A handful of politicians are ruining the lives of millions. That’s messed up.

2 years ago

As with many other commentators, I would prefer to rank them all as #1. However, as long as they leave us free to defend our rights, the rest can be remedied.

Dorothy Mervine
Dorothy Mervine
2 years ago

The format for this poll wasn’t the greatest. Almost all issues are #1. Find a better format for asking these types of questions!

2 years ago

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

2 years ago

The survey isn’t loading correctly on my browser.

2 years ago

All of these rank the same in importance and are essentialif we are to remain a free republic.

2 years ago

Biden. Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler AOC and her squad, Waters, Lee and Schiff all need to be removed! The corruption and constant infighting has all been instigated by this bunch.

2 years ago

The greatest threat to our country is our government and it’s socialist agenda.

still not a robot
still not a robot
2 years ago

I ranked the issues listed 1-7 from top to bottom, in that order. Although many of the issues are intertwined and so hard to separate. And of course all are of prime importance. But what is missing is the real key issue facing us today. That is, the number of people who think everything is going fine, and that the so-called leadership is doing a good job. If people are happy with the situation as it is, it is all but impossible to effect change.

The rest of the world hates us and is just waiting to smack us down, should the opportunity present itself. And it will, probably sooner rather than later,

Another hugely important issue no one seems to mention is the fact that government itself is rotten to the core. The left have been packing government with tens of thousands of loyal overpaid and underqualified union-protected leftists who will do everything to maintain the status quo and wreck any plans to bring about improvements. This is the prime factor that limited Trump’s ability to implement his agenda. How do we get rid of these bureaucrats?

Eric Hammer
Eric Hammer
2 years ago

I rated them 1-7 in the order given. But I truly believe they are all CRITICAL and any one of them is devastating to our nation and way of life. The hour is very very late.

Paul A. Mccormick SR
Paul A. Mccormick SR
2 years ago

Priority, this is not the way to measure our caring, these are all fubar Biden administration failures, mistakes ,errors and stupidity. Just maybe mind you , we the people will get an election in the midterms to correct these snafu’s.

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

All are extremely important issues but, if our election integrity is intact and the mainstream media respects the will of the people the rest will be taken care of. All of the issues and more are the results of Democraps being in charge at either state and local government as well as the federal government, and until the mainstream media tells the truth about them it will continue to run out of control.

Sherry Hepler
Sherry Hepler
2 years ago

Wow, these are actually all #1 on my list!! It’s really difficult to rank them.

Jon Weisner
Jon Weisner
2 years ago

Let’s Go Brandon!!

2 years ago

I feel America has turned into a shit show under Biden’s administration. It’s how the liberals want it to be, to crumble Americans independence to dependence on the governments total control over the citizens of the USA

2 years ago

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Richard Campbell
Richard Campbell
2 years ago

Yes I feel each issue is #1 !! Stop the power hungry democrats. Close the border and spend that money on America ! Good Bless America !

2 years ago

This seems to be the best category: increasing debt & increasing taxes should have been rated. I would give it a 2 behind election integrity

2 years ago

Everyone of these issues deserves a number 1 rank. Sadly, I have no confidence in the House and Senate because there are too many Rinos. None of these issues would be affecting us like they are if there had not been election fraud that put Biden in office. Trump would have handled these quickly. I hope Trump has learned from his mistakes in his first administration so that if he gets elected again, he is not sabotaged. I wish Trump had the expertise that I see DeSantis show.

2 years ago

Hard to read the results, but looks like the most people rated the flood of illegals number one. This was the first thing Biden did in office (actually, before he was in). I tried to find a root cause of all the rest, but could not. They are all a concerted effort to tear down our institutions in order to install socialism.

2 years ago

They all are number 1

Michael D Turay
Michael D Turay
2 years ago

IF we are to take this country back peacefully then fair elections must be number one although each and every one of those issues pose a critical threat to our nation. We ALL must get loud and speak up at local meetings write letters, call elected officials even in Blue states like mine (Illinois) where useless Dems run everything and fill their pockets by giving jobs and contracts to their buddies and relatives.Speak up Fear kills freedom!!

2 years ago

I put 2A rights at #1 because this helps to insure the remainder of our Bill of Rights.

Allen Spencer
Allen Spencer
2 years ago

Jason is an idiot.

2 years ago

You didn’t give us the option if trying elected officials for treason against our Republic! Oh, I get it…you can’t find an honest member of the Judiciary.

Mary Hibbs
Mary Hibbs
2 years ago

They are all #1 in my opinion and need to be addressed at the same time.

Harry Marcado
Harry Marcado
2 years ago

United States of Communism

Debra Howell
Debra Howell
2 years ago

They are all number 1 issues that are wrong

Karran Martin
Karran Martin
2 years ago

Because each of these individual issues are so important & so destructive it was very difficult to rate them.
In looking at the results, I have to confess that I was shocked that my #1 choice (inflation) & #2 choice (mandates) were rated as they were by the majority of respondents.
As inflation continues to escalate, as being predicted by financial experts I’ve heard addressing the issues, it will get to the point none of the other issues will matter much because of the dire circumstances the majority of us will find ourselves in.
That, coupled with the control the government is forcing on us by infringing on all of our personal and private rights, will have us as their slaves.
I realize that sounds like I’m being a drama queen, but all you have to do is look around you to see what is happening – millions of people turned into fearful sheeple, and the price we’re paying for everything (which is only going to increase) and realism should hit you square in the face.
I pray every day that my God will have mercy on us and help things to turn around. We must keep our faith strong, pray daily and be prepared to stand up for our rights to safeguard our freedoms.

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