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Obamas’ Chicago Fixer Tina Tchen’s Role in Smollett Case

Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Jussie Smollett Obama ChicagoHow did hate crime huckster Jussie Smollett get away with it? All crooked roads in Chicago lead back to the Obamas.

On Tuesday, as part of a sealed deal, the Illinois state attorney’s office dismissed 16 felony charges brought by a grand jury against the Trump-hating actor, who blamed phantom white MAGA supporters for a brutal racist “assault” that left him with a teensy-weensy scratch under his eye.

The day before the “attack,” Smollett’s two bodybuilding friends were caught on surveillance tape buying costumery (red hat, ski masks, bandanas, sunglasses, and gloves) that just happened to match Smollett’s descriptions of what his still-fugitive assailants were wearing.

But I guess there’s no use crying over spilled bleach.

To atone for the-fakery-that-shall-not-be-named, Smollett performed 18 hours of “community service” with Jesse Jackson’s PUSH Coalition and forfeited his $10,000 bond.

Minority liberal race-hustling has its privileges.

And that brings us to the Democratic operatives behind the scenes. Two weeks ago, Chicago Sun-Times reporters discovered that Obama crony pal and deep-pocketed campaign finance mega-bundler Tina Tchen had inserted herself in the investigation.

Tchen texted Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx just three days after the incident “on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know” to express “concerns.” She suggested that Foxx lean on Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to yield to the FBI and she shared an unidentified Smollett’s family member’s cellphone number with Foxx.

Foxx texted back that she had done as requested and that Johnson was “going to make the ask.” The unidentified relative rejoiced: “OMG this would be a huge victory.”

Only after Foxx meddled did she recuse herself and name an underling to take over—which rendered her Kabuki recusal meaningless to veteran observers of the “Crook” County criminal justice system. So, who was the Smollett relative with all the right (or rather, left) connections? Follow the trail:

—Tchen and Smollett’s sister, Jurnee Smollett-Bell, joined together in March 2018 at South by Southwest in Austin to proclaim that “There Is No Time’s Up Without Women Of Color.”

—In May 2018, Tchen and Smollett-Bell took the stage together again—hand-in-hand, glued at the hip—at the United State of Women Summit in Los Angeles (where Tchen’s former boss and gal pal, Michelle Obama, also appeared).

—Smollett-Bell and another sister, Jazz Smollett-Warwell, worked for the Obama campaigns in 2008 and 2012 and volunteered as tireless surrogates.

—My search of White House visitor logs shows Jurnee Smollett-Bell paying at least one personal visit to “POTUS/FLOTUS” at their residence in March 2013 while Tchen was serving as a top strategist to both Obamas.

To minimize Tchen’s role in the Obamas’ political lives as merely an “aide” is journalistic malpractice. As I have previously reported:

—Tchen personally shoveled more than $200,000 into the 2008 Obama presidential campaign coffers while a high-powered lawyer at white-shoe Skadden Arps.

—Tchen served as special assistant to President Barack Obama, and then took over as chief of staff in the East Wing for Michelle Obama.

—Tchen headed up the Obama White House Office of Public Engagement, spearheaded by longtime Chicago pal and fellow corporate lawyer/bundler Valerie Jarrett.

—Tchen coordinated Hollywood celebrities to promote Obama’s domestic policy agenda through the taxpayer-subsidized National Endowment for the Arts.

—Tchen was listed in 2009 White House visitor logs I reviewed as having met there with radical left-wing billionaire George Soros.

—As Breitbart’s Joel Pollak noted, Soros donated a total of $408,000 to super PACs supporting Foxx’s successful primary and general campaigns for Cook County state attorney.

Given Jurnee Smollett-Bell’s hand-holding friendship with Tchen, Tchen’s intimacy with the Obamas, and Michelle Obama’s chumminess with Jussie Smollett (she hosted him at a musical event at the White House in 2016 and danced with him on stage at a College Signing Day Event in 2018), it is not unreasonable to wonder how much direct knowledge the Obamas themselves may have had about Tchen’s role as Smollett’s fixer.

Tchen has made quite the career out of exploiting her Obama connections, including cushy spots on VICE’s Diversity and Inclusion Board, Uber’s #MeToo advisory board, and the Grammys’ task force for inclusion and diversity. But those plum jobs and her role in Smollett’s folly all pale in comparison to her newest gig: playing watchdog over the crumbling Southern Poverty Law Center.

After decades of manufacturing “hate” against peaceful, law-abiding conservatives; sharia opponents; Christian activists; and immigration enforcement hawks, the junk mail order house that grifter Morris Dees built is in chaos amid long-brewing strife over internal gender and racial discrimination—not to mention a slew of outside defamation lawsuits. Fresh off assisting one celebrity hate crime huckster, Tchen will now be doing damage control for the granddaddy of all racial hoax rackets.

Like I said: Minority liberal race-hustling has its privileges.

I would advise Americans sick and tired of the crony state and its smear merchants to do all they can to prevent Tchen and the Obama machine from getting their grubby hands on the $PLC’s half-billion-dollar endowment. Support the real victims of hate crime conspiracies. Start with The only way to revoke the privilege is to destroy it.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

What does Obama have to do with this aside he was IL Senator years ago?? Pay 2 Play, kickback, cover up, distraction scheme

JN Snyder
JN Snyder
5 years ago

When Obama cronies are involved, expect corruption. Money talks and the more money Soros and his kin are pumping into any situation, the more likely that something very unhealthy is occurring.

Walter Rose
Walter Rose
5 years ago

Situation smells too bad for it not to have been influenced by outside….
Another kick to the already overworked Law enforcement… and the citizens of Chicago.

James Reissner
James Reissner
5 years ago

Thanks for exposing this racket and gangsters

Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips
5 years ago

Hi attorney general Barr it’s time to investigate the obamas and throw them in jail if they’ve broken the law here! we know Chicago’s kurupt we know they’re full of crooks thugs and Anti Americans, but that’s more reason to clean it the trash.

5 years ago

I’m sick and tired of the liberals hollering white privilege at every opportunity. They are following Alinsky’s advice to look in the mirror to see what you’re doing and then blame them on the enemy (white conservatives}. There is no white privilege. But, there is plenty of black, LGBT, liberal, democrat privilege for all to see.

5 years ago

A Nation of Laws … no more. Signed – Both Clintons, Brennan, McCabe, Lynch, Comey, Learner, Clapper, Holder, Obama, Yates, Rosenstein, The Chicago and Mueller Teams. I know, I missed a few, but I think the point is made.

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 years ago

This whole thing sounds like it has some kind of agenda behind it, like expanding so-called ‘hate crime laws’ otherwise this wouldn’t be making national news.

5 years ago

You no it’s a sad day indeed when Martin Luther King fought and died for the rights of all people not just the African American race. He is probably turning over in his grave to see how this corruption is going on now. This swamp keep draining and bringing to light this corruption.

A wise observer
A wise observer
5 years ago

We have reached the point where there is, within our “justice” system, a double standard. There is the way that “justice” is done for the ruling class and then there is another way that “justice” is handed down upon the rest of us.

Phillip Pucher
Phillip Pucher
5 years ago

The guy is an adult. Why is the decision sealed? Where is justice in that? This is why the public feels a cover-up and dirty deal have been made.

5 years ago

They don’t even try to hide the corruption anymore. It’s become a badge of privilege and position. Right, wrong, the law and any semblance of justice is eagerly sacrificed to achieve the end result. A perfect description of the Democrat party which rules Chicago and seeks to rule all of America the same way.

Every time you vote Democrat, you drive another nail in America’s coffin.

5 years ago

Where the Obamas’ go corruption always follows. it’s Chicago politics in action.

Big Al
Big Al
5 years ago

What else could one expect. Knowing that the politicians of all parties are in collusion with each other and the media to run our lives says it all.

5 years ago

The eyes of madam Law are no longer blind. We are in a corrupt system where money and power eliminates accountability for those that have it. I would think the African Americans would complain about the injustice. They are always complaining that their black brothers in poverty are treated unfairly. Guess what? So are their white brothers without money or power or belonging to the so called wrong political party.

5 years ago

I used to smirk at the way cows are treated as sacred in india. Over there, cows are allowed to wander wherever and do whatever. They can eat your garden, wallow in your front yard, even enter your home and defecate on the floor. Nothing can be done about what cows choose to do. In fact, criticism of cows is near to heresy. Ive long since stopped smirking at the silly situations others put up with.

5 years ago

This woman needs Fired Prosecuted, the FBI needs to Prosecute this lying trouble making creep, and we’re was the judge he or she should have stopped this illegal behavior, and if obama is behind this get him to which I think he is, Sense he was in office way to many blacks that have broken laws that even includes those in congress senate and there are some that get off scott Free this has to stop just like conners from Mi. That used Taxpayers slush fund to hid his illegal acts he needed Fired Prosecuted and all benefits revoked plus should have to pay back every dime with interest, the FBI better start going after all these corrupt politicians, so we are not forced to pay for retirement healthcare and other perks, all that needs revoked when caught that a lot money back to the people

Paul W
Paul W
5 years ago

Faking a hate crime IS a hate crime. Smollett, if the CPD is accurate, falsely identified his attackers as white, Trump supporters. An obvious attempt to stir up hate and anger. In addition to dishonestly maligning a race and a political faction, he wasted the CPD’s time and resources. This, in a city where the police scan spare neither! This should be re-opened as a federal case. The feds are still investigating the postal fraud aspect of the hoax, but a full steam ahead, complete investigation should commence. Will it? Doubtful. I’m sadly skeptical that Wray has the stomach for it.

marianne compton
marianne compton
5 years ago

Extremely enlightening, very disgusting and not surprising!

5 years ago

These wicked perpetrators
have no fear of God! For all these evil doers who think they are above the law, God will hold them accountable at the judgement! “Charge them with crime upon crime; do not let them share in Your Salvation. May they be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be listed with the righteous.” Psalm 69: 28

Michael Cozzi
Michael Cozzi
5 years ago

It’s not over with a lot of people are going down

5 years ago

The Obama fix went in and everything, according to them, is now fine. People need to wake up and vote for good people, not Socialists and RINO’s. This kind of BS needs to stop.

5 years ago

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteed all citizens “equal protection of the laws”, but as Orwell said in “Animal Farm”, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” How is the term “Hate Crime” even in our lexicon? I would never assault a person because I liked him/her. To me even the label “Hate Crime” should be unconstitutional,.

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

Jussie to demand that Empire take him back with a substantial pay raise in 3… 2…

5 years ago

I hate to say this but the racial pendulum has swung way past the middle. Anyone uttering anything negative about people of color will immediately be labeled a racist. Here is a small, smirking man, playing the criminal justice system for all it’s worth. If Jussie Smollett wanted to prove he is innocent, he would have let his case go to trial. If he was innocent, he would walk out of the courthouse a free man, never to be brought up on those charges again. Instead, he calls up favors in his circle of “friends” and gets the charges dropped. The only way for justice to prevail is for him to be charged with federal crime(s). And that would involve the FBI. Not so sure about them now either.

Rexford O Ames
Rexford O Ames
5 years ago

How deep does this crap go? It keeps popping up, over and over again. Will the ” New ” F,.B.I. and the “New” D.O.J. deal with the source of all this crap and as “they”? say ( get it done)?
Whoever gets the assignment? Without politics being involved ( ha, good luck with that). Presidents, Clinton ( 8 yrs), Bush Father and Son -16 Years, Obama ( 8 yrs). Integrity, Honesty? Really! Just how many ostriches does this country have?

5 years ago

This idiot is too stupid. Everything he did and all involved were botch jobs. He didn’t pay attention to the instructions he was given by people that have experience in clandestine activities. Happening in Chicago points directly at the obamanation “sphere of influence”.

Gail Coury
Gail Coury
5 years ago

I find this a great miscarriage of justice as all people should, disgraceful!

Larry Ralston
Larry Ralston
5 years ago

There is a way to drain the swamp and make “right” right again. VOTE A STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVE ticket in 2020.

5 years ago

Can Someone explain to me HOW black on black is a Hate crime ?? Only in Nut Hollywood and Still talking about the criminal activity of BO . Because the nutjobs in Illinois say it’s over it ain’t over , can’t he be charged federally ?? Let’s talk about good Americans like your article on vets instead of the nuts .

5 years ago

Wow what a coincidence! Who would think that could happen. I’m sure it’s all innocent, right??? Just like Clinton only talking about the granbabies when he boarded Loretta’ s plane. ?????

5 years ago

The Obama web of corruption has grown to nearly the size of the Clinton web of corruption (albeit with fewer murders…so far)

5 years ago

By doing this, real victims of biased attacks won’t get the justice they should get. No one should use the privilege of any kind to get away with an action that is criminal in any form. He had an alternative motive for doing this, call it getting some 15 minutes of high fame, just to put his face out more to the public. I guess his Instagram feed was moving in the right direction. It will come back to haunt him someday. Shame on the Obamas for involving themselves in this smear of the legislative process after he was proven to have filed a false report. Let’s hope he doesn’t try this again because next time, he may not get off so easy.

5 years ago

why can’t I repost to facebook?

Mike Graybeal
Mike Graybeal
5 years ago

Nothing will change, Chicago is CORRUPTION. OBUMA and his MINIONS are the worst thing to ever happen to Our Great Country.
I WEEP for the Country…

Bruce Tyler
Bruce Tyler
5 years ago

I cannot believe what Liberal Privilege is doing to this country….There is no justice when crimes like this are swept under the rug.Liberals are going to push there agenda to far soon and feel the reprocutions.

Red Raspberry
Red Raspberry
5 years ago

She never really recursed herself either. It was all for the camera.

5 years ago

Chicago is a disgrace! The politicians in and coming out of this murder capitol are just that corrupt crony career mafia style politicians, not Statesmen, but corrupt unlawful politicians. Goes all the way back to Richard Daley and beyond. Didn’t expect anything different from Obama when he began the run for the Presidency. Took a beautiful agricultural state and created a corrupt socialistic bankrupt state. Tchen & Fox should be SUED!

5 years ago

How did you get access to the tchen/foxx texts? No doubt they are corrupt but I don’t see any I do regarding the source of your info. Same thing I don’t like about the libtard media’s “anonymous sources”.

Rebecca Shroff
Rebecca Shroff
5 years ago


Rebecca Shroff
Rebecca Shroff
5 years ago

Liberals future is to burn in HELL!!

5 years ago

Hey……they are all liberals…..what do you expect?

5 years ago

The Obamas or nothing but corrupted people. Look what happened to Roseanne Her show taking off the air immediately. She didn’t even hardly do anything. It’s ridiculous they are the most racist people I’ve ever seen in my life the Obamas. They have made this Country more races than it ever was before they got an office. Now they’re fixing corrupted actors that are haters against the white race. Everyone is against the white race. They don’t have white history month . But they can have black history month. Whatever the native American month. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country since President Reagan. We just got a hope he gets back in again. They need to take affirmative action away too. That affirmative action needs to leave. If a white actor did that he would lose his job since his career. Look what happened to Paula Deen. Just because she said Wayback when she might’ve said the N-word. I guarantee you half of those black actors and actresses have said white cracker or something like that in there pass. Even if they amid it to it nothing will be done. They would say oh that was years ago everyone talk like that. And that’s all it will be done. It’s all one-sided and it’s just going to get worse. They’re always calling the black card. Oh because I’m black I’m always going to be looked upon differently what even if they amid it to it nothing would be done. They would say oh that was years ago everyone talk like that. And that’s all it will be done. It’s all one-sided and it’s just going to get worse. They’re always calling the black card. Oh because I’m black I’m always going to be looked upon differently what Bull crap .

5 years ago

“Tchen coordinated Hollywood celebrities to promote Obama’s domestic policy agenda through the taxpayer-subsidized National Endowment for the Arts.”
Why are we taxpayers forced to hand over money that goes to politically biased organizations like this, or Planned Parenthood, or any other socialist outfit? It always leads back to George Soros and the Obama’s – the biggest terrorist threats to the USA.

Dale Trevathan
Dale Trevathan
5 years ago

This whole thing is BS! You and I would be under the jail…..

Todd Wingard Taylor
Todd Wingard Taylor
5 years ago

Smollett needs to go to jail.

5 years ago

This needs to be investigated. If there was improper influence of the Prosecutor, then the deal needs to be nullified and Smollett needs to face his charges in court!

Robin Wilson
Robin Wilson
5 years ago

I’m suprised at the filth of political scum being produced but making it worse is how they think it’s ok to pull this. Now that it’s out & it still is suppose to be ok with the American people paying for it. You actually expect it to be acceptable then on top of everything no one should be punished. They probably would end up in one of the nice jails/ prisons for the rich & famour luxurious prisons. We the people deserve to see retribution for their crimes. If the everyday person even thought of trying to pull this, we’d never get out of prison because of how many years you the goverment would give the every day hard working citizen of America. Rediculesis & you winder why we don’t trust our own government. Sad day for all of. the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

5 years ago

This doesn’t surprise me what do ever. Anything Obama is involved with is corrupt. I hope the President destroys them all. Be created a narrative with his false accusations against whites and that ticks need off for the ones that are really bullied and hurt. Chicago isn’t any shy town except maybe brains and morals. Smollett needs to pay for his crime and not with just 18 hours of community service. He needs to go to prison for the man hours if took to investigate this hoax.

Mark Napier
Mark Napier
5 years ago

How much did Tchen receive or was promised to be paid by Smollett to be bribed to dropped charges? This is where the Dept of Justice, State Attorney General and American Bar Association and Judiciary Committees of Congress needs to grill Tchen and the IRS needs to thoroughly audit Tchen and Smollett’s bank records. An obvious bribe was paid. For once I agree with Chicago Mayor Emanuel that a White Wash of the System took place. AMAC needs to push this investigation.

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