WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 4 – The invasion of the U.S. by illegal immigrants at our southern border plays second fiddle to the invasion of Ukraine. Rightfully so. What is happening there is a shooting war that is taking innocent lives in great numbers and that threatens to spark World War III. It puts the threat posed by the surging ranks of undocumented migrants on the back burner.
Nonetheless, while our attention is focused on the greater threat of a global nuclear war, the assault at our southern border continues to escalate. The Center for Immigration Studies [CIS] reports that: “An analysis of the Census Bureau’s monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) from January 2022 shows that the total immigrant population (legal and illegal) in the U.S., hit 46.6 million — the highest number ever in American history. Immigrants are also referred to by the government as the ‘foreign-born.’ The growth and size of the immigrant population in the CPS are important because, unlike arrival figures for legal immigrants or border apprehensions, the CPS measures the total number of foreign-born people living in the country, which is what ultimately determines immigration’s impact on American society.”
The CIS report shows that between the time President Biden’s election campaign was in full swing and through the end of his first year in office, in January 2022, a record number of immigrants, legal and illegal – nearly 2.2 million of them — took up residency in the U.S. No wonder, when you consider the way he “promised” the illegals that when elected he would overturn Donald Trump’s border policies.
What was not so obvious until now is how far candidate Biden would go. For example, just recently, in early February, his U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] agency made quite a startling switch in how it describes itself. It used to be that the agency was officially charged with administering “the nation’s lawful immigration system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by efficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for immigration benefits while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values.” Under the Biden administration, the USCIS drastically edited its mission statement, which now reads, to uphold “America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.” They not-so-subtly did away with the part about “lawful immigration.”
President Trump’s USCIS director, Ken Cuccinelli, was among those who objected, telling the Epoch Times, “When we’ve got an invasion at the border, this is what USCIS chooses to spend their time on. This is just another example of Left-wing busy-bodies shirking their duty to Americans and not protecting our border.”
Meanwhile, there has been a limited but surprising shake-up among Latino voters who see Mr. Biden and the progressive left as a potential threat.
Jennifer Medina, a Latina political reporter for the New York Times, recently published a lengthy story about the advances Republicans have made gaining support in Hispanic communities in South Texas. It’s no longer true that Hispanic citizens are automatically Democrats.
Mayra Flores proved it last week when she won the Republican primary in District 34 in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley apparently got an earful of complaints about it. During her campaign, it appears her would-be constituents gave Ms. Flores an earful. “I hear every day that they’re tired — they feel that there is so much attention and help being given to the immigrants. The attention’s on all these illegal immigrants, and not on them.”
Reporter Medina says she talked with “dozens” of Hispanic voters and candidates for her story who believe Democrats are out to destroy “a Latino culture built around God, family, and patriotism … The Trump-era anti-immigrant rhetoric of being tough on the border and building the wall has not repelled these voters from the Republican Party or struck them as anti-Hispanic bigotry. Instead, it has drawn them in.”
Of course the media will take the opportunity to divert the public’s attention away from our wide-open southern border and all that it entails, by focusing elsewhere. Nothing new. That is their role as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
This entire administration plus Congress should be arrested and charged with treason. By allowing the invasion to take place unabated is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
For the record, don’t be so hasty to demonize Russia
For the dems the newest current crisis is to divert our attention from the real problems. Not so sure who the good guys and the bad guys are in the Russia Ukrainian situation. But in every situation the msm is the problem as we never get the “real” story
John Grimaldi… Respectfully, I disagree with your 1st paragraph on a number of grounds & until this woke administration is willing to wake up to what is really going on here, nothing will ever change for the better…
Sadly enough, all invasions by other nations into a neighboring nations borders produce the results that are on full display in Ukraine, some people call it collateral damage, I find that term distasteful personally…
After over a year now of a WIDE OPEN southern border in our own nation as well as willfully & intentionally allowing it to happen through the Biden/Harris administration, this should NOT play 2nd fiddle nor be put on the back burner, nor should the importation of unvetted Afghanni’s, flown out of Qatar be ignored because of a border dispute between ( 2 ) arguably corrupt nations of equal proportions, especially with respect to all the propaganda each nation spews out with the full participation of a lying MSM along with the Democrat Party here in the states that have effectively created their Wag The Dog distraction with mostly PROPAGANDA reporting in one single narrative & NOT touching on the real underlying reason why Putin chose to invade Ukraine in the 1st place, personally I never thought he would actually do it, chalk that one up, for he did indeed invade with his ” Desert Storm ” opening salvo the 1st night in fact…
This is all about ENERGY & who controls it, period. He who controls it, rakes in the money & in this regard Putin is predictably right on course where the Ukraine is concerned…
Putin knows full well how WEAK America is under the current faux administration, he also knows America will NOT stand into the breach for Ukraine, game over…
Putin also knows he has a willing & able customer to sell his ENERGY products to, with or without the European markets that he now effectively controls. Where else is Europe going to buy their natural gas & oil from, the US? Hardly, Joe Biden took care of that, didn’t he? This is the story that MSM, nor the Biden regime has thus far steadfastly NOT reported on to any degree whatsoever…
I’m talking about the CCP of China, for they will buy all the coal, oil & natural gas the Russians can sell…China looking long term at all things, will in all eventualities, control the Russian economy, does this sound familiar John Grimaldi? It should sound very familiar to you, simply look at the chokehold the CCP of China has America in right at this moment…
All the best,
Bill… :~)
I am disgusted with Biden as far as the illegals immigrants crossing our border and being in our country. So people realize that we are paying for these people who get everything free and that comes out of our pockets. Most of them who crossed the border were infected with Covid and not even tested. Biden has been putting illegals in planes and flying them all over the country. I read that he flew illegals into Westchester, NY, very near the Connecticut border. I just don’t get it. American citizens were to the point of being forced to get them vaccine or lose their job, while nothing as done with the illegals. It really makes me mad. We need these illegals removed Dr in our country and sent back to where they came from and if they want to become legal citizens of the US, then apply from your own country, which Biden left that part out. The border needs to be closed down and now. All illegals in our country removed now. They border wall completed and extended along the shores of the Rio Grande River and those border patrol officers that were left go, bought back and even hire new border patrol officers. I am sorry and this might sound selfish, but we have to start thinking about ourselves.
After four years of having tens of millions of YOUNG ILLEGALS FLOODING OVER OUR BORDERS and into our country, these diabolical leftist socialist haters of any and everything that’s American, they will no longer have any reason to need the established Hispanics for doing their daily chores anymore. This new wave of new and according to this new administration totally legal immigrants will gladly put all of the them out of work. Wonder if there vaccinated? If you know what I’m saying. Two classes of people Filthy rich and there servants. With $10 a gallon gas in a year or even less , there won’t be a middle class left in our country anymore . Hyper inflation will destroy our economy and while we’re watching the diversion in Ukraine the damage being done to our country is almost as devastating as a nuclear weapon.
Still pouring across since day 1 & now we take in Ukrainian refugees
everything takes back seat we are bombarded now with Ukraine what is the truth what is the lie who can tell Belgrade was bombed Damascus was bombed Baghdad was bombedBeyruth was bombed Tripoli was bombed and somehow that did not matter much Boston bomber became the darling of the media and now this nonstop frenzy WTH is going on
I’ve been seeing more Mexican license plated vehicles on Denver streets lately.This means, the Biden Administration is letting mass numbers of people cross the Southern Border into the US.This is a Bad move. Right now,with Covid-19,being slowed down,do we need more illegals flowing into the Country.How many of these people are criminals?LET’S GO BRANDON!
The Democrats ARE trying to give the country away and when Nancy the _itch talks about “ar democracy” will be surprised when the semi-educated and criminal are outvoting citizen residents.
Lying joebama and his marxist democrat party wrlc6an opportunity to not showcasing their TOTAL FAILURE!
They useless corrupt democrats MUST BE REMOVED and America saved!!
Don’t let any distraction take the spotlight off their destruction of OUR Country and their total disregard of the people they WORK FOR!
This is has been ignored by the mm from day one. Only the conservative news organizations have continually covered this.
I think the truckers should all head to the boarder when they’re done in DC. Let’s put a spotlight on the continued and relentless invasion that’s happening down there!
has anyone noticed how we are getting NO OTHER NEWS COVERAGE OF ANYTHING ELSE? something is going on!
Of course the media will take the opportunity to divert the public’s attention away from our wide-open southern border and all that it entails, by focusing elsewhere. Nothing new. That is their role as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.
This entire administration plus Congress should be arrested and charged with treason. By allowing the invasion to take place unabated is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
For the record, don’t be so hasty to demonize Russia
For the dems the newest current crisis is to divert our attention from the real problems. Not so sure who the good guys and the bad guys are in the Russia Ukrainian situation. But in every situation the msm is the problem as we never get the “real” story
John Grimaldi… Respectfully, I disagree with your 1st paragraph on a number of grounds & until this woke administration is willing to wake up to what is really going on here, nothing will ever change for the better…
Sadly enough, all invasions by other nations into a neighboring nations borders produce the results that are on full display in Ukraine, some people call it collateral damage, I find that term distasteful personally…
After over a year now of a WIDE OPEN southern border in our own nation as well as willfully & intentionally allowing it to happen through the Biden/Harris administration, this should NOT play 2nd fiddle nor be put on the back burner, nor should the importation of unvetted Afghanni’s, flown out of Qatar be ignored because of a border dispute between ( 2 ) arguably corrupt nations of equal proportions, especially with respect to all the propaganda each nation spews out with the full participation of a lying MSM along with the Democrat Party here in the states that have effectively created their Wag The Dog distraction with mostly PROPAGANDA reporting in one single narrative & NOT touching on the real underlying reason why Putin chose to invade Ukraine in the 1st place, personally I never thought he would actually do it, chalk that one up, for he did indeed invade with his ” Desert Storm ” opening salvo the 1st night in fact…
This is all about ENERGY & who controls it, period. He who controls it, rakes in the money & in this regard Putin is predictably right on course where the Ukraine is concerned…
Putin knows full well how WEAK America is under the current faux administration, he also knows America will NOT stand into the breach for Ukraine, game over…
Putin also knows he has a willing & able customer to sell his ENERGY products to, with or without the European markets that he now effectively controls. Where else is Europe going to buy their natural gas & oil from, the US? Hardly, Joe Biden took care of that, didn’t he? This is the story that MSM, nor the Biden regime has thus far steadfastly NOT reported on to any degree whatsoever…
I’m talking about the CCP of China, for they will buy all the coal, oil & natural gas the Russians can sell…China looking long term at all things, will in all eventualities, control the Russian economy, does this sound familiar John Grimaldi? It should sound very familiar to you, simply look at the chokehold the CCP of China has America in right at this moment…
All the best,
Bill… :~)
I am disgusted with Biden as far as the illegals immigrants crossing our border and being in our country. So people realize that we are paying for these people who get everything free and that comes out of our pockets. Most of them who crossed the border were infected with Covid and not even tested. Biden has been putting illegals in planes and flying them all over the country. I read that he flew illegals into Westchester, NY, very near the Connecticut border. I just don’t get it. American citizens were to the point of being forced to get them vaccine or lose their job, while nothing as done with the illegals. It really makes me mad. We need these illegals removed Dr in our country and sent back to where they came from and if they want to become legal citizens of the US, then apply from your own country, which Biden left that part out. The border needs to be closed down and now. All illegals in our country removed now. They border wall completed and extended along the shores of the Rio Grande River and those border patrol officers that were left go, bought back and even hire new border patrol officers. I am sorry and this might sound selfish, but we have to start thinking about ourselves.
After four years of having tens of millions of YOUNG ILLEGALS FLOODING OVER OUR BORDERS and into our country, these diabolical leftist socialist haters of any and everything that’s American, they will no longer have any reason to need the established Hispanics for doing their daily chores anymore. This new wave of new and according to this new administration totally legal immigrants will gladly put all of the them out of work. Wonder if there vaccinated? If you know what I’m saying. Two classes of people Filthy rich and there servants. With $10 a gallon gas in a year or even less , there won’t be a middle class left in our country anymore . Hyper inflation will destroy our economy and while we’re watching the diversion in Ukraine the damage being done to our country is almost as devastating as a nuclear weapon.
Still pouring across since day 1 & now we take in Ukrainian refugees
everything takes back seat we are bombarded now with Ukraine what is the truth what is the lie who can tell Belgrade was bombed Damascus was bombed Baghdad was bombedBeyruth was bombed Tripoli was bombed and somehow that did not matter much Boston bomber became the darling of the media and now this nonstop frenzy WTH is going on
I’ve been seeing more Mexican license plated vehicles on Denver streets lately.This means, the Biden Administration is letting mass numbers of people cross the Southern Border into the US.This is a Bad move. Right now,with Covid-19,being slowed down,do we need more illegals flowing into the Country.How many of these people are criminals?LET’S GO BRANDON!
The Democrats ARE trying to give the country away and when Nancy the _itch talks about “ar democracy” will be surprised when the semi-educated and criminal are outvoting citizen residents.
Lying joebama and his marxist democrat party wrlc6an opportunity to not showcasing their TOTAL FAILURE!
They useless corrupt democrats MUST BE REMOVED and America saved!!
Don’t let any distraction take the spotlight off their destruction of OUR Country and their total disregard of the people they WORK FOR!
This is has been ignored by the mm from day one. Only the conservative news organizations have continually covered this.
I think the truckers should all head to the boarder when they’re done in DC. Let’s put a spotlight on the continued and relentless invasion that’s happening down there!
has anyone noticed how we are getting NO OTHER NEWS COVERAGE OF ANYTHING ELSE? something is going on!