
National Security , Newsline

More Police are Dying, Even More Quitting, and Fewer People are Seeking Careers as Police Officers

Posted on Friday, January 14, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 14 – Cop killers had an unprecedented record year in 2021, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. 458 police officers lost their lives on the job – a number that has never been seen before in the annals of police history in the United States. Sixty-two of those deaths were caused by gunshots; in 19 of those incidents, the cops were ambushed.

The fund reported that “According to preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), as of December 31, 2021, 458 federal, state, tribal and local law enforcement officers died in the line-of-duty in 2021. This is an increase of 55% from the 295 officers killed during the same period last year and is the highest total line-of-duty officer deaths since 1930 when there were 312 fatalities.”

The bad guys that perpetrated these crimes against law and order were abetted by the COVID pandemic, according to the organization’s report. Police officers, like health care providers, are particularly in danger of succumbing to the disease. The fund says that 301 of last year’s police fatalities were due to COVID, up significantly from the 182 officers who died from the virus in 2020. 

As regards the 62 firearms fatalities, the fund reported that:

  • 19 were ambushed and killed
  • 8 were investigating suspicious activities or persons
  • 7 were attempting an arrest
  • 7 were killed responding to domestic disturbance calls, which led to a tactical situation and an ambush
  • 7 disturbance calls, which led to a tactical situation
  • 3 were killed during traffic enforcement, which led to an ambush
  • 3 were fatally shot responding to burglary or robbery in-progress calls
  • 3 involved drug-related investigations
  • 2 were killed during tactical encounters
  • 2 were inadvertently and accidentally shot and killed
  • 1 was killed during an encounter with a suicidal subject

We’ve come a long way from the days when citizens went out of their way to tell a beat cop; thanks for your service. These days your neighborhood sentinels are more likely to be spit upon. As a result, more and more experienced police officers are retiring or taking a kinder, gentler job. Even more, are having regrets that they joined the police force in the first place.

As Jack Rinchich, president of the 4,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police, told U.S. News, “There’s no doubt in my mind that what’s transpiring in our nation today is contributing to the lack of retention and the difficulty in hiring new officers. A lot of cops right now, in view of the environment, are saying, ‘Hey, I’ve gone 20, 30 years without being sued, shot, or divorced. I’m going to get out while I have an opportunity.” 

Police departments across the nation are losing officers daily and are finding it harder and harder to recruit replacements. That’s bad news for law enforcement and good news for the “Defund the Police” anarchists. America’s law-abiding citizens are caught in the middle.

Mike Neilon at the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police told U.S. News, “It’s the perfect storm. We are anticipating that the department is going to be understaffed by several hundred members because hundreds of guys are either retiring or taking other jobs and leaving the department.”

Haverford Township Police Chief John Viola in Delaware said,” It’s something that all departments have recognized as something that’s getting harder and harder. People don’t want to be police anymore. It’s a good job and good-paying job, but when you look at national news every day, people just don’t want to be officers.”

Chief Viola added that annually as many as 300 men and women used to apply for a job in his department, but these days he’s lucky if he has 70 applications a year.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

This story about police officers killed trying to do their jobs as a result of the DEFUNDING the Police movement makes me extremely sad to see this…At every opportunity when it presents itself I make it a point to strike up a conversation with police officers… The vast, vast majority of police officers are dedicated professionals going about their jobs as many get involved in local communities comings & goings as well, the kids look up to them…
We can thank the democrat party for this situation that has evolved into so many needless deaths across this nation as a direct result of defunding the police as it is nothing short of complete insanity…
As a result of these past ( 2 ) years in America, should spell the end of the democrat party because of their selfish lust for power & doing anything to stay in power, no matter the costs…
In closing,
Trump won & boy do I miss him!
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Will the 87,000 IRS agents become the new police force?

2 years ago

Thank you, you lousy Liberals.

2 years ago

The Democrats have successfully vilified the police and changed the laws in the cities they control to make a career in law enforcement nearly impossible. Budgets have been slashed and the rules now favor the criminal. So sure many officers are opting to either retire or find employment in another field. You’re not going to get enough recruits to fill the gap, because the young people interested in the job know government officials won’t have their back and will be looking for any excuse to either fire them, charge them with a crime themselves or bankrupt them by having to defend themselves against politically motivated charges.

So yes, crime is and will increase. The citizens of this country will find themselves increasingly on their own and if they do defend themselves and live in a blue state, they will find themselves charged and prosecuted for having defended themselves. The criminals are increasingly being given a free pass on an ever-expanding list ot crimes that sociallist DAs won’t prosecute.

I expect if the Democrats somehow manage to retain control of Congress after the midterms, they will push for a national police force run out of Washington, D.C.. Think it couldn’t happen? Think again. No one would have predicted in 2019, that we would have a dementia patient as a POTUS, our energy industry hobbled, rapidly rising inflation and all the rest of the wonders that the Democrat Party has dumped on this country in the past year.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Just look at what these George Soros funded Marxist communist AG are doing in all the major Blue states right now ( letting hardened criminals out without penalty and basically encouraging them to break the law ) smash and grab? Armed robbery and there still walking free without punishment? These Marxist liberals have literally almost overweight destroyed our once proud and necessary police officers throughout our country. They literally hate our freedoms and our constitution and are hell bent on destroying everything.

2 years ago

We, stupidly, have elected stupid officials. LA elected a DA who says murder is ok. So LA just live with it. If you care, show up at the polls and vote properly. I’m sorry, you must wait for 200 illegals to vote before you. My bad . Dimwitted Portland voters elected a mayor who declared
that George Floyd rioters were ok to bash in store fronts and steal. No national guard wanted there. San Francisco has declared that if your need to steal something, steal it.
My question is not why are police quitting. No. My question is why is any cop remaining on the
force. I do question that persons judgement. Bottom line: get plenty of guns for your home.

2 years ago

Defund the police = buy more guns or leave the country.
Funny, the commies in this country want to eliminate the police so that we can become a dictatorship where everyone will be under the control of the regime. We all know that
murder and theft is dealt with in dire terms ( hanging ?) in Russia/Cuba/China. I think
that’s not a bad idea. Hummm…. Maybe they do have a better system.

2 years ago

My biggest problem as a resident in a small town in North Carolina is that now all of the northern
crime victims are choosing to leave their crime-ridden, over-taxed, and liberal run rotten states to
move to civility. We all worry that these US crime refugees will bring their utopia voting schemes
with them and try to convert our civilized part of the nation into the uncivilized portion that they
left. We don’t want their money or their twisted politics. Down here, government is recognized as the oppressor and an institution that creates no benefit for anyone. Come here only if you hate
govt or go to Florida.

2 years ago

It is so sad to see how a few loudmouth politicians and some anti law-and-order organizations can totally change the perception of this vital sector of our community. They made the good guys look like the bad guys!

I have often thanked police officers and other first responders for protecting our neighborhoods. If you’re so inclined, buy a few $10 gift cards and hand them out to cops, firefighters, and EMT (but not while they’re busy doing their jobs).

This country is fast approaching the saturation point for tolerating this nonsense. The pendulum will swing in the other direction once the idiots discover their favorite hangouts have been torched by thugs, their aunt’s jewelry store vandalized, or their own vehicles riddled with bullets. But it might actually require a change in leadership to instill the notion of what is right and what is wrong if people can’t figure that out for themselves.

2 years ago

This is no accident and a coordinated effort by the DA’s, AG’s, and the equity in crime narrative put forth by the radical left.
The political left is having a field day with this strategy and is working perfectly. Unless the narrative is flipped by the right with a hammer not by some soft rhetoric.

Holy Smokes
Holy Smokes
2 years ago

Gun violence? Last I checked, the violence with undocumented guns is carried by the actions of a living being. Fetus and baby violence? No one talks about that. Whom do blame for that?

2 years ago

Shazia: I need $200 per hour. Sorry

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Death Wish time, Vigilantes since Cops undermanned & underfunded. Right

2 years ago

Under Biden, only the IRS will be adding to their “enforcement” division as common every day American Citizens get targeted! . . . Fight the Communist Democrats takeover of our fine country.

2 years ago

Simple things we can do to help our police a little:
1. Thank them every time we see them
2. Pick up tab in restaurant
3. Most importantly, pray for protection for
them daily
They really need encouragement.

2 years ago


2 years ago


Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
2 years ago

State and Federal government agencies are hindering police to be able to do their job effectively. The foremost job of police officers is to protect and serve, but too many officers lose sight of those goals due to being put into very dangerous situations by government officials. Officers must be constantly aware that their actions against criminal elements are going to be challenged based on the ethnicity of the criminal along with anything else that so called social warrior types can think of accusing officers of as being wrong. Police have become targets not only for the criminal element, but also for social organizations. Add to these things the fact that our so-called justice systems most times fail to support police officers.
All of these things are being deliberately done in our justice system to cause state and local police officers to fail at being able to protect and serve their community. The goal of Progressives is to bring about so much violence and chaos that Socialist Democrats can claim to justify creating a national police force, much like Germany’s Gestapo led national police. States’ rights are a huge hinderance to Socialists. As state’s rights continue to dwindle, being overtaken by Federal agencies, the U.S. will lose its identity as a free nation. No social issue should be controlled by any federal agency.

2 years ago

We need to turn this country back around. We can do this. Vote these people out that are determined to destroy our country!

2 years ago

Obama started this war on local police years ago and now crazy leftist democrats have finished the job. They got what they wanted. That’s why I live in a red city in a red county in a red state. It seems leftists must like this defund crap as they keep electing defund politicians. So they either like it or have very low IQs.

2 years ago

The joebama administration and marxist democrats all out war on the police has placed millions of legal Citizens at risk.
We should immediately stop paying for private security for ALL politicians who are for defunding,reducing funding to those who serve and protect Citizens!
Another assault by failed swamp politicians for which they MUST be held accountable!
Wake up America ,it’s another example that you ,your families safety means nothing and democrats want violent criminals running in your neighborhood.
Ofcourse these sleazy hypocrites don’t want that in their communities!
ENOUGH of their crap!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

This is just another example of what the progressive socialist democrats are up to, Cause chaos and dissent within our law enforcement agencies throughout the country and thru almost a communist type propaganda scheme destroy our local and state law enforcement system. Then it’s time for a government implemented social justice system. Just look how well it’s working in Chicago, Portland, Detroit, New York. And soon enough it’ll be your neighborhood.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

I don’t believe 301 officers died FROM Covid last year.
Not just Covid alone deaths are being listed, so are illnesses If Covid is just “present”. From March of 2021, traffic and gunshot deaths have shown up in the Covid death statistics column across the nation. If you test positive for Covid and die in a traffic accident within 60 days, your death is counted as Covid related. If you fall down a flight of stairs, drink yourself to death, or get eaten by a python, and test positive, you’re listed as Covid related.

On the main topic of declining job applicants and losses of current officers – it’s a part of the plan to depress law enforcement officer’s feeling of accomplishing success in deterring crime. If criminals are not prosecuted or given light, if any sentences for their crimes, officers begin to feel they aren’t keeping the public safe, they keep running up against the same criminals time and again. Criminals are almost at the point of laughing off being arrested, in many cases knowing they will be back out on the street almost before being booked into jail. Anarchy is what the left is working to accomplish and when things get so bad, THEY will come forward offering to crack down hard on the problem if given the power to do so. That’s the way communist regimes come to power and the “crackdown” falls on everyone, not just the criminal element. We already see where Biden’s Attorney General wants to classify parents who take issue with their local school boards over curriculum as domestic terrorists. There are calls to lock up unvaxed people in detention centers. There ARE such camps now in Australia.

We need to return to sanity regarding how our police are allowed to do their job, without being afraid that they might be prosecuted for how they have to make judgements in dangerous situations One officer that was recently killed during a routine traffic stop should have had an accompanying officer with him, but the city had just discontinued the practice because of lack of personnel. The city is so dangerous a lone officer answering a call is at added risk.

Frances Jessup
Frances Jessup
2 years ago

I don’t understand this attack on policemen–except by liberals wanting a crime ridden country. Anyone who kills or even injures a policemen should be punished heavily. If they kill, then the death verdict should apply. We must support our police at all costs.

Steven H
Steven H
2 years ago

Our liberal leaders are partly to blame for this and should be held accountable. Remember Maxine Watters encouraging people to take to the streets if a certain officer was not convicted? How about rioters (BLM and Antifa, true domestic terrorists) being allowed to loot, burn and kill while the police were chastised for trying to stop them or prosecutors dismissing charges. Look at the knee-jerk legislation passed by many states that tie the hands of police. They are trying to make it impossible to police. Criminals are being released with little to no bond required. Liberals are making police out to be the criminals. All of this, combined with an overall lack of respect for life, has emboldened criminals to become more bold and violent.

I agree that some reforms are needed but there has been no common-sense approach to what should be done. I believe many police administrators fear voicing their opinions for fear of losing their jobs and that politicians want “yes-men/women”. Legislatures have made laws that require more training for law enforcement without any consideration of where that funding will come from. Some have made laws that require body cameras be worn by every officer. Again, this is done with little to no consideration as to how to pay for them. Cameras are expensive and most smaller departments can’t afford them. So, what do these departments sacrifice to meet these training and equipment demands? There isn’t more money out there so it will have to come from somewhere else in budgets.

2 years ago

Mathew 24:12

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
2 years ago

Agree. Obama started the disrespect of police officers on a national level. Shameful.

2 years ago

Let’s not sugar coat anything: the democrats are destroying too much of our country. When they are through what will be left? They are woke liberal people who virtue single at every chance. They don’t fix anything!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Perfectly said I agree 100 percent this needs to be shared

Rusty Rat
Rusty Rat
2 years ago

All the police killings are for a reason. President “O” started this police killing idea long ago. The goal is to eliminate local police departments and install a national police authority. It would be an army style police force with far more powers to enforce the will of our bureaucrats in DC. I could be mistaken. But, this has the odor.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Toughen up folk and learn how to defend yourselves, buy yourself a gun, if you have never fired a gun, get some training, and learn and practice, practice, practice. Remember, your gun is seconds away, a Police Officer, depending on traffic might get there in 10 minutes.
Your cell phone will be handy for calling the Police and someone to clean things up.
God Help Us!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Marxist/Communist goals are about destroying Our Constitution, Our Bill of Rights, and literally all of the traditional values of this country. What a shocker to wake up to a country in such disarray! Crime up in California right about 800%! Businesses in San Francisco and Los Angeles being boarded up! Gangs as many as 80 thieves in the DAYTIME raiding stores. The Los Angeles Police has warned the public; that its not a good idea to take a vacation in L.A. Communist influence was seen in the 1950’s & 1960’s. Jokes were made that this was all made up by people: “…they are looking for a communist under every bed”. Turns out we should have listened to: Skousen & Hoover. Most recent presidential campaign continued on the same vein. Democratic Party ‘thought’ that by demonizing the United States Police Force; it would almost guarantee a ticket to the White House. (They literally made a deal with the devil.) Pounding, Pounding, Pounding Putrid Propaganda against police. I left the democratic party; literally dumbfounded by a party that had obviously gone Marxist. (At first, I thought that it was a temporary setup just to acquire the White House.) WRONG! The democrats had been moving closer and closer to Communist/Marxism since the 1950’s/1960’s. Americans watched in horror as statues of Presidents Washington & Jefferson were being removed all across this nation! This includes Oregon & New York! As the little Marxists stated that they were only after the removal of Civil War statues! Liars, Connivers, Scumbags! When one is a history student; this is really appalling behavior. When one is an historical artist; it is absolutely devastating. But, & however, this type of mentality doesn’t have the IQ of Cow Manure! (We don’t want to insult cow manure as it has many useful purposes!) WE also watched as a nation how the Republican Candidate was clearly winning @ 0100 hours. Then, mysteriously, @ 0200 – approximately the Democratic Candidate was ‘winning’. Amazing! All this skullduggery was being played out like it was a banana republic. My Uncle who was one of the top Highway Patrolmen in the State of Idaho; would be aghast and depressed if he had to witness what has happened to this country! He gave talks on ethical police deportment. He was and is my HERO. President Washington and President Jefferson are my HEROES TOO!… The Police & Our Founding Fathers Deserve Respect & Consideration! May God Bless This Country!

2 years ago

My 19 year old grandson considered becoming a police officer, but after seeing how officers are being treated and the demand to defund the police, he is deciding on another career. He is a kind, caring young man who would have made a wonderful police officer. Another one of the good ones lost thanks to the demorats. And BTW, he already knows how to fire a gun thanks to his parents who both have concealed carry permits. He will have one, too, as soon as he is old enough.

2 years ago

This is a strategy by the deep state/Marxist to nationalize the Capitol Police, soon we will have few local police and more federal police. This has been in play since Clinton was in office, why do you think the budget went up to $2 Billion recently.

Joe Hackney
Joe Hackney
2 years ago

Had forty years of my life and families invested in Law Enforcement with all the ups and downs. Knowone can understand why someone would subject themselves to the redicule and humiliation that can be endured daily (on and off the job) trying to help our fellow man. My heart goes out to the men and women who are attempting to carry on during these unGodly times.

2 years ago

This is exactly what the commie left wanted to do when BLM started the “Defund the Police” campaign!
Bastards that they are!

2 years ago

We need to move away from govt enforcers aka police and get back to constitutional sheriff’s elected and accountable to the people at a county level. Read up on the most powerful elected official we have in the country is our county sheriff in that county. Yes he can remove the local, state, and federal authorities if need be. How nice it would be to bring our law enforcement back home and in our control, not govt control.

2 years ago

Where is Charles Bronson when you need him? The death of these police officers will only result in people taking the situation into their own hands, which may result in their own death, and not the bad person. We can no longer say “the bad guy”, as it has become more and more “the bad females” too. We should ALL Support and Back the Blue, they are here to protect and assist each of us. God Bless America, Make America Great!

2 years ago

This is what Democrats want…to have current officers quit or retire..or be eliminated so the Feds can take over. Immunity is a large part of the problem..even if MORE $$$ are thrown at the Dept. Why arrest criminals when they are NOT prosecuted or NO bail is set?

2 years ago

No surprises there. Yes – it was the intended / hoped for outcome by the leftists but, when literally no one stepped up to defend them, they began to wonder why they should bear the burden, in it’s entirety, for a nation and people that had no interest in defending them. The job was tough enough when just worrying about the criminals. Even the supposed conservatives would begin most discussions with “well, sure we need reform but,….” Nothing in statistics or reality indicated that the police were in need of reform but all politicians and most average citizens were not willing to risk anything as small as public scorn to speak out for those who were risking their lives daily. Now we have the last organized line of defense against tyranny dwindling. 90+% of actual street level officers (not necessarily chiefs or administrators) are very conservative and pro- Second Amendment. They needed to be discredited and disempowered. In essence they needed to be removed from being in the way. In absence of any fact, the propaganda worked and we now get what we deserve.

Gregory Russell
Gregory Russell
2 years ago

Look, I dont know anyone who doesnt agree that there are instances in which some police have crossed the line and committed criminal acts. Furthermore, I dont personally know anyone who disagrees that these rogue officers need dealt with swiftly and harshly. But heres the rub; I disagree with the media and the left on exactly what constitutes inappropriate force from law enforcement. Its easy for those with an agenda to become "Monday morning quarterbacks", and critique what law enforcement officers have to face and made a decision on is an instant. Especially when their aim is to discredit, demonize, and "defund" police. I firmly believe that the vast majority of law enforcement are reasoned professionals that do their very best to deal with an extremely difficult job. Its unconscionable that there are those who seek to make their jobs even more difficult, and in turn, turn the public against those who although are fallible, seek to protect and serve us.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

We need more Police Officers,not fewer.We also need the criminals punished and severly.This get out of jail free is liberal”BULL EXHAUST”.You do the crime,you do the time,PERIOD.No parole.

Charlene Troutman
Charlene Troutman
2 years ago

So sad.

2 years ago

The Democrat governors and mayors who remained silent and who condemn police (and those who support them) as well as the leftist media, have blood on their hands

2 years ago

This is all part of “The Great Reset” as proposed by a man named Schwab and the WEF.

2 years ago

God bless our law enforcement. They are underpaid and under respected for doing a job that is vital in a civil country. We cannot have a safe environment without law enforcement .

2 years ago

The words missing are Crime and Punishment. Nothing new. Government at all levels, Legislatures that enact catch and release and no bail laws, the media, police agencies and the ignorant electorate are all to blame. When the Bough Breaks….

2 years ago

The words missing are Crime and Punishment. Nothing new. Government at all levels, Legislatures that enact catch and release and no bail laws, the media, police agencies and the ignorant electorate are all to blame. When the Bough Breaks….

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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