
National Security , Newsline

Media Shamelessly Covers for Kamala Harris on Border Failures

Posted on Friday, July 26, 2024
by Outside Contributor

As a new Gallup poll shows public confidence in media at a record low, the shameless effort to rehabilitate sudden presidential candidate Kamala Harris shows why.  

Just one month ago, the media-industrial complex attempted to convince Americans that accumulating – and undoctored – video clips of Joe Biden showing obvious mental and physical decline were somehow “cheap fakes.” Conspicuously, those leveling that claim never offered contradictory video correcting the record, thereby betraying their dishonesty.  

After Biden’s June 27 debate debacle, however, their “cheap fake” strategy became too preposterous even for them.  

Apparently unchastened by that debacle, the media quickly undertook an equally shameless attempt to rehabilitate Kamala Harris this week as she became the Democrats’ nominee. Specifically, they’re now working furiously to conceal her central role in an immigration crisis at our southern bordered that has festered throughout the Biden presidency.  

In March 2021, just two months into his administration, Biden tasked Harris with leading the effort to stem that emerging crisis. The same leftist media that now seeks to minimize her role made no such attempt in the aftermath of the announcement. CBS News ran the headline “Harris to Lead Administration’s Efforts to Stem Migration at Border.” Politico announced “Biden Makes Harris the Point Person on Immigration Issues Amid Border Surge.”  

Overseas news organizations were no different, with the BBC running the headline “Biden Tasks Harris with Tackling Migrant Influx on US-Mexico Border.”  

By June of 2021, Harris’s mismanagement of the job got so bad that it led to one of her most cringeworthy video debacles ever in a sit-down interview with NBC’s Lester Holt:  

Holt:  Do you have any plans to visit the border?  

Harris: I, at some point, you know, it…  We are going to the border…  We’ve been to the border…  So, this whole…  This whole…  This whole thing about the border…  We’ve been to the border…  We’ve been to the border…  

Holt:  You haven’t been to the border.  

Harris:  I…  And I haven’t been to Europe. And, I mean, I don’t, I don’t understand the point you’re making.  I’m not discounting the importance of the border.  

Here’s where it gets particularly interesting.  

On April 14, 2021, Axios reporter Shawna Chen used the term “border czar” to describe Harris’s role in her “diplomatic effort to address surging migration at the US-Mexico border.” But now, Axios is busy retroactively scrubbing three-year-old articles with the following note now that the term has become politically inconvenient: “Editors note: This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ in 2021.”  

Other legacy media sources like TimeCNN and innumerable others are suddenly taking the same action.  

To counter that whitewashing campaign, Newsbusters has assembled a brilliant one-minute video recalling multiple times that reporters from those same media groups used the term “border czar,” then contrasting their new position that it’s simply some false label affixed by Republicans.  

Whether one uses the shorthand term “czar” or any other term, however, media organizations once showed no hesitation in characterizing her authority in grand terms. Had she performed her duties in a remotely competent manner, they would not hesitate in characterizing her role in the same way today.  Only because the border crisis is now a political liability has the media scrambled to conceal her record.  

Moreover, even if Harris’s role was limited to addressing “root causes” of the border crisis, how well has that worked out, given the record numbers that have illegally crossed the border during the Biden/Harris administration?  

All of this helps explain why public trust in media stands at an all-time low, according to Gallup’s latest annual poll on Americans’ trust in various U.S. institutions. In contrast, small business, the military and police score above 50% in respondents saying that they possess a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in them. Far down the list, television scores only 12% expressing such confidence, while newspapers perform only slightly better at 18%.  

Between now and November Americans will hear endless discussion of various candidates’ popularity and unpopularity from mainstream media. We’d all be better off if those media voices engaged in more self-examination regarding their own abysmal ratings, and perhaps engage in some course-correction that would benefit us all.

Reprinted with permission from CFIF by Timothy H. Lee.

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Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

Someone should tell Kamala Harris that the “root causes” of the border crisis are the failed policies of this administration combined with their glaring failure to enforce the laws on the books.

7 months ago

The MSM is in full on whitewash mode to try and re-invest Harris as some sort of brilliant politician with great ideas. Standard PR practice for the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. By election day, the MSM will have half the country believing Kamala is their magic savior, instead of the empty suit diversity hire she actually is.

7 months ago

The ONLY “Cheap Fake” is EVERY DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADER in today’s America! What I don’t understand is why Republicans don’t challenge and call them out as such? I don’t even recognize today’s America anymore! I’m beginning to be thankful that my existence is limited and now am thankful that I don’t have any children or grandchildren to worry about.

7 months ago

The border is the only issue in this campaign. No other issue matters. This is a single issue election. How did 20 million illegals get here ? Biden and Kamala should be jailed. not defeated in Nov. Jailed. They have committed treason ALL of the media for months has stated that this travesty was Kamala’s responsibility. The media’s current attempt to hide her from it is laughable. But what should we expect. They spent 2 1/2 years and sent CNN into oblivion on Russia Collusion. Fortunately we have to hear their “Kamala is GOD” message only 4 months

7 months ago

I thought that just maybe after “Russiagate”, two failed impeachments, the Supreme Court threw out the attempts to keep Trump off the ballot, they ruled in his favor on Presidential immunity and virtually all the “lawfare” against him has failed that the media might stop the endless obfuscation and outright lying. But it just continues to get worse and worse. It’s in print and on video for God’s sake of even liberal outlets like Axios calling Kamala the “border Czar”.
Now they are even trying to scrub and rewrite her history and record to make her appear more “moderate”, even though she is a far left marxist Demoncrat to the left of even Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.
Our media is no different than what Pravda is in Russia. And they obviously just want to install another puppet to continue Obama’s “fourth ” term and his march to the marxist “transformation”/destruction of America.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

I’m sure the media is back to their “cheap fake” narrative again if you mention the fact Joe is still a walking vegetable and not only can’t run but shouldn’t be. Lies upon lies… thats what “saving democracy” is!

7 months ago

Why is any of this surprising to anyone? Kamala is a failure just like Joe and the Marxist democrat party. Cackling Kamala won’t last long. Just watch the three ring circus called the D.N.C. The democrat party will cease to exist in their present form in the not too distant future.

7 months ago

It seems to me that Kamala Harris did exactly as told and allowed millions of people to cross our borders. To present her as stupidly not doing her job it is precisely the opposite. She did her job very well. Think about it and it becomes obvious right under our nose. Excellent in her purposeful destruction of western civilization and the USA.

Dave C.
Dave C.
7 months ago

You can’t change the past history. From this point forward , she should be known as the Failed Border Czar . Pound the title into all future discussions concerning the individual who is the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. For the past 3 plus years she has been in charge of the southern border , and she failed miserably. She has allowed over 10 million illegal aliens into our county. She has absolutely no business running our country. She is an absolute national disgrace. The United States of America is in grave danger, due to her failure and incompetence. A major campaign ad needs to be run on every fake news channel. May wish to hold off until after the democratic convention ; unless you was want her replaced as the Democratic nominee. She earned the title ; let’s make sure she owns it !

7 months ago

The only thing moderate about BoCzar Harris is her intellect.

7 months ago

Kamala Harris, has a New Name, Commie Harris

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