
National Security , Newsline

Looking Around Corners – Farmers and Inflation

Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Colin Powell used to counsel preparation, foresight, and realism. A catchphrase was “look around corners.”  We are awash in foreign policy, screeching around corners – but need to watch the home front, too. Beyond creeping socialism, we have a haywire economy, COVID, but also wild inflation.

You may have heard that we hit a 40-year high last month for inflation, now clocking it at 7.5 percent annually. In other words, last year’s hard-earned dollar only buys 92.5 cents’ worth of goods now. Give it another three years, and it will buy just three-quarters of what a “Trump dollar” bought.

The biggest surprise, however, maybe what comes around unexpected corners. In general, we know government overspending and an official, deliberate end to American energy independence has triggered a general rise in inflation, likely to trigger higher interest rates and higher fuel costs.

But there is more unseen inflation than commonly understood. Take a basic product – one tied to elevated oil and gas costs, driven by Biden’s renewable energy preoccupation – and look what you get.

American farmers grow the food we eat, American truckers bring it to market, and both are suffering higher fuel costs, as well as likely higher borrowing costs from interest rates raised to battle inflation.

But this is not the primary driver of higher food costs – which we have all seen and will see more of in coming months and years. What is the prime driver? Biden’s higher energy costs affect virtually every input an American farmer uses – and thus almost every agricultural product that comes to market – and thus, your food bill.

Example:  Fertilizers – the primary commercial forms that make farming efficient – are up to six times as expensive as a year ago. Why? COVID? Labor shortages? Supply chain slowdowns? Perhaps marginally, but the real cost driver is Biden’s energy policy, rocketing price pressure on fossil fuels. Many preferred fertilizers are made, in part, from fossil fuels. See, e.g., HIGH COST, SHORT SUPPLY OF FERTILIZER TO ALTER 2022 PLANTING; Fertilizer Price Index Jumps Most Since September.

Biden’s answer? Silence. If a farmer must farm less efficiently, or necessarily reliant on higher fertilizer costs, several things happen. First, fewer agricultural goods come to market. Second, less fertilizer is available. Third, the farmer must pass higher costs to consumers. Fourth, farmers – who cannot afford to buy or borrow at higher prices and rates – go out of business. See, e.g., Rising price of fertilizer is forcing NC farmers out of the business.

Other inputs are of concern. Fossil fuel-dependent herbicides and pesticides are exploding in cost, creating added pressure on American farmers, in turn affecting American consumers. See, e.g., U.S. farm income expected to fall as costs for fertilizer, other production expenses climb sharply.

All this affects you and me, common consumers – on everything from vegetable to poultry and meat costs, corn syrup and sugar to wheat, milk, and eggs. Now, add to that other elevated cost inputs. Farmers pay more for equipment, as farm vehicles become more costly – and unavailable. Labor costs climb as American labor participation falls with mass government giveaways, benefits, higher taxes.

Regulatory costs keep climbing, as government leans on farmers with restrictions Penalties tied to COVID – although declared invalid by the Supreme Court – did not initially help. See, e.g., Agriculture and Regulatory ReformSupreme Court halts COVID-19 vaccine rule for businesses.

So, what does all this mean? Several things clearly. First, when the federal government first errs in a major policy – whether overspending, creating a dependent class, or summarily ending US energy independence – effects are predictably direct and indirect.

Near term, fresh federal money makes people feel better, but at what cost? Their earning power, value of wages, savings, and future earnings fall. Inflation rises, interests follow, standards of living decline.

Talking up solar, wind, and renewables are politically comforting for some, but that policy should never have supplanted – sought to replace overnight – a major part of the US economy, our energy sector. 

Our lives depend on fossil fuels, at the pump, in-home heating, even food production. Ending energy independence threw us all to foreign energy wolves. The inflation that comes now – blame for it – is at Biden’s door, and those who supported him in this folly.

Unfortunately, until we can get leaders back who respect the common consumer, basic economics, and the life and times of American farmers, we are stuck with what we have. That said, as we all “look around corners,” the scatter-effect of Biden’s bad economics and planning is already triggering a national rethink about policy – and who we want making it.

Sometimes, one issue can indicate many. In this case, what is happening to American farmers, and the basic price of food, comes from short-term, ill-advised, dependence-creating, often partisan policymaking. Americans are learning the future is long – best navigated by “looking around corners.” We will have a few of those corners in 2022, more after that. If we dare to learn, life will get better.

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Elizabeth Elliott
Elizabeth Elliott
3 years ago

It is so sad, especially when Trump was doing many good things for this country and its citizens.Now, look at the mess we are in and this country is in. Like this article says, plus there are almost 2 million illegals immigrants walking around our country. Biden flying them all around the country. Biden flew in illegals immigrants into Westchester, NY right in the border of Connecticut. Now we must be vigilante when we go out and it home, because we have no idea of they are violent or are infected with Covid, which we know they are because we call know that they have not even been tested, let alone been vaccinated, while Biden is pushing American citizens to get vaccinated.Can we get through the next 3 years with Biden and Harris? I just prayed that we get both the Senate and House in the 2022 midterms election. We need to get rid of the Democrats and make sure that this election is straight forward and Biden doesn’t try anything to keep the Democrats in office.Please make sure you contact every politician, whether on your state or not and let them know the terrible job they are doing.Please pray for our country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

No farmers= No foods

3 years ago

Well RBC, this is what happens when you have an entire administration that has no fundamental understanding or appreciation of either real-world economics, they believe in nonsense like MMT, or how businesses operate. Couple that with the general view of the committed Socialists that make up a very high percentage of the high-level positions within this administration, that all private sector business needs to be either completely regulated into the ground or simply outright controlled by the government “for the public good” and you get exactly what we are seeing today. When Biden opted to crush the American fossil energy industry on Day One, he set in motion a series of very predictable set of events. We’re just starting to see some of the more obvious results so far. More is on the way.

I expect that we’ll see a dramatic rise of small farmers simply being forced to sell their farms in the next few years, as they find themselves unable to afford all the higher costs being rammed down their throats from all directions. That will of course mean large corporate agriculture operations and China will be the real beneficiaries going forward. Buying up farmland at fire sale prices and then being able to sell whatever they grow on the land at inflated prices as there will be less competition to hold domestic food prices in check. The American public will of course ultimately pay more for food, as our we become more like the Europeans in terms of costs.

Not sure what you think will happen in 2022 though, even if the Republicans retake both chambers of Congress in relation to being able to reverse the damage Biden has already done to our energy sector. Congress can’t reverse Presidential Executive Orders, reverse the Energy and EPA agency regulatory changes or force banks to open up lines of credit to American oil and natural companies after they’ve been cut off by “suggestions” from regulators of this administration. Those are all Executive Branch functions. The only way to reverse the damage already inflicted on our fossil fuel industry is to change out the POTUS and his entire administration and that option doesn’t exist until 2024.

3 years ago

Unfortunately, farmers aren’t the ones determining the prices. They receive what the going price is for milk, corn, soy beans, etc. The market determines the price the farmers receive. When fertilizer, fuel, and land cost the farmer more, they’re losing income because they can’t pass that increase along to the consumers.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
3 years ago

All this is planned to destroy our country. Democrats do not love our country they hate it. And by eliminating anyone that actually works for a living and accomplishes anything we are destroying the U S . The Democrats embolden criminals like BLM, Antifa. Looters and rapists and want to vilify people who try to stop the criminals. With a supporting cast of idiotic media helping them. It’s time to take this country back. On other forums you hear a lot about civil war I believe this will happen. And if you have gone to school 40 years ago or more where they actually taught history you will know in a civil war first you go after the politicians that are promoting this idiocy and then you go after the stupid people voting for this ( Democrats ). If you don’t like me saying Democrats are stupid. Look at the polls that say Biden has a 40% approval rating. So 40% people think a dishonest r**d with Alzheimer’s that shits his pants should be leading this country? That 40% are brain dead Democrats!

3 years ago

“But there is more unseen inflation than commonly understood”. how out of touch a starting point can you begin from? “unseen because this clown obviously has never understood the numbers on a gas pump or anything about economics. well, it’s a revelation to him and all the other 1%ers. unbelievable. and people wonder why the country is falling apart.

3 years ago

What you missed is the question, why is Bill gates buying up farmland by the 100’s of acres? I read he is one of the, if not the, largest farm land owner in the Country. If that is true, that is frightening unless your faith is in Christ. God is in control. His plan is perfect. This is not our home. Look up for your redemption draws near.

3 years ago

Stop China from Buying up America’s farmlands. China is at war with America, America needs to wake up.

jake the snake
jake the snake
3 years ago

Thanks for the disasters voter fraud liberals, progressives, democrats. We really love all the screw up you morons cheated to get up.

3 years ago

The author knows very little about farming. Fertilizer is an “input” for farm production. The price of nearly all farm “inputs”; seed, rent, machinery, fertilizer, etc have risen because farmers are receiving record prices for their grains ($6.70 corn, $15.60 soybeans) Input suppliers increase prices to get their share of farmers’ income…..It’s Greed, not politics

3 years ago

We are ALL suffering because of the the garbage who runs (so-called) the White House. We have to get rid of those commies in 2022. Get out there and VOTE! Let’s go Brandon!

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. If he runs again, he has my vote in 2024. Shame on everyone who voted for Biden! They deserve what they got. Unfortunately, those of us with sense must suffer too. We can only hope and pray to Almighty God that many will come back to their senses and vote against this idiocy. We will see.

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U.S. President Donald Trump greets Vice President JD Vance (R) and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) as he arrives to deliver his address to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol on March 04, 2025 in Washington, DC. President Trump is speaking about the early achievements of his presidency and his upcoming legislative agenda.

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