
National Security , Newsline

It’s not Just Hamas: The Left’s Shameful History of Glorifying Murderous Tyrants

Posted on Friday, October 13, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
amidst Hamas attacks, American flag next to Israeli flag

In the wake of savage attacks by Hamas on Israel that have killed over 1,200 people — including 27 Americans — and the Hamas seizure of about 150 hostages (a number of which are also believed to be Americans), some on the left are shockingly blaming Israel for sparking the terrorism because of its treatment of so-called Palestinians.

The unhinged leftist criticism of the world’s only Jewish state and the claim that Hamas terrorism is an understandable response to Israeli actions is part of a long and shameful tradition on the American left of glorifying and romanticizing murderous tyrants and their followers.

Over the years, leftists have showered praise on communist leaders Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong of China, Fidel Castro of Cuba and Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam. The left glorified fanatical Islamist Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran in the run-up to his overthrow of the U.S.-allied shah of Iran in 1979.

In our own country, leftists praised groups of thugs like the Weather Underground and Black Panthers years ago, and Antifa and Black Lives Matters more recently.

Today we see democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont— and Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — among those blasting Israel for defending itself by attacking the Hamas terrorists who rule the Gaza Strip.

Hamas has used Gaza as a launching pad for rockets and terrorist raids against Israeli civilians since Saturday, intensifying earlier rounds of attacks. Terrorists in the group have murdered Israeli babies and people of all ages, raped women and girls, and kidnapped victims including children and Holocaust survivors.

Israel couldn’t avoid responding to these attacks, any more than America could have failed to respond to the Sept. 11 attacks or the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor that plunged our country into World War II.

Reacting to Israel’s cutoff of food, water and electricity to Gaza while Hamas rockets rain down on Israeli towns and cities, Sanders said: “Israel’s blanket denial of food, water, and other necessities to Gaza is a serious violation of international law and will do nothing but harm innocent civilians.”

Make no mistake: Hamas is solely responsible for the harm that comes to innocent civilians. In fact, they literally design their terror to harm their own people expecting leftist sympathizers to blame Israel. Hamas created a dystopian hellscape committed only to genocide and mass murder when elected to be in charge of the Gaza Strip. But Israel is required to provide these things to a monstrous enemy whose stated goal is the extermination of the Jewish people? Yeah, no.

Tlaib called on Israel to take a series of actions to help Palestinians and demanded an end to all U.S. aid to Israel. Omar said that “we must oppose an Israeli military response.” Even the Chicago chapter of Black Lives Matter joined in the Israel bashing, posting a graphic on X (formerly Twitter) of a Palestinian terrorist on a paraglider like those used by terrorists who attacked an Israeli music festival Saturday, killing at least 260 people. The caption on the graphic read: “I STAND WITH PALESTINE.” The group deleted the post after it sparked criticism. 

Let’s get a few things straight to respond to the above claims.

Israel goes to incredible lengths to avoid harming civilians in Gaza while Hamas has no interest in preserving lives, while specifically targeting civilians for torture and murder. Hamas uses their own people as human shields, firing rockets and storing munitions in mosques, schools, hospitals and apartment buildings. Israel targets only terrorists, but some Gaza civilian casualties are sadly inevitable in large part because Hamas arranges it to be so.

Israel uses multiple means to warn the people of Gaza before airstrikes, encouraging them to flee prior to the mission. But Hamas has told people to stay in their homes and to ignore the Israeli warnings. BBC is reporting as Israel warns of strikes Hamas leaders hide in tunnels while they put civilians on top of buildings.

While the suffering of civilians in Gaza is tragic, it has been brought on by Hamas, which started the war now underway. Any food and fuel entering Gaza will inevitably go to Hamas terrorists first, prolonging the war, death, suffering. Israel has made it clear there will be no water or electricity until all the hostages Hamas is holding are released.

There is no Israeli occupation of Gaza. Israeli troops and settlers withdrew in 2005 and offered assistance to Palestinians to create a prosperous self-governing territory living in peace alongside Israel. But Hamas took power in Gaza after 2006 elections and turned Gaza into a terrorist base with the goal of wiping Israel off the map, repeatedly waging wars against Israel while receiving billions of dollars in international aid.

All this terror and chaos is reminding people that former President Donald Trump was the best friend Israel ever had in the White House. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital despite Arab protests and recognized Israel’s annexation of the strategic Golan Heights that it captured from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War. Trump cut off over $200 million in annual U.S. aid to the so-called Palestinians when the Palestinian Authority (a rival of Hamas) refused to participate in peace talks with Israel.

Trump also brokered the Abraham Accords that led to the normalization of diplomatic relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. He was determined to further expand Israeli relations with its neighbors if he had stayed in office. The accords undermined Islamist terrorist efforts to isolate Israel. 

In contrast, President Joe Biden resumed U.S. aid to Gaza and upped it to at least $235 million year. Biden tried unsuccessfully to revive a nuclear deal with Iran (which funds and supports Hamas terrorism) and inexplicably agreed to give Iran access to $6 billion in return for the release of five imprisoned Americans.

After an uproar by Republicans and others following the Hamas attack on Israel, Biden reversed course Thursday and blocked Iranian access to the funds, according to reports, which remain in a Qatar bank. Yet, Hamas terrorist group leaders have lived in luxurious peace and safety in Qatar for years, as they unleash inhuman massacres against Israel using their own people as cannon fodder.

All of this is a stark reminder that the president of the United States matters and that world peace is only possible with strong and determined American leadership. Horribly for us and the world, the US has neither.

Right now, with Israel at war, feuding political parties there have united to defend their country. We must do the same in America. Hamas has killed more Jews in one day than at any time since the Holocaust. Just as an earlier generation of Americans stood with Jews against Adolf Hitler, we must now stand with the Jewish state against the terrorist savages of Hamas.

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1 year ago

Excellent article, Tammy. If DJT returns to the Oval Office as president he had better come equipped with an experienced disaster cleanup team, cuz there’s a whole lot of toxic waste to clean up.

1 year ago

It doesn’t seem to matter what atrocities Hamas does the university students are against Israel. Their professors have indoctrinated them well.
Hanas sees every Israeli as an Infidel that needs to be killed and in the most gruesome ways they can think off and any age. And still the students March for Hamas. WHY? Never heard about the Holocaust? Never seen a witness story. Most youngsters cannot tell you where the war was held, who Hitler was only the word Nazi they have heard from their mentors and is used where they think it belongs. Only they don’t even know what Nazi means.
Never have they experienced a war in their backyard and don’t know what fear is, that at any moment you could be shot dead or blown up by a missile strike. Would they then be willing to fight these people or would they gather in the village square and support them? Maybe when they lose their freedom they might wake up. Just thinking out loud.

Lois BB
Lois BB
1 year ago

Progressives seem to believe truth is relative, not absolute!
No distinction between good and evil. SAD

1 year ago




WE’RE ‘WEAK!!!!!


1 year ago

Well done. The real shame is that this type of article shouldn’t need to be written. The facts are so obvious regarding this attack that no one should be defending or backing Hamas. Whatever claims have been made by Palestinians or Jews in the past, or concerning Jews removing Palestinians and relocating their own people in certain territories, whether true or not, do not justify attacking civilians, killing children, raping women and murdering people at a music concert. It’s just common sense, but then again we have obvious racists that have not been born in America, serving as elected officials in Washington DC. There’s no common sense in allowing “foreigners” to hold office in their new country, not in a position like congress, especially when they bring their hate and backward opinions from wherever they came from. That’s not mentioning how one of them (supposedly) married her brother (on paper) and has lied in official statements. But hey, it only shows that America lost its common sense beginning with the assassination of JFK and the installation of LBJ. That’s when things really started turning backwards in America and it’s continued ever since. Obama is in his third term and with no accountability, and a man that will be in diapers within a year of leaving the White House, the deranged running of America is what we are seeing. Obama is a Muslim, he hates America and he forgets that he is half white. The media conveniently forgets that fact too.

1 year ago

Here is something that we all need to think and worry about, and it’s been going on right under our noses for the last 2 years, and one day it will explode, and America will make the Middle East look like small stuff and it’s coming to a city near you.
Joe Biden and hid enablers for 2 years have allowed Illegal entry into America, by people from all over the World, this 7 million plus illegals are not all from South America, a good portion of them are from China, the Middle East, Africa, and they are not your freedom seeking, looking for a better life, they are terrorist, and one day they will rise up all across this country and you can’t stop them, and thousands of us will die, and Biden and his criminal bunch don’t care one little bit because he has been paid to turn a blind eye.
The other thing we all need to think about is the lefts desire to stay in power, and they have a readymade army in those 7 million all they need to do is arm them and they will be the left’s Gestapo.
The Democrats has worked for years trying to disarm America, for no other purpose than to gain absolute control.
I don’t know about you but I for one whenever I find someone who is anti-2nd Amendment, I shun them I refuse to be a friend or do business with them, if possible. Each of us need to stockpile a good supply of Food, Water and enough Guns and Ammunition for at least 6 months if not longer, remember you can’t have top much Ammunition, because any excess can be traded for other needed items, Clothing, more Food, Medicine, Fuel.
Be prepared to fight, I am afraid it’s coming.
God Bless America, Long Live Freedom!

1 year ago

It makes me sick to know that leftists see the beheading of babies as justified. How vile are the protests in the United States in support of Hamas who has no regard for the sanctity of human life. Shame on those squad members in congress who support the vile vermin who murder at will. They should be sanctioned and removed from office. They are the lowest of persons – I would call them human but they don’t qualify.

1 year ago

Just Imagine, the Palestinians MUST BE Shaking in Their Boots that STUPID HAMAS has angered the Jews to Respond to their violence and aggression. They NEVER LEARN, this Hamas, Israel WILL RESPOND with OVERWHELMING FORCE but then again, “If Wishes were Horses, THESE Beggars would Ride!”


1 year ago

The Bidens administration policies are a threat to every American citizen in this country. After the horrific attacks in Israel this country now has to worry if any of those sub humans came to or plan to come into this country. Biden and his administration are a disgrace to every American living here. What ever good Donald Trump did to this country to improve it Joe Biden did the total opposite to help destroy it. How come this country’s adversaries are paying him and his family millions of dollars. COMPROMISED PRESIDENT.

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
1 year ago

Great article Tammy! I would love to see some mean tweets right about now (Rosie McDonalds, for instance) instead of facing WW-3 like we appear to be. I fear for my great grandsons.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Left thrives because it tells disgruntled what they want to hear It’s history is lie .deceit terror and murder Disgruntled refuse to see the facts

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Just more evidence showing how much the Left supports Terrorist. obama gave Terrorist $Billions in Cash to Terrorist Iran (Planes loaded with pallets of cash). Dictator Beijing biden just gave $6 Billion to Terrorist Iran and released the most dangerous Number One Weapons Dealer in the world. Now Terrorist Iran is less than 3 months away from having a Nuclear Weapon. Not to mention the $86 Billion in Weapons he gave to Terrorist Taliban and other Terrorist in Afghanistan getting 13 U.S. Marines killed when he SURRENDERED to Terrorist. And to top it off Iran made $68 Million selling Oil illegally to Communist China because Dictator Beijing biden relaxed sanctions and ignored enforcing sanctions.
Last but least, all the Terrorist Dictator Beijing biden has let in through his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion. How many Hundreds of Thousands of Terrorist are now in the United States just waiting to ATTACK because of his Open Borders?
These are all acts of Espionage and Treason and a MAJOR THREAT to the United States of America.
The Left is not only a MAJOR THREAT to National Security but all American LEGAL citizens which means your children and grandchildren too.
So yes. The Left is DANGEROUS and DEADLY to the American way of Life since we are on the very brink of WWIII thanks to Dictator Beijing biden and his party’s FAILED policies.
The Left is NOT for the USA.
So WAKE UP and don’t be fooled.

1 year ago

The Left in this country who glorify murderous tyrants and terrorists groups are mentally ill. These terrorist groups and tyrants have violated every code of human decency and honestly don’t deserve the air that we allow them to breathe. They are outraged and mourn likes of the George Floyds of this world yet are silent to the heinous acts of Hamas as they beheaded innocent babies and raped and killed innocent people. This points to a moral deficiency and lack of ethical standards in the radical left. This is obviously the result of any religious upbringing and years of indoctrination by our public education system and colleges.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

These are the children of 1960s radicals. These are the 911 Truthers. These are the ANTIFA. These are BLM. They are the sum product of so-called “higher education”. If NAZIS marched down the streets, they’d be chanting the same spew.

1 year ago

They are NOT interested in ANY PEACE!!!! They are ONLY interested in wiping out Israel AND then AMERICA!!

1 year ago

Excellent reminder that our lefties have ALWAYS sided with totalitarianism. Id throw in mussolini for good measure. Our ruling dems in the thirties swooned over il duce. If theres any good that can come from this barbarism, its that dem robots might for once see thru their programming. Of course, for the victims of this outrage thats small consolation.

1 year ago

No one can explain the lunatics on the left..born to be rebels..

1 year ago

Hamas and their thug buddies have no regard for human life. Israel has a right to exist in their home country without the constant fear of terrorist attacks. The only way for Israel to eliminate these threats is to wipe Hamas off the map. These champions for the savages need to leave the United States and join their friends and see how life is with them. I will gladly pay for plane tickets for Bernie Sanders, Talib and Omar for a one way trip to Syria.

1 year ago

So many of these terrorists and their supporters will be in shock, denial, fear and melting terror when they face a Holy and just God. Israel will be the Golden city in which all believers will live. The Jews, love them or hate them, are God’s chosen people…if those who initiated this blood bath think they have something to celebrate they’re in for a terrifying and painful surprise down the road.
Israel was a barren, lifeless desert and the Jews have made it bloom. Technology, medical science, inventions and more have come out of Jerusalem. The day will come when God’s people will live in Jerusalem, a true Golden City on a hill.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Traditionalist Patriot
Traditionalist Patriot
1 year ago

When the left shows you who they are, believe them.

1 year ago

I agree with you 100%, I cannot imagine who would ever support terrorist who butcher innocent families and babies.

1 year ago


1 year ago

The radical left bangers and HAMAS are both evil ???? entities they are being permitted to do their dirty work. WAKE UP Americans. Get WOKE get GUTS and take action against bad people who succeed in causing global problems/ disasters !!!!!

1 year ago

“We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when the love their children more than they hate us.” -Golda Meir

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

The socialists don’t even listen to themselves! They equate Trump to hitler but hitler was all about killing the Jewish people. So by their own logic they should love Trump! Really amazing just how stupid the socialists are!!

1 year ago

Good article! Israel went to great lengths to advise Palestinian civilians to flee to safety before they attacked Hamas. Hamas in turn told Palestinians to stay where they were, which is typical of Hamas. They’ve done this before, cowardly hiding behind women and children, schools and hospitals to protect themselves and then blaming Israel for a preventable loss of life after the fact.

1 year ago

Staying steadfast in our support for Israel is priority one. May God comfort and bless these precious people and their God given nation. Only Trump can undo the disastrous policies that lead to this. We need to inform Democrats that their party is not that of their parents and they must stop contributing to the problem and vote the only solution.

Lorna Nelson
Lorna Nelson
1 year ago

I’m not sure why anyone is surprised by the atrocities committed by Hamas. This seems to be standard procedure for radical Islamists, judging from attacks throughout history. But then, when we don’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it (said a man obviously much smarter than those “leading” us today). I just fear where we are currently being “led”.

Marta V Alvarez
Marta V Alvarez
1 year ago

There are so many contrdictory beheaviors on the part of this Administration that make it simply non reliable. As I listened to Blinken’s speech in Israel, I realized that the atrocities that Hamas comitted in one night have been comitted by the narco terrorists In Colombia, repeatedly, throughout the years. everyone of them, and worse sometimes. Nevertheless, Blinken anounced to the world in 2021 that the narco terrorist communist group FARC had been scratched off of the terrorist list. How so? We have these monsters in the same continent, and by the way, funneling narco money to Huzballah thru the enclave these terrorists have in Venezuela for the longest time. That was Alex Saab’s job . Remember? Venezuela, thanks to Chavez and now narco Maduro, has a close relationship with Iran. No government seems to mind we have them so close to us, never mind the ones that have crossed the border unchecked.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

How soon we forget how “the chickens have come home to roost”. Now it’s “death to Israel!” being chanted… in the United States! How ironic that the same whimpy, crying leftists who are so traumatized by conservative speakers coming on their college campus are traumatizing fellow Jewish students with their actual HATE SPEECH. While I believe in the Constitution, it’s just too bad the concept of “civility” isn’t part of the 1st Amendment. As far as the real threatening speech: give them the same sentences they gave to ppl tresspassing in the Capitol on J6!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

DIMMs will oppose some dictators who only want to control their own country– Batista, Somoza, Marcos– but will support dictators who want to spread out and take other countries -Castro, Ortega, Ayatollahs, Hamas.
And their US cohorts–antifa and BLM– are supported as well because, as Mark Levin correctly states, they HATE America!

1 year ago

Hamas must be ended. Killing innocents, babies beheaded, really. I had to start concealed carry again as this evil is here in the United States. Stop funding the leftists democrats. They want your guns and we will be as helpless to defend ourselves as the Israelis are.

1 year ago

As for Tliab and Omar, deport them and be quick about it.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

We did same for Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini,

Vincent McElroy
Vincent McElroy
1 year ago

All of the members of the so called squad should be arrested for treason.They are members of congress which means they took an oath to defend our country.
They are seditious and spreading vile lies against the U.S. and our allies.

Kevin S Baseballgames
Kevin S Baseballgames
1 year ago

I was a lifelong democrat but the party moved away from me and now I’m a Republican. Why?
I’m 100% pro life.
I support the second amendment.
Marriage should be between one man and one woman.
Taxes should be cut.
Government should be cut.
I am pro police and anti BLM and anti terrorist.
I am for Judeo – Christian values.
The Democrats are now wrong on everything.

1 year ago

How come Muslims flock to Western countries whom they hate instead of relocating to already established Islamic nations ? And while the Leftists have celebrated abortion up to the moment of birth now the Palistains have taken that a step further by murdering babies. Their real ‘gOdS,’ Malouch, Baal, Mirthridaties, and Osimadio, are pleased.

1 year ago

I often wonder if those on the left would be praising the terrorists if they or family members were victims that were treated with brutality, rape, or killed. But as the Bible says, “the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers…”

1 year ago

The Bible says that “Satan” will be loose for a time. That time began several years ago, when American Govt started supporting terrorists’ liberal groups. Not all Liberals in our Country or Gov’ .are against the USA but the majority Liberals in our Gov”t are. We keep electing them so we are responsible.  Khrushchev said “America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within.” For you who did not pay attention in History class, he was First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and stated this in a speech before the UN in Nov 1956. John F Kennedy said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. For those of you scholars who don’t know who Kennedy is…read a book.
Only the citizens, and yes I mean citizens, and those who are legally waiting to become citizens, need to stand up and say enough is enough. Don’t get your “facts from so called TV NEWS SHOWS. Do research on your own by looking all over the internet and watching legitimate news programs and make up your own mind. Stop letting the Hollywood dorks tell you what to think. That generation needs to get a life. If you can’t figure it out for yourself what is actually happening all over the world, watch the new on several channels or different Internet sources. Get the full story, not just sound bites or opinions from any News source.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Who was it that elected Hamas to rule Gaza? Who was it that willingly sent their sons to terrorist training camps? Who was it that danced in the streets screaming “Allahu Akbar!” after the 9/11 attacks? Who is it that loves it every time an Israeli is murdered on the street by a knife-wielding Palestinian? Who is it that fully supported the heinous recent attack on Israel? So, don’t hand me that crap about “innocent civilians” in Gaza, or the West Bank!

Alton Wolf
Alton Wolf
1 year ago

If rockets were being rained down on U.S. cities from either Canada or Mexico, would we retaliate? Absolutely, emphatically YES!!! It has always puzzled and perplexed this 85 year old man how it is possible for 3.5 million Israeli citizens to be a danger to 400 million Muslims surrounding their tiny nation. I’m a practicing Christian with a firm belief that Israel is the nation of Almighty God’s chosen people! They represent the “Remnant” and by the power of God will survive.

Roger Ott
Roger Ott
1 year ago

I stand with Israel and Donald Trump. God help everybody if the democrats steal another election!

1 year ago

Everyone wants to talk about the war that’s going on and not about Jesus and not about how powerful God is who has stopped wars God has had very powerful soldiers or leaders even messengers like Jesus to try and bring peace. Everyone wants to do a bunch of talking, reporting and not enough praying. No one can live in fear we must find faith in these times of darkness. Even the Mandela effect has had an effect from cern as scientists keep trying to play as God and play with time traveling particles. CERN was being started up to open up portals and do you know they have a logo it’s created as 666. Strange things have been happening at cern that have been reported. Even workers acting strange and that in itself is all being covered up . Meanwhile we have had people trying to transform themselves and mutilate themselves as in being transgender so we will not have any more generations of children. CERN has the goddess of destruction on the door step and this is related to revelations. The war going on now is related to the Bible it’s all repeated history and nations will be falling around Israel is what it has said in the Bible. Jesus also stated that a major earthquake would be coming and not a flood. I am very close to Jesus he gave me a vision of the world collapsing around me and telling me to take his hand and to come with him on a cloud as the world becomes renewed again. God has a wrath that wrath has been a long time coming. So stand together in prayer and in faith to be able to intervene so we have one more day to be able to enjoy our family, friends, neighbors, children and being able to pray for those who need saving and who need faith, remission, repentance, redemption, recovery, baptism and sanctified in Jesus name because without Jesus being the pathway those souls will fall I don’t want to live to see the people God loves falling into the earth when the earthquake comes. It will be giant splitting all Continents across the world and it will be a supernatural disaster ! All God wants is all the nations of all the people of all the lands to get along and be fair in his eyes we are all equal not one of us is better than the other we were all created from God himself and he gave us breath and life and can take it away and one day the devil will bow down in front of God and of Jesus and repent for everything bad he has done because the devil never had won ever and never will because Gods power created him there is no true power in the devil and his demons and the corruption of this world that has been going on . So everyone needs to just chill out and pray and maybe we all can work together as a team to throw the corruption out and I mean all the way out !

1 year ago


1 year ago

My father was deeply involved in the Cold War and everything he taught me and told me about has come true – The marxists have taken over our structural institutions!

1 year ago

We live in time when up is down, down is up. This is not just a human battle, it is also a spiritual one, where spiritual principles such as honor, honesty, civil discourse & the like have been cast aside. Progressive MSM fuels & fans the flames with propaganda & indoctrination. Youth (who brains are not fully formed til @age 25), do not often have the capability to discern truth from falsehoods. Organizations like Turning Point, Prager U & Liberty U have great challenges ahead. As a Messianic SageCon, I see dark forces at play. To quote the Family Policy Council: We must Pray. We must Vote. We must Stand. Israel must have our support & we must protect Americans in the fray.

1 year ago

The Terrorists live in the Twelfth Century despite this being 2023. That will never change no matter what happens. Saudi Arabia was close to normalizing relations with Israel which would further isolate Iran so Israel was attacked. Biden is known for leaving Americans in jeopardy but he gets a pass. Anyone who supports Hamas, Hezbollah or any of these barbarians should get the Twelfth Century solution. Cut off their tongues.

1 year ago

You people crack me up. You blame the left, you blame the right, you blame the professor, you blame the hamas, you blame Israel….. It s about time we look in the mirror. Our generation and our parents generation elected all the knuckle heads we have in DC, Who elected your state politicians and mayors to office. If this blog is representative of our nation, half of you do not even vote. Most of you have never contacted your leaders or attended a town hall or in any way involved yourself with the leadership of your town, state or nation. Yet you want to whine and complain about the way things turn out.
We have taken out the 10 commandments from our schools, prayer and Bible reading are barely allowed, and those who do, are scoffed at by the leadership of the school and nation. So the measuring stick of right and wrong in our society has been removed. Our schools have quit teaching history, and the little they do teach is not accurate. Yet we sit on our hands, while they tell our grandkids its normal for boys and girls to be confused about their identity, orientation, and sexual preferences. Gee and I thought school was there to teach you about reading writing and arithmetic. What could you possibly expect to happen. Its high time you stood up and let your voice be heard. How bad does it have to get ? If your living in fear of the future, pick up or look up a bible and Read 2 Peter 2-3 and Revelation… at least then you will know what to expect and it will not be a surprise.
I do not want to come across as harsh, but I am wondering with it will take, and how bad it will get, before we turn back to the God and values that this nation was founded on and flourished under.

1 year ago

Although I didn’t even read either the article or the comments section, I can predict what both state with over 90% accuracy. Sadly, Christian zionists are completely unified on the issue of israeli supremacy. Although AMAC is a generally solid organization, I’m only a member for reasons other than your fervent support of israeli supremacy and militant zionism. But it’s a waste of time to educate you on the real causes of Levant violence (hint: the root cause is israeli zionism and its attendant genocide, not Muslims). Tragically, it’s also a waste of time to teach you the horrific and even anti-Christian theology at the root of your radical zionism. Fanatical Christian support of the invented political state of contemporary israel is based on a modern and false perversion of Scripture.

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