
National Security , Newsline

Democrats Seek to Ensure Perpetual Rule in the U.S. and They May Have Found a Way to Do It

Posted on Thursday, February 3, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
illegal immigrant sanctuary deported murder

WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 3 – Democrats seem to think they are running out of voters. They’ve been sending out for more of them since Joe Biden became president, and the deliveries have been plentiful, on time, and on schedule. After all, our southern borders are rife with a whole new electorate of would-be left-leaning constituents. And they are very willing, for the most part, to trade their ballots for new homes north of the border, notwithstanding the fact that they are illegals. 

You may have thought that noncitizens could not vote in American elections. It is currently legal as long as it’s not a national or statewide vote. In fact, some 14 cities say it’s okay for noncitizens to vote in local elections, and some of them even allow illegal immigrants to vote. San Francisco is one of the first cities to allow noncitizens to cast ballots in local elections, including those living in town who are illegal. New York City recently announced that it will follow suit starting in 2023. 

San Francisco began letting foreigners vote in its city in 2018, and Cal Thomas expressed his doubts about it in one of his syndicated columns at the time. He wrote: “Who doubts this is the first step by the left and Democrats toward full voting rights in state and eventually in federal elections? The claim by lawyers will be that it is discriminatory to allow undocumented immigrants to vote in local and state elections and not for members of Congress and for the president. At bottom this is what the entire immigration debate is about.”

Thomas is right. First, there were noncitizens voting, then those who are in the country illegally get to vote. It is, indeed, a very slippery slope.

But there’s another sneaky way for Mr. Biden and his Democratic Party to create a road to permanent governance in America, and Thomas Homan, former acting director of ICE under President Donald Trump, revealed it at a meeting in Pennsylvania recently. Holman, who has served under six presidents, told that gathering that “President Biden is the first president in the history of this nation who came into office and intentionally unsecured the border.”

There was not a lot of coverage of that meeting in the mainstream media, but The Epoch Times reported on Homan’s remarks, including a warning that illegal immigration is not a border problem. He says it is a problem for all of America “because 97 percent of people who cross the southwest border don’t stay in Arizona and Texas—they go all throughout the country.”

And here’s the rub: the Census Bureau counts the total numbers of people in cities and states, whether they are citizens or noncitizens. The bigger the numbers, the more votes they get, and that, in turn, increases or decreases political power. For example, the headcount in 2020 saw Texas, Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon each gain votes in Congress and the Electoral College for the ensuing decade, according to the Bureau. And, as Homan put it, “Biden overturned Trump’s objection to counting illegal immigrants in the census. Millions of new people will be counted in the next census in sanctuary cities, which will result in more seats in the House for the Democrats, which leaves your electoral college in their perpetual power. There’s no other reason. … This is about political power in the future.”

In a separate interview with The Epoch Times, Congressman Tom Tiffany [R-WI] said that President Biden adopted a “catch and release” protocol when it comes to illegal immigrants entering the U.S. at our southern borders. “Under ‘catch and release,’ people are just able to come into the country, and then they can go wherever they want to.” The authorities tell them they need to show up for asylum hearings, but there is no enforcement, and they seldom show up, Tiffany pointed out. Yet, they are counted in the Census, and that alone is all Mr. Biden’s party needs going forward to strengthen its power.

A number of reliable news outlets have confirmed that Mr. Biden has ordered the Border Patrol to stop sending illegals to where they came from. Instead, the president has blatantly ordered the Patrol to simply release them. His “catch and release” approach has created dissension among the rank and file.

For example, Townhall’s Katie Pavlich tells us that “Fox News reporter Bill Melugin caught the Biden Administration in the act of releasing thousands of single adult males into the United States, giving them bus and plane tickets to their desired destinations. Many of them have criminal records.” Pavlich quoted Melugin’s report that “Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations have been turned into an ‘unofficial travel coordination agency,’ and agents are made to coordinate travel for some illegal immigrants with criminal records, an ICE source told Fox News.”

Meanwhile, Newsmax says Mr. Biden’s Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz and his Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas were caught on tape in Laredo, TX trying to convince their reluctant agents to go along with the new policy. 

Ortiz was telling his agents: “We don’t give up. We stay focused. We continue to do the job and the mission that we signed up for. We all signed up for it. We all raised our hand.” His remarks brought one agent to say, “[we signed up] to defend the Constitution, not the agency.” Another pointed out that agents are not supposed to be “releasing criminal aliens into this country.” And yet another railed against the notion that agents are being told “to do nothing” to stop illegal migrants from entering the country, noting that “for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

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2 years ago

Is their ever going to be a reckoning?

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

There saying two million illegals entered over the southern border with Biden, guaranteed you can double that number at a minimum. No voter ID , Redistricting everywhere in especially close districts (New York just yesterday did a complete change to all areas that voted Republican and will now definitely go democrat) there’s nothing they won’t do to steal elections and keep power.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Cannot even stomach looking at this compromised paid off CCP treasonous trader if our country. How else did his family and him become FILTHY RICH??? China owns him and us right now getting away with espionage and literally infiltration our entire infrastructure. The biggest enemy and threat to our country and all our people is our illegally installed POTUS!

Annette G.
Annette G.
2 years ago

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if all the illegals voted Republican?

2 years ago

Of course that’s what the Democrats’ end game is; and We the People can’t see through this? HA!

Leo 1001
Leo 1001
2 years ago

I cannot think of a better way to increase the number of your constituents than to let them flow into the southern borders, undocumented!!!

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

The ‘wake’ for our republic is right around the corner.

2 years ago

It will not be long when illegals will be able to vote in federal elections that is why the communist controlled Washington has in mind. We are losing our country and our freedoms and watching the communist party be the controller of your lives.

2 years ago

Wasn’t there a president in the past who had a lot of illegals sent back to where they came from? If/when conservatives gain power again, that is what we need to do.

Perhaps an amendment that strictly prohibits illegals from voting in national elections and to require proof of identity from everyone when voting.

I don’t know….I’m becoming a fan of splitting the US and becoming 2 countries. I do not want to live in a socialist country.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

what about blacks suing NYC took them only 100 years to realize one pie only goes so far since they are black it can’t be discriminatory and I doubt anyone can shut them up now haha

2 years ago

Why is num skull Biden sending USA troops to Ukraine and not sending these same troops to our SOUTHERN ORDER to protect America// I believe this is more important than anything in Europe or Russia. Putin is laughing at Joe Smo and will continue to do so as well as China/ This current regime in the Dark House is the worst in my 78 yrs. of life in the USA and where is the Senate and Congress to check on dementia Joe and his band of liberal losers/////////////

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Have 2 find way to block, rerun 2020 race

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

The census should have always, ALWAYS, identified citizenship and used it to allocate representation based on citizens only. No problem counting non-citizens as a separate category. In addition, the wall between local and state/federal elections is not very strong and could be easily breached when non-citizens are allowed to vote in local elections. I suspect the monitoring may not be very rigorous to prevent the crossover. Very dangerous times we live in. Power corrupts and the democrats are proving it daily. They will lie, cheat, and steal to retain political power and are doing so.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 years ago

This is one of the reasons the Democrats do not want voter ID. However most states will issue driver licenses to both legal and illegal immigrants. All states should issue licences to legal citizens in a landscape format. Non citizens would be issued licenses in a portrait format. Once an immigrant becomes a naturalized citizen they could bring their citizenship papers to the DMV and get a new license in the landscape format. This would prevent non citizens from using a drivers license as proof of ID.

2 years ago

I absolutely hate the demoncrat ideas. They think they want communism but they’ll find out differently. Those supporting destroying America are nothing more than useful idiots who will be the first to go after the takeover. I hope they realize that.

2 years ago

Only a conservative revolution will solve this imploding of America.

2 years ago

Impeach the crook already!

2 years ago

I see no need in me being a citizen any longer. Maybe we should all consider renouncing our citizenship – the non-citizens can do everything we do, be supported financially by us, work for cash and pay little or no taxes. They can even board an aircraft without the proper ID. What advantage is there to being a citizen in today’s world?

2 years ago

Perpetual rule would be an ‘ism’. Social-ism, Commune-ism, Marx-ism, Global-ism and then there is Islam-ism lurking in the shadows. Notice all totalitarian regimes end in ‘ism’? All are one party systems ruled by an Elite, guarded and kept in power by a well paid WOKE army so well brainwashed they would kill their mother to gain praise from their Elite masters.. They are coming soon unless we wake up and find some warriors to stop them.

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

This is to all of you contributing your thoughts on this comment section…You might as well give up, all is lost.

Now I know as sure as I’m typing this that I’ll get a few of you telling me where to go or even worse yet, you’ll give me a dislike by clicking on the negative. Ohhhhhhh NO!

All I hear is a bunch of old men and women complaining. Get more involved, do something about it.
AMAC isn’t helping any either. All they are doing is stating the obvious.

Perhaps I’m just too old and too bitter to give a ^$@#*&^&$ anymore. I do know this, complaining is not going to do us any good. It seems that protesting will only get you labeled as an insurrectionist and thrown in jail, where rioting will get you labeled as a peaceful protestor. So nothing is as it should be anymore.

Vent if you must, but it’s not going to do any good. The Dems are going to continue to ram this Socialist crap down our throats until we go under or until something is done about it. I don’t see any of our leaders with the backbone needed to get us out of this God awful mess.

God bless each and everyone of you and so long.

Dennis M Struk
Dennis M Struk
2 years ago

It seems to me that the LIBROCRATS have turned bona-fide AMERICAN-born and naturalized “Citizens” into SECOND & THIRD-CLASS “Citizens” for quite a few years. You can refer yourselves to the OBAMA-MESS if you disagree. The “FIRST-CLASS CITIZENS” are our “Politicians”, the ILLEGALS and the Street Thugs in our cities, since they ALL have more rights than anyone else. Shall we say that THEY are more “equal” than the rest of us “RIFF-RAFF”..?

2 years ago


Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

The Democrat Party, never any friend to this nation or its citizens, has, over the last half century or so, morphed into The New Communist Party of the USA. Their policies are anti-American and anti-freedom. They are losing support by the day because people are finally starting to wake up and see the Democrat Party for what it is. The Democrats seek to make the federal government ever bigger and control every aspect of our lives every minute of every day. They have allied themselves with the powers behind the scenes which are seeking to create a New World Order/One World Government/The Great Reset or whatever it is being called today. They seek to end freedom on this earth forever and create a 21st Century version of medieval feudalism, where a tiny self-anointed elite control all the finances, all the resources, and the military/police for their own personal benefit and gain, all to the detriment of the other 99.9999% of the world’s population, who will be nothing more than serfs, slaves without chains, and who will be allowed to stay alive for the sole purpose of serving and working to enrich their masters, and will be provided with enough food and resources only to be able to barely survive and keep enriching the elite. That is where we are heading.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

The Democrats have started the civil war it’s up to us to finish it!

2 years ago

They brought all this losing voters all by themselves. I sure hope EVERYONE who is eligible to vote will go for the conservative position. You will all be happy to go back to the good life.

2 years ago

“Democrats Seek to Ensure Perpetual Rule in the U.S. and They May Have Found a Way to Do It”
Its foolish to think that the Democrats are hanging their hat on “illegal migrants”. They have Vote by mail voter fraud and gerrymandering as tools they are deploying. The most important tools Democrats have is the media and control over educational system.
Republicans have ???

2 years ago

What does this administration / President have to do before they are deemed traitors to this country. Better guard the 2022 elections coming up. And Nancy Pelosi is the enemy of Freedom. For goodness sakes people wake the crap UP, we are fixing to go down the road of no return.

2 years ago

The Democrats have also found a way to give red states motivation to secede.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Check the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence where it speaks of usurpations and abuses. It also lists a solution and the requirement to implement it.

CenFL Mitch
CenFL Mitch
2 years ago

Everyone! PLEASE examine the Battle of Athens (TN, August 1946) for a glimpse of history that may should be much better known and contemporarily significant.

2 years ago

The bible says in several places, Satan is prince of the earth. That doesn’t mean God isn’t in control, but He is allowing things to happen because most of the human race thinks humans can take care of things and leave God out of their lives. The time is coming soon when He will show everyone whose universe and world it is. It’s time to accept His gift of grace bought with the precious blood of Christ Jesus. God loves every one and doesn’t want any to perish, but He won’t force you to take the gift He offers. The decision is up to each individual. Ask Him to save you through His Son Jesus. He’s a good father, and He loves you.

jose nunya
jose nunya
2 years ago

We need, if Republicans retake the House and senate this coming midterm election, an amendment to our Constitution requiring an I.D. to vote in any Federal election.

2 years ago

We have a tough job in the coming Nov. election. Watch carefully!

2 years ago

They certainly do puke, crap, and spew all over ALL citizens.
In fact, demonRats make sure they do by busing and flying them into conservative areas.
I live in conservative Michigan: farming area.
So far….we have, under this vile, thug regime: Hondurans, Guatemalans, on top of all the Mexican illegals since the 80s, and now Biden is adding muslims!!!!
As if Detroit doesn’t have enough of the filth…..

2 years ago

Time to boycott go fund me for them seizing 10 million donated to support Truckers in Canada protesting mandates!!!
These politicians must be removed for their anti freedom attacks on ALL Citizens in Canada and America!
We the People have had enough of these LOSERS!

2 years ago

Death to the Democrat Marxist Pigs.

2 years ago

Good Read

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

Schucky Schumer and Pantsy Pelosi are responsible for this happen in and they ought to be put out of their misery by forced retirement!

2 years ago

Is their ever going to be a reckoning?

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

There saying two million illegals entered over the southern border with Biden, guaranteed you can double that number at a minimum. No voter ID , Redistricting everywhere in especially close districts (New York just yesterday did a complete change to all areas that voted Republican and will now definitely go democrat) there’s nothing they won’t do to steal elections and keep power.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Cannot even stomach looking at this compromised paid off CCP treasonous trader if our country. How else did his family and him become FILTHY RICH??? China owns him and us right now getting away with espionage and literally infiltration our entire infrastructure. The biggest enemy and threat to our country and all our people is our illegally installed POTUS!

Annette G.
Annette G.
2 years ago

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if all the illegals voted Republican?

2 years ago

Of course that’s what the Democrats’ end game is; and We the People can’t see through this? HA!

Leo 1001
Leo 1001
2 years ago

I cannot think of a better way to increase the number of your constituents than to let them flow into the southern borders, undocumented!!!

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

The ‘wake’ for our republic is right around the corner.

2 years ago

It will not be long when illegals will be able to vote in federal elections that is why the communist controlled Washington has in mind. We are losing our country and our freedoms and watching the communist party be the controller of your lives.

2 years ago

Wasn’t there a president in the past who had a lot of illegals sent back to where they came from? If/when conservatives gain power again, that is what we need to do.

Perhaps an amendment that strictly prohibits illegals from voting in national elections and to require proof of identity from everyone when voting.

I don’t know….I’m becoming a fan of splitting the US and becoming 2 countries. I do not want to live in a socialist country.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

what about blacks suing NYC took them only 100 years to realize one pie only goes so far since they are black it can’t be discriminatory and I doubt anyone can shut them up now haha

2 years ago

Why is num skull Biden sending USA troops to Ukraine and not sending these same troops to our SOUTHERN ORDER to protect America// I believe this is more important than anything in Europe or Russia. Putin is laughing at Joe Smo and will continue to do so as well as China/ This current regime in the Dark House is the worst in my 78 yrs. of life in the USA and where is the Senate and Congress to check on dementia Joe and his band of liberal losers/////////////

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Have 2 find way to block, rerun 2020 race

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