
National Security , Newsline

Illegal Immigration – Americans are Seething

Posted on Monday, October 17, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Some things are hard to hide. If Biden’s inflation and energy fiascos poll high, illegal immigration is close behind. Anecdotal data – arguably more reliable this cycle than polls – suggests Americans are seething.

Five major factors show how distressed Americans are about Biden’s open misrepresentations about the border, illegal immigration, and the devastating impact Democrat policies are having on the nation.

First, rather surprisingly, Independents – and moderate Democrats – are fed up with Biden’s “spit show,” an invalid, recurring claim that the border is secure. Americans know it is not. In a recent poll, 50 percent of Americans think Biden must do more, 55 percent of Independents, 76 of Republicans.

Despite Harris and Biden claim that the “border is secure,” data does not lie, nor do planeloads of non-English-speaking illegal immigrants all over the US. Like Lyndon Johnson pretending no one cared about Vietnam, or the “body count” favored us, Americans know truth. They did then, do now.

Truth is Biden and Senate Democrats are “all in” for soft-shoeing illegal immigration. They accept the wrong-headed premise that major laws do not need enforcing on humanitarian or political grounds.

Thus, laws are not enforced that prevented release of non-adjudicated asylum-seekers (who often disappear), assured asylum seekers remained outside the US pending adjudication, or were vetted.

Anecdotally, are Americans ticked off? You bet. Notably, shipping illegals to the swanky Democrat getaway Martha’s Vineyard resonated.  More reliably, Americans are concerned about issues tied to illegals (even in New York City), links to drug trafficking, record overdoses, homelessness, and crime.

Second, naturalized Americans – including Hispanic citizens – are sick of the double standard.  As midterms approach, many are tipping hard to their conservative values, including public health and safety, faith and gun rights, preservation of traditional values around family, work, faith, and females.

Misunderstood by Democrats, Hispanic Americans are not “all-in” for illegal immigration, Hispanic or other. They do not favor devaluing the traditional family, Christian faith, citizenship, hard work, safety on the street or quality of public education. They are not about “wokeness.”

This is a major misfire, and Midterms will show – an opening salvo – that this radical tip left by all Democrats is not accepted by Americans who came here from Cuba, Colombia, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, and other countries, most of whom prioritize faith, family, safety, education, and hard work. They did not come to America to live in Venezuela.

Third, illegal immigration is playing big as more families are losing kids to drugs, not in small numbers but in whopping, un-hidable, heartbreaking numbers. Drug overdose deaths from foreign-source, high-potency, interdict-able drugs – hit more than 107,000 last year, a 15 percent jump over 2020.

This is a huge deal, since loss of a child is devastating – not just to those 214,000 parents, 428,000 grandparents, millions of siblings, cousins, friends, teachers, and all who know the child, but to whole communities – where the news, no matter how we dull ourselves, is an earthquake.

This is what the glib, rich, inoculated, indifferent leaders – at all levels – do not get.  They do not understand their policies have consequences, sometimes devastating ones, and that drug trafficking, abuse numbers, deaths from overdoses, kid suicides, drugged driving, and loss of kids – hits hard.

The Biden Administration and Congress are out to lunch.  The cotton-mouthed talk from Senators about spending money means nothing, when they are AWOL in the battle to save kids and communities.  Like everything else, they “fob it off” on someone else, no accountability, another thing people are sick of.

Fourth, illegal immigration will play big because education – the quality of America’s public education – is sinking, not because any illegal immigrant is not a worthy soul, but because we are pouring these souls into a highly stressed system, no assimilation, no legal citizenship, no understanding where understanding counts. Biden, Harris, and the billion-dollar congressional leaders just do not care.

Words are cheap. Teachers – and I come from a long history of them – are under intense pressure, as are schools, administrators, communities that fund them with property taxes, states that must pay.

Notably, Illegal immigration does no one any good in the educational sphere. It degrades education for those legally here, naturalized and born, while degrading the larger system nationally. 

Annually America absorbs many foreign immigrants – legally.  They become highly productive, usually patriotic members of society, learning history of the country, civic duty, English, working legally, and raising their kids to do the same.  That is not what we are doing when we sweep illegals in.

Finally, midterms will “out” the enormity of this issue, how distressed Americans are by the Biden and Democrats’ illegal immigration policies, for one more reason.  Americans value and respect the law. 

When a Vice President can say, in effect, “mass amnesty” and “just make them citizens,” like a finger snap does it, or when a President vilifies the Supreme Court and circuit courts for saying immigration laws must be enforced, something is wrong.  Americans respect the law.  When their leaders do not, that is a flashing red signal.

So, net-net, while much can happen in three weeks, Americans are not stupid, indifferent to their lot or traditions. They love their faith, speech, voting rights, self-defense, educational opportunities, and everything tied up in public health, safety, education, and law. 

On illegal immigration, like the economy’s stunning mismanagement, Americans are watching.  More to the point, they are seething. Watch this issue knock Democrats over in Midterms, wave meeting wave.  Somethings are hard to hide.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
1 year ago

Yes RBC, Americans are seething, including this patriotic American of ( 69 ) years…I live in a WOKE state, i.e., VERMONT… I supposedly live in a small rural town that has always been considered a RED town, however the folks running the town hall are now are a bunch of Democrats… How the hell did that happen? MAIL- IN – BALLOTS in VT is ” The Law of the Land ” now. I Refuse to use them, the new Democrat town clerk says the election system used in VT is the most secure system she has ever seen, oh really! I asked the question: Are Dominion tabulating machines still being used this year?, she answered in the affirmative & she made the above statement on how secure the states elections are, oh really! Could this election security she mentions have anything to do with the fact Vermont has been under Democrat control, BOTH Houses for the last 50+ years?
In a nutshell, my home state of Vermont is politically speaking, BANKRUPT…
Great storyline here btw, my problem here is a bit more narrow in definition that what was written…
Bill… :~)

1 year ago

RBC, well, despite the “GOVERNMENT DENIAL (COVERUP)” of reality, this nation does indeed to get off its behind and take back freedom, change the course that it is on or ALL will be lost. Proper officials need to be elected and HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. Accountability definitely needs to be applied to the current batch in Congress.

1 year ago

This democrat party want all illegals to assure a vote forever. The American people will suffer because of low wages and poor education. These crooks know exactly what they have done and what they planned. We will suffer for years. Look at Europe, great example

1 year ago

VOTE OUT ALL DEMOCRATS!!! They are enemies of America! Treasonous, lawless, rabid animals.

1 year ago

My wife and stepson are from China. I brought them over here the legal way. We have a process in this country that was intended for all to follow. Democrats have made a mockery of our immigration laws. The process was time consuming and expensive. My wife and stepson had to be immunized before they came over to this country. They required further immunizations to qualify for a green card. Another qualification was that I had to be financially responsible. USCIS required paycheck stubs, bank records and other financial accounts to prove, as USCIS states, they will not be a financial burden on the U.S. taxpayer. In other words, don’t come to this country and expect freebies. This farce created by Democrats is an insult to the millions of immigrants that came in the legal way…paid the fees, got properly immunized, and waited in line for a visa to enter this country. And it is a further slap in the face to the 4+ million immigrants waiting in line to obtain a visa to enter this country. But no…Dictator Bidumb and his Democratic commies want to let in anyone through the southern border, including some that have tested positive for Covid, terrorists and drug cartels as well as human and sex trafficking. Their only intention is to destroy this country.

1 year ago

It isn’t hard to figure out why democrats embarked on their ruinous path regarding illegal immigration. Even extreme ideologues wouldn’t do this to the country until it was payback for services rendered and to keep those services from being used as blackmail.

The Midterms will be a disaster for democrats who have had this coming to them since 2016, maybe before, and they will never recover. After that, it will be a walk in the park for Republicans to provide better government and prove to voters that they care about their well-being. In the meantime, all of us will enjoy watching democrats in Congress as they continue their slide into obsolescence.

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Seething is right…..Colorado has become a border State, not geographically, but because of It’s now a sanctuary State thanks to the Dems and Gov Polis.

Vote them ALL out Colorado! They deserve to be repudiated and defeated!

1 year ago

Many Americans are upset, mainly republicans, religious conservatives and racist, about illegals crossing the border from Mexico. Still to this day most of the illegals are Mexican nearly 60% and there is a reason why. The United States export and import trade with Mexico equals $667 Billion dollars and wire transfer of money by individuals to Mexico is another $30 billion. Let’s just say $1 trillion dollars. Funny how everything in a capitalist driven economy always come down to money. There will be no solution for the border crisis and illegal aliens because no one politician or party can stop the flow of money. The republicans and democrats are part of the liberal policies on the border.
To that let’s add there are about 80 million Americans with Spanish surnames. Criticizing the porous border will get a conservative elected but that is all because no one will stop $1 trillion dollars of commerce. 

Anastacio Mendoza
Anastacio Mendoza
1 year ago

More than 2 million migrants have crossed our southern border in the last year alone. has launched a GiveSendGo campaign to help transport migrants along the southern border to any Sanctuary City in the U.S.

Please help by sharing this link or donating.

bob smith
bob smith
1 year ago

this is the solution to “comprehensive immigration reform”. just let everybody in. the reason more aren’t upset is the problem isn’t in their state, unless you live in the sunbelt along the mexican border. so sending busloads of our new arrivals to remote states is the exactly right thing to do. share the loss of your culture, minnesota, michigan, illinois et al. just take antacids before you eat their food

1 year ago

You go ahead and seethe like an old woman, but you better remember this my my Socialist enemies; Latinos are never going to the Democrats new Hausni@@ers.

1 year ago

The big thing to me about illegal immigration is the drugs and crime aspect. The legal system is already stressed here and dumping millions of illegals across the border just makes it worse. We need to focus on that.

Hunter's Dad
Hunter's Dad
1 year ago

Unfortunately Dems cheat at elections so no matter how many Americans vote, the vote count will not reflect the actual results

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

I thank the author for stating the obvious. Unfortunately, the elite need to hear it!

William C Smith
William C Smith
1 year ago

“The Patriot Post” has an excellent cartoon, today, simply asking, “If the government can just print more money to fund all it’s programs, why do we have to pay taxes?”

Dale Amsden
Dale Amsden
1 year ago

The present admin & the Dems dont care about deaths from drugs, human trafficking. They are playing to the New World Order & its servants to de-populate the world in the name of their religion now called climate change, a religion that keeps changing names, because it is not tenable.

1 year ago

The “Melting Pot” agenda is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries!

It’s not for Japan.

It’s not for India
It’s not for Kenya
It’s not for Saudi Arabia
It’s not for Mexico
It’s for EVERY White country on earth.
Whites countries need to be MELTED and if you disagree then you are a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews! 
Any planned eradication of a race (aka “Melting Pot” for EVERY White country) is Genocide.

Anti-Racist is just a codeword for Anti-White.

1 year ago

The invasion of the United States is underway and the Biden administration is complicit. Vote Republican. Protect our country.

james michalicek
james michalicek
1 year ago

So what is AMAC doing about it? Nothing.

John Gaulke
John Gaulke
1 year ago

Every time I hear the words “illegal” and “immigrant” combined my blood starts to boil ! Those who enter our sovereign nation illegally are NOT immigrants ! They are invading our country for the purpose of colonization or to commit criminal acts. Illegal aliens must be dealt with as any nation would deal with an invading force.

Jay E Spurling
Jay E Spurling
1 year ago

I so agree with whoever writes your commentary! Every line is so packed with truth, especially the comment on the “spit show” from Biden about immigration and total falsehood about the border being secure. I live in the state (and love the state) DeSantis is governor of! The only thing we’re at all afraid of is loosing him to the presidency!! I don’t care what it cost the state to send those illegals to Martha’s Vineyard because we’ll make it back and then some from (woke) Disney paying a fair share finally! Things have to change and I am an EVER Trumper, or at least someone in office with all his marbles ???? no strings attached!

1 year ago

Get out the vote! Stop woke, socialist,mindless haters in their tracks bring on the RED!

George R Gallman
George R Gallman
1 year ago

Most Democrats and Republicans know: The federal government is broken.As of 2022-07-19, 65.7 likely voters support a COS*, including over 50% of Democrats. This is NOT a partisan issue.A solution that is as big as the problem: (*COS: a US Constitution Article V  Convention of States to suggest Amendments to the US Constitution.)Objectives of this call:* Propose term limits (for elected AND appointed offices)* Impose fiscal restraints (limit the spending and taxing authority)* Reduce the size and power of the federal government.Using the Constitution to save the Constitution!

Rexford O Ames
Rexford O Ames
1 year ago

Enough is enough. Feeling helpless because the bureaucracy is supposed to do their job and the politicians that violate the Law, are supposed to be held accountable. The politicians have become millionaires, do not take responsibility for financial decisions. Thrust those decisions over to the Executive Branch , of all the agencies this Government has in place, Redundancies run a mock.
Unless they have their feet held near a fire. They will take no action what so ever.
We are tired of their crap, and they damn well know it.
They have shown , in their view, who their enemy is ( January 6, 2020 ) participants they are punishing as they would dare to disrespect the Senate and the House. We’ll show you. Any American Citizen should think of getting close to, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or anyone else under their protection will be arrested as Terrorist and don’t you forget who is the ruler of The United States of Amercia!, we are, not you!

1 year ago

Democrats in my state seem to be running solely on the right to murder babies.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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