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Homeschooling is on the National Rise- Education Expert Jill Simonian Says It May Be Due to Schools with a Marxist Bent

Posted on Wednesday, July 6, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
Jill Simonian

The number of parents opting to homeschool their kids is on the rise in the U.S. for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is to provide religious or moral instruction. The Census Bureau reports that in the spring prior to the onset of the pandemic about 3% of children were being homeschooled, by the fall the numbers rose to 11.1%, and as COVID self-isolation routines began to be relaxed, the rate of homeschooling has remained at high levels. 

Aiding the movements are a growing number of online resources such as PragerU Resources for Educators & Parents (PREP) and PragerU Kids whose Director of Outreach, Jill Simonian, says part of the reason homeschooling is on the rise is the Leftist political motivations of teachers and school officials. As she told Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, during a recent interview for AMAC’s Better for America podcast, “our education system is being overtaken by Marxism and socialist movements.” 

Simonian says her mother and her sister were both schoolteachers and that she has always had respect and affection for formal schooling. “I was under this false impression. I was miseducated, if you will, that our public school system was still functioning in the way that it was maybe, you know, 50, 60 years ago.”  But it was during the COVID lockdowns that her eyes were opened and she saw that her children were being indoctrinated “to hate America, to question themselves, to hate themselves, to think that America is a horrible place.  I would see it happening firsthand, and I was shocked. I would see teachers and principals not wanting to do the Pledge of Allegiance.” 

Jill says that our education system is being hijacked nationwide as more and more schools embrace the so-called Critical Race Theory [CRT], which is designed “to divide and confuse, to weaken us as a society so that the government can ultimately have control.”

Her advice to parents and grandparents is that it’s time to wake up, get involved at the school your children attend, and ask questions. “Go to the school’s website and look at its mission statement.  Look at what type of words they are using on their school website to talk about what the district or the school is really trying to implement.” And, she adds, be on the lookout for “dangerous code words that are linked to CRT, words such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and affinity groups. If you see anything about affinity groups listed anywhere on any of your schools or district, websites run the other way.” Jill explains that affinity groups may sound great, they may sound like clubs, but they are not clubs. They are a way to separate students into factions based on race as a way to divide them. 

Of course, there is always the private school option available to some families, but Simonian warns that not all private schools are free of proponents of the CRT. That may leave you with only one option– to join the growing ranks of homeschoolers.

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Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Listening to what people don’t know, I have to ask what do they know ?

Phil S
Phil S
2 years ago

The end result of all of this is communism your and simple. One of the early steps is to divide children from their parents. Children are encouraged to report on their parents conversations behaviors attitudes and instructions to the children. Parents are then that rich as their children are removed from them and placed in government schools boarding schools. This is only the first step but it is a very important step in a complete communist takeover of society.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

School today and past 30 years have been nothing but Re-Education Camps with Brainwashing our children into Hating AMERICA.
The Communist School Association took away the Pledge of Allegiance, U.S. CONSTITUTION, Civics, Economics, Social Studies, and a VAST load of other KNOWLEDGE our children should be learning to be prepared for life and to Better themselves.
Above all, how to THINK for themselves and be RESPONSIBLE.
Under DICTATOR Beijing biden and the Communist School Association your children will NEVER LEARN or BE PREPARED.
But they will know what color your skin is. A WORTHLESS skill.
Compliments of the Communist School Association.
At a Local School Near YOUR CHILDREN.

School Principle
School Principle
2 years ago

We chose to home school our children, starting in the early 90’s, for the simple reason of wanting a little “Christian virtue” added to the mix. Oh my, we got resistance! But they turned out just fine. Back then, without on-line resources and wishing we could get just a fraction of the funds allotted to their public school counterparts (of course, we received none) we made due. Today resources abound. So, unless you have some kind of divine directive to keep your heritage in the danger zone; take them out.

2 years ago

We were a 2 career family with 3 children. We found a way to make Catholic school tuition a priority…payed off…3 college educated offspring with solid careers. I know beyond a reasonable doubt that were the present situation what it is today then, we have adjusted our careers to homeschool. Our children have always been of more significance than our careers. Were there is a will there is a way.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Family fell apart school followed

Ron Clark
Ron Clark
2 years ago

Government schools weren’t good decades ago when I went through them. They’ve just gotten worse. Too much time was/is wasted learning half-truths and outright lies. Indoctrination is no substitute for education. I’m all for education and learning, I just can’t imagine a worse way to do it than in a government school.

Charles Hendren
Charles Hendren
2 years ago

I have been watching with dismay, as a product of public education in the 60’s and private education in the seventies as the most recent version of the public school system house of cards has literally fallen apart. I have watched with keen interest the development of the Hardison Mill Homestead School founded by Homesteader and Country Music singer songwriter Rory Feek. In the videos I have seen, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are welcomed as are the Pledge of Allegiance and morning prayer. Their curriculum centers around the four R’s: Reading, Riting, Rithmatic and all things Rural. Teaching citizenship in applications from good behavior in class, helping others, and learning from visits from working farmers, military, first responders and musicians, With a classroom of only 12 students and an empty chair for those who may chose to attend by streaming, this school is updated version of the small community school where parents knew each other, knew their children, and would support their school by community events and donations. For more on this touching and inspirational grass roots alternative to bell curve median serving public schooling, please check out : . In the interest of transparency, my late wife and I were fans of Joey and Rory Feek, loving their approach to storytelling in a country style. Their album, Hymns that are Important to Us is a vocal testimony to the foundations upon which the Hardison Mill Homestead School is built.

older couple at retirement age on the computer
trump and fauci; WHO
Official seal of the California Department of Insurance.
the Houthis

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