
National Security , Newsline

Flood of Chinese Migrants at Border Poses Major Security Risks for U.S.

Posted on Monday, August 5, 2024
by Ben Solis

According to a new report out this week from The Washington Post, a shocking 55,000 Chinese migrants have crossed into the United States illegally over the past 18 months – up sharply from 3,812 in all of 2022. The surge in arrivals has included an alarming number of military-aged males, which experts warn could be part of a coordinated plot by the Chinese Communist Party.

Efforts to deport these migrants have been half-hearted at best. In June, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it had dispatched the first “large flight” of Chinese illegal aliens in five years. Just 116 people were aboard that plane.

Simon Hankinson, a foreign service officer with 23 years of experience in immigration services who is now a Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, warned in congressional testimony earlier this year that the Chinese individuals crossing the border are being subject only to “weak vetting” before being released into the interior of the country. He further called this practice at best “a mockery of U.S. sovereignty” and “at worst a national security risk of unknown proportions.”

“In addition to Chinese nationals with connections to the Communist Party, People’s Liberation Army, and other elements of the Chinese state,” Hankinson continued, “it is statistically likely that DHS is releasing aliens who have serious criminal records in China that are unknown to U.S. authorities.”

Most Chinese nationals are crossing into the country near San Diego, where organized smuggling operations exploit gaps in the border wall that divides the city from Tijuana. A recent arrest of a Chinese national in that region who had an active homicide warrant on June 19 and whom San Diego Chief Border Patrol Agent Patricia McGurk-Daniel called “a dangerous person” only confirms Hankinson’s judgment. His testimony quoted former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott as saying, “There is no real response from the federal government of the United States to slow it down. There has not been since 2021.”

Beijing’s increased economic, political, and military collaboration with numerous Latin American countries and a visa waiver policy for its citizens have put the United States at a higher risk of attracting unknown Chinese individuals. Many Chinese nationals travel to third countries like Ecuador and then join caravans making their way north.

Todd Bensman, an expert from Center for Immigration Studies, told Congress in May that the typical Chinese migrant pays between $6,000 and $9,000 per person to reach the U.S. The Biden-Harris administration’s policies, he added, “have drawn unprecedented numbers of Chinese nationals to illegally cross” the border.

While many Chinese migrants are undoubtedly fleeing the political repression of the Chinese Communist Party, there is also legitimate concern that the CCP may be exploiting the open border for its own malign purposes. First-hand accounts have emerged of hundreds of military-aged Chinese males marching toward the border in a manner eerily similar to an invading army.

According to Chinese dissidents and former high-ranking CCP officials with whom I spoke, the sheer economic reality inside China means only economically well-off people could even afford to make the journey to the Americas – or those funded by the CCP itself. “No poor villager can even dream of traveling to Beijing, let alone abroad,” one told me.

Dr. Xiahou Li Wei, a former CCP official who defected to the West in the late 1990s, told me that, from his perspective, “many individuals at the border are not there by accident,” suggesting that they have some specific mission. “Even a substantial amount of money will not persuade officials to take a risk and allow dissidents or critics of the Party to leave China,” he stressed, stating his belief that many Chinese arrivals are “family or friends of the high-ranking military, police, or Party members who have links to the Politburo.”

When asked whether the Chinese army or secret police could take advantage of this opportunity, he responded in the affirmative. As he explained, the CCP has already telegraphed its intention to exploit and exacerbate “social and economic crises” in the United States – and there is no better way to do that than with boots on the ground. “The Black Lives Matter riots of 2020 are their model,” he said.

Yeliu Fu, a former high-ranking official in the CCP Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, stressed to me that Americans may see even more Chinese nationals flock to the border in the months ahead amid the prospect of a second Trump administration that would close down the border. “The CCP knows that the window of opportunity is short,” he said.

Dr. Xiahou added that the CCP “has paralyzed the Western thinking with a myth of soft power,” which now also includes an open border policy. He described this stance as “naïve ignorant, and foolish, but highly beneficial for the CCP.” Those who take the soft power theory seriously, he said, are considered “useful idiots” by the CCP.

If Trump returns to the White House next January, he has specifically identified the influx of Chinese nationals as a major priority for his immigration agenda. However, Kamala Harris’s extremism on the issue as Biden’s “border czar” presents cause for grave concern should she emerge victorious.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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2 months ago

Seriously, does ANYONE think China is actually “letting” their citizens leave to come to their greatest enemy? They are China’s new “army” and believing that the people in the staged photo are innocent and even related is just as bad as all the gang members crossing with their sex slaves and pretending to be families.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Not even counting violent crimes committed or DUI deaths, more ppl die each year from fentanyl than 10 years of the Vietnam War… where is that “March on Washington”?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

More spies into the US

2 months ago

China is the other side of the world. How are “homeless” family getting to our southern border?

2 months ago

This is a definite threat to National security…bordering on a treasonous act by the Bide/Harris administration.

2 months ago

This is in conjunction with the CCP-owned companies and communist sympathizers like Bill Gates buying up American farmland near US military bases. Joebama and cackling kumbaya are in on this. When the time is right, the CCP will destroy our agriculture industry to starve Americans and attack the military sites (likely via cyberattacks) using the illegal aliens they’re sending over. They’re working to rig the election to get a liberal majority, then the CCP and liberals will finish what they started. This is why Trump MUST win in November and get a conservative majority in Congress.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 months ago

No Chinese person should ever again be given a government job.

Steve Colin Zeigler
Steve Colin Zeigler
2 months ago

A friend of mine just received an Amazon delivery from a military aged man who knew no English. He was in his own vehicle and not dressed in Amazon delivery attire. Bozos is evil, and I have no doubt is employing these men going out into our neighborhoods. Food for thought.

2 months ago

I wonder if they were wearing CCP uniforms there would be more concern and urgency from the Biden administration?

2 months ago

We need to start deporting all of these illegals and these students protesting and burning OUR flag.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 months ago

Thank’s to Biden ( who is on his way out ) and clueless Harris who has never been to the border.they do not know what they have let into this country and they could care less because they have government paid security for the rest of there lives so why would they care what they leave into this country and the rest up in Washington have no backbone to stop this invasion and build the wall to protect us. Something will happen just wait and see it will be several years when we least expect it. And who will pay the tab for them it will be tax payers.

2 months ago

I am appalled how porous our borders are, but the leadership of this nation thinks it’s okay. We’ve no clue whose coming, Abdicating our security and enlarging our homeland to appease NGOs are not sound policies for humanitarian purposes, but out of stupidity, hate, and evil. We’ve leaders who are not sincere with their words. We have not elected bureaucrats sabotaging the laws of the land with the heavy hands on the necks of some corrupt congress men and women from all political parties, but more so within the democrats, because they’ve bowed to the evil of socialism. The same is true for some states leadership.

John TeGrotenhuis
John TeGrotenhuis
2 months ago

The picture shows a much more benign family rather than the military-aged males which the article mentions.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 months ago

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Du7m let them in. Kyle L.

2 months ago

I don’t see how it’s a security risk because Chinese people are known for their hard work and low crime rate.

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