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FBI Report Shows Biden’s “Courageous Americans” in Antifa Planned an “Armed Rebellion” at U.S. Border

Posted on Friday, May 3, 2019
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

antifa Berkeley ICEAs federal agents investigated the illegal activities of American citizens assisting the “migrant caravan” of illegal aliens breaching America’s borders last year, the FBI discovered a plot for Antifa to purchase guns from a “Mexico-based cartel associate” and use them to “stage an armed rebellion at the border,” according to an unclassified report from the bureau.

The unclassified FBI report was leaked to San Diego Union-Tribune “on the condition the person providing it would not be named, and with the request that the entire document not be shared online because of the ongoing nature of the investigation,” according to a report by the Union-Tribune.

The report — circulated to dozens of federal law enforcement agencies in America and Mexico — warns those agencies that “anti-fascist activists” had plans “to disrupt U.S. law enforcement and military security operations at the US/Mexican border” using weapons they planned to purchase from ““Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander.” Cobra Commander’s real name is listed in the report as Ivan Riebeling.

Riebeling has been passing himself off as a “human rights advocate” in Mexico, but is in reality, just another violent criminal thug. In July of 2018, he was arrested for making public threats of violence against a journalist, Odilon Garcia, who had published Riebeling’s criminal record. That record includes arrests for drug smuggling, carrying a concealed stolen gun, kidnapping, and robbery. In March 2008, he was convicted for the kidnapping and robbery charges and received a four year sentence, but was inexplicably given clemency, allowing him to avoid serving his term.

For reporting that, Riebeling publicly told Garcia “Don’t you mess around with me,” adding that if he wanted to have Garcia killed, “it costs me nothing.” He also threatened — in graphic terms — anal rape against Garcia.

Riebeling’s July 2018 arrest was also connected to threats he made against Raul Reynoso, director general of communication of the government of Baja California, saying he would behead him. Again, somehow, he remains free.

So, Antifa — referred to by Joe Biden in his campaign announcement video as “a group of courageous Americans” with “the courage to stand against” hate at the Charlottesville riots — planned a military-style attack on border agents on American soil. And that treasonous plan involved doing business with the loathsome likes of Ivan Riebeling, who uses violence, threats, and intimidation as tools in his criminal enterprises. Of course, given the violent nature of Biden’s “courageous Americans” that make up Antifa, their willingness to ally themselves with Riebeling is unsurprising.

As The New American has reported previously, Antifa is a communist umbrella organization modeled on a one-to-one ratio with “anti-Fascist” groups of communists in 1930’s Europe. In fact, as this magazine’s William F. Jasper wrote, “Red Guards Austin, the masked “Antifa” thugs of Austin, Texas, who march about displaying the communist hammer & sickle symbol, and who also openly display banners emblazoned with images of Karl Marx and mass-murderers Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin” are unapologetic about their communism. They declared:

When we fight, we fight for communism, and all our constructive and destructive activity is geared toward building our party, which will wage a protracted people’s war, establishing socialism and continuing the revolution under the rule of the working class.

It is also not surprising that the plot that formed the alliance between Antifa and Riebeling was one of an armed assault on the border of America — a country that Antifa hates with a Red passion. After all, what could be better to further Antifa’s goal of taking down a bastion of capitalism than to “stage an armed rebellion at the border” and kill a few American border agents in the process? And notice that Red Guards Austin does not distinguish between communism and socialism. That is because — ideologically — the two are the same thing. The only difference is tactical. That is the chief reason that the battle between Neo-Nazis and Antifa is a fraud on its face. Nazis are national socialists. Since socialism and communism are ideological twins, this is not a battle between the Right and the Left as Americans are constantly being told by the media; it is a battle between two arms of the Left, with the rest of America caught in the crossfire.

The unclassified FBI report detailing the Antifa plot was sent with “priority” to a litany of federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Drug Enforcement Agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Administration.

Riebeling dismissed the report’s claims as “absurd,” saying, “It doesn’t make any sense that someone from the United States would purchase guns in Mexico. And the Hondurans certainly didn’t bring money to buy guns. It doesn’t make any sense; in fact it’s extremely absurd to say the Hondurans wanted to attack the United States at the border.”

But is it “absurd” that “ someone from the United States would purchase guns in Mexico”? No. No more than that drug cartels in Mexico would buy guns from federal agents in an ill-conceived government program such as Fast and Furious. Guns are guns, after all, and buying them from a gun-running drug cartel in Mexico would mean that Antifa would be ready to storm the border from the Mexican side of the line, giving them a tactical advantage. Furthermore, the report makes it clear that a group of activists in Tijuana supporting the migrant caravan “were encouraged to bring personally owned weapons to the border and the group also intended to purchase weapons from a Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander, AKA the Mexican Rambo, and smuggle the weapons into the United States.”

So, another purpose of the Antifa plot to secure weapons — likely some of the same types of weapons the cartels acquired in Fast and Furious — was to wage war in America. The report also states that Antifa was helping to create training camps for “community defense militias, also known as autodensas,” adding, “Organizers planned for the camps to be used as staging platforms from which five person units would form to train anarchists in fighting, combat, and conducting reconnaissance, and then launch to disrupt U.S. government operations along the border.”

What is absurd is that liberal mainstream media outlets have continued over the past couple of years to paint Antifa as heroes and that Joe Biden — keeping a straight face — called them “a group of courageous Americans” who have “the courage to stand against [hate].” Because the unclassified FBI report — which has been verified as genuine — makes it clear that Antifa radicals are not “courageous” — they are merely bloodthirsty. They are not “Americans” in any sense of the word that matters — they are seeking the communist overthrow of America. And they are not standing “against” hate — they are hate personified. They are no better than their Nazi counterparts. They are the enemy and they mean to continue attacking America any way they can.

Federal officials say the investigation into the Antifa plot is ongoing.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

& dont forget Bidens Chinese ties, Steve Hilton, Next Rev, Sunday show last weekend.
Biden & Chinese ties & now this, No. & Biden thinks we voters will fall for game he did in 07+

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

Great article. I’ve been arguing for years that the Antifa participants are in fact quite fascist and that they are in fact historically ignorant and hypocritical…they sure act just like the Nazi Brownshirts of the 1920s and 1930s. A great book to read is “Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,” by Jonah Goldberg. He lays out the historical roots of how fascism, socialism, and communism are all intertwined with the progressive left. If only we can get Americans to educate themselves on what “progressivism” REALLY stands for. Time to call out the progressive left for what they truly are.

Michael Cozzi
Michael Cozzi
5 years ago

Joe Biden should be charged with obstruction

5 years ago


Patrick McClurkin
Patrick McClurkin
5 years ago

Jughead Joe will be forced to withdraw from the presidential race as soon as his illegal dealings with China and Ukraine (on behalf of his son Hunter) while he was VP, are publicly exposed! Also, the fact that he has become incoherent and is possibly senile will be major factors in his withdrawal.

Bobby Romo
Bobby Romo
5 years ago

This is crazy. They are the Brownshirts opissant talked of…his own Army along with an arsenal of weapons hidden somewhere in the States waiting for the word. If I know this, I hope President Trump is aware of this.

Gail Coury
Gail Coury
5 years ago

All we can do ourselves is spread the word and hope American people wake the hell up!

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
5 years ago

Wow. WAKE UP America!

Bill TX3
Bill TX3
5 years ago

Antifa is one of the resources Democrats/Socialists used for creating civil unrest and disobedience. Their approach of top down – bottom up is an attempt to give the impression of large support against capitalism and the USA Republic. The plan is an increasing demand for a centrally controlled and planned government (socialism). There will be armed violence at some point in time. If not at the border then in the upcoming 2020 elections.
The bottom up is acts of violence and socialist marches organized by the “Soros” of the world. The top down is the Democrats who continue to verbally attack and encourage attacks against the Republicans and conservatives. Their latest target being William Barr.
Your and my responsibility is arm ourselves with truth, knowledge, and action. God SAVE America.

Rick J.
Rick J.
5 years ago

Where does Antifa get their funding? George Soros of course. This far left wing-nut finances all type of
anti-American causes. Why he isn’t in jail is a question that needs to be answered. When the left can’t
can control thru the ballot box, they’ll try to turn to violence.

5 years ago

One of the top lies the left has told thru the media is that the ‘right’ is essentially nazi. This lie has been pounded into the public consciousness for decades and its completely false. There were differences between marxism and national socialism, but they both agreed on totalitarian govt. The govt was all and it held absolute power over the citizenry. The history if the development of soviet marxism/leninism and german national socialism has been all but erased by academia and the media. As Frank S says, jonah goldbergs book delves deeply into this lost history (sadly, jonah is a rabid anti trumper). Another book on the subject is dinesh d’souzas ‘The Big Lie’. Both books are reasonably easy to read and are real eye openers.

Courtney Olson
Courtney Olson
5 years ago

With friends like that, Biden won’t need enemies.

ahem tonto
ahem tonto
5 years ago

Antifa is Obama and Bidens brown shirt socialist secret enforcement group to physically abuse all true anti-fascists. Biden is a new world order corruptition. A left wing hack that has consistently robbed the American people of their freedoms and lived as a parasite off of the taxpayers. He is as presidential as Juan Peron and Fidel Castro andVladimir Putin.cHe is also at the core of the illegal Mueller probe!

5 years ago

Biden is a corrupt socialist politician and they all support antifa,blm! aclu, dehind the the curtains kkk, cair muslum brotherhood, any and all that are Against America and our Freedoms , Rights , the Constitution as Written that is why we need to Demand this vile garbage be removed from our government

5 years ago

Wonder how much “Papa Joe” knows about “Fast and Furious” and how much did he participate in that operation. Knows too much about Antifa operations to not have knowledge of “Fast and Furious.” Obama doesn’t praise “Papa Joe” for nothing. Think the FBI and DOJ should add “Joe” to their investigation of Hillary, et. al.

Susie S
Susie S
5 years ago

Super article! Thank you.
Well folks, it will be a mess when these ole boys make their move, but they should know not to tread on us, real shame so many will be of the young generation, very impressionable, but Lord willing, it will all be tended to quickly. We are a very blessed country, look at all that’s been exposed, The list is endless, and will be cleaned out, Patience is name of game. Just keep them all cleaned and oiled nicely.?
Mr Biden, is just a extension of Mr O., which was real clear his “full hearts desire” for the American people, re… his books he wrote, not a pretty picture. Hopefully the American people pay attention and Remember.!!! The wrongs done to us and by whom, not vengeful, just don’t let a repeat come about.
Looks like our entire future and Constitution hinges on the 2020 election . Also I might add, a couple of “newly elected “ peoples need to return to their “Heartland”. , their words are definitely not for America and how we believe, and do.

5 years ago

Hey DOJ think this is a terrorist organization? Arrest their money people and just shoot the ones with guns.

The OLD Warhorse
The OLD Warhorse
5 years ago

Old Joe has been wrong about every single issue for the entire time he’s been in DC.

5 years ago

Antifa is nothing more than domestic terrorists. Should be dealt with the same as any others.

5 years ago

Antifa is nothing more than a terrorist organization. Should be dealt with the same as ISIS or any other terrorist group!

Tom Beckett
Tom Beckett
5 years ago

Can we just get this thing started i’m getting old and would like to take part in it.

5 years ago

Thanks, Amac for a very informative article. Why haven’t these people been imprisoned at least if not shot for treason???

5 years ago

Biden is anti AMERICAN just as his last boss NObamba.Why they hate AMERICA is something that I don’t understand,but then again I am NOT a dense oc RAT and really don’t understand why their hate AMERICA agenda is so popular.Our country has changed and not for the better.I think that the last not AMERICAN fake president was the biggest reason for the problems that we have today.

Edgar Fletcher
Edgar Fletcher
5 years ago

I’m curious how Biden specifically ties into this.

Edgar Fletcher
Edgar Fletcher
5 years ago

Curious how Biden ties into this

5 years ago

From plagiarism to pandering to presidential hopeful. Joe Biden’s formula for success. What a guy!

Anthony Green
Anthony Green
5 years ago

If you are a Trump supporter, you had better get EVERY ONE you know to the polls in November, 2020. These sick people, including the coward Biden could possibly be the leaders of our free world-you better take this VERY SERIOUOSLY!

Jo Meridith
Jo Meridith
5 years ago

So now the media will rush to Creepy Joe and DEMAND he denounce Antifa . . . NOT!

Lee Steele
Lee Steele
5 years ago

The “antifa” group are criminal fascists with Socialist/communist backing. They need to be officially declared a terrorist organization, and treated as such.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
5 years ago

The DEMO-RATS version of the Brown Shirts!! Sounds like the Nazi Party!!

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 years ago

“Anti” fa is in reality “Pro” fa. Their organization’s name is another example of the “top down, bottom up and inside out” labeling and naming of things to mislead the public of their actual agenda and aims.

Thomas H.
Thomas H.
5 years ago

Strange that the “unbiased” media would favor a group trying to overthrow the United States, but oppose groups which try to stop illegals at the border?

5 years ago

The genetic and/or ideological descendants of those who funded and supported Hitler’s climb (and very probably Lenin’s as well) to power are busy once again. They see that the chaos and confusion they have sown in the U.S. political establishment has reached a point where they believe they can push more aggressively toward the destruction of the U.S., a goal which has been extant for at least 200 years and has, today, branched out into many different agencies, organizations, etc. both in and out of government through the energetic work of those termites who have managed to infiltrate their way into public service. AntiFa is not, at least officially, a terrorist organization as it should be. Funded by George Soros, a front man for the New World Order international bankster “elites”, chaos and borderline (and not so borderline) terrorism and angst and hatred are the new order of the day in the soon-to-be-defunct American civilization. Or we can fight back, start to increase the presence of elected officials who actually love this country AND ITS FOUNDING DOCUMENTS. Go after the bought-and-paid-for treacherous fake media, remove the Marxist teachers from the public education system arrest Soros and his minions, seize their assets and begin to investigate members of our government who indicate they may have an agenda other than that which they have SWORN TO UPHOLD (for those last few words you can substitute one word: “treason”).

5 years ago

Uncle Joe has a mental problem and the citizens of the United States need to step in to stop the illegal immigrants from coming into our country if the Government is unable to according to the Constitution.

5 years ago

Exactly Right Frank. People now days do not know anything about world history and how history will repeat itself if given the right fuel. These people have no idea of what they are asking for and if they get it. Then it will be to late and take about 100-150 years for people to build up their nerve, courage and drive to RESTORE OUR COUNTRY to it’s former Glory. All we can do is try to pass on our knowledge and have factual backup to show these idiots what is true and what they are told is lies. Thanks to the Great Divider, (Scumbag Obama) This country will see something bad in the coming years. They want only two classes of people. The ELITE and the POOR (SERFS). For those who do not know what a SERF is: A SERF is an indentured servant.

5 years ago

Any group that refuses to expose their identities needs to be considered a “terrorist” group. If you believe strongly enough in a cause you are willing to stand up, identify yourself and say so. Only racists and fascists hide when calling others racist and fascist.

5 years ago

Creepy Joe backs these brown shirt Nazis? He has been sniffing to much hair spray from womens hair.

5 years ago

Interesting that the Left Wingnut radicals have to purchase firearms prior to an operation. Silent Majority Real Americans for generations already have stockpiled, collected, and accumulated hundreds of millions of guns, (more than the estimated 300 +) of all assortments and trillions of cartridges. Bringing knives, improvised explosives and clubs to a gunfight ?

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
5 years ago

What a mess and an evil one too! The devil has many followers.
It is him that has warped many minds Make no mistake about the shape our world is in and I believe the greatest the Muslims. The Bible spells it out. The great Antichrist was Mohammed and his followers are told to kill christians -the followers of Christ! They are told to pray to Allah 4 times a day. I believe their Allah is the devil. But they are not thinking enough through this facade. Would God want us to kill when one of His commandments was not to kill!!?
They are in our schools brainwashing our kids so take your kids out!! And protest these actions to your superintendents.
There are many groups against good people under many names. But most of them are acting for the devil also and they have no idea that they are sacrificing their souls to hell for a monied easy life. On earth! Money is a great tool of the devil!
We have another life to live after our body dies -we have souls which will live forever! Better take care of it and be sure the next life is not in hell but somewhere great.
And pray for those who do not know they are following the devil to hell!!!
Please tell everyone so they are not pleasing the devil as he escorts them to hell with him!

Ralph Chapman
Ralph Chapman
5 years ago

American Isis is more like it. No peaceful protest only violence by one way thinking people. Nothing like destroy the country from within. Germans couldn’t, Japanese couldn’t, Russia couldn’t, Iraq couldn’t, Isis couldn’t. However, the brainwashed via public education left will insist on the destruction no matter how the means, Sheep

Matthew Mckinney
Matthew Mckinney
5 years ago

Fast and curious ???? Guns and border sounds like old play book …. Holderobamalench…program. That’s not German for (assault ) … just sample of pervious politics!!!!!!

Matthew Mckinney
Matthew Mckinney
5 years ago

Need to let … all the 1’/. Outlaw biker clubs know these scum hate …all .Americans even Bikers and the bikers mamas…..

5 years ago

Glad to see AMAC drawing material from The New American. TNA is an excellent publication and model for journalists searching for truth.

Archie A Higgins
Archie A Higgins
5 years ago

this scum looks more and more like the klan did! only cowards cover their face

Archie A Higgins
Archie A Higgins
5 years ago

Good folks male and female that can arm themselves should! Odumba sold more weapons than anyone.

Mike Coons
Mike Coons
5 years ago

ANTIFA are the Brown Shirts of Barack Hussein Obama, George Soros, Biden, the DNC, etc. Hitler, Lenin, Mao, all used them as useful idiots then discarded them once in full power.

Diane champion
Diane champion
5 years ago

they are nothing more than a bunch of bloodthirsty terriorists. Joe Biden isn’t fit by any stretch of the imagine to lead this country. It infuriates me to hear all the ugly -and untrue- things that they say about our wonderful and bright President! Weare so blessed to have him.

Ben Loney
Ben Loney
5 years ago


Margaret Amador
Margaret Amador
5 years ago

We are now at the point where truth with many people does not matter. What matters is catching the public’s ear with outrageous news mixed up with scandalous lies vs facts. Today you are guilty until proven otherwise not the other way around.
So what is behind all this? I believe the purpose of all this is to seed unrest and disunity to dissolve the United States of America as we know it. Remember ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? I believe this is what it’s all about. It has been derailed by Donal J Trump.
Some of us running for office proposing radical new ideas come across mentally deficient
There is nothing free in life, somebody is always paying. There is no tree you can shake forever.
The question then becomes: Are these people really so dumb or are they being manipulated by jobs, money , fame, positions etc???
What happened to TRUTH, ETHICS, MORALE………..
Do we have to slide to the bottom before we realize the truth?

5 years ago

Drain the SWAMP NOW and it will all stop!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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