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Farmer Protests in Europe Should Be Warning Sign to ‘Green New Deal’ Advocates in U.S.

Posted on Tuesday, July 19, 2022
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

In scenes reminiscent of the “freedom convoy” trucker protests in Canada earlier this year, in recent weeks, more than 30,000 farmers in the Netherlands have gathered on roadways in their tractors and farm equipment, effectively shutting down traffic across the country in response to stringent new government emissions policies. While recently-appointed Dutch minister for nature and nitrogen policy Christianne van der Wal has argued that the changes are necessary to fight “climate change,” that assertion has received pushback from ordinary Dutch citizens and climate experts on both sides of the political aisle – something which should be a warning sign to liberals eager to implement similar policies elsewhere in the West.

The farmer protests began in earnest in late June after van der Wal announced plans to cut nitrogen and ammonia emissions in half by 2030, ostensibly to protect nature preserves in the country and meet environmental standards set by the European Union. Fertilizers used in crop production and animal waste are by far the largest sources of nitrogen and ammonia emissions in the country, putting Dutch farmers squarely in the crosshairs of the new policy.

Under the new government plans, livestock herds in the country would have to be reduced by more than 30% in the next eight years, while farmers would be able to use only a fraction of the fertilizer they currently use on crops – inevitably leading to a dramatic decline in overall yields. According to one Dutch scientist, some farmers would have to reduce their emissions by up to 70%, meaning drastically lower production and thus lower revenue.

Many of the larger corporate-owned Dutch farms may be able to survive the increased costs imposed by these government demands, but smaller family farms – many of which have been passed down generation to generation for hundreds of years – stand little chance of staying afloat. While calling the move an “unavoidable transition,” a spokesperson for the Dutch government admitted last week that “the honest message … is that not all farmers can continue their business.” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has also acknowledged that the plan would hit farmers particularly hard, calling the consequences “enormous” and “terrible.”

But that sympathy is likely of little comfort to Dutch farmers, or to the millions of other people in the Netherlands and around the world affected by the decision. Despite being half the size of Indiana, the Netherlands is the world’s second largest exporter of food behind the United States, meaning that a threatened global food crisis as a result of the war in Ukraine may be set to get even worse.

While the ruling government in The Hague – a coalition that includes the D66 party, which has pushed for more aggressive climate policy – has showed no hesitation in plowing ahead with the plan, even some on the left who normally align with the liberal climate change agenda have questioned if the new policies are really driven by scientific data. Wim de Vries, a professor at Wageningen University who has previously warned about imminent “planetary boundaries,” expressed doubt that the government’s plan was realistic, calling the timeline “very fast.” Michael Shellenberger, a self-described liberal, wrote in an op-ed for the New York Post that “It’s hard not to conclude that politics and green ideology, more than science and reason, are driving the government’s decision.” Even music star Mick Jagger – normally an ally to any liberal cause – gave the farmers a shout out during a recent concert in the Netherlands.

While the Netherlands does produce four times the European average of nitrogen, it does so on a much smaller amount of land – meaning that replacing agricultural production in the Netherlands with production elsewhere would likely be a net negative on the environment in terms of greenhouse gases. “It is not very rational to curb the Dutch agriculture if you realize that they have the highest production per acre in the world and therefore the environmental load per kilogram food is lower than elsewhere,” Simon Rozendaal, a Dutch journalist and chemist, told Fox News.

Nonetheless, many in the media have attempted to slander the Dutch farmers and any who support them as “far-right extremists” and “climate deniers,” with one Salon article saying that the movement had been “adopted” by the alt-right and “grown into something larger and uglier.” However, as people throughout Europe have increasingly voiced their support for the Dutch farmers, the most common response from societal elites and the media has been silence, with the protests receiving relatively little coverage from mainstream outlets given their potential to dramatically impact European politics and the global food supply.

All of this should be a warning to climate change alarmists elsewhere in the West – particularly in the United States – who have pushed for similarly draconian policies. If Democrats like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey – the sponsors of the “Green New Deal” – have their way, U.S. climate policy would be even more severe than it is set to be in the Netherlands. Although the Dutch policy sets a goal of reducing nitrogen and ammonia emissions by 50% by 2030, the Green New Deal demands “net zero” emissions in just 10 years – an even more unrealistic and potentially devastating goal. During the debate over Biden’s “Build Back Better” bill last year, Democrats and liberal activist groups also called for more emissions regulations on farmers and ranchers, something which may well invite a similar response in agriculture-heavy states to what is taking place right now in the Netherlands.

The political fallout from the left’s growing war on agriculture is also beginning to come into focus. Despite the fact that the “Farmer-Citizen Movement,” or BBB party, currently holds just one seat in the Dutch parliament, one recent poll found that, if elections were held today, BBB would win 20 seats – vaulting it over D66 and placing it in contention with the dominant VVD party for control of the government. Already, Democrats in the United States are likely to face major losses in November’s midterm elections due in large part to the disastrous effects of their war on American energy, also driven by radical climate ideology. Should they continue advocating for even more extreme environmental policies driven by ideology and not science, they, along with their liberal compatriots around the world, may soon find themselves driven from power entirely.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_

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2 years ago

It didn’t seem plausible that such a tiny country could be the second biggest food exporter, so I checked out a few websites. This one claims the Netherlands is the 6th largest exporter of food. Others put it lower on the list. Instead of putting the link here, which often goes to moderation, look up:

worldatlas dot com/ articles/the american food giant the largest exporter of food in the world.

That AOC and Markey think they can opine on the subject is so laughable…(‘scuse me) “ahaha!” … … As is anything said by someone who has no idea how to grow food and provide for their country. I’m a gardener, a professional horticulturist, and have been for decades. I know how expensive materials have gotten, and we must be frugal with these products in order to boost profits. Let’s ask them, the greenies, how they’ll go about feeding the nation after cutting resources available to them and see how many people starve as a result.

I fully support the Dutch farmers. Let them do what they do best, and the same goes for our American farmers. Government officials are good at shuffling papers and trying to sound smarter than they actually are, but when it comes down to being productive, they are not. They haven’t a clue, but their supporters love what they’re saying,…so they don’t either.

Slick Rick
Slick Rick
2 years ago

Oh how sweet it would be if the last statement could come true. Imagine the world without liberal influence.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

The Green New Deal fanatics are the new nazis.

2 years ago

Good to see AMAC finally got around to covering this important story. Although it is a few weeks late and not as detailed as it should be to demonstrate the impact to date. Europeans are already experiencing food shortages and price shocks as food shortages are starting to be felt across the continent. This is NOT just a Netherlands problem. The version of these climate policies that the Democrats want to impose here would be even more severe and cause greater hardship and destruction.

The same climate policies related to farming in the Netherlands have already been in place in Sri Lanka for a couple of years now with devastating results. No doubt the farmers in the Netherlands were well aware of where these policies will lead after seeing the results there for the past few years. These policies created conditions of massive food shortages, wide-spread starvation and near total economic collapse in Sri Lanka. A country that used to be able to comfortably feed itself and export food around the world.

The people of Sri Lanka finally decided, after their woke, socialist government there refused multiple pleas for relief from these insane climate change polcies, to simply over-throw the government and take their lives and country back. The sociallist President of Sri Lanka quickly took a military flight to the Maldives where he is currently enjoying a luxurious retirement with the money he has skimmed from the national Treasury.

The choice of the poeple of Sri Lanka was either take their country back or die a slow death by starvation. Now they are in the process of starting to rebuild their lives and their country, after the woke politicians nearly bankrupted the country with the sort of runaway spending the Democrats have tried to do here. There is of course a valuable lesson here for the American people, if they can grasp it. I’m not holding my breath on that one though.

2 years ago

Maybe they should first help the farmers know what level of nitrogen to apply to each field and help them use cover crops.

Bill Klocek
Bill Klocek
2 years ago

Even worse, burn down your house, burn down your neighborhood. See p B 5 of the July 18 Wall Street Journal. Article states that over 3.3 Million EVs have been recalled, mostly over the past 3 years, for fear that their batteries will spontaneously explode! For article posting, visit or and search for vehicle recall July 18.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Will this happen here??

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Ministry of nature and nitrogen policy what could possibly be said it’s a bureaucratic nightmare. Do the rules apply across the world or only Europe and North America I wonder

Margaret R Fuller
Margaret R Fuller
2 years ago

And this would make the food shortage even worse than it is due to Russia invading the Ukraine. What do these politicians plan to eat-clean -air???

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The “green new deal” is part of the far eastern religions who worship the Earth and animals rather than GOD. That’s why they want to get rid of cows and pigs and go to a forced vegan diet and why we cannot use God-provided resources like coal, oil, and natural gas! Why do we allow Bill Gates and Chinese communists to buy up large tracts of our farmland? They also want ZPG (zero population growth) and Gates is a big financier of this also.

2 years ago

Another sign of another country using the administrative process (state) to kill off private business success while hurting their own economy. Take a look at Sri Lanka of how this worked out!

2 years ago

The “Green New Deal” is the result of the Soviet KGB sponsored “Peace Movement” in the 1980s when Andropov was trying to keep Pershing II missiles from countering his SS-20 missiles he had parked all over Eastern Europe, it was then turned into “Green Peace”, and turned into the “Green” Party in Germany, and other European countries. Not so much green though, more like watermelon, green on the outside, commie red on the inside, it never had a problem with the massive disastrous non existing Soviet environmental policy, only in the West. From global cooling, to ozone hole, to “glow- bull…-warming”, then came the “hockey stick” in their eye scandal, and now it’s “Climate Change” (what we used to call weather patterns, and cycles, or plain weather and seasons before the propaganda induced amnesia, and delusion). Nothing new for the left, just another avenue to ruin Western countries’ economies, and destroy them from the inside. Combined with the Hokey Wokey driven by the left wing college educated HR crowd in firms like Blackrock, and Vanguard and their enforcement of the draconian ESG score on corporations, this thing is the epitomy of the (most likely Chinese) “Emperor’s New Clothes.” In rap lingo “Fake as Funk.”

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

You know what emission I’d like to see reduced? Political hot air from politicians. How often do you see the photo of a politician where they don’t have their mouth open expelling hot air?

2 years ago

Ya vote for woke, ya go broke!

2 years ago

Theses heat waves are normal. they have been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years. I witnessed one in 1960 when it was 118 in Salma California in July. Bakersfield was 124. We had no AC at all. We had swamp coolers, which brought the inside temp to 95. The normal summer heat was 112 to 115. Get over climate change. Read historical geology if you need more evidence. We were normally much slimmer, too. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Swim. or get in a sprinkler. Makes that 110 much more fun and cools your body. Just laying a tub or cool water helps lower your temperature. Get screens on your windows and doors. Open them. install misters were ever practical on patios and porches. Enjoy the heat. It will get colder. The heat usually produces more food if you know how to grow it.

2 years ago

Let’s see…..I believe in “climate change”……the climate changes all the time, every day, week and year…over time…perhaps thousands of years in cycles we have yet to fully comprehend…..and all the lies being shared about “climate change”, “green house gasses”, sustainablity and all the rest of the green movement’s dialogue are slowly taking charge…..while otherwise intelligent people sit back and either ignore the lies of just don’t give a damn to begin with. It is a kind of insanity, this “green” movement has captured and now wields like a sword against any and all “nay-sayers.” We have lost our way, people. Time to get back to the truth…..beginning with the Creator God….who established this planet for our sake and provides all things necessary for life and has set in place a means of cycles, weather, etc, etc, to keep the globe running., healing itself, and maintaining it’s own integrity. People mess things up, pollute, practice bad stewardship and there are consequences for all of that…..but,and here’s the kicker….God is still God….and His will prevails. So…..never mind the hoopla and craziness, use your God-given capacity to be His children and put aside the worship of the planet and worship the one who made it….then you will understand…..then you will know…..then you will live the life your Creator intends.
This is an invitation especially for all of you who think the world is coming to an end because of human effect, and you will save the planet……that’s not your job! God does not need your assistance, only your praise and honor. Shed your cloak of lies, put on the mantle of truth. If you must use science, use it honestly. If you must promote “greenness” then do so without all the false and phony information. God is no dummy….His created world is fine, will stay fine and if trouble comes, look to Him and His truth.

will power
will power
2 years ago

2 years ago

For the most part our ‘representatives’ in DC will do whatever is best for themselves. They don’t care about the USA and/or her legal residents. I pray “We the People” can get a nonfraudulent election and DRAIN THE SWAMP come November! God Bless the USA

2 years ago

We can only hope that that last sentence turns out to be true.

2 years ago

I agree with Jerry. When I clicked raid the number to 8, it said I had already done that. No, I hadn’t.

2 years ago

They have been preaching this Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change since the 70’s. When one didn’t happen they just changed the name till now it’s the all encompassing Climate Change. It’s BS!! It’s designed to destroy economies while the elitists get rich and the New world Order (One World Government) takes over

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Who’s getting the blame for the world wide food shortage, the greedy farmers? This constant and persistent crisis of almost everything is only the hypocritical and delusional elites doing and there not worrying about any of it. It’s like when the TITANIC SANK, they all comfortably boarded almost empty lifeboats and literally watched as thousands of innocent peasants DROWNED. And I highly doubt they lost a second of sleep over any of it. They didn’t cause it to hit the iceberg but they sure got off that disaster ASAP .

2 years ago

I live to see that day coming. There will be a lot of rejoicing

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Farmer protests should be organized in the fashion of a brigade.

2 years ago

Amazing puny humans think we can do that much to control climate. So many things are involved. Solar flares and sun spots. Ocean currents. God is in control but He allows unpleasant things to happen because He’s trying to get humans to look to Him. There is a prediction in the bible that says a scorching heat will come causing humans to shake their fists at God. He loves everyone and wants to save everyone, but He only knocks at the door. We have to answer by asking His Son to save us.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

Over the past 50 years, costing trillions of dollars, not one claim based on climate models has come true. While we do need to be less wasteful, we cannot control climate. We need to work with nature rather than think we can control it. The only thing green about climate claims is the money being pilfered that is going into the coffers of Progressive politicians.

2 years ago

The people in power making these decisions have no idea what they are doing or how to make things better. Unintended consequences. Then they find someone to blame. When did people in charge get sooooooo stupid? It is SCARY.

2 years ago

More liberal garbage from the marxist democrat party and government officials who cannot think and reason.
How did so many ignorant people obtain office????
Climate change is another big lie!

2 years ago

The government will never tell us the truth as to what is really going on. We have been lied to by Al Gore and all of the other climate change “pushers” so much already that there is no way we can believe anything they say.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

“Global Warming”, “Climate Change” or whatever they are calling it now is a total scam and always has been. Yeah, the ocean is going to rise 1/8 of an inch in the next 100 years. OOOOOOOOHHH I’m so scared. Al Gore is the biggest scam artist. It’s pathetic

Dave N
Dave N
2 years ago

Have you ever known a political party that is so stupid across the world spectrum these people are idiots that think starving everyone to death in the name of climate change which is a hoax is a good thing everyone in the world should be fighting against this that is if you really like to eat and keep yourself alive!

2 years ago

If successful the Corp farms will survive and small business farmers will be wiped out. Food production falls accross the world. What better way for the elites to control people than through food. The word today is Biden is planning a move in support of leftist climate regulations. Time to join others in protest accross the world. All people need to unite.

Richard Eha
Richard Eha
2 years ago

Joe Biden is nothing more than a con artist. Remember the days when the peddler came into town and wanted to sell you a bottle of elixir that would cure whatever ailed you? Well Biden’s bottle is empty! Any person that believes ‘in the new green deal’ is just as brain dead as Biden. It is GOD that is in control of Earth’s weather. Think about it. After all, he created this world. As he asked Job: Where were you when I laid the foundations of the Earth?

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

Only imaginary solutions should be allowed for imaginary problems!

2 years ago

Yes, there is global warming, BUT it is normal. The earth changes each year and if you remember, we had an ice age 10,000 years ago. This is a Democratic ploy to just win again in Nov and 24.
Don’t go for it people. We are not in any trouble of losing the earth in the very near future, unless it happens by God’s intervention.

2 years ago

We’re living in a day when many of our most powerful leaders
1) cannot give a definition of “woman”,
2) laud and appoint “transgender” people to responsible positions ,
3) not just praise, but codify same-sex unions (they are NOT “marriage”, which was designed by GOD!),
4) open our borders to unlimited drugs, human trafficking, potential terrorists, and millions of people who aren’t interested in becoming American citizens and
5) demand that we be allowed to legally slaughter unborn children (even those who have been born!) for convenience- and to keep women in the job market.

Why on earth would we be
willing to submit to their
destructive insanity as they yammer about climate change???

None of them seems capable of looking beyond the next election, so we have looming zero energy supplies, food shortages and possible famine, increasing riots and crime leading to anarchy with no weapons to defend ourselves.

God is allowing this in America. If you have never before committed your life to Christ, now is the time, for the days ahead look very grim….

2 years ago

Back in the 70’s they said we were heading into an ice age now they expand it to climate change. What’s next.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

As I have stated before, climate change is first a political and not a science question. The elite are wealthy, but few in numbers. We the people of the Earth or many. If you mess with our food supply and thereby families and children, we will kill you!

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